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    Xanax reacted to VanessaTony in Conditional GC holder and unexpected changes   
    No-one is saying an affair is fraud, but he DID marry "in the eyes of God" someone else. This doesn't matter USCIS wise honestly, but it does seem to indicate that he is only staying with his current USC wife for immigration benefits. THAT would be fraud. Mistakes happen but he married (non-legally) someone else which implies that he loves someone else, that he doesn't love his wife anymore, and so he should leave her and not stay with her just for immigration reasons.
  2. Like
    Xanax reacted to Cathi in Conditional GC holder and unexpected changes   
    he is worried about his green card if he expects his US wife to still continue with the adjustment of status, and thanks her for being a "nice person" why can't he just be a man and divorce her and move back to France to be with the person he REALLY loves?
  3. Like
    Xanax reacted to Olomi_811 in Irritated with American attitudes when ending a marriage   
    Nothing irks me more than seeing "CAN I SEND THEM BACK?" or some variation of this. I admit with all the fees you pay the immigration process can feel like modern day slave trade. Know what you want, know who you are, and know who you are marrying before you dive into visa waters. Yes, some of our significant others come from economically struggling countries and others whose countries fair far better than the US. Your spouse is not an expensive shirt that you tuck the tag in, wear for a night, and return the next day. My husband is fine where he is and it touches me to hear him pray for the betterment of his country and the people. Our spouses are perfectly capable of sustaining themselves in their home country. If you examine the circumstances the quality of life may be somewhat advanced in the US, but the quantity you pay is the same. Your spouse's life is changed as well as their family's. Some of them endure ridicule and negativity, because they married you and not a fellow countryman.
  4. Like
    Xanax reacted to pluna505 in Tourist Visa Declined, confused and deflated!   
    Noah why are you even on this forum? Do you really have nothing better to do than to disuade people (On the internet, mind you) from coming to the United States? It's a bit sad. The only purpose of your posts is to scare people about the visa, tell them to go to another country, or question their stories. What do you think you are doing? Protecting America from bartenders of the UK? There are bigger problems buddy ...
    And just so you know ... many Americans take extended vacations from work and travel. I did this last year in South America. I travelled for 7 months with money that I had saved up from my previous job. I lived on roughly 10-15 dollars a day, and got by just fine. Through my travels, I met many other Americans doing the exact same thing. It's really not that hard and is something that is becoming more and more popular with younger generations.
  5. Like
    Xanax reacted to Harpa Timsah in Tourist Visa Declined, confused and deflated!   
    I have many friends who have taken months off and travelled. This is more common in other countries where vacation is greater. The Uk gets normally what, 6 weeks paid vacation to our standard 2?
    It's too bad the OP had this other thread, but the facts as being presented by some are not accurate. OP said he wanted to visit 4 months, not 6. OP said he had a place to stay. OP never said his vacation was paid. Many people have a job they can go back to... replacing and then firing a bartender is not too difficult. He was obviously able to save up some money.
    I think people posting here must be on in years and never went to college or something, because many 20-somethings are able to take months off of work and are used to living in a house with other people. Think of college students who get 4 months off for summer and want to travel. Not everyone is middle-aged and paying off a mortgage.
    And, the US is not a scared country right now. The Officer was just acting in accordance with regulations, and made a reasonable choice. The officer also cited the reasons, which are reasonable. I do think a person with similar circumstances could be approved.
    Good info on the differences in bartending, Boiler.
    Clearly Noah is raving mad, judging by all of the ???????????????
  6. Like
    Xanax reacted to pddp in Tourist Visa Declined, confused and deflated!   
    It's not your place to question anyone's motives or second guess their story. You're not the sheriff saving the little town from the bad guys. Get over yourself. People are looking to live their lives, have fun, travel, visit friends. You should try it too.
    Free healthcare, what are you even talking about?! Your tax payer money I have no doubt is being used in all kinds of wrong ways but people here on VJ have nothing to do with that. Get over it and stop barking at the wrong tree.
  7. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Adriene H in seeking custody   
    Can you get an attorney? Maybe pro-bono? You need help here and I think it may be beyond the scope of DIY Visa Journey
  8. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from hikergirl in Query by beneficiary about what information to give to US Border Control   
    I would say "fiance" because you have applied for a "fiance" visa and one would logically deduce from that, that he is your fiance. But... this is just my opinion
    Goodluck and I hope you get that ring soon!
  9. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Rebecca Jo in Dogs- inside or outside   
    Here is a pic of her in her "gansta" sweater. Daniel said she looks like a gangster, but we just got it cause the vet suggested it as she has had some much fur shaved off and it is not too warm right now so taking her out with a weak immune system where she could get cold and sick may be risky. So we got her a sweater to keep her warm

  10. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Rebecca Jo in Dogs- inside or outside   
    Hi Caryh,
    Cookie was rescued from "Golden Valley" in Minnesota. There was more than 1 parvo puppy from that shelter and the shelter knows. I do not know what they did after they found out- I'm actually going to follow it up in the next couple of days.
