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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to hmh33 in Do you have to become a citizen?   
    Importantly it is only the card (the evidence of your permanent resident status) that expires after 10 years, not your permanent resident status itself. You remain a PR even if you don't renew the card in time. Of course you will have difficulty traveling without it, and possibly working (though a driver's license and an unannotated social security card are valid for I-9), but it's not nearly as big a deal as the I-751 removal of conditions, where you lose the status if you forget to file.
  2. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to BigDaddy28 in I-751 Prior Criminal History   
    To be honest with you I think the immigration will want something from the court that said the charges were dismissed. Personally I would prefer doing the original ones since they are going to be more authantic than a copy. What I would do if I were in your place is: Since it will take a long time to get them, I would apply and give them just copies. Go to the court and try to get the original ones. Whenever the immigration ask for original ones, you will have it in hand. If they didn't you can use it for N400, than you won't have to wait.
    That's my personal point of view and that's how I will do it if I were you. You don't have to do it that way. But since you send the I751 first, that will make the immigration work on the file. whenever they ask for the paper you would have it on hand.
    I hope I helped.
  3. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to VanessaTony in the worst has happend!! please help...   
    Couple of things.
    Make a police report if you haven't already. Report her passport stolen to her countries embassy. She will need to get a new one and they'll probably put an alert on her current one. Report her SSN stolen to the SSA and consider putting a fraud alert on her credit because it sounds like they have everything they need to steal her identity. Go to the local SSA and get another one issued. I'm not sure what they'll need so ask (hopefully the NOA1 extension letter is enough). I'm sure you have the number or hopefully a copy somewhere so you'll be able to file taxes.
    Report her GC stolen to USCIS. DO NOT apply for a new greencard. You will need to pay for it, and there's no need for it because you submitted copies with your ROC application and it's not needed to process her ROC.
    Her permit is sufficient for ID purposes but if you're concerned go in and ask about getting a State ID issued. Please re-read the biometrics letter. It DOES NOT require the GC and instead just says ID.
    Yep they will, for $450, but its not needed.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to VanessaTony in the worst has happend!! please help...   
    There is no NEED for this. The OP is filing for ROC and will receive their 10 year card eventually. once they get that they don't need the one that was stolen.
  5. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Reyan in I751 Possible Problems HELP!   
    As a stranger just reading this, it sounded strange when you mentioned "you owe him your life now" followed by "you learned to love him". Maybe it a language barrier, or me just not understanding what that means.
    Couldn't your husband move to where you are at since he does not work, and wouldn't it would cheaper to have one home than paying for two location?
  6. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to markiweiss49 in Need help   
    you will get a appointment letter to have your fingerprints taken. at the appointment, they will take your fingerprints and picture. they will do it there. you don't need no fingerprint card.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Stephen + Elisha in Traveling while I-751 is in Process!   
    Once you have that extension letter, it's no longer "expired." You can't file the I-751 (removal of conditions) until 90 days before the 2-year green card expires, but it takes USCIS way longer than 90 days to process the I-751 and issue a 10-year (permanent) green card. That's why you get an automatic 1-year extension on your I-751 NOA1 that specifically states that it's valid for employment and travel.
    To the OP's question, my wife's 2-year GC was set to expire in March and she and our daughter traveled to Korea in June with her "expired" GC and extension letter. I joined her two weeks later and we came back together at the end of July. Absolutely no issues at POE. You definitely want to bring the original letter, as the airline will want to see it when you check in to return to the US. To be honest though, I don't even remember the CBP inspector looking at the letter; I'm pretty sure the extended validity came up on his screen right away when he scanned her "expired" GC.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to VanessaTony in Question about self filing ROC   
    Responses above.
    If your relationship doesn't make you happy, then leave. Don't make your decision because you want to keep your greencard or want a better chance of keeping it. That's fraud.
  9. Like
    AbsentMindedKat got a reaction from Harpa Timsah in is my file supposed to be touched after the biometrics?   
    Correct. Our NOA1 is dated 09-13 and while biometrics were taken on 10-11 the "Last Updated" date on the website is 09/14. Also, last time I checked it which was around Feb of 2011, my husband's AOS status according to the website was still pending. He was approved 10-13-2010. It is unfortunately the most notoriously unreliable source in the visa process.
    That said, I still check now and then because at the very least it's SOMETHING to watch in this long, boring, updateless process. It's like watching paint dry. Or rather, a tree grow.
    In the dark.
    On another planet.
    While blind.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to MrsOO in Re-entering US with pending status?!   
    Ok I echo what everyone else said!
    I wonder though, you let your status expire and when you applied late, you still asked for a fee waiver, yet you are on here eager to travel to visit family in England. So you cant pay to get your card processed despite the urgency, but can get a plane ticket?
  11. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to VanessaTony in late application   
    No, they're not necessary at all. They're suggested for people with weak other evidence.
    I could get lots of people to write Affidavits but they aren't in my relationship so they only know what they see, they don't know what actually goes on. I didn't bother other people to write Affidavits because I had substantial other evidence (back accounts, life insurance, car insurance, health insurance, bought a house... etc etc). I did however print FB photos with comments. That's kinda like "Affidavits" in the non-official sense I suppose. People commenting on how cute we are etc etc.
  12. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to LIFE'SJOURNEY in Usc wife told husband to pack out from the house while husband still ve 2yrs green card at hand   
    THERE IS NOTHING COMPLICATED about your case, get a divorce and move on. File for removal of condition after attaining your divorce. There maybe issues since you'll never con-mingle funds but document the behavior of the spouse.
  13. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to KazuriSana in Usc wife told husband to pack out from the house while husband still ve 2yrs green card at hand   
    Something is fishy, somewhere.
    You say you don't have an SSN or Driver's License... yet you indicate you have a Green Card. What prevents you from getting these two documents?
    You say you are not working, that you raise money for rent and bills from other people... yet you are indicating that you have your own home theater, flat screen tee vee, laptops, et al.
    ... you must have a lot of gullible friends who are willing to throw away money month in and month out.
    By the way, bro, the green card is a work permit, among other things. Go out and look for jobs, from McDonald's to construction to janitor to what-not... and stop sympathy-hunting.
  14. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Sandra G. in Usc wife told husband to pack out from the house while husband still ve 2yrs green card at hand   
    Well what you described is not mental abuse. Your wife is a drug addict and your married is not working anymore, that's all. You still can file I-751 based in bonafide marriage, divorce and move on.
    Do not waste your time filing form I-751 based in mental abuse because the chance to have your case denied is HUGE. In order to have your form