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Posts posted by kec523

  1. 52 minutes ago, TreverR said:

    Well #######... Until you asked me that question I didn't see the problem.  Sooo this is what happens when you take your time filling out USCIS forms and then an update happens inbetween.  We have been putting this packet together since we got married early February and they hadn't updated that form yet.  I never realized that they updated the form so with that new form it makes sense that you would submit an i944.  Welp now guess I just gotta wait for the rejection letter to update the packet.  The previous version of that form and the instructions never even mention the i944. 


    Man I feel dumb now. 


    Guess I'll get to work on 2 new forms now.  Thanks for the advice and hope someone reading over this in the future can learn from my costly mistakes.  

    It sucks, but not the end of the world.  That happened to me too! We got married mid Feb and I filled out the whole first version of the 485 - then didn't get the marriage certificate back in time to make the 2/24 cutoff and had to fill out the whole new 485 and the new forms - had I not done it twice, I might not have noticed the differences either as they really are very similar.  


    It's hard not to beat yourself up, I certainly have been for getting mine rejected the first time, but this process is SO hard and SO confusing, and you get such inconsistent messages (just like you did when you called USCIS), its hard NOT to make a mistake.  Anyway, you know it now, rather than in 2 weeks, you can get the new ones all ready and resend the packet right after it comes back - wait until it comes back because there will be a piece of paper attached to the top that they will ask you to include when you resubmit, and you can also reuse all of the other stuff you assembled.  


    Keep discussing things on these forums too, they are honestly so much more helpful than so much of the government stuff. 

  2. 2 hours ago, TreverR said:

    Well like i said, I called the agent asked the question and that's what she told me exactly.  If my affidavit of support doesn't suffice that she wont be a public charge then they will RFE it and I will send it.  


    We will see what happens but just sent it off to the post office today.  

    Unfortunately, I agree with @Ayrton completely.  Did you read through the February forum?  There were many people who got rejected because of not having the 944 included.  And in my personal experience, as someone who has sent it and gotten rejected, my rejection letter stated that based on the selection made in part 2 of the i-485 (K-1) I needed the 944 and 864. And I didn't even *not* submit the 944, I just left one question blank! What did you put for part 8, question 61 on the 485?  That your spouse was exempt?  When you read the directions referenced right there by the question, it clearly states that K-1 applicants are not exempt.  I am sad that you got such incorrect advice, and sent your application so quickly without talking to more of us here.  Since you already sent it, nothing you can do but wait for the rejection, but while you are waiting I highly suggest that you work on the 944 so you can refile as soon as possible when you get your application back.  

    Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 6.10.15 PM.png

  3. 4 hours ago, David_Norway said:

    I haven't heard anything yet either. Package arrived in Chicago on 3/25. I'm getting worried too, but hoping that they are just short-staffed due to covid-19!


    3 hours ago, Duke & Marie said:

    We sent our package. Tracking has it delivered on 24th like you, we haven’t heard anything either and no money taken.


    2 hours ago, Gak said:

    We are in the same situation too. Ours was delivered on 26th but I don't see a charge on my credit card. 


    5 hours ago, soco said:

    Nothing from us we sent it last Monday or Tuesday and no checks cashed yet. Hoping for this week for some news.

    Ok, I feel better seeing all of that have similar timelines and no one has heard anything yet.  Just have to be patient.  As my husband said, worrying about it won't change anything anyway. 

  4. I'm starting to get anxious as we creep up to the two week mark from sending our package in for the second time.  I know that @PECS posted here about sending on 3/19 and getting notification on 3/25.  We sent 3/21, it arrived on 3/24 (Tues) and last time ours arrived on a Monday and we got the rejected package back on the following Friday (just under two weeks later).  We are creeping up to that point now, I'm so nervous to get rejected again! I keep checking my bank account dying to see that check pulled out! Anyone else who sent last week hear any news yet? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jessica58789 said:


    What do you mean about leaving a line blank on the I-944? can you specific which part and which item?

    I left the line asking when insurance will expire (Part 3, Question 15C) because my insurance doesn't expire or need a renewal. I don't know for sure if that is what it was, but that's all I could figure out with the form being "incomplete" when I compared with other people who got their's accepted.  So I figured out what date the automatic renewal happens and used that date, with a note in the last part. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, kayden123 said:


    I went to the guide before, only saw the checklist for K1 AOS. if i click on the I864/ I485 forms it just takes me to the UCSIS page to download it.

    Huh?? If you go to the drop down guides, and let the menu drop down, underneath all of the guides is a section that literally says "Example Immigration Forms" and if you click on it and scroll down to Adjustment of Status they are all there to click on, filled out.  

    Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.50.15 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.52.28 PM.png

  7. 4 minutes ago, kayden123 said:

    wait where did you see the sample form????  is there one for the I944?? lol

    Haha, I am constantly so surprised at how few people use the sample forms on here.  They have been a life saver to me throughout this whole process.  


    If you click on "guides" at the top of the page, you will see a dropdown that includes "sample immigration forms" 


    No sample yet for 944 - don't think it's really right to put a sample in until someone successfully adjusts with the one they used! I'm sure one will come eventually for all those that come after us, right now we get to be in the trailblazing role! 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mako_5 said:

    Look well on   where says person you NOT  sponsored in this affidavit is mean you should just count yoyrself and a dependend  children,  where says  if you are curently married leave  that blank, because you are going to sponsoring your wife. 

    Persons you are  sponsoring in this affidavit:  so number 1 is means your wife that you put already her information  up in Part 3  item number 29. So household size is 3.  I hope i explained well. 

    Agree! That's exactly right, and what I did, also what the sample form does! 

  9. 4 hours ago, brainless69 said:

    I guess i was lucky with my SSN and credit report? i did the AMEX global transfer and managed to get my credit report.....

    hope your SSN comes soon!

    It's been so interesting to me with the roll out of the 944 how it highlights the differences between different countries that immigrants are coming from.  People from Europe, English speaking countries, very developed countries have so much more capability to do this than people coming from island countries, developing countries, impoverished countries, etc.  Many without sufficient credentials, proof of education, credit card and bill history, etc.  Not a judgement in any way, just an observation I've made. 


    Anyway, so glad you were able to access a credit report, one less thing to stress out about!!!! 

  10. 18 hours ago, AgiJA said:

    No, no... I have read some of your replies/comments from the beginning of this thread and they are of great help. So, thank you.


    I am almost done with my i-944. The only thing that's giving me headache is the credit score thing.


    I will just do the same thing as you did. That's what I've read in most threads. 


    I will send my packet tomorrow. Good luck to us!

    Good luck! I re-sent mine Saturday, it arrived this morning so I am going to be on a similar timeline to you!!! 

  11. 1 hour ago, Sbrisa said:

    I would LOVE to know honestly, cause Equifax seems to have vanished in a black hole out in Space. We sent the letter with our request weeks ago and they haven't answered yet. I hope it's just caused by this crazy Coronavirus thing and not cause they have no idea how to provide such information either! If I ever get a reply from them, I'll make sure to post an update here.


    1 hour ago, Dyzl said:

    How did this plan go? I am also in a similar position and thinking of doing the same thing


    I can't answer completely personally because my original file got rejected for accidentally leaving a line blank on the 944 (sighhhhh). But there are some other people in the March filers group who did it that way and got accepted.  

  12. Just now, Bjh said:

    So USCIS was ok with just the screenshots and written statement of no credit report? I guess you won't know yet since you just sent in the app a few days ago...just one report saying "no credit score" should be enough though...

    Exactly - I don't know yet for sure! We are some of the first people going through this new form and all of it's new requirements and will be able to guide others in the future/ However there are a few people that filed the new versions of the forms that sent the error reports and that at least have gotten official NOA1 from USCIS, so that is a good sign.  I did it the way I did it fully expecting that we might get an RFE in the future.  So I figure that in the mean time we will keep working on getting a credit score and by the time we get one (or if we don't by the time of the interview) he will have a positive credit score to show! 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Bjh said:

    So you got an RFE? What did they ask for exactly??

    Sorry, let me clarify - we sent a request to the credit agencies, by snail mail, for a credit report.  We got a letter back from one credit agency (nothing from the other two as of yet) and the letter requested that we send a bunch of documents, so that they could issue him a credit report.  Which he doesn't have since he is new here! 


    To USCIS, we sent the three screenshots of error messages, along with a personal letter that we wrote, explaining why he does not yet have a credit score and his intent to build credit here in the US. 

  14. On 3/21/2020 at 12:42 PM, JeanFerreira said:

    Hello, I'm currently filling my I-944 form and I am little bit confused about all the support documents that I need to send with the form.

    I'm going to post my cover letter here, can you let me know if something is missing or if something is wrong please ? Thank you very much.


