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Posts posted by tab0712

  1. i have read all over the place that many, if not most come like this. Not sure why you are being told differently, but I think someone should call the consulate back and hopefully someone else answers. You also need an answer to that email, why are they asking for more evidence when you already have the packet. Something tells me what your fiance told them was lost in translation or something. 


  2. 17 hours ago, iamdegie said:

    wait, but there is no IRS tax return available for this year yet. so the only irs tax return, 1040 form, w2 available are only up to 2016. will these work? i guess there is always the employer letter and that can state current annual pay for 2017.

    Right, so you don't know any deductions until tax time. You only have the Gross salary for 2017, which is whats put on the affidavit of support for Income. The tax returns are for previous 3 years 2016, 2015, 2014

  3. I'm am reading thought the packet that is in Spanish and English regarding how to proceed once you are approved of K1 and what to bring for medical, ASC and Interview. 

    On the section that talks about compiling documents, right below number 15 it says, "The original Civil Documents will not be returned to the applicant/petitioner after the interview". 

    What are they referring too? I thought all originals are given back? What if we need his things like his divorce decree, birth certificate, my birth certificate, and so on. What was your experience?

  4. 16 hours ago, danie82 said:

    The first RFE was because we didn't fill out the G325a forms.   Also, they wanted proof that we have been together and our intentions you get married. 

    Did you include the passport size pics with each G325a? Maybe a signature is missing? 



    7 hours ago, Springrain22 said:

    What's the purpose for this topic?

    you are incredibly rude. All posts have a purpose. And they are looking for guidance or to vent. Which I am sure you have done. 

  5. 2 hours ago, eruiz3 said:

    Our K1 interview is on the 21st so I am preparing our affidavit documents.


    Last year I was only working part-time and at a lower salary I made about 10k. This year was when I began actually working full-time and my annual salary without deductions is 25,056 which is enough for the 125% poverty guideline for 2 people. I have a letter from my employer, but I am scared since I didn't make enough last year that we can get denied. I also, plan on including my last 6 pay stubs but they only show what I make with deductions which is below the guidelines. What do they look at most? Annual gross salary or your salary with deductions?





    It is 2017 that are looking at and make a determination off of, but would like other years submitted. And it is Annual Gross... so before deductions. You can relax

  6. 2 minutes ago, TexasHeartsIndia said:

    So my fiance called the embassy. They told him to call the visa office in Delhi. He called them and they said to call USCIS. He called them and they told him that they sent his file to the embassy and they have no information, so he needs to call the embassy. He calls the embassy AGAIN and they told him to send an email. 



    I'm having the exact same issue. I can't get a straight answer. They all tell me to contact the other one. I know the USCIS is the agency to mail the NOA2. So why the hell would they send me a letter to contact the NVC. When the NVC said that it's the USCIS that would do it. AAAAAGGGGGGGGG!!!! If I have any issues at the AOS stage. I will literly go apeshit on all of them.

  7. 4 hours ago, TexasHeartsIndia said:

    The embassy in Delhi received our petition on July 20th and he still hasn't received anything. I tried calling the embassy last night and that was totally unhelpful. I know there were others here who didn't wait for packet 4 to schedule their appointments. I wish I knew if he absolutely had to wait or if he could schedule it all now. I am tired of waiting... (no offense to those still waiting for their NOA2).


    We have a tentative wedding date of October 28th. He needs to give a month's notice at work... I really hope the ball starts rolling faster for us :(

    Did you go into the India subgroup and ask there? I know for me, asking.certsin directed at those doing the process for Mexico helped on certain things. Despite it being one of the busiest countries in terms of visa types, the subforum incredibly slow and mostly I get two responses or nothing. 


    Goooooooooood luck!!!!!

