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    atm got a reaction from GM300 in Did you redact your evidence?   
    Hi, I did the same as Jay-Kay, and got approved in 4 months without RFE. I sent in checking and savings account statements which all had the account numbers on them. I blacked out all but the last 4 digits on these.
    I also photocopied our joint credit/debit cards, and did the same on those.
    When I put the packet together to send to USCIS, I realized how much sensitive personal information it contained, and just felt too nervous about not blacking out some of the account numbers.
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    atm reacted to RhineMaiden in Please HELP,BAD NEWS   
    I hate to say this .... But turn around ...... and RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! 
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    atm reacted to yuna628 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    Terri. I'm going to be real with you.
    Granted you may not like a single thing I'm going to say here, but here goes.
    I don't really care if your story is legit or fake, okay? I'm not one to question whom one falls in love with and the differences they may encounter.
    You have consistently posted misleading and evasively contradictory statements. As this is a site where people generally care about each other and want to help: there are things that YOU need to clear up or this will not continue in a positive manner. Help people help you. Or don't. If you don't then no one will be able to help you or continue taking you seriously.
    I can guarantee to you, that the United States government does not care one iota about your hardships or difficulty, how good you think your photos are (real or photoshopped), or the circumstances regarding why you can't be in the same room or have to stand below a balcony with a person you say you want to be your husband. They don't care about roses or towels or love stories. They do not care how much you think you love him and how much you think you can make this work. They don't even care about the money you sent with your application either.
    What they care about is fraud, people becoming a burden to their system, and the protection of their citizens.
    Under the theme of fraud - many things you have stated raise red flags. Severe red flags, that I don't believe a person viewing your petition would be able to overcome positively without more information. Reality can be painful and harsh, but that's the way things are. The people who have sent petitions in here, and have been waiting for months and years to be with their loved ones, they have endured extreme hardships, painful separations, differences in cultures, and scrutiny. Don't think for a second that people don't understand the reality of hardship, because they do. This is something we take seriously. No one here wants to be hostile with you, but you're making it impossible for a person not to react that way.
    I've had my say now, and I think what I've said is fairly reasonable and polite, if you are willing to calm down and actually start answering questions that do in fact pertain to if your case will be successful or not. Because trust me, it isn't about who's uncle ran off with whom right now, or even religious differences that you even need to be concerned about at the top of the list -- it's a whole host of other things. As it stands now, there is a high likelihood your case will not be successful. Sorry, but that's how life is.
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    atm reacted to SantyAndAllie in Marry US Citizen- Please Help   
    Wait a minute... Did I read you say "she may move in with us.. but she may not."??? Then, if you don't mind me asking, what IS the point of your marriage? That sounds concerning to ME, so I'm sure it would sound concerning to the government that you guys want to get married right away so that you can... not live together? Sorry if I misunderstood
    And as I just read your recent post.. are you working ILLEGALLY? Because then yes, you do have to be truthful about that, and yes, you're going to have problems because of it. I wouldn't expect to get off easily when you're trying to marry a girl that you aren't sure you'll even be living with (or when you'll be living with) after marriage after you've been working illegally on a visa that blatantly states you are not permitted to work while on.
    Edit- wait, you said you're on an e-2 visa, but you're not supposed to be working? I'm confused as to what visa you're in the US on. Is it a student visa or an e-2?
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    atm reacted to raven52 in now what???????????   
    FIRST, please, people asking for help on this site, ''''fill in your time Llne'''' if we knew your state.,,..,.,.we could find the law for that state!
    Such as where we live, South Carolina, you must be """"TOTALLY""" separated for one year, before a divorce can even be scheduled to the court schedule.,.,.,.it took me 2 and 1/2 years to get a divorce here!
    Where do you live, all states have different divorce laws.
    I really feel she is "running over top of you, and I would love to see you stand up to her!""" Are you afraid, she might say, "domestic abuse" with false witnesses,.,.,.,it could happen.,.,.,,.please be careful, but your in-action to find out what is being done to you, is not helping your case at all, "go to the court house" if you have to miss work.,.,..,then give the information here.,.,.,.,experts here can help you.,.,.,..,.,.YOU need to get much more active in finding out what is being done to you!!!!
  6. Like
    atm reacted to rylforever in now what???????????   
