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Everything posted by SalishSea

  1. Yup, that was a mistake to violate the terms of your visa.
  2. The only way you will realistically be able to live in the US and be part of your son's life growing up, is if his USC mother marries you and petitions you for a spousal visa. This process takes about two years. Your son cannot petition you for a green card until he is 21. You cannot come over on ESTA and stay. That is fraud.
  3. 1) There is no way to bring her here without meeting at least once, whether you choose the K-1 or the CR-1 visa. 2) The process from start to finish will likely take at least two years (i.e., she will not be able to come here until some time in 2024 at the earliest). 3) There is nothing fast or cheap about US immigration. 4) Expect scrutiny if you have only had one short meeting in person together.
  4. It will look like you are trying to petition your sibling. Expect a long and expensive process to sort out all of those falsified documents and lies.
  5. At this point, NVC is out of the picture, and the consulate is managing your case. Watch your email (petitioner email) for the next instructions ("packet 3"). Hopefully someone with recent experience interviewing in Warsaw will come along and confirm. Best luck.
  6. The paperwork (paper petition), once approved, is sent by NVC to consulates in batches. If she is to be interviewed in Warsaw, it will be sent there. Packet 3 (which is not the petition), will be sent electronically.
  7. If your fiance is to be interviewed in Warsaw, the NVC will have sent the approved petition there. For packet 3, most consulates will email it to the petitioner, who can then forward it to the beneficiary.
  8. Yup. It's a conundrum for sure, and without knowing the details, it is difficult to give specific advice as to OP's next step.
  9. This is a forum where anyone may respond to posts. She is getting feedback on her situation. If what you mean by "help" is placating and saying "everything is going to be okay," then no, that isn't usually the feedback given here.
  10. OP, does your fiancé still want to be with you if the US green card is off the table, and you’d have to permanently move to Nigeria? Might be a good question for him…..
  11. No point. He’s being removed/deported. The Nigerian consulate has zero say in the matter.
  12. 8 months? For a visa for sibling? No. It takes 15-20 years minimum. you need to familiarize yourself with the visa bulletin and the concept of numerically limited visas. Petition approval and visa availability are two different things.
  13. They will wonder if you are simply habitually filing for foreign fiancés, and may question the bonafides at the consular level.
  14. Have you met this new one in person in the past two years? If so, you can file a new petition. Expect some scrutiny.
  15. Unfortunately, those who do perpetuate fraud make it harder for legitimate cases. You can object to the stereotyping, but the data supports it.
  16. Service center assignment is not related to your residential address. and you’re looking at close to 20 years all told.
  17. Great point. CBP would absolutely use their airport phone to call on official business.
  18. They wouldn’t call about luggage. They have been known to call US contacts of intending travelers being detained or removed.
  19. Something isn't right about this entire story.
  20. The fiancé wouldn't have even had access to the luggage. The visa holder coming through customs and immigration is required to pick it up and have it inspected before it is loaded onto a connecting flight. "You nag more than you should" doesn't sound at all like something CBP would ever say, lol.
  21. How would the luggage of a detained traveller be able to be picked up? That makes no sense. They would never separate the luggage from someone they intend to deport/deny admission to.
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