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    JayJayH got a reaction from Ban Hammer in University of Michigan Segregates Protests   
    Let's put it a different way:
    If the goal is to end racism, how on earth does it make sense to relegate people with specific tasks based solely on their skin color?
    What they're saying, loud and clear, is 'skin color' defines you.
    These people don't care about 'ending racism.' They care about forcing people into specific groups based on skin color and background, and then equal out differences between these groups through social engineering. They care about engineering specific identities for people based on skin color. There are 'the blacks' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are 'the Latinos' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are the "LGBTQUDWOMWFOJDJ++" who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way etc. Individualism does not exist. Melting pot is a dirty word.
    It's been evident throughout this presidential campaign. "Latinos hate Trump." When it turns out a third of Latinos voted for Trump they're not "real" Latinos. Ben Carson? A race traitor. I have no sympathy for the far right. But I don't go the Stormfront route of relegating opinions and traits based on skin color.
    Divide into racial hierarchy of oppression, redistribute, equal out accordingly.
    Should have majored in physics.
  2. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from millefleur in University of Michigan Segregates Protests   
    Let's put it a different way:
    If the goal is to end racism, how on earth does it make sense to relegate people with specific tasks based solely on their skin color?
    What they're saying, loud and clear, is 'skin color' defines you.
    These people don't care about 'ending racism.' They care about forcing people into specific groups based on skin color and background, and then equal out differences between these groups through social engineering. They care about engineering specific identities for people based on skin color. There are 'the blacks' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are 'the Latinos' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are the "LGBTQUDWOMWFOJDJ++" who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way etc. Individualism does not exist. Melting pot is a dirty word.
    It's been evident throughout this presidential campaign. "Latinos hate Trump." When it turns out a third of Latinos voted for Trump they're not "real" Latinos. Ben Carson? A race traitor. I have no sympathy for the far right. But I don't go the Stormfront route of relegating opinions and traits based on skin color.
    Divide into racial hierarchy of oppression, redistribute, equal out accordingly.
    Should have majored in physics.
  3. Like
    JayJayH reacted to OriZ in University of Michigan Segregates Protests   
    Well duh...that's why they need Bernie.
    This is not even funny anymore, it is genuinely disturbing. I mean disaster counselling? Therapy dogs? Faculty sanctioned cry-ins with hot cocoa for the fragile little snowflakes? Coloring books and play doh? walking out of school? shouting profanities? Panic attacks? You name it. How are they ever going to be ready for the real world if merely Trump getting elected made them "cry, and then have a panic attack the entire day"..."had a hard time getting out of bed"..."talked to my mom and bawling on the way to school"....those are all real quotes. Seriously? Safe spaces, microaggressions, trigger warnings? Those people want everyone to look different but think the same.
    I have to conclude we are witnessing a type of mental illness and that these people need some serious help, this is no laughing matter. Having friggin' principals say they are proud of the students for walking out of class - these people have no business running a school, these professors have no business teaching, and any adult that plays with play doh and colors in coloring books unless they are doing it with their kids - they need therapy, not college. And the worst thing about it is it is taxpayer funded in the state universities.
    Two words for those people: GROW UP.
  4. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Dashinka in University of Michigan Segregates Protests   
    Let's put it a different way:
    If the goal is to end racism, how on earth does it make sense to relegate people with specific tasks based solely on their skin color?
    What they're saying, loud and clear, is 'skin color' defines you.
    These people don't care about 'ending racism.' They care about forcing people into specific groups based on skin color and background, and then equal out differences between these groups through social engineering. They care about engineering specific identities for people based on skin color. There are 'the blacks' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are 'the Latinos' who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way. There are the "LGBTQUDWOMWFOJDJ++" who think a certain way and are oppressed a certain way etc. Individualism does not exist. Melting pot is a dirty word.
    It's been evident throughout this presidential campaign. "Latinos hate Trump." When it turns out a third of Latinos voted for Trump they're not "real" Latinos. Ben Carson? A race traitor. I have no sympathy for the far right. But I don't go the Stormfront route of relegating opinions and traits based on skin color.