    Rebecca, cookie got pneumonia ( from vomiting) and the parvo attacked her white blood cells, but the parvo symptoms have gone now; so it's just recovering from the pneumonia that she has to do.
    Cookie eats normally (like a pig) and apart from the breathing difficulties she is very happy.
    We have to take her temp every few hours and she will have regular CBC's to check her white blood cell count to make sure she can fight the infections AND she isn't out of the woods yet but we are very hopeful.
    Her spending so much time in the ICU kennels and the vet has made her a bit scared of her kennel, but that's OK.
    So all in all, Cookie is doing well. She went from touch and go with a 106+ fever and not.being able to keep food down to happy, recovering and eating like a piggy.
    We got her a sweater to make sure she doesn't get cold/ sick when she is outside, but it is too big (she lost weight)! I'll link a pic when I get on the PC
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    Xanax got a reaction from LeftCoastLady in how did this possible?   
    The only thing I can say/ suggest is try not to be jealous of others who get approved before you or see to have an easier time than you. You do not know their situation ( your friend doesn't even know her situation). Being jealous is unproductive, it will make the process seem longer and harder for you if you are concentrating on others
    I wish you all the luck in the world and hope this petition is successful.
  12. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from pddp in Had American ignorance affected yours or your spouse's adjustment to life in the U.S.?   
    I am from Australia- as you can see and I can honestly say "yes it has affected me a little bit". I am here for an 88 day stay in between NOA1 and NOA2.
    I cannot pin point too many exact examples, it is more in the undertones of what people say or do (for me at least) , the American's I have met think America is the centre of the world. The best country for education, lifestyle , food, travel, everything, and this is one thing I find hard to swallow at times and you can never disagree, you can never say education is better anywhere else or healthcare or living standard etc; also when people tell me I am wrong when I pronounce something or say something, even when they know exactly what I meant even though it was not proper English (lol)
    I have also had to deal with some misconceptions about Australia, none of them too bad, but none-the-less after a while can be tiresome.
    IE/ We pay money to the queen and she has absolute rule over us, we all talk like Crocodile Dundee, we live in the desert or the bush, we have koalas as pets,we love kangaroos,we say "shrimp", we all consume copious amounts of beer (daily)- these are just some funny ones
  13. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from meadowzephyr in Conspiracy to deny....   
    Now that you have VJ, feel free to ask questions here and get all the information you need to make sure your application is complete before filing!
  14. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from beejay in Conspiracy to deny....   
    Now that you have VJ, feel free to ask questions here and get all the information you need to make sure your application is complete before filing!
  15. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from VanessaTony in America...your bread sucks.   
    Bread tastes like a dessert. I will definately buy a bread maker when we can afford it!
  16. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Kathryn41 in sending money to his family (long)   
    Hi, I have read many of your posts and I felt compelled to reply today.
    I hope my response comes across as helpful and I am in no way condemning you or your feelings, just putting across my point of view from the limited scope of your relationship that I have from reading your posts.
    You seem to be placing all the blame on your husband for the problems you are having.
    In my humble opinion, you should have discussed your issues while you were together instead of setting them aside, it is much easier to deal with things together face to face. I always take the view point that you cannot sort out a problem within a relationship on your own, many may disagree, but how can you realistically fix something with two parts by only utilizing one?
    I think the main issue here is your cultural differences and they really need to be discussed. Your life and your husband's life are very different; the relationships within a family unit are different and the cultural expectations re: marriage are clearly different.It seems to me these are things you should have discussed before your marriage (but hindsight is always 20/20).
    You want one thing and your husband wants another. You are disagreeing on fundamental things in regards to marriage. Regardless of who is right or wrong having views which are so clearly polar opposites can make for a very copasetic relationship, especially considering the fact you do not seem to work through the disagreement (this action needs to stop in my opinion).
    Here are some things I feel you should do:
    firstly, if I were you I would put myself in my husbands shoes and I would ask him to do the same.
    I know you have done "the budgets", but how about asking him to do one and ask him how much he feels you can realistically send back to India after he has done some projections?
    Consider your husbands role in his family unit, is he the provider? Is that how it is always been? If the roles were reversed how would you feel? Are you taking the provider away and potentionally leaving the family without(regardless of whether his brother could support the family or not, how does the dynamic work now)?
    Ask your husband how he wants things to work once he is in the US? Does he feel you should keep seperate bank accounts, or roll everything in jointly? Does he want his things and his and yours are yours? If he wants everything seperate, does he understand he would be putting himself through law school?
    Your husband and yourself and both making huge changes an sacrifices to be together, but he is leaving everything for you. Regardless of whether his quality of life may be better in America, leaving what you know is hard. Apart from the normal stress of moving to a different country that he is not familiar with your husband is leaving his family, a family that from your posts have stated that he supports. Your husband may feel guilt or regret and he may be being pressured from his family, have you asked? Your husband's loyalties lie not only with you and what you want but with his family aswell and from my limited knowlege in Indian culture (I have a few work colleagues) family is of the utmost importance and the son's generally help support the family.