  8. 26 minutes ago, Nathan&Amy said:

    My case number from NVC was MTLxxxxxxxxxx but now that it shows as READY on the CEAC tracker it has a 01 MTL after it so it is now MTLxxxxxxxxxx 01 MTL. Does that mean anything and do I have to put the 01 MTL on the Packet 3 checklist when I send it in, where I fill out the case number? @PR&PR@eastcoastgroove@calahjosh931

    I never had to use those additional numbers/letters in anything that had to be done. Nor when I called the Consulate with questions. 

  9. 1 hour ago, TriloByte said:

    Our visa was approved 15 minutes ago. :D 


    This is the happiest moment I have ever experienced in my entire life.


    For those that still are waiting, stay strong. There is no greater thing in life than to share each moment with the one you love.

    Awesomeness!!!! Congratulations. I booked my fiance the first time slot for interview and it's not til the end of August (the 30th). I can't believe we have all month still ahead of us. We are both going bonkers. 

  10. 13 hours ago, TriloByte said:

    We never got the embassy letters and apparently, some never do. No consistency to any of this :)

    Approval in early June, and we never received anything to date from anyone...no NOA1, no NOA2, no NVC letter, no Embassy letter. We have to fly super early to one of the most grotesque cities in Mexico (Juarez) to get a copy of the "invitation letter", to do all steps needed while we're there. I didn't pay of $800 to date for shitty service, yet it's what I was given. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, Dhanu and Justin said:

    Does anyone know if the DS 160 confirmation page is savable to print out later? I Dont have a printer at my home so I'm thinking of completing it at home, save it and then print later. I know the application can saved as a PDF. But I Dont know if the confirmation page (with the barcode and everything) also can be saved so that I can print it later? Thanks, any help is appreciated. 

    You register on the site to fill it out, so when you are finished, you can either log back into the account and go to the link for the confirmation. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Mrs. Wild said:

    I know the OP has already finished their process, but I thought I would give my review of my experience at SMF for anyone that may come across it and find it helpful. 


    First, you go to the entrance and a guard tells you where to sit. Then you wait your turn, and they take your picture (this is used throughout the rest of your medical to identify you). The intake person will ask for your passport, consulate interview letter, and any vaccine records you may have. They give you a number and a sheet of paper to fill out. You will need: info for where you're staying in Juarez, your US domicile and two phone numbers, and your last domicile in Mexico. Once your number is called, you give your documents to the receptionist and they'll send you to the xray exam waiting area. You also get a plastic bracelet with a barcode, they'll use it to identify you as well.



    Men and women are separated for the xrays and most of the exam. They'll take you into a hallway sized room with several dressing rooms. There, you'll take your shirt and bra off, and put your hair up into a bun. You'll put on a hospital gown, and they'll call you by name once you're ready. Then, you'll go into the xray room. It's fairly quick. Afterward, you'll get dressed and gather your belongings to go to the next exam. 


    Blood test:

    The blood test is pretty straight forward. You go in with a group of people and the medics check your bracelet. It's a quick poke and you're out of there fast.


    Urine sample:

    From the blood test, you walk up the stairs to another waiting area. They'll instruct you where to go to grab your urine sample cup. The medic that scans your bracelet gives you further instructions. Once you're done, you walk over to the exam room waiting area. Women and children go to one area and men to another.


    General Exam/Physical:

    When your group is called, you go into another little waiting area. They'll weigh and measure you, as well as do an eye exam. If you're a woman, they'll ask if you've had children and have you write down their dates of birth. They also ask if you've had a c-section. Then, each person goes into their own exam room. Here, you'll be asked to undress and put the hospital gown on. You keep your under garments on. The doctor comes in after a little while of waiting, she'll take your blood pressure, look in your ears, check your back, check and ask for tattoos, and that's about it. She asks if you have STDs, if you don't, that's the end of that. I'm not sure what happens if you do.



    After the physical, they'll send you to the vaccine area. If you don't need any vaccines, you're all done! I didn't need any, so I'm not sure what happens if you do need them. I'm guessing, you wait in the little waiting area there to get your vaccines. 



    Once you're all done, you go back downstairs and pay at the cashiers. They'll tell you what time you need to be back to pick up your results.