    Divide into racial hierarchy of oppression, redistribute, equal out accordingly.
    Should have majored in physics.
  5. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from B_J in “Sore winner” syndrome: Why are Donald Trump’s supporters still so angry? Abraham Lincoln understood   
    Both campaigns this year were built up around hate prejudice. Whether it was protesters being punched at Trump rallies, or Trump supporters being beaten up in the street, is there really a difference? I'm seeing a lot of reports of minorities being harassed, which is absolutely despicable. I'm also seeing reports of people being harassed and beaten up by protesters.
    It all boils down to this: "The opinions I attribute to you are horrible, and you should be physically harmed and harassed because of the opinions I think you hold."
    Some of the best, warmest and most welcoming people I have ever met had Trump yard signs.
    Some of the most amazing, loving people I have ever met voted for Hillary.
  6. Like
    JayJayH reacted to yuna628 in “Sore winner” syndrome: Why are Donald Trump’s supporters still so angry? Abraham Lincoln understood   
    Really? Surely what you meant to say was this is like the US Hockey Team handing the Gold Medal to the Russians, because it was just too hard to bother to show up and play the match.
  7. Like
    JayJayH reacted to TBoneTX in University of Michigan Segregates Protests   
    Don't those students have anything better to do?
  8. Like
  9. Like
    JayJayH reacted to The Nature Boy in More than half the 112 anti-Trump protesters arrested in Portland didn't even vote Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3938928/More-ha   
    You always seem to nail it. I voted for Trump bUT at one point was leaning heavily toward Johnson. I might have considered Sanders had he won. That hardly makes me a racist deplorable ignorant .
    I truly despised Hillary, because she is a smug elitist, who was in bed with those who are killing the country.
    I am a social constitutional moderate/liberal. However I think shutting down illegal immigration is very important. I am also provides strong defense, notice I said defense, that does not include being the world's police
    I think Trump is the best choice to shake things up on both sides of the aisle.
    I also despise labeling Trump and his supporters Racist and homophobes, cause it just isn't true.
    You always seem to nail it. I voted for Trump bUT at one point was leaning heavily toward Johnson. I might have considered Sanders had he won. That hardly makes me a racist deplorable ignorant .
    I truly despised Hillary, because she is a smug elitist, who was in bed with those who are killing the country.
    I am a social constitutional moderate/liberal. However I think shutting down illegal immigration is very important. I am also provides strong defense, notice I said defense, that does not include being the world's police
    I think Trump is the best choice to shake things up on both sides of the aisle.
    I also despise labeling Trump and his supporters Racist and homophobes, cause it just isn't true.
  10. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Mayor in West Virginia resigns after racist Michelle Obama post   
    I'm under the impression that the left has gotten drawn into some sort of obsession over skin color, gender and a deeper, darker abyss of identity politics. I'm also under the impression that while the left won the culture wars of the early 2000s, the left is about to lose the current culture war in a backlash against overreach. Same-sex marriage is a fact. It's the law of the land. Done. Settled. Perhaps if we gave it some time and stopped hectoring local bakeries about gay wedding cakes, it would actually benefit the LGBT cause in the long term. Likewise, your economic message might not fall in good taste with some, when you use your index finger to shame people into using pronouns that never existed in any dictionary before.
    I wouldn't normally quote the National Review, but if the GOP would have listened to liberals when their establishment candidates were more concerned about conversion therapy than their Wall Street connections, perhaps Donald Trump wouldn't be the head of their party today. But nevermind Trump. If the Democratic Party listened to conservatives a bit more, perhaps they wouldn't be the current minority in both houses of Congress as well as most of the country's state legislatures and governorships.
    It's never okay to call a black person an "ape." This mayor's political career is thankfully over because of it, and I think very few people, left or right, are going to protest that. But this is elementary.