    What you should do:
    1. fill in your timeline so people here can help you on when to apply for Removal of Conditions, etc.
    2. quit listening to your spouse on what you can and cannot do/obtain. why would you trust someone that went behind your back to divorce you?? If you are a named party in a case, you have every right to get a copy of what has been filed against you.
    3. go to your county courthouse clerks office and ask for a copy of any cases, pleadings in which you are involved. there may be a fee for copies, but yes if there is an actual case it is there and you are allowed to get copies.
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    atm reacted to clairegie in Visa journey WHAT A JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
    It takes approximately a week for your papers to reach the embassy. Once the embassy receives your files, your fiancee will either get a call asking for her email or she will just get an email regarding the instructions on setting an appointment. The email usually comes 2-4 days from the time embassy gets your petition. If you want to verify if your files are at the embassy, you just need to call NVC.
    Please try to look for similar threads about your concern. Your question has most likely been answered already on them. An example is this one: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/462399-forms-needed-at-interview-for-k1-visa-in-colombia-and-i-134-questions/
    Being rude will not really get you the help that you need. Please refrain from doing that in the future.
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    atm reacted to AnnaMaria in Visa journey WHAT A JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
    Instead of being rude to people, and then asking for a question. Ask yourself this question...
    Would you rather 100 people look at it and give you wrong information that would hurt your case
    Would you rather get one, or a few answers that have exactly what you need to here and make things faster and easier?
    You have no idea the frustration this visa can cause, we have posted some very, very important topics here that received 0 responses. Everyone's situation is different though, and because they didn't answer, it doesn't meant hey don't care. Maybe they just don't know and are trying to read your post for help in their case, if this happens to them?
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    atm reacted to KayDeeCee in Just married my Canadian wife on Tourist Visa   
    No. Intent alone is not a reason for AOS denial. Getting married and staying is fine too.
    There are plenty of others that did it before, on tourist visas, Canadian visitors, VWP entrants, student and work visa holders alike. They were not lucky. It is the law. It is perfectly legal to do so.
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    atm reacted to Shub in Got Interview Date Need Help For IRS   
    Read this and you'll be fine:
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    atm reacted to KayDeeCee in K-1 Visa Marring my ex-wife Sister(merged)   
    If your soon-to-be ex wife has her 10 year green card, she is free to stay and live in the US since she is a legal permanent resident.
    You need to look at this from the CO's perspective. You just divorced your wife, that you also petitioned for just 3 years prior, and you will then immediately petition for not just a new fiancee, but your ex-wife's sister. It may seem you are just petitioning these women for immigration purposes only. Expect a lot of scrutiny, and you need to provide more than adequate proof of bona fide relationship.
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    atm reacted to Harpa Timsah in Filing Tax as Single or Married?   
    Married filing separately.
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    atm reacted to TBoneTX in Denial of 485 after marriage, serious answers only please   
    One offensive post removed, along with one quoting.
    Magdalena: It is inappropriate posting behavior to be rude to people who desire further information in order to help you. What's clear to you might not be immediately clear to others. If you continue to be rude or impatient, you risk having your thread locked. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
    on behalf of VJ Moderation
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    atm reacted to Gai in Denial of 485 after marriage, serious answers only please   
    I understand the question fine. You do not need to be rude to people who are trying to help you.
    Appeals of I-485 denials rarely end favorably for the petitioner, which is why you probably can't find any. If you have done everything correctly since entering the country and meet all the requirements, they have no reason to deny your AOS. This is why I suggested waiting until you received your denial letter to find out WHY you were denied. If it is something easily overcome, such as income, then you may be okay to appeal it, but a second denial cannot be appealed. If it is not something easily overcome, such as leaving the country and returning between entering on your K-1 and filing your AOS package, the best thing to do is to remain in the country, seek legal counsel, and file an I-130 concurrently with a new I-485 to bring yourself back into status.
    If you're intent on returning to your country, you may do that as well and file for the spousal visa, if you wanted to return.
    I'm apologize that my help is so offensive.
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    atm reacted to Tahoma in How critical is it to be engaged befor the interview???   
    Let me get this straight:
