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Posts posted by NBA16

  1. @Khan g Yes i received DS5535 and it was a form but some people whom I talked to from my home country received same questions but not in a form and it was not called any specific title (questions like your siblings info, your previous jobs, the places you traveled in the last 15 years, the phone numbers you have used)
    depending on embassy or visa category people received it in different forms because not all Iranians are interviewed at the same embassy.
    As @arken said they take the info to process it. This processing can be fast or slow. I don't think questions being in shape of a form will make the process longer or shorter.
    I don't know what is the difference between routine check up or processing ds5535.

  2. I reply since I've been through this. I received the ds5535 form right after my interview in August 2017, sometimes it is sent as a form and sometimes it is just the questions in the email. My case was a bit different because I experienced travel ban but long story short I received the form for the second time in November 2018 and then I received email for my second interview in November 2019 and my visa was issued right after my second interview. It took me 27 months between my 2 interviews.

    As other members said it can take weeks or month or years, having any deadline on your mind can make it harder sometimes. I am not trying to scare you but I had to wait pretty long time, I really hope yours will be different.

  3. No offense I am speaking in general,  It is not too difficult imo. First if it is a red flag for immigration system, it should be a red flag for you too. People get very excited about finding much younger or very different person and forget to ask themselves many times "why s/he should love me besides my nationality?". Not to mention it is easier to get a visa at some embassies   and the green card hunting became an industry in some countries.

    If s/he has wrong imagination about USA or is so excited or fanatic it can be a red flag. if s/he asks for money or gifts it is a red flag. I've seen and read stories about how a foreigner presents his/her traditions falsely (like dowry, gifts, etc.) There is google we can search and find out instead of accepting, and even if there are traditions when we marry a foreigner we should compromise (in our marriage we did not follow expensive Iranian traditions because i knew i am not marrying another Iranian and did not force my traditions on him). Think if you were someone from his/her country would s/he marry you? or would his/her family let the marriage happen? (i mean if you were the same person, same character, same look, same everything but you were not an American). Tell the foreigner you are the one will be moving to his/her country and see the reaction. Check if s/he takes it too easy on you to marry you, as long as i believe someone should love us for us but having no standard can be a sing of not caring about anything but nationality.

    Many trips and face time is not possible in every case, but there are shortcuts we can use to know the person. We can do more than this but it can be too much (proof of identity for not being cat fished). Talk to his/her family or close friends if it is possible (it can be family project, yes i am pessimistic).

    If you can prove the fraud, visa or green card could be revoked and the person could be deported. People can change anyway if someone loves us now there is a possibility s/he may or may not love us 10 years later and it is not fraud, no matter if this is about beneficiary or petitioner, yes this is very sad and heart breaking and very difficult to handle since we choose life time partner and love not a temporary one, but still not a fraud.

    As long as we can have benefit for someone we should be careful with others. Good luck on your journey and wish you all the bests.

  4. 14 hours ago, Xcalj5 said:

    I brought my current husband from Iran on K1 visa. My husband is 14 years younger than me and came without any money. Yes, I lost my mind. I fell in love with young charismatic man. I am educated and my whole life I saved with hard work and sacrifices. And it happened, he used me just for a green card (yeah stupid me for trusting). He admitted for lying on application regarding his previous employment. He admitted for working for Iranian government and having weapons training (not mentioned on visa app). He received his visa based on lies (I have no way of proving it). I refused to sign ROC (I751) and so he left and is filing it based on divorce waiver. He was abusive throughout the relationship, which was documented in court. Two temporary restraining orders. No criminal charges though. After he left (2.5 yrs) I found out he was in relationship with another older woman and have recording of them. I am ok he left, but I am not ok he is suing me for half. I confirmed with 3 attorneys that he is entitled to half of my savings (which is a lot collected during marriage.) He is also going for alimony and my 401k which I saved a lot. He did not pay a dime to me or towards my house or anything. I covered all his expenssed. Found him job. I basically lost $40K on him and will lose another $40k based on him defrauding me and the country. I made Infopass and was lucky to speak to officer who then told me they cannot do anything!!! He is permanent resident (conditional green card) and has every right to renew it based on divorce, because I cannot prove it was a sham. Even if he does not have anything in his name, no financials because some marriages agree to that. So not only he wasted almost 6 yrs of my life, he refused to have children (I never had it was my last chance), he will get my savings, 401K, plus my investments and I am being told there is nothing I can do to stop it and I am on the hook for I864 for 10 yrs, so this will never end. He is evil and is doing everything to hurt me financially. I really don’t understand why as I only gave him and provided everything and let him travel with me all over the world. I am glad that he is out of my life, but is there anything I can do so he does not take everything I worked so hard for. He received his visa based on lies and deception. I can clearly show that he was using me for money and green card. USCIS is not interested in what I had to say at the infopass. Is there anything else I can do?? 