    Mental Health/Psychologist:

    I didn't go to the psychologist, but I did see the area where it is, and have seen on the forums that sometimes people go there. The room for this is next to the vaccines. It doesn't look too intimidating.


    Picking up your results:

    You are told to pick up your results at a certain time, some people are told 12:30, some 3pm, and some 3:30pm. You go back through the same entrance to the building you went to earlier for your exam. There, you'll wait until they call your name. Once they call your name, you line up to get your results. And then you're hopefully all done with the medical if all goes well.

    Great review. It is helpful even if it is a guy taking it (in my case). Question about paying. I'm paying, when he is done, will the cashier be in an area I can Access???

  13. 1 hour ago, Estibaliz said:

    We are also going to put there whatever amount the letter from employer shows, since that's the current income and we have a document to prove it (my fiance started a new job a year ago, so taxes are not accurate).


    If you have any type of official document regarding 2017 income to back up the amount to consign there, then use that. If you don't, use taxes. I think that's the important part, to be able to show proof that it's not a random amount or estimate.


    Good luck.

    Since there is no letter, I will do this years SS amount, along with the letter he got from them in December listing  the increased amount for 2017. And I will also have him write a letter detailing 2016, and include all proofs (w2, tax transcript) 


    Fingers crossed. 

  14. Since I am not getting much help regarding my issue with the I-134 (I have asked in 6 different websites/forums/fb groups); can people tell me if you put the current years Income in Part 3, Question 3, or what was on your 2016 Income Tax? Seems people are split, yet the instructions stating that if you are self employed use the value from the previous year taxes. Would a Retiree be considered Self Employed, and they should use the 2016 amount or what they will receive in the currant year??????

  15. 9 minutes ago, Me and her said:

    I think I should try to answer this, before it gets lost....  it means to sign his full name as signature.  As far as the notarized I-134, it isn't necessary.  Make sure you have a second notarized intent to marry affidavit.   It should be an updated one....

    The second intent to marry needs to be notorized? That would mean $100 to both of ours. It's $50 USD per stamp at the US Consular office in Cancun. I just don't have that laying around :(

  16. Anyone in this group retired, or using a retiree as a co-sponsor, and filled out the I-134 in the last few months? 

    Going through the form with my dad last night, would he put this years Social Security amount in the Income space (what he will get for all 2017)? Previously people have said to put the amount that was on his 2016 tax transcript, but that wouldn't make sense since the I-134 is asking for currant incomes; and the $45,000 that was his total Income in 2016 included $13,000 from the salary he earned before retiring before mid year. This year, 2017, he doesn't have that in addition to his Social Security, which is over $25,000. Just looking for the correct way to do this, as to not get a 221G at the interview. Does he also need to have the job he retired from write an employment letter for last year, listing the amount he made and the years he was employed with them? This could be a bit hard to get figuring he is not an employee now and not priority. Thoughts?

  17. 16 minutes ago, Camie said:

    It FINALLY went through after trying 5x. A bored sounding lady answered and gave us the standard "you have to wait 60 days" spiel. I asked to speak to Tier 2, but she wouldn't put us through and just repeated the same line about waiting 60 days. GAAAAAAAHHHHHH

    It's really so hard for me to be overly excited about things when I know there are people being messed around in the system. How dare they have the review date as January 15th for months, change it to February 15th, and then go back to January FIRST!!!! That is unprofessional, pathetic, and dishonest. 

    Really, my heart hurts for you and those in the same situation. 

  18. 15 minutes ago, Camie said:

     I called the USCIS and when I would put in my receipt number, it would just tell me I'm not entering enough digits so obviously my call can't push through. This is so frustrating. They're clearly backed up or they messed up somewhere and are getting tons of calls so I feel as if they purposely block anyone who wants to inquire about their cases by phone. :(

    Are you converting the WAC to numbers... = 922 then the rest of the digits. I think that is what I did when I called


    SORRY...Saw someone already answered. But not sure why its still telling you its not enough digits. do again and do it slow

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