    White, working-class, union household voters in the Midwest used to be the Dems' bread and butter. This year, the same group of voters helped carry Donald Trump to victory. I'm not saying social issues should not be on the agenda - They should. But you don't win anything when you spend half your campaign subtly calling your base 'racist xenophobic bigots' while telling them to stop whining because they have 'privilege.' Rather than win, you're catering to a growth in white nationalism and right-wing populism. This is exactly what happened in Europe in the 90's. We're just a little behind in America.. But when we finally do something in America, we do it big.
    If the Democratic Party continues along the road it's been going, its fate will be the same as the mainstream GOP.
  11. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from millefleur in Mayor in West Virginia resigns after racist Michelle Obama post   
    I'm under the impression that the left has gotten drawn into some sort of obsession over skin color, gender and a deeper, darker abyss of identity politics. I'm also under the impression that while the left won the culture wars of the early 2000s, the left is about to lose the current culture war in a backlash against overreach. Same-sex marriage is a fact. It's the law of the land. Done. Settled. Perhaps if we gave it some time and stopped hectoring local bakeries about gay wedding cakes, it would actually benefit the LGBT cause in the long term. Likewise, your economic message might not fall in good taste with some, when you use your index finger to shame people into using pronouns that never existed in any dictionary before.
    I wouldn't normally quote the National Review, but if the GOP would have listened to liberals when their establishment candidates were more concerned about conversion therapy than their Wall Street connections, perhaps Donald Trump wouldn't be the head of their party today. But nevermind Trump. If the Democratic Party listened to conservatives a bit more, perhaps they wouldn't be the current minority in both houses of Congress as well as most of the country's state legislatures and governorships.
    It's never okay to call a black person an "ape." This mayor's political career is thankfully over because of it, and I think very few people, left or right, are going to protest that. But this is elementary.
    White, working-class, union household voters in the Midwest used to be the Dems' bread and butter. This year, the same group of voters helped carry Donald Trump to victory. I'm not saying social issues should not be on the agenda - They should. But you don't win anything when you spend half your campaign subtly calling your base 'racist xenophobic bigots' while telling them to stop whining because they have 'privilege.' Rather than win, you're catering to a growth in white nationalism and right-wing populism. This is exactly what happened in Europe in the 90's. We're just a little behind in America.. But when we finally do something in America, we do it big.
    If the Democratic Party continues along the road it's been going, its fate will be the same as the mainstream GOP.
  12. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from millefleur in A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable,’ McCain says   
    I miss the old Bill. He had no patience for the excesses of the left. Unfortunately, he was restrained and kept on a leash this year.
    Nancy and Harry gone? This is exciting news. Send Mike Huckabee out along with them too. If Lena Dunham holds firm on her vow to move to Canada too, perhaps America will be great again one of these days. Above all, hopefully, Bernie and Donald can learn that they have more in common than most people think.
    While they use very different rhetoric, their views on trade, immigration, foreign policy and (some) social issues are a lot more similar than people give them credit for.

  13. Like
    JayJayH reacted to Voice of Reason in More than half the 112 anti-Trump protesters arrested in Portland didn't even vote Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3938928/More-ha   
    I think I posted this already, but it shows that as a nation, we are not quite as BLUE/RED as we might think. And

    And voter fraud actually won it for Trump. But of course, we on the right shall not complain: http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/2016-exit-polls-did-hillaty-clinton-win-presidential-election-voter-fraud-donald-trump-lose-rigged/
  14. Like
    JayJayH reacted to Rob L in More than half the 112 anti-Trump protesters arrested in Portland didn't even vote Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3938928/More-ha   
    He won, the Electoral College, and did not get more votes than Hillary. It does not make him less legitimately elected, it is just funny considering Trump was declaring the Electoral college the most rigged if institutions two weeks ago and now he sings its praises
  15. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Mayor in West Virginia resigns after racist Michelle Obama post   
    In my defense, I don't think we should outright assume someone's preferred pronouns.
    Ze can choose xir own.
    It's 2016.
  16. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from millefleur in A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable,’ McCain says   
    I still do. That guy ran one of the most decent and respectful campaigns I can remember.
