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Posts posted by Ben&Zian

  1. 6 minutes ago, ncml said:

    So I applied for a tourist visa months ago, last February to be exact. Before I even submitted the form online, I tried to read a lot about the application process, ask people about it, the usual things someone would do to get a visa.


    See, I'm in a long distance relationship with someone in the US. We haven't met yet and since he's not able to visit here at the moment (financial issues), I tried applying for the visa to go visit him instead.


    People say that when applying for the visa, ALWAYS TELL NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH and that's what I did. Everything I put on the application and everything I said on the interview were all true.

    I was kind of hoping that I would get approved because I have travelled to Europe because of my previous work and I was still under a 1 year contract with the company I'm currently working under. 


    I don't know why I got denied? I was thinking maybe because of our situation? 

    Him being younger than me and us just meeting online


    I would really appreciate your answer. thank you 


    What country are you from? Some countries are much harder to get a tourist visa from despite 'qualiying'

  2. 2 minutes ago, Possumkat said:

    Hi everyone! I have a question, your input would be greatly appreciated. I came to the US to visit my husband and help him put together our application (he is reeeally bad with bureaucracy) I have permission to stay here until November, and I completely intend to leave within the legal time frame; but I wanted to know is it possible to send the application while I'm still here?

    I don't think I can apply for adjustment of status because I'm here with a B2 visa, we were already married when I entered the country and we were already planning on applying for a green card. I don't want to commit fraud, I just want to spend more time with my husband while we wait for the application to get approved. (He lives in a rural intentional community, he would lose his membership if he leaves for too much time and he already spent 5 months away while visiting me in Mexico)

    I just bought a house in Mexico and already have my return ticket, I don't know if that would help for anything.

    Thank you all!!




    If you entered with just intent to visit but want to adjust status you actually can from your B2. Intent is decided upon entry so, you're actually okay if you wanted to again.


    Otherwise you can file the CR-1 visa (I-130) paperwork while you're in country, no issues.

  3. 5 minutes ago, missileman said:

    There is a very recent poster who was a passenger in car stopped by police.  Because she had not filed AOS prior to the expiration of her I-94, she was jailed for 5 weeks before getting out.  Her case is still on-going........I would get that I-485 in the mail asap.


    Have we heard any updates about this since then as they were also going into removal proceedings wasnt she??

  4. 10 minutes ago, Jmdawn2028 said:

    Is it ok to file AOS a year after we got married? Coz my wife she came her feb 19 and her visa expired June 19 but right now I’m doing her paperwork, I was wondering they have certain date for how many months or any time please help me coz I’m confuse thanks 


    As others have noted, as once her I94 expires she is out of status and subject to removal regardless of being married to you. There's no benefit in waiting for AOS.  And yes, you can file anytime, but this should have been long planned out way before even submitted the I-129f petition to be honest.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Misspippin said:

    But i decided to check the USCIS website one last time.

    On their site, they say to label and out your name and A# on the supporting documents.


    Is the completely necessary? I have a cover letter with everything in corresponding order of the cover letter.


    So for example. On the copy of my birth certificate or his or a copy of my social, should I be stating what the copy is and putting our names /A#?


    Also, are tabs necessary? 


    We didn't honestly. Ours was one cover page listing the contents of the packet. Then the I-485 and documentation with a paper clip(we did not even include any photos or anything). Second was the EAD packet using paper clip, third behind those was AP document. We tried to keep it as simple as possible but other than labeling the passport photos, we didn't label anything else.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Howins said:

    Hi all,


    My fiancé and I are trying to gather everything we need ahead of the NVC sending our case to the US embassy here in London. I couldn't find an example for the updated letter than confirms his willingness to marry and his ability to support us both financially. This is what we have written so far -- I would greatly appreciate any advice. I'm totally paranoid about doing the wrong thing since our RFE. Thanks so much!


    To the United States Embassy in the United Kingdom:


    I, XXXXXXXX, do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry XXXXXX, and intend to do so within 90 days of her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.  Additionally, I hereby state my ability and intent to financially support XXXXX as her husband.






    It literally can be same exact one you sent in the I-129f petition just with updated date. Just address it to the proper visa unit at that London embassy instead of USCIS as the original letter should have been labeled.


    Our's was just "I _____________, intend to marry _______________ within 90 days of arrival in the US on their K-1 visa".

  7. Upon entry, the K-1 visa is dead. You have 90 days on the I-94 to be legally present in the US. The main thing is to be married within the 90 days, that's the rules. 

    Upon entry you could marry the next day and file AOS as soon as possible. There is no definitive timeline on when you have to or how soon you can, but after the 90 days, regardless of the marriage, the beneficiary will be out of status until they have the NOA1 for the I-485 AOS packet.


    And court house marriages are perfectly fine, it's still a legal marriage, that's all we did.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Habanera said:

    Hello Everyone,


    Here is my situation and followup question. But before I get into into it. please....only respond is you have valuable insight and or information 😊....I posted a question a few weeks ago and received a response from someone I think from Trinidad telling me "Oh its too early to be thinking about that---don't stress yourself out". Not only did I find that response insensitive...but rather dumb and a waste of time. We are all here with the same goal, despite being from different countries. I wasn't stressing...I was just inquiring so as to pre-plan accordingly. That being said, I welcome all insight, experiences, advise. Don't worry about my stress level.....I have that under control.