    I am so sorry to  hear that, i wish you the best of the luck on that. 

    Sorry if it is not an answer to the question you asked  but you mentiomed in one of your posts that he traveled with diplomatic passport, doesn't it prove he worked for Iran's government? You have no evidence, a text message, copy of passport? Or by any chance you know if he used different name for diplomatic passport? Anything to prove mispresentation. (if you were not aware of all this when you petitioned for him) 

    I am Iranian too, i wish i could help you, because people like him make troubles for all Iranians, they lie to a person, DoS, and embassy then they get a visa without any problem, meanwhile i am waiting for visa over 21 months. 

    I tried to check if you can reach the history of his insurance (which shows the places he worked for) but it needs his national id number and insurance id number. (sorry if it sounds complicated) 

    Search his name (in Farsi too) , maybe you can find something to report him. 

    I really hope you win and he can't get even a dime from you. 

  5. She shows all the signs, not just one or 2. Not wearing the ring, relationship status on Facebook, sending most of the money to her parents and not helping you, forgetting anniversary, rarely physical touch and no sex. It is not even like she is cheating on you with someone else, it is more like she is cheating on someone else with you twice a year.

    Divorce and move on, save yourself.

  6. 21 minutes ago, bakphx1@aol.com said:

    You still have the problem of explaining you met and fell in love while on a K1 Visa with someone else.  Not very heart warming. 

    Yes, that's why i said he will have a hard time, and my reply meant to be sarcastic (i failed lol). All i wanted to say was it does not seem right either way, even if it is not illegal.

  7. 2 hours ago, CEE53147 said:


    If this is the common attitude, USC's should be very careful.

    I know right! Because this topic and many others make me feel this can be a common attitude 

    USC puts her all heart, energy and money in a relationship and the other partner makes excuses like "she is not submissive" and leaves

    I am not a USC and these topics still make me very nervous 



  8. First you can check if your fiancee is not submissive, into drugs, trouble maker or dictator before she petitions for you. My husband knew all that about me even before he met me in person. 

    Second if you doubt, then tell her she should not petition for you . Marry someone you trust and believe 100%, it is not worth to take the risk of leaving your high paying job at all. Thinking about the second option even before you get married is scary to me. 

    Yes you can marry someone else, but you should go back to your country and do CR1 process and you sure will have a hard time to prove your marriage is genuine , and there is still possibility the second person will not be submissive, be into drugs or trouble maker or dictator since you can't know a person in less than 90 days. Will you risk it again and again until you find a USC who meets your standards? 

  9. 24 minutes ago, NLZZLN said:

    i recieved the green letter from the embassy 221g missing document and/or administration process ...


    Administration was check marked and from missing documents passport was check marked. so the embassy is asking for his old passports along with new one cuz he only sent his new passport not old ones and they have his old passport number he did change it during the interview but still i got this passport check marked for missing document. im so confused. please help me guys 


    Are you the visa applicant or your husband? Did they keep your passport? 

    If they gave it back wait until you get informed to send it again

    I am in the same situation (under administrative processing) but they gave my passport back to me. 

    It means when the administrative process gets complete you need to send the new passport (applicant's)  to embassy to get the visa (if the medical is still valid) if not you will need to redo the medical and give it along with the passport. 

  10. Hello VisaJourney friends

    Sorry if i did not post in proper section.

    I am asking this question for one of my friends. Her husband petitioned for green card for her and their minor child (17 year old ). They already attended their interview but She is now under administrative processing, But officer said 221g slip is just for the mother and not for the child, They decided to wait until mother's administrative processing gets completed and they move together. But now since the administrative processing is taking so long and we will face the new ban, they are concerned about their child's visa. Can they send their daughter's passport to embassy and get her visa issued so she can travel before October 18th?