    Talk, talk, talk and talk some more BUT more importantly listen!
    Ultimately, if your differences are too great or you are not able to settle your issues before he comes to live with you, then having him in the US could do more harm than good.
    Please spend this time during your visa process to figure out if this is what you really want, if you can your husband can make it work despite your differences. It could be a lot worse if your husband got here and nothing was resolved.
  17. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Dante & Geor in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    You have to provide proof the best you can that you will return and you have strong ties, I am fairly sure you have even stated as such.
    I am not sure where your attitude is coming from, but it is not appreciated, I am sorry, but at least to me, you are coming across as nasty.
    I am just trying to help the OP, as I am sure you are. I in no way said that he could steer the interview in a certain way or that the gf could, but the OP stated that his gf did not have a chance to show evidence, providing it all upfront creates that opportunity or at least tries to.
    Good luck OP. I hope if I was not helpful atleast I could provide some comfort, I wish you the best of luck!
  18. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Imagination in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    You have to provide proof the best you can that you will return and you have strong ties, I am fairly sure you have even stated as such.
    I am not sure where your attitude is coming from, but it is not appreciated, I am sorry, but at least to me, you are coming across as nasty.
    I am just trying to help the OP, as I am sure you are. I in no way said that he could steer the interview in a certain way or that the gf could, but the OP stated that his gf did not have a chance to show evidence, providing it all upfront creates that opportunity or at least tries to.
    Good luck OP. I hope if I was not helpful atleast I could provide some comfort, I wish you the best of luck!
  19. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from thedude6752000 in Visa Turned Down in India due to "(in)sufficient economic and social ties to assure their departure after a limited stay in the United States"   
    I feel badly for you that people are responding to you so harshly, I for one believe you.
    From what you have said:
    1) you want your gf here to study english AND spend time with you, which a F1 will allow you to do.
    2) you want to use this time to figure out if you want to get married and file for CR1 or K1.
    I do not know how likely you will get this kind of visa though, as others have pointed out, there are red flags- single- no job- etc.
    Is it possible for you to go to India for a while and spend time there, then decide if K1 or CR1 are right for you?
    If not-
    Some proof of ties:
    Job back home (letter from employer) , bank statement showing sufficient funds, travel plans well documented,letter from sponsor showing financial support, rental agreement, car loan or any loan agreement.
    I think the big ones are the job, home and bank statements or proof of financial support.
    If your gf tries for another visa when she gets there make sure puts all the information on the table straight away, don't let her get bullied, present the information and ties; you said she didn't have a chance to prove anything, make sure she has a chance.
    IO: Why do you want to go to the USA?
    GF: Because I want to study, these are my plans, this is the proof I will return.
    So before the IO has asked another question your gf has already answered everything! You are guilty until proven innocent unfortunately.
  20. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from faithinGod in Dogs- inside or outside   
    Thanks everyone for your insight, we have decided we will keep him / her inside and partition a part of the living room for sleeping or in the laundry room. No doggy doors and we wont be keeping him/ her outside alone at all . I have read so much about crate training, but I am still not sure I want to do it.
    Thanks again guys, our first disagreement and we managed to find a compromise with the help of VJ!
  21. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from lawren14 in issues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.   
    I am sure I have read of people who got denied or RFE'd at least for this. I would not send emails where you call each other hubby or wifey or wife etc.
    Best to make sure you are doing the right thing and why even chance it?
    Good luck
  22. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from BethandBilly in Is there no way out?   
    I feel so sorry for you OP. I know you were only trying to do the right thing and you probably did not consider the ramifications clearly, this was an error in judgement, but we all make mistakes (is my opinion).
    I wish you the very best luck, you have been given good advice here. If you ever need to chat, my inbox is always available.
  23. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Caryh in Dogs- inside or outside   
    Thanks everyone for your insight, we have decided we will keep him / her inside and partition a part of the living room for sleeping or in the laundry room. No doggy doors and we wont be keeping him/ her outside alone at all . I have read so much about crate training, but I am still not sure I want to do it.
    Thanks again guys, our first disagreement and we managed to find a compromise with the help of VJ!
  24. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Dogs- inside or outside   
    Thanks everyone for your insight, we have decided we will keep him / her inside and partition a part of the living room for sleeping or in the laundry room. No doggy doors and we wont be keeping him/ her outside alone at all . I have read so much about crate training, but I am still not sure I want to do it.
    Thanks again guys, our first disagreement and we managed to find a compromise with the help of VJ!
  25. Like
    Xanax got a reaction from Deputy Purple in Immigration attorney or marriage agency?   
    If you look through this site, a lot of the time you will find an attorney has actually slowed the process down.
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