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Posts posted by PelagijaP

  1. 20 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Block her number, her email whatever means she uses to communicate, job done.

    Hah, I just called my dad to complain to him and he gave me such hard time! Said how it is my fault for getting stressed out because I didn’t tell her months ago to knock it off with all this crazy talk. He told me the same thing - to ask her to stop or I will be forced to block her. 

  2. Hi everybody. So it has been 7 months since I arrived to the US in my k1 visa. My husband and I applied for AOS and are still in the process of waiting.

    Now, what I have going on is something that is bugging the heck out of me. I have a 44 year old aunt, she is my late mother’s sister and she is calling me EVERY single day to push me to:

    1. Find a WIFE for her husband, so that them two would divorce, he would marry this fictional US citizen woman, divorce her once he gets US papers and marry my aunt again and bring her to the US. I know how it sounds, makes me sick to my stomach.

    2. Divorce MY husband in couple of years and MARRY my uncle so he would get papers-similar scenario as in number 1.

    3. Last thing she came up with today(just got a message this morning) is that  my uncle will apply for tourist visa to come see us and then he would somehow stay in the US.

    I don’t want anything to do with any of this, me and my husband have a baby and I am already stressed enough with being a new mum and still struggling to adjust to a new life here. It is also offensive when she suggests I divorce because I love my husband.

    I also don’t know anybody here, so no way on earth could I find a woman to marry my uncle, it is ludicrous even to suggest that. All this does is making me not want to talk to her, I even started ignoring her calls. Which is sad because she was always wonderful to me when I was growing up. 
    in future I do want my sister to come for a visit, so I don’t want my uncle to apply for a tourist visa and then to disappear once here. God knows if that could bring us in trouble, so I don’t like her even suggesting it. 

    Me being a very meek person it was always hard to say NO, even though my dad and my sister told me to tell her to leave me alone. So what I do is just ignoring her and changing the subject as soon as she starts talking about it, but it seems not to be working very well-she doesn’t want to stop with her suggestions! 
    Has anybody had similar thing happening, or is anybody in the same situation now? It is not fair to stress me out every single day with this, you can’t imagine how pushy she is. 

    Just wanted to share this that I imagine must happen to others. And to get it off my chest. 

  3. Well, I am certainly struggling to adjust. 

    I understand how hard it must be with your in-laws, but I couple of times wished that my husband had ANY family or even friends here so that I could talk to anybody.

    I came to the US on 1st of March, gave birth to a baby girl 3 weeks later, and since then we have been out of the apartment together as a family 6!!! times (if we don't count going to the doctors). I think I am loosing my mind, I don't go anywhere, don't talk to anybody, my ' outing ' is when I run outside to throw the garbage away. Me and my husband argued a lot about it because he thinks it is unsafe for me to go out for a walk with our baby in this neighborhood and I think he is completely exaggerating . I don't know what to do, he is always tired during the week if I ask him to go out somewhere ( nowhere special, just to the local park for a walk), and then spends the weekend watching Top Gear and you tube. I cook, clean, do laundry, breastfeed, do everything around the baby. I feel exhausted, sad, lonely and now on top of all doctor said I have postnatal depression. Don't like this city nor this place where we live and can't stop thinking how I miss my family and how I used to go for walks with my dog, had a nice job, friends. 



    I had to rant, sorry guys!!


  4. 11 minutes ago, Shiran said:

    We included a copy of it, yes. But I wouldn't too worry about it as they suppose to have the original as part of that "do not open!" visa packet you had to schlep with you to point of entry.

    Thanks, I hope they won't ask for it again. Let me ask you this please: did you send a certified copy of your birth certificate or a regular copy? I send a normal copy, not certified and also a copy of birth certificate translation. Uff this really stresses me out, I did it all alone with a newborn baby. My US husband just took it to the post office. If something gets messed up it will be completely my fault 😕

  5. On 5/14/2019 at 2:37 PM, tina993 said:

    Hvala !!!
    Da li ste im slali i neka pojašnjenja kako da pronadju englesku verziju prevoda ili su znali i sami da se snadju? 