    Thank you

  11. My husband and I had nikkah certificate and legal (it took place in city hall) marriage certificate. Our nikkah certificate was totally useless in immigration process. Also I was questioned why we got married on first visit after 2 years of online relationship. We had 3 visits, tones of pics with family members, 3 big folders of chat history, post receipts, screenshots of social media accounts, same age, same religion and same education degree. Imagine how tough it can be just being married with 0 visit. Interracial and international marriage is difficult by itself. Take your time, search, meet in person and then get married. 

    As far as i know for getting married legally in Dubai one of the parties should be resident there or at least has work visa. 

    Read this link please:


    We got married in Turkey. I believe Turkey and Georgia are the closest countries to Pakistan for international marriage. 

    This link has information about getting married in Malaysia:


    Good luck 

  12. 20 hours ago, DILAW said:

    Wow, thats insane because trust me not too many  people in UAE (Abu Dhabi is a state in UAE)  want to come to the USA.

    My case is still with the USCIS, but I wish I can find-out the estimated wait period to schedule interviews at the US Embassies at different countries.  I say that because I have the option to pick when my case moves to the NVC to be sent to different countries my wife can travel to because the US Embassy at the country my wife is living in is closed.  I can the case to Jordan, Djibouti, Sudan, Malaysia, Egypt

    US embassy at abu Dhabi is super busy, they interview Iranians too, plus many people from other countries who work and live in UAE like Philippines, India and Pakistan. 

    It can take up to 6 months to receive interview date from this embassy. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Gafelkins56 said:

    My husband's petition was returned Dec. 2016 for review after his interview.. I've been montioring the usics website for that review but today I look at ceac and it said this.. Can this be logical?  Can embassy do this? 




    If your case is under administrative processing more than a year it will be expired on ceac website, don't worry and call nvc, they might reopen DS-260 and you can submit it again. Your spouse is under AP or you are waiting for reaffirmation? 


  14. We got married on first visit after 2 years of dating online, We didn't have any other red flag but i was questioned about this on my interview. I told the truth that we didn't want to be in relationship out of marriage for a long time (we are both Muslims) and how we were so sure even after we met in person. We met each other 2 more times after our marriage and we frontloaded our petition too, maybe that helped to overcome the red flag. 

    I am under administrative processing now because of my nationality. 

    Wish you all the best and luck

  15. 10 hours ago, DianaB said:

    I only asked for help and advice on about what to do about the chat records and what a 221g white slip meant. I did my research and now me and my husband are doing exactly what's asked of us. Yesterday I was really caught off guard.  Now some of you are going off topic about fraud in Pakistan.  Fraud can happen anywhere in the world. I'm not a statistic or number, neither is my husband. We are humans with real feelings. I agree there is bad people all over the world but there is also good people too. It's dishonest people that have bad intentions that make it harder for couples like us. People can fall in love with whom ever they  choose to. Now if people want to judge us, that's fine... they can. Only he and I and and our families know what we've been though together at the end of the day. I respect this website because it's given me good advice on how to help me with my process up to this point.  I understand that AP has to be done in some cases and it's the officers job to do their part. We also want to be treated with respect and dignity. I respect their jobs and am not knocking them down either. I only wish the best for couples and i'm happy they are finally reunited with their loved ones. If it wasn't for my husband's comforting words and unconditional love I don't know how I could remain calm... 


    And to those of you that are stating it could raise red flags because I married my husband the first time I visited him - I cannot afford to make trips back and forth. I came there to meet my husband and his family after spending three years together everyday with each other on Skype for several hours a day. I have the proof to back me up. I captured our moments together so I can look back and reminisce and I am glad I did that. I was facing financial problems at the time and had to save all I could to finally meet him and it was the best times of our lives. To finally be with the person you love was like a dream come true with me. I had to pinch myself because I couldn't believe we were finally together in person. :) I wish my visa lasted 3 months. I have no problem visiting my husband. I'd do it over and over again. We discussed getting married to each other for three years and anticipated would it would be like to finally meet and embrace each other after so long. And boy was it worth it in the end and I'll still keep fighting  any obstacles we'll face because we are prepared for all of that. My husband and I are always talking about how I plan to visit him again and this time I'd love to stay longer with him if my visa permits it. 