    1.     I-944 Declaration of Self-Sufficiency

    ·       Copy of W2’s for the past 3 year ( 2016, 2017, 2018) Household Income

    ·       Copy of IRS  Tax Transcripts (2016, 2017, 2018) ( Spouse )

    ·       Household Assets and Resources ( Applicant and Spouse) 

    ·       Applicant Savings Account  ( 12 months  of Bank Statement  )

    ·       Spouse Checking Account  ( 12 months of bank statements )

    ·       Spouse Savings Account ( 12 months of Bank Statements)

    ·       Spouse Retirement Account 

    ·       Credit Card Score and Report Documentation  ( Applicant) 

    ·       Healthy Insurance ( Applicant and Spouse )

    ·       Education ( Applicant Evaluation of Equivalency Certified Notarized, and English Certification of Attendance   )

    That looks correct to me.  You are sending more than other people have sent! Go for it! 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Bjh said:

    So like this? But they said they actually have a report/score for her...dunno why it wouldn't show up online though...

    no credit report pg 1.PNG

    no credit report pg 2.PNG

    Thats pretty much what we sent, along with a letter! We actually applied by mail too, and then got a letter back from them saying to send a bunch of documentation (that we don't have since he is so new to country). 

  16. On 3/13/2020 at 1:19 PM, Vianca said:

    They are referring to the actual forms. A lot of people are getting this mixed up with post dates and forgetting to had read the fine fine print before the public charge Went into place. It also stares the forms have to have a certain date on it. This dates reflect on the bottom of the print out. I have seen a lot of these , that everyone rushed to get in before the 24th with 2020 forms in turn is basically crossing out the post dated mark statement. 

    one of my Clients I submitted the package on the 22nd and we now yesterday have heard back from USCIS with fees completed and issued already case numbers. 

    Double double check your papers and dates of the forms, if correct most definitely fight it. If not most likely you’ll have to resubmit with the new publix charge ruling. 

    Oh hayyyyyy thanks for wonderful advice! : ) 

  17. On 3/22/2020 at 6:15 PM, Ameriaussie said:

    What a great due date you have. I can totally relate (god has his plans). All is okay with us for now financially as I do have a very stable and good job to care for us and the baby. I got our original k-1 petition due to a stupid mistake as well. I am 20 weeks now, half way point. Just hope I can deliver the kid safely. His father is nervous, he's gotten very attached to the baby already and fears if anything happens to immigration. Just lots of prayers.

    I know.  That's all we can do for the moment, right? He and I have had discussion upon discussion of backup plans and how we would make it work if something happens but at the end of the day I cannot imagine being alone and he can't imagine being away : ( 

  18. 18 hours ago, AgiJA said:

    Hi, there!


    First, let me tell you that the information you provided is very helpful to us. And I thank you for that.


    I have a question though, regarding your "Credit Report Screen Shot showing that we were unable to procure a credit report", is it because you don't have a SSN yet?


    If so, did you include a letter explaining why you couldn't get a credit report? Or did you write your reason/s on the PART 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION?


    Thank you again! 

    I know my advice isn't as good as others who already got accepted but I have read a lot about this on forums and can answer part one of your question - whether you have a social security number or not, if you are new to the country you will not be able to get a credit report.  My husband has had his for two months now and we still get an error report when we try to get the credit report.  We included a letter explaining it along with the error screens.  


  19. 12 minutes ago, Ameriaussie said:

    We are pregnant too. Just got married (we abandoned the K-1 visa at the interview stage after finding out about the baby and world disasters. We haven't filed the AoS packet yet. Praying!!! When are you due?

    Hi! I think I remember you from the K-1 filers threads back in May/June! Congrats on the baby! I can guess that like me you maybe are thrilled and terrified at once - we were expecting to wait a bit longer before starting our family and get some of this sorted out but apparently the world has other plans.  I'm due 10/10/20 - 11 weeks right now - still haven't announced to most people and looking forward to sharing some positive news in the near future! I just planned the photo for how I'm going to do it and I'm super excited.  What about you?? 


    I hope you have better luck than me with your AOS - I seem to be really good at getting things rejected but hopefully this second time will work.  

  20. 11 hours ago, BirdSong said:

    Yay! How was it filling out the i-944? What did you include as education? Did you have the US equivalency done?  My husband has two GCSEs, and we are getting them evaluated. 

    We are having a hard time with the credit score.  He doesn't have a SSN so online, we can't even try to print out those error messages like everyone else seems to be doing. 

    I know you've already gotten advice but I thought I would jump in with my two cents.  For the US equivalency/education, I think if you don't do it now you should definitely do it before you get to the interview stage.  While those of us who are with spouses who don't have strong educational backgrounds are staying as positive as possible and counting on our other factors, having a better education definitely matters to the public charge stuff.  It is definitely in your best interest to have as much evidence as possible toward that.  


    For the credit score - somewhere on this thread (or if you use the search) you can find the link to another thread where some of us discuss this in detail.  People that do not have credit scores have had success using the snail mail form with those parts left blank and a letter explaining the situation and have gotten a paper letter back saying that they have no score.  You could also just write a letter that explains it all and include it in your package.  That is what we did, along with the error screens.  Good luck!! 

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