    Čitajući forum videla sam da mi je potrebna potvrda o nekažnjavanju, kopija pasoša. Da li možeš da mi kažeš šta je sve još od dokumentacije potrebno za K-1 vizu?



    Ako tek podnosite aplikaciju za K1 onda ce ti izvod iz maticne knjige rodjenih trebati kada dodjes do intervjua u ambasadi, a ne za USCIS. Mora da bude iz zemlje gde si rodjena i preveden. Potvrda o nekaznjavanju isto je za intervju.


  6. 10 hours ago, Moon&Stars said:

    I don't know if anyone answered you or not. The holes & ribbon show it's been apostilled - basically meaning that it's guaranteed original. So don't separate it! They are asking for a copy, so don't send this one, just make photocopies of all of it that is ribboned together & send those. 

    Thank you, will do that. Everything is almost ready, wasn't as complicated as I feared. Saying that, since I am doing it in the last moment I hope I didn't mess something up...

    Only thing left is to get IRS transcripts from my USC husband and letter from his employer. 

  7. Hello all. I am about to start preparing and hopefully send my AOS application before 29th of May (that is when my I94 expires). I wanted to ask:

    Can I send normal, ordinary copy of birth certificate or it has to be certified? 

    Also, while in my country I had my birth certificate translated into English by a certified translator, but they made holes in birth certificate and translation and connected them with a seal and a ribbon. I don't know if I can unseal it and send translation that now has 2 puncture holes. Do you think it would be all right? Or can I just send it connected- original BC and translation and a add a copy of BC? 


  8. Don't worry about weight, it will go away after baby is born. I know my doctor was shocked when he saw how much I have gained in the last 2 months hehe.  Even though I really think it is not that bad, as if all the weight is in my belly. And some in my thighs 🤭

    Rob 'innocently' bought a treadmill a week or so after we found out about the baby, but to my accusations that he got it only because he is afraid of me staying fat forever he says he bought it for himself..hmmm..I have never seen him using it! 

    Blue and white must have looked beautiful in May. I saw a beautiful maxi dress the other day that I would buy for church and it was very light, gentle shade of blue. Dress for court house was black with a turtle neck and up to my knees. I have very short bob so it looked nice with long sparkly earrings,  even though my dad called me 3 times to try to persuade me to go and buy something else. Didn't like it when I told him it is black, not realising I was being practical. Again, getting all sweaty in 5 seconds flat is one of the things this little British bulldog in my belly has done to me. 

    Get some maternity leggings, I wear them around the house and they are really comfortable. H&M also has a big choice of jeans, I think it was around 30$ for one pair. You will see how comfortable they are when belly starts growing. 


  9. 16 minutes ago, Debzib88 said:

    Yeah the scenery is beautiful. Ribena and quavers will be the things I miss oh and dairy milk lol yeah I have his family and a few friends that I met through him. I made friends with his friends partners. A summer wedding is lovely. We got married in a court house in Bellingham  may 31st and the weather was beautiful then. I'm so impatient already lol I want to find out what we're having so I can shop but temptation is sinking in and I don't think I'll be able To wait lol. I'm hoping they don't tell me what I'm having so I can tell him on FaceTime. But I'm going to try and record the scan so my husband can see. I want 2 babies and I'll be happy lol 

    Oh, our wedding was in a courthouse with his two colleagues as witnesses. I don't know why American men (and women!) have that ghastly habit of wearing baseball hats so much! Not only baseball hats but hats of all kind! In a beautiful court house room both our witnesses wore those and it took me a lot not to scream at them to take those bloody things off. In my country it is rude to wear it indoors, you usually only have them when doing some sports or if you are working in a garden.