    And that was after he was ridiculed for being old, slammed by leftist media for being 'on the verge of death' and called racist for saying 'that guy' once in reference to Obama.
  17. Like
    JayJayH reacted to Dakine10 in Mayor in West Virginia resigns after racist Michelle Obama post   
    I suppose if white people were once kept on exhibit in the Bronx zoo by African Americans, you would have an argument for why that context would work both ways. But it never happened that way in America. It only happened "one way". There are no rules. It's called history.
    It's offensive and demeaning to call a Donald Trump an orangutan, but there is no context there in that statement to make that racist. What you refer to as hypocritical is your failure to understand the difference.
    A second thing that should be apparent is that Bill Maher and Donald Trump are both white. I'm not sure what your understanding of racism is as a concept, but it takes a complete failure of logic not to realize that a white person calling another white person a monkey cannot fit under any definition of racism. It's an insult. There's no race involved.
  18. Like
    JayJayH reacted to Rob L in A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable,’ McCain says   
    Total agreement, setting aside the mistake in vetting Palin (actually his staffs fault), McCain has always been a class act and he continues to put his country first.
  19. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Dakine10 in Mayor in West Virginia resigns after racist Michelle Obama post   
    GOOD. This is appropriate. He belongs nowhere in government.
    Now, if he gets banned from speaking at a university in 20 years because of this, I'll be concerned.
  20. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from The Nature Boy in A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable,’ McCain says   
    I still do. That guy ran one of the most decent and respectful campaigns I can remember.
    And that was after he was ridiculed for being old, slammed by leftist media for being 'on the verge of death' and called racist for saying 'that guy' once in reference to Obama.
  21. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from OriZ in University Reactions to Trump Victory   
    Simply put: Trump's ego is too large for him to want to fail as president. Don't get me wrong, Bannon is the clown who single-handedly turned Breitbart into Trumpian pravda. I would have been terrified if he was chief of staff. Reince Priebus on the other hand got that job.
    I should also note that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway was the duo that managed to turn Trump from the loose cannon he was during most of his campaign, to the more restrained, telepromptered Trump we saw towards the end of the campaign.
    Grand dragon Trump is a little excessive. The KKK is a real group of extremists. Neither Bannon nor Trump come close. No need to make false hyperbole equivalences.
  22. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from OriZ in University Reactions to Trump Victory   
    I really think what Trump needs to do right now is double down on what he told the camera during his 60 minutes interview: "Stop it." These clowns going around harassing minorities are no better than the snowflakes whose lives have revolved around feminist dance therapy harassing anyone to the right of center-left these past years.
    That being said, the green-haired lesbian I saw the other day with a protest sign reading "my hijab = my choice" is probably beyond saving from some sort of mental disorder.
  23. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Voice of Reason in A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable,’ McCain says   
    I still do. That guy ran one of the most decent and respectful campaigns I can remember.
    And that was after he was ridiculed for being old, slammed by leftist media for being 'on the verge of death' and called racist for saying 'that guy' once in reference to Obama.
  24. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Voice of Reason in University Reactions to Trump Victory   
    Simply put: Trump's ego is too large for him to want to fail as president. Don't get me wrong, Bannon is the clown who single-handedly turned Breitbart into Trumpian pravda. I would have been terrified if he was chief of staff. Reince Priebus on the other hand got that job.
    I should also note that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway was the duo that managed to turn Trump from the loose cannon he was during most of his campaign, to the more restrained, telepromptered Trump we saw towards the end of the campaign.
    Grand dragon Trump is a little excessive. The KKK is a real group of extremists. Neither Bannon nor Trump come close. No need to make false hyperbole equivalences.
  25. Like
    JayJayH got a reaction from Voice of Reason in University Reactions to Trump Victory   
    Steve Bannon is like taken out of a political horror film.
    Again, I'm willing to give Donald an open mind. I'd rather see a more united country than 4 - 8 more years of principled partisans refusing to cooperate on anything.
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