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    meadowzephyr reacted to geowrian in RFE of latest tax transcript   
    Printouts from the IRS website are fine.
  2. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to geowrian in RFE of latest tax transcript   
    I did say "can", not must.
    Yes, there are some people who have had issues retrieving them from the website for various reasons. But doing so via the website would be my first suggestion.
  3. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to geowrian in RFE of latest tax transcript   
    You can get them online:
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Crazy Cat in Outdated Form   
    Then it was not cashed.........🙂
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    meadowzephyr reacted to GabiMatch in Outdated Form   
    No, they didn't...when I fist applied for my AOS, I also included an outdated form and when I got the package back, I submitted the same money order and check previously sent.
    Just send the package with the same money order attached.
    Good luck!
  6. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to RalphT in "Naturalization on the Basis of Marriage to a US Citizen"   
    I would suggest applying based on 5 years LPR, just like the prior comment, less evidence to submit.
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Lil bear in "Naturalization on the Basis of Marriage to a US Citizen"   
    It will be on meeting the 5 year LPR requirement. It will not require evidence of the ongoing relationship 
  8. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to IloveDanang in Can you accompany your spouse through Port of Entry?   
    I don’t mean to get off topic but you can get your Global Entry paid by a credit card promotional offering.  That’s how I got mine in addition to the points that I used for your week stay in Ho Chi Minh City.  It really reduced the expense of this trip.  
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    meadowzephyr reacted to aurpol in I-751 April 2015 Filers   
    A bit of good news for those who have filed their I-751 at Vermont Center.

  10. Like
    meadowzephyr got a reaction from aurpol in I-751 April 2015 Filers   
    That is great news aurpol! Thanks so much for being on top of things and sharing with the group.
  11. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to TBoneTX in What will an Attorney do for me   
    Your abilities to read accurately, interpret literally, and answer completely and honestly are crucial to your success in a do-it-yourself immigration process. If you lack these, or if you lack the time or organizational skills, or (as stated above) if you have complicating issues, consider seeking the help of a reputable visa-assistance firm or a lawyer.
  12. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to wbeem in I've been had   
    You've got a good deal of practical advice from the posters on here. Use it, do what you need to do and do it as quickly as you can. But once all the urgent stuff is done, don't forget about yourself. Make sure you have someone around to be there for you. You're going to need it. Visa Journey can be great for information, but you're going to need more than that. I have nothing practical to offer to what the others have said. All I'm saying is, don't forget about you.
  13. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to Harpa Timsah in Working on/after K-1   
    This post is 100% wrong.
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Kisturia in After 4 and a half years visa is issued   
    Oh my!!!
    I swear I have tears in my eyes. Although I don't know you and have heard of your story for the first time. This is just incredible! 4 and a half years!!!!
    Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
    I'm so happy that you both we're strong enough to go through these difficult times. I hope your love continues forever!!!
  15. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to TBoneTX in After 4 and a half years visa is issued   
    ^^This^^, si man.
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Newsha in After 4 and a half years visa is issued   
    Carolyn I just saw this post and I couldn't believe my eyes cuz I have been seeing you around here and I knew you're stuck since years ago
    I'm really really happy to hear such a delightful news, it all worth it init? I wish you and your other half all the best with miles of smiles together
    congratulations to you for being so strong, not to mention your answers were always so helpful
    Have a blast girl
  17. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to carolynhotstuff in After 4 and a half years visa is issued   
    I got an email from the embassy this morning. They said my husband's visa has been issued and he has to be in the States by March 9, 2014.
    Most of you know our story. We were in AP 16 months when our visa got denied because the embassy said we were not legally married because I am a Christian and he is Muslim. We hired an immigration attorney and won our appeal. Our case was sent back to the embassy where we were kept in AP almost another 2 years.
    My husband is strong and he kept our marriage together through the long wait.
    I want to thank all my friends on visa journey that supported us and encouraged us through the years.
  18. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to Member9 in Who to contact after AOS has been pending for so long?   
    Yeah, different people have different experience and stories and are in different situations too. Therefore, their reactions to the same issue are also different. For a person in Manhattan, NY not being able to drive a car is not a matter, but for someone in Fall River, WI, it means being disabled. Not having a heater might not bother someone living in Fresno, CA, but for someone living in Maine, it means a miserable life. I always try not to make fun of people's misery or be judgmental, even in a place where no one can really find out who I really am like an online forum. After all, it doesn't hurt to be nice, even when we differ.