    My fiance is in Cuba therefore a trip to Georgetown, Guyana is inevitable. I plan to travel from the US to Guyana for the interview as well. Will I be allowed in with him during the interview? I heard/read in posts that at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, the US partner was not allowed in the interview. Not sure if this is true or not.

    Would I be allowed to translate for him? I am a former ESL Teacher/Educator who can speak, read and write in Spanish...In addition, I've also done freelance copy editing/translation for doctors and writers based in Miami. I am not certified as a translator. I am currently investigating a couple companies in  Guyana who provide lodging, transportation, meals and translation for Cubans in Guyana for their interview. Naturally, if the US will allow me to translate....that will be one less service i need to pay for 😊. Would they allow all 3 of us into the US Embassy if I cannot translate for my fiance?

    I have another question regarding AOS which I will post in a separate thread....


    Thanks for reading!

    Have a great day...And Remember... every day that passes is one day closer to being reunited with your Love ❤️


    While I can't answer the question pertaining to the embassy or whether you'd be allowed in or not, as said some do and some don't.


    But honestly, do you think the embassy and CO would allow the fiance of the beneficiary do the interview translations? First off, they most likely will have a translator available, they usually do, and the CO probably will know the language also, or a good amount of it. If they allowed you to be the translator, think how improper that would be? Your fiance could say something and you completely change it to what you want it to be or the "correct" answer so to say. So would be incredibly biased and improper. They will have someone available though don't worry.

  9. Definitely need a lot more specific information, but with that specific history, agreed, it's gonna be a challenge getting a tourist visa... at least this soon.

  10. 9 minutes ago, ALFKAD said:


    As much as I'd love to see this happen, I doubt it ever will.  Enough to bet dinner against your claim.


    Indeed... it's happening... but will it end in any result? Naw, it will just 'disappear' into the realm of mystery like most of it does when it comes to politicians and all. So is wishful thinking at least for end result haha

  11. Collusion in itself is not a crime, better read up on the definitions. Also, if not indicted, meaning no guilt could be found, all they are doing is attempting to make a new form a ruling... In America, if you are not found guilty, you can't be found "not - not guilty"... it would be a whole new precedent. Sorry, with no indictment of a crime, he's not guilty. And that whole probe was a scam. All people who are in jail are for other things outside the Trump campaign. And the Russians.. 11-12 of them? Some hacking and Facebook ads? Man, that did not even affect the election, nor will any of this effect Trump's reelection. Again, Maga.. done.

  12. 1 minute ago, Lailar said:

    Thanks do you mean it's not very necessary for me to spend 3000 or more for lawyer for now? And of course I will go to court and if they charge me do you think still I will have time in order to dismiss the case? I don't want to be convicted . Who is going to help me to not be charged after the court day?the public defender or private lawyer? Thank you one more again


    You should be able to have a public defender I believe even for this case. But the choice is up to you on the private lawyer or not. Honestly any DV accusation, to be honest even without an arrest can still, as you are now, result in a court date if the DA did decide to take you to court over it. Yes they can even if you weren't arrested... won't go into details but have personal experience of this, luckily the DA didn't follow through so... I'd do whatever works best for you and your sanity in the matter.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Lailar said:

    Thanks for your answer, don't you think if I go to court it will be too late and may be DA already they  have charges me. And it will be difficult to dismiss the case by then?


    That's entirely up to the DA honestly. A lawyer won't call them and get them to change their minds. Just going to court doesn't necessarily mean they are going to charge you, or if they did, that it would be a felony. Could be dropped to simple "assault" without the DV title which could just be a simple fine honestly. It truly is in the DA's hands now, but again that is why you could consult a lawyer and they could definitely inform you of the possibilities and outcomes. Again you still may get to speak your peace in court which could result in a complete dismissal, but obviously regardless of what you do, you have to go to that court date. Missing it or skipping it would be an automatic bench warrant by the judge for your arrest.


    To note, again even if the DA does want to seek charges, it's up to the judge honestly who 'hands out' the punishment. 

  14. Two weeks is definitely normal time to get notification or NOA1, but even 30 days is not unheard of. Watch for them to cash the check if you sent a personal check.


    Once they 'receive' the packet, they don't immediately accept it, it will sit with all the other petitions until they have time to get to it and go through and verify everything is there.

  15. How she can't get an emergency, same day passport is odd. My passport got stolen in Denmark (in a backpack) and I went to the US embassy there, got an appointment for following morning and they said would take them about 6 hours to make me a new one. Luckily the Danish police found my original one but still.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Oghenekenyoro3 said:

    Hello all!

    I need help trying to figure out what to do. The man I married in Nigeria has abandoned the home since November 2018. He has moved to California and I am starting to think that this was his plan. He has shown so many signs that would not allow me to marry him in the U.S. Can someone help me to find out what I can do to report that he had I'll intentions once he got here? He also got 10 year Aug. 2018. He has left all responsibilities behind...while he is working on a weed farm sending pics of cars and money to his friends in Lagos.


    Divorce and move on. It's one of the risks taken when marrying someone from a different country... whether it is a K-1 or CR-1 visa, once the beneficiary has adjusted status/received their residency (GC), without some massive evidence to prove fraud, there's not much you can do and they can continue on their path on their own. Unfortunately, even divorced, you're still on the hook for their affidavit of support (I-864).

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