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Everything posted by SalishSea

  1. So, you’re not “from” the UK.
  2. Nobody misread anything. This website has a TOS (agreed to by your when your joined) that states you cannot tell people to refrain from posting, which you have now done AGAIN.
  3. Right. I’m refraining to help until he issues those pay raises, adjusted for the increase in inflation since January 2022 😉
  4. It was only Crazy Cat and Adventine he singled out and told not to post. You’re good so far. 😉
  5. So she’s claiming to NOT have immigrant intentions (as required for the B2, for which she wants an extension), yet is planning to stay and adjust status? Do you really not see the issue here!?
  6. Really? You just thanked Adventine, and now you’re asking her to “refrain from responding”? Reported for TOS violation.
  7. This is precisely why you are cautioned by the consulate to avoid purchasing airline tickets, selling property etc before having the visa in hand.
  8. If you think the 221g and likely denial are unrelated to the age gap, you're very naiive.
  9. Exactly. That is why the USC in this situation needs to evaluate whether the 24 year old OP would actually want to marry her if there is no green card on offer......
  10. Administrative processing. Could take quite awhile, given his country of birth. I'd expect a request for the 5535 form for additional security checks.
  11. $38k is previous income, not current. Current income of $23k is marginal. The consulate officer has full discretion when it comes to the public charge, and their evaluation of your sponsor's financial situation is based on a totality of circumstances, rather than just numbers. I do not think you have a choice but to find a joint sponsor. Calling @pushbrk
  12. Who asked for the joint sponsor? Consulate, or NVC?
  13. How is it past the processing time? What processing time? If he is adjusting from a B visa, he's still within the processing time.
  14. If he is a green card holder who no longer intends to reside in the US, he is putting his green card at risk.
  15. The person you quoted knows exactly what she is talking about, from personal experience. UK is not on par with north African countries in terms of fraud and scrutiny.
  16. No. The denial is because they don't believe it is a bonafide marriage, but a green card marriage.
  17. The problem is, 24 year old men in your culture do not date or marry 53 year olds (the age of their mothers), and 53 year old American women certainly do not date 24 year old guys. If the green card was not on the table, would you be okay with her moving to Algeria permanently to marry you and become part of your family? How old are your parents?
  18. That makes it sound like you had planned to marry and adjust status…… you will want to educate yourselves on the process of adjusting status, EAD/AP, and the sponsorship requirements. It will be up to 8 months before you can work or travel, and since your I-94 is expired, you will not be able to get an SSN until you are in status.
  19. I don’t think you understand this process. You may benefit from some legal help here.
  20. Sending extra stuff that is neither required nor requested will not about an RFE or additional processing time.
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