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Everything posted by milimelo

  1. milimelo


    That's something to get in the home country where the visitor is coming from. It's called traveler's insurance.
  2. No problem to enter but expect a call from local health department after you've arrived to your new place of living. Follow their instructions.
  3. Top of the page - guides. Where is the fiance from? What are your plans for work for yourself and your fiance including healthcare?
  4. There will be nothing you need to provide for her prior stay in the US - just the Japan police/court certificate - whatever the requirements are for that consulate.
  5. There's also the senator's immigration aide route - he should explore that too.
  6. It seems you've completed at least a year of home residency. Has your husband filed an I-130 for you? Problem with HRR is you can't adjust from ESTA without the HRR waiver in place. I'd have the husband reach out to his congressional/senate rep to ask State Department about the status of waiver (like today). If not done yet, you may have to go to your ESTA home country and wait out the process there as it seems that you're not willing to go back to West Bank. If waiver approved, AOS.
  7. And topic locked. OP got the answers (even if they weren't to his liking). Do not restart the thread.
  8. Can't you go on reddit or something and look at some threads for tenants - I'm sure there are some out there (I don't do reddit but hear there's a thread/channel whatever is called for everything). Also as others have said if you just moved in in June 2023 and signed the lease then there's no hiking up the rent until that lease term is over. It may be the landlord is trying to have you retroactively change the terms of the current lease - that's a no-go. If you have universities/colleges around you - they have legal clinics - contact them as well. Edit to add - your initial term is through June 30, 2024. The last paragraph or rent increase would only come into effect AFTER the initial term is over - ie he can't hike up your rent now. You can point back to this and tell him you'd be happy to discuss in June but as you're still in the initial term rent increase would be illegal. Go find the tenant, renter, landlord laws for your county/area and arm yourself with that. Local county housing should be helpful as well.
  9. Interesting. But how does someone not drinking at all and alcohol use disorder (aka drinking yourself under the table daily) work as a risk factor? CRP is infection level - it's high when someone is sick. So is it one of these factors leading to early onset dementia or all of them together or several of them compound to increased dementia risk? The 15 risk factors researchers determined were "significantly associated" with developing dementia early were: Lower formal education. Lower socioeconomic status. The presence of 2 apolipoprotein E4 allele. Complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcohol use disorder. Social isolation. Vitamin D deficiency. High levels of C-reactive protein. Reduced handgrip strength. Hearing impairment. Orthostatic hypotension. Stroke. Diabetes. Heart disease. Depression.
  10. And you already uploaded the police certificate as they requested? Sit tight and wait. They'll get to you.
  11. No it won't. GC will be issued in passport name as that's what State Department uses for printing the visa. If she's ok with maiden name then nothing to be done. If she's not ok with this, it will cost the I-90 for name change to married.
  12. Do not stop fighting - you will prevail in the end.
  13. That's something to discuss with whoever he did the investment program with.
  14. Expect to be turned around with that short of a period between visits. Rule of the thumb is twice the amount of time in the US remain outside the US.
  15. That's great news. Now sort out your flights and confirm to the embassy you can travel before the date listed so you don't have to do yet another medical exam.
  16. There's no form for you to complete - consular will handle this ONCE you provide them with the requested info - flight reservation.
  17. It has to have admission stamp with the date of entry - whoever said it's no longer done is wrong.
  18. That's pretty much all you need. You can also bring a copy of baby's birth certificate if you need any extra evidence of relationship. Nothing for the joint sponsor as baby is not added to their household size.
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