    For church wedding we will give them a longer notice so maybe they will skip hats this time hehe But if they wore them in March one might think they will wear them in June as well... Church wedding is not very necessary because neither of us is religious, but I would like to have a nice ceremony. We didn't even exchange rings yet because my fingers (you'll get there) are twice the size they were and I thought it is pointless to buy a ring now and to have it resized later.  

    Don't forget to take pictures of your growing belly. I have them and it is so funny looking at them. I was 48 kg in the beginning and now I don't even dare saying! But it is all nice, I am not bothered about it. Just makes me giggle every time I see myself in the mirror :D


  10. Oh I know where Bellingham is, nature must be beautiful. 

    Rob still misses UK food, but very often I order things for him online. Have been doing that all this time, so as soon as he runs out of jaffa cakes, cadbury crunches or irn-bru I get him some. Don't know if I will miss anything, so far nothing. But it has been only little over a week hehe. Baby shower would be nice, it is great that you have his family there. He doesn't have anybody here, just couple of work colleagues. We will have church wedding in summer and I'm already dreading who to invite.

    Oh, and if you want to buy some baby clothes and bring it with you then just do it! My family and Rob were all telling me not to buy anything until I move, but I couldn't resist and I loved getting stuff for her. Whole suitcase in fact! Mothercare for example has beautiful things but they don't have it here and couple of more stores that I like they don't have in Portland or anywhere in the US.

    We wanted a girl but also wanted to find out what she was when Rob and I are together. Then when at one of my scans I told doctor not to tell me, on purpose he kept using female pronouns for her and so our moment of surprise was ruined. But it really doesn't matter is it a boy or a girl, though I want to have 2 more girls hehe 

    I tell Rob how this is our first of many, and he says how it is first of two. 



  11. You're welcome! I like to talk about it, soon I will be even more obnoxious when I start showing pictures of our baby to anybody who would look hehe.

    We are in Portland Oregon, he moved to the US 10 years ago from the UK (he is a real proppa Geordie!)  We don't really like this city much, so in a year or two we plan to move to the countryside. 

    When we first met my plan was to have him move to my city, but he just tossed that aside, even thought I wasn't being serious. Says he is an 'island monkey' and that in no way can he learn another language. As long as we raise our children in the countryside I like it here. Nature is beautiful, it is just that part of the city where we are now is a bit run down. 

    I do miss my dad and sister and most of the day I am by myself, but soon I will have my little preoccupation. Yesterday we went looking for baby cribs and couple of more things and today Rob will pick everything up.

    I have never been happier in my life, but while we waited for visa and even before we applied I was horrible, don't know how he made it with me for over 2 years. I would cry, get angry for no real reason, despair, beg him to move to my place, get jealous. When we got pregnant I changed and funny enough it was easier to bear with distance. I guess I straight away directed all my attention to her 😊

    I am happy there is another mum to be here!


  12. 22 hours ago, Debzib88 said:

    Hello again 😅 I seem to be asking so many questions just lately.  But I was just wondering if any of you ladies have been pregnant whilst waiting on your i130 approval? We got approved on Valentine's Day and our case was sent to the NVC to be processed. If so how did you find it? Im really hoping I can be reunited with my husband before the babies arrival. How did the medical go? Did you get asked extra questions. Was you allowed to fly? And how did your interviews go. 😊

    Hello and congratulations!🎉 Is this your first baby? It is my first and time did fly by, so enjoy as much as you can!

    I went through K1 process and arrived here last Saturday in my 34th week. 

    My flight was Belgrade-London-Seattle and was bearable. It lasted 13 hours in total. In Belgrade they wanted to see my doctor's notice saying I am fit to travel ( I looked at different airplane policies and in most cases you cannot fly after 36th week, and after 28th week you should have letter from a doctor. Somewhere letter shouldn't be older than 10 days, somewhere 7 and somewhere no older that 48 hours). Don't forget to check this when time comes just to be on a safe side.