    I'm sorry if I've made this too long now or personal. The point is we won't let anything bother us and get over this hurdle. That's all we can do. Sure, of course our feelings were hurt but we have to do our work now and that's the most important thing we can do. I am confident about everything we submitted. I was only requested to show if there was possible records for the first day of our chat. When I wrote this i was really overwhelmed, now I am just trying to do my work. Again, I use visa journey as my main source for help and i'm thankful for the help it has given me so far from the users on here and guidelines. 


    Just want to say thank you for all those that replied me and gave me useful advice. It means a lot to me.



    I am so sorry for what happened to you. I am Iranian and under administrative processing after my interview on August 23rd (master in computer engineering, IT job and my nationality caused it). They gave my passport back and I know we have to wait for a year or so.I received a blue slip and administrative processing box was marked. We got married in May 2016 too.

    Officer asked me why we got married on first visit, But when she saw the passport stamps of 3 trips and i explained that we've known each other 2 years before marriage and that we did not want to have a long term relationship out of marriage (because of our religion and culture) she was convinced. She did not even ask for our pics together nor for chat history. My husband and i have same educational degree, same religion and he is just a year older than me and I was still questioned about the marriage on the first visit.

    As a young couple i totally understand the money issue for taking more trips, But in Islamic and middle eastern culture men are considered as family provider, so it might be suspicion if you tell you had to save for the trip and you don't have the money for more trips, there will be a question why your husband did not pay for the second trip (I am sure you had your own reasons, I am just trying to help with the possible concerns).

    The officers usually get more suspicious about the non-USC spouse and his/her intentions. I know it hurts and sometimes it seems to be unfair.

    I really hope the reply you got from the website will help and convince them and your husband gets his visa. Fingers crossed for your family.

  16. I had my interview on August 23rd and I am under administrative processing now. The reasons were IT related job and master in computer engineering. Officer just asked me 5 questions about when we got married, how we met, why we got married on first visit, my education and my jobs.

    Now when applicants go through administrative processing, embassy asks them to fill DS-5535 form too.

    fingers crossed for all of us

  17. 19 hours ago, Tatsi said:

    Hi guys,

    For those of us who are waiting for the interviews in Abu Dhabi, and waiting for over 90 days, clarification would be appreciated. By looking at this sheet, the interview in AD was scheduled very fast (NBA16), while others take 5 months!! Was this case expedited???


    Thanks a million. 

    Hello, no our case wasn't expedited but we waited long time for NOA2 (259 days) so maybe that helped. 

    It was so unexpected for us to get interview date 15 days after CC, we even planned a trip so I had to take 2 trips one after another 

    Wish you luck on your journey 


  18. 7 hours ago, JBMG said:

    @CDJames @Alex10040 @Hope101 @SCanchola @yoel @firstlady2411 @NBA16 @waqsha @J@grurtx @Mun95 @jessmess @mriggs @Pen112 @sabjun (not on vj)




    The following is sorted by 'Interview Date'