    1. You sent the USCIS a I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) packet.
    2. The USCIS approved your Petition for Alien Fiancé(e).
    3. The beneficiary of your Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) has an upcoming interview for a K-1 Fiancé(e) visa.
    4. You are wondering whether you have a fiancé(e).
    Am I missing something here?
  16. Like
    atm reacted to christeen in Told he had no chance of getting tourist visa   
    Let him apply for the visa since it is obvious at thi point you have other priorities (your kids). Not to mention if you are not financially able to get your children back, your are certainly not ready to take an overseas trip or bring a man from overseas as both of these endeavors are extremely expensive. The k1 visa process runs in excess of $5000 which it sounds to me, at the moment that money could be better used to get your kids back no? You are free to chat and Skype and have a great friend over there, but I would hold off on any plans for you to visit or bring him over till you get YOUR house in order... Bringing another dynamic/person into this situation is not a wise move. If he can come visit, great... If no, then wait...
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    atm reacted to Cathi in Told he had no chance of getting tourist visa   
    You really need to talk to others who have gone before you. Not to sound harsh, but your understanding of immigration and visas through Morocco, or any other country for that matter, is naive. It isn't just meeting in order to be approved, especially through morocco, you have to prove an ongoing, bonafide relationship, chatting online for a few months and only one meeting to appease the consulate just isn't going to fly. And financially you will invest a few thousand in the process just in fees and other incidentals, not including traveling costs. And what about the affidavit of support? You are a struggling single mother, whose children are at risk of being taken away for good if you travel to meet him. As a mother myself, it is appalling that you would risk the custody of your kids for some guy you barely know who lives 7 thousand miles away. You say you will go " if you have to". Why would you? Why? I would die before I put some man I don't know over my children. Do you know anything about his culture and religion? Does his family really approve? There are so many red flags in your case and you really need to do some studying about getting a visa through morocco and talk to other women who have gone through his consulate.
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    atm got a reaction from Laser1 in engaged while was married to USC wife   
    The OP should be ashamed of himself for using his USC wife to gain US citizenship fraudulently.
    If he files for someone else, let's hope he is not only denied, but stripped of his US citizenship and deported.
    Those defrauding the system need to understand that their actions make it so much tougher for those of us in legitimate relationships that play by the rules.
    I hate to sound rude or harsh, but this is the reality of the situation.
  19. Like
    atm reacted to destiny64 in engaged while was married to USC wife   
    All I can say is WOW. It will be obvious your intent since you will have to say you engaged while still married, since you state you can't afford to return again you will have to put the date of your last visit to your fiance as your proof of meeting. Haha! Karma
  20. Like
    atm reacted to christeen in engaged while was married to USC wife   
    The problem I see is that you obtained your Citizenship by saying you were in a valid marriage... Meanwhile, you were engaged to another woman back home... This is going to be a big red flag as you seem to have misrepresented your relationship to uscis for the purpose of obtaining citizenship. If you insist on moving forward, I would wait for a while and make another visit... You stuck it out 3+ years with your USA wife for the citizenship, what is another 6 months?
  21. Like
    atm reacted to KayDeeCee in K1 and Childfree   
    There is no requirement to have children in order to get a K-1 visa. A non-issue for that. It sounds more like a rant about the military and society as a whole, rather than something having to do with obtaining a K-1.
  22. Like
    atm reacted to CowBoE in K-1 big problem   
    A simple answer is "yes", any US Citizen can petition for K1 visa infinite number of times,
    but just realize that a right to submit petition is completely different from getting the visa approved.
    But by playing with (illegal) fire the first time, you are now spewing very visible smoke
    and someone will notice it, and I think both you and the original petitioner likely have
    seriously lowered your chances at getting future K1 visas approved.
    Just realize that its people like you that try to cheat their way into US
    is what is causing so much scrutiny and delay in processing time to legitimate couples.
    I have my doubts, but hopefully you are cleaning up and this new petition is real.
  23. Like
    atm reacted to I & B in So afraid of making the wrong choice - I want to go home.   
    First, let me be clear that I am not a professional mental health professional. Someone in your situation--feeling trapped and with no one to turn to--needs to consult a licensed, professional counselor to work through your issues with a neutral party. While this board is very supportive and (often ) quite informative, it is no substitute for working through your troubles with another human being in real life. You will never regret going to counselor and you deserve the help.