    Today I entered my 36th week and my fiance ( husband now :D ) and I got married on Friday. He will add me to his insurance and then we will see where we want her to be born. Without insurance it would have been ok as well, not stressed about it. 

    My interview was very nice, CO was pregnant last year and we talked a bit about my pregnancy. At the medical chest xray was unfortunately mandatory but I talked to two of my doctors and they both confirmed that such small dose of rays won't affect a baby who was 26 (I think around 26) weeks then. Didn't get any vaccines, will deal with that once we do AOS.




  13. Here is how it got resolved: I called Portland deferred inspection station and was told to send them a fax with my contact information, bio page of my passport, visa and visa stamp. I asked if I can come in person because Rob is at work and I have never used fax (don't know how it works or looks or even if we have one) in my life, but they said no-only fax. And then I got  a reply back from CBP info center back telling me to upload scan of my passport bio page and visa and voila: an hour later I was able to see my I-94! 

    So if anybody gets into same problem this is how I solved it. 

  14. Just now, Ash.1101 said:


    You’ll want to find a deferred inspection station near you, it may or may not be at the airport.



    I found it (I have been trying to sort this out since 8am grgggrrr)  and wanted to give them a ring but it says working hours are 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Thursday only. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Ash.1101 said:

    It should be near instant.


    We had this problem when my husband came in on K-1, the person putting in his information mistyped his last name. It had to be corrected.


    we only found this out after going to a deferred inspection office at our airport.

    Thank you, that is what I have thought. I tried calling couple of different numbers and also POE where I arrived. There was an option to dial  extension#  that deals with missing I94, but it was of no help. They all just told me to send an email to CBP info center. . I did send it and if it is of no help I will go to the airport today. Thank you! 

  16. On 2/28/2019 at 8:37 AM, Tatjana&Velemir said:

    Pozdrav svima


    Trenutno sam u procesu za K1 Vizu sa mojom verenicom i zanima me koja dokumenta nasa Ambasada zahteva sem  I-134 (Dokaz da moze da me izdrzava kad dodjem u USA) Koja je dokumentacija potrebna u dodatku sa I-134 kako bi ona dokazala   da moze da me izdrzava?

    Cao. Moze da ti uz I-134 posalje tax returns, W2, potvrdu od poslodavca koliko dugo je zaposlena i koliko zaradjuje godisnje, izvod iz banke gde se vidi stanje na racunu i potvrdu o 3 poslednje plate (na primer). Ja sam imala to sve ali su samo trazili I-134 na intervjuu. Bolje je da imas sto vise dokumenata za svaki slucaj. 

  17. On 3/2/2019 at 2:42 PM, Greenbaum said:
    Marriage ID Requirement Oregon:
    • Driver's License.
    • State issued ID card.
    • Military ID.
    • Passport.
    • Passport Card.
    • Permanent Resident Card.
    • Foreign Gov't issued Passport.


    OR Marriage License Laws Requirements » Marriage License OR

    Use google and the website for your county. I am sure all documents are there. This is what showed up for portland or.

    Thanks, going to take our marriage licence today. I called the number from the website and asked everything. 

    What would you recommend: getting married first and they applying for a SSN or the other way around? We are in a hurry to get married because baby is coming in 5 weeks and Rob has to put me under his health insurance. HR at his workplace and Health insurance company both said we need to be married but I am worried that they will also want me to have SSN (when Rob asked if SSN is needed they didn't know..). 

    This is all so complicated now, seems K1 was a piece of 🎂

  18. Wanted to tell you guys that I arrived last night! My POE was Seattle and immigration officer was very nice, he just checked my papers, made couple of jokes and that was it. On Monday Rob and I plan to get our marriage licence and I know that I will only need my passport (at least that is what I have need told when I contacted Rob's local courthouse. Do you guys know what document will we need for that moment of marriage? Marriage licence and what else? I have my birth certificate with me, translated into English. Would I need anything else?     Please @Greenbaum

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