    Thank you for the nice words, Melbi&Clint.
  19. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to Harpa Timsah in Allowing my 2 year green card to expire   
    Formally relinquish the GC at the US embassy in Brazil. Don't just wait for it to expire. Turn it in and ask about a tourist visa at the same time.
  20. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to Done--Really in A little impatient!!   
    A definite maybe !!
    you can stay as long as you are here legally, but must return for the interview at the embassy, but in NO CASE should you overstay since that can throw the entire process out the window. You can also come and go as often as you like, but you run the risk of being turned back at the border at any time, so be prepared for that. You need to be completely honest and tell the CBP folks that you have a K-1 in process, when it was filed, and that you are obviously not going to screw that up this far into the process. Have documentation from USCIS that you can show them.
    Some people here have been back and forth many times, while others were denied on their first attempt, so it is really hard to predict, although I think most would agree that coming with a truck full of goods makes it more likely that you would be turned back.
    If you live close to the border, why not go for it, but if you have to drive hours and hours with a truck full of goods, the risk/reward starts to look less attractive.
    And Sam, what you say is not correct. She will not be automatically rejected.
  21. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to Done--Really in Does my girlfriend need a K-1 visa?   
    There is no upside to visa fraud, and K-1 is easy to come by and doesn't take forever, so start the paperwork now, and when the K-1 is granted, everything else will fall into place.
    Alternatively, if she needs to be in HK for an extended period, an alternative would be for her to visit you here, get marreid, file for CR-1 immediately, and then she returns to HK to wait out the CR-1 process, after which she will have a green card and can come and go at will (within some restrictions).
    Either works, and it has more to do with how much she needs to be in HK over the next year or so as to which is the better path, so don't potentilaly screw up your life over something that can be risk free, easy, and that doesn't take so long in the big scheme of things.
  22. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to dm559 in I dont understand   
    Nothing to really think about. What he is asking you to do is a felony. If he truly loved you he wouldn't ask you to take the chance.
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Brc in I dont understand   
    I read something once that has been immensely helpful to me. Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
    And sometimes it's difficult the first time. But when we see it, then we know. And when we know who they are, then you'll know what to do. It will be clear when it's time.
  24. Like
    meadowzephyr reacted to N-o-l-a in Teaching your spouse English   
    My husband largely learned from a few years in school, thousands of American TV shows and movies, and talking to me. It was a little hard understanding him when we first starting talking but I made sure to fix his pronunciation and he made sure to ask about every word he didn't understand. I am the only native speaker he has ever talked to more than passingly and we spoke only in English for 9 months, he's now fluent.
    I think that it will be important to keep your husband away from the easy Spanish speaking community and shops. Make sure that he integrates and doesn't have opportunity to be lazy and just default to Spanish. I think that it is one of the hardest parts about learning Danish for me - the TV shows are in English, the signs on the bus are in English, I can switch the machines at the grocery store and Ikea to English, and when I falter in Danish, people just speak English to me. Spanish speakers in America have many of the same hurdles, I suspect.
    I'm going to give you a high five for thinking about it ahead of time.
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    meadowzephyr reacted to Harpa Timsah in 5 year ban - file for waiver before i129f?   
    You are confusing waivers, as Hypnos mentioned. He requires a I-601 waiver which is a form, with a fee; it is most certainly not a three-sentence letter. She is trying to overcome a formal ban, and needs a waiver of inadmissibility.
    A waiver is a big deal and I would not do one without a lawyer. I would not send one with a petition with money and hope they do something with it just for experimentation - they might even take the money and then deny it, leaving you with a denied waiver on your hands. Jay-Kay linked the correct procedure for waivers from uscis. A waiver is filed after denial, and anyone saying the opposite is incorrect. I know you are nervous OP, but don't take advice from a free forum, even mine. Lawyer Laurel Scott at one time had a free chat on Wednesdays, I might try that. She is well-regarded on this site. Obviously you found a website advertising "lawyers" and it seems obvious that a site like that will be full of sharks.
    I will say good for you OP that you managed to meet your fiance instead of whining and trying for a silly "waiver of meeting."
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