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Everything posted by milimelo

  1. No, but given the length of time needed just to get USCIS approval, I wouldn't wait too long to file.
  2. Husband files I-130 for the stepson (marriage HAS to occur before son turns 18!) and then you just slow walk NVC part so he can interview after he's done with the military service.
  3. The instructions are quite clear what's needed: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/under-16.html Step 5 - more documents is what you want to follow. If father is working at a remote area (not all the time, there has to be some sort of a break - complete the required form and notarize it (any bank has a notary, even UPS stores have notary services).
  4. Why hasn't the dad fixed his birth certificate? Leaving baby boy on the birth certificate is a bit odd. Do they call him baby boy now? If that's not his legal name, go back and change birth certificate.
  5. Do the waiver. Then also get in touch with your congressional representative on the idiocy of requiring COVID-19 shots known to do nothing but cause harm including death to recipients. CDC is out of its mind.
  6. You currently have a household of three which will be increasing to household of 5 with your spouse and stepdaughter's arrival.
  7. You go online on uscis.gov and pay the green card issuance fee. Need the info off the issued immigrant visa to pay it. For SS number, if he checked off on Ds-260 to have it issued, wait two weeks post arrival for it to arrive and if not there, complete the form on SSA.gov and go in to a local SSA office.
  8. AOS is at least a year or two down the road as it looks like she hasn't even started I-130. Worry about that at NVC time - she can depart early and get a job in the US, get a joint sponsor...
  9. I've seen medical requests reported here for UK folks when applying for B1/2 visas and a history of alcohol-related incidents - fights and similar.
  10. Cash must always remain an option - legal tender is legal tender. I hope the lawsuit makes it clear that an entity can't just decide they're not accepting US legal tender. Couldn't care less if it takes them more time to account for cash, not my problem.
  11. Yes, the marriage had to have occurred before the child turned 18 for it to work. Now the mother will have to petition him after she gets her green card. In this case, should've gone the K-1 visa route as that's fine for kids until they turn 21.
  12. 3 years (can file 90 days prior) of having been an LPR (from the date the first green card was issued), and being married for 3 years to a USC. From little you listed, she could've applied even before her 10-yr green card was approved. Strongly advise applying before new fee increases go into effect in April. There's online filing option now for N-400.
  13. If he has orders and you're listed on them, push for 319b naturalization.
  14. If you're on his orders, look into expedited naturalization.
  15. The petition I filed back in 2010 was approved in 2012 I believe (F4) - NVC has yet to contact me or the beneficiary to get started with anything. I do however save my yearly tax return transcripts just in case.
  16. If check wasn't cashed, put a stop on it and then send in a new packet.
  17. Additionally, you need to have had certain amount of time with the child in your custody - check the links provided earlier - 2 years is what I've seen mentioned.
  18. ~Topic split from an unrelated topic. OP, you don't hijack someone else's topic with a question clearly not related to that thread. ~
  19. No. Each files a standalone I-130 so in case grandmother dies, there's the other I-130 to fall back on.
  20. The link is clearly from Adoption part of USCIS - so wouldn't have been applicable to your child. All you had to do was complete the DS-11 form (and gotten his birth father to complete the form as he was absent but consent(ed) to US passport issuance, get it notarized), booked an appointment with either local post office or special issuance agency if you had to return urgently after arrival to the US and gotten the child US passport. Green card only comes if you've actively done your part which is paying the USCIS green card issuance fee - not required for minor children who will become citizens after entering the US with immigrant visa.
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