    VJ display name USCIS Priority Date (PD) Most recent Scan Date (SD) At review Dept SD to Review WEEKS Review dept to CC - DAYS Case Complete (CC) SD to CC - DAYS SD to CC - WEEKS PD to CC - WEEKS Filed via Visa Class Interview - Country Interview - City Received Interview Notification Interview
    CDjames 8/10/2016 4/19/2017 6/20/2017 8.86 3 6/23/2017 65 9.29 45 Mail CR1 Jamaica Kingston 6/28/2017 8/22/2017
    Alex10040 7/25/2016 5/10/2017 7/5/2017 8.00 1 7/6/2017 57 8.14 49 Mail CR1 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 7/14/2017 8/22/2017
    Hope101 9/14/2016 5/16/2017 7/13/2017 8.29 4 7/17/2017 62 8.86 44 Mail IR5 Philippines Manila 7/20/2017 8/22/2017
    SCanchola 10/1/2015 4/11/2017     NA 6/14/2017 64 9.14 89 Mail IR1 Mexico Ciudad Juarez 6/27/2017 8/23/2017
    Yoel 3/3/2016 4/19/2017     NA 6/19/2017 61 8.71 68 Mail CR1 Cuba Havana 6/29/2017 8/23/2017
    firstlady2411 1/19/2017 4/24/2017     NA 6/29/2017 66 9.43 23 Mail CR1 Nigeria Lagos 7/13/2017 8/23/2017
    NBA16 6/28/2016 5/5/2017     NA 6/29/2017 55 7.86 52 Mail CR1 United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 7/14/2017 8/23/2017
    waqsha 9/8/2016 4/19/2017 6/15/2017 8.14 6 6/21/2017 63 9.00 41 Mail CR1 Pakistan Islamabad 6/29/2017 8/24/2017
    J@grurtx 2/16/2016 5/11/2017     NA 7/6/2017 56 8.00 72 Mail CR1 India Mumbai, Bombay 7/13/2017 8/24/2017
    Mun95 9/13/2016 5/8/2017     NA 7/3/2017 56 8.00 42 Mail CR1 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 7/14/2017 8/24/2017
    jessmess 8/12/2016 5/19/2017     NA 7/12/2017 54 7.71 48 Mail CR1 Tunisia Tunis 7/15/2017 8/24/2017
    mriggs 11/12/2016 7/14/2017 6/12/2017 Checklist 59 8/10/2017 27 3.86 39 Mail IR1 New Zealand Auckland 8/10/2017 8/24/2017
    Pen112 3/1/2016 2/13/2017 4/13/2017 8.43 15 4/28/2017 74 10.57 60 Mail CR1 Bangladesh Dhaka 6/1/2017 8/25/2017
    SabJun 6/29/2016 5/16/2017 3/4/2017 Checklist 128 7/10/2017 55 7.86 54 Mail CR1 Pakistan Islamabad 7/17/2017 8/25/2017


    To find/submit interview reviews from your embassy, click on the following link. 



    If you haven't printed out your DS-260 confirmation yet. Created the following to help you locate it. You have to bring this to your interview. :)


    DS-260 Confirmation Example / Printing Instructions. (Must bring to your interview)


    To see all interview dates, you can sort the NVC Case Status Spread Sheet - 2017 by interview country/city.  Here are the sort instructions.

    Thank you so much, I am a little bit stressed about my interview and your comment made me happy. 

    This is my preparation for interview 

    The chat history (3years, 3 folders) on left side, the supporting documents in green clear book, financial documents in blue folder, our pics, receipts and other evidences of bona fide relationship in right orange folder. 

    Wish me luck please :)



  19. 7 hours ago, JBMG said:

    Wow. So beautiful to see so many of you wishing us good luck today. Thank you so much because it worked. :-) they only asked 


    "Are you the petitioner" Yes

    "Are you living together in France" yes. His response, ok wow. 

    "Where will you live in.the US.


    "What is your financial situation"


    He then said to use assets the requirement is much more when you don't have a job. 

    So I asked, maybe it's 5 times more, he said, I don't know but there is a calculation, I will do it later. If all is well, the passport will arrive in 10 days. 

    Then we said, we have a joint sponsor if needed, julien clarified that yeah, we have her paperwork. 

    So then he took it, said. "That's great, no need to calculate now. All is good. Having problems with the computers so you should receive your passport with the visa in 10 business days. Enjoy moving back to the US. :-) 


    So yay, we're finished!!! Thank you everyone for all of your support. Heading home tonight, will be back online tomorrow to give a better review. Thanks again everyone for your well wishes. Really made me smile. 


    Have a nice day. 


    Ps, call the NVC to get your interview dates. Hehehe


    JBMG (Julien / Michael) I'm the mg. :-)


    Yay! Congrats! I am so happy for your family. Wish you have the best days ahead in US

  20. 1 minute ago, JBMG said:

    Yes, as long as you bring everything that is requested, you should be fine. :)  They will already have your proof of bonafide relationship you originally submitted to the USCIS. So any new proof you bring should be from July 2016 to now.. BUT I've read from some that their IO (immigration officer) asked to see their wedding album.. So it's up to you how much you bring. :) 


    Yes, you can bring it as is. :)  They'll already have the original you submitted.. If they didn't ask for an updated/new version in your p4 letter, then you'll be fine. :) 


    Thank you so much for your fast reply. We got married at city hall and we have like 40 pics but not an album we already sent 10 to uscis. I printed 5-6 more of wedding pics to take to interview.

    No they did not ask for an update, they just asked for copy or original. Thanks again

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