    That said, my impression is that you cannot blame yourself for your husband's outbursts. Regardless of what you are or are not doing, the fact that he cannot communicate without violent outbursts is on him, not you. You are not making him have outbursts; his own immaturity and other issues are manifesting themselves through outbursts. You are collateral damage, not the target.

    Abuse is not just physical. It sounds very much like you are in an abusive relationship. You need to come to terms with that and stop blaming yourself for his failings. The best way to do that is through counseling. After you are strong enough to see the situation objectively, you can then make a clear-headed decision as to whether you should try to work through counseling with him as well. It sounds like he needs counseling just as much as you do, and your relationship certainly does. If he cannot agree to counseling, you have to protect yourself and move on.

    Now, depending on how bad things are, leaving him right away and seeking counseling (hopefully with the support or some family or friends) may be an even better option. Separating and seeking counseling will not make you lose your child. He is misleading you on divorce laws and using such threats to further abuse and cow you. It is far, far more common for the woman to win the child in American courts, regardless of whether the father is the income earner. Given his clear record of creating an abusive environment for you and the daughter, he is likely in a precarious position in regards to custody. Definitely consult local divorce attorneys. Meet with two or three to get a feel for how they would evaluate your case--you'll likely be shocked to see how different divorce proceedings are than what your husband makes them out to be.

    So, in summary:
    (1) find counseling immediately.
    (2) consult divorce attorneys.
    (3) make a clear headed decision about what is best for you and your daughter.

    And stay strong. You are not alone in suffering through this type of situation. Things can and will get better.
  24. Like
    atm got a reaction from Mithmeoi in Filing ROC this week   
    it is very important to include evidence that covers the entire period of your marriage (or at least since the conditional greencard was received). The list of documents you provided seems more a time-static list of documents - than a set of documents showing continuity of a joint life over time. A history of financial intermingling is the most important evidence for USCIS.

    * In that regard, include all tax return transcripts for every year that you have been married. Most important is the filing status: either "married filing jointly" or "married filing separately".
    * Bank statements (including transaction pages) are also good. Advice given on VJ is to send quarterly statements since you were married of all joint checking and savings accounts. If have joint credit cards, then those quarterly transaction statements are all valuable.
    * Include all leases (in joint names) for all residences since the date of your marriage.
    * Joint health insurance policy is good, as is joint auto insurance/home or renters insurance
    * Can you get your employer to write a letter stating the date of your marriage and the date that you added your wife to your benefits schedule?
    * State IDs/drivers licences showing a common address are good.

    Take a look at the pinned articles on the "Removing Conditions" forum - it gives many examples and ideas of evidence to provide.

    Good luck!

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    atm reacted to enlijoe in Advice Relationship HELP   
    I'm going to make just one more comment on this. I've been there done that with posting on a forum asking for advice about a relationship. What I have learned from it is this. When you post a question like this you already know the answer you just do not like it. Your looking for someone to help you make the choice you already know you must make. my thoughts to you is do what your heart tells you to do. No one know what is going on with you better. If you feel this is bad then listen to yourself and do what you must to protect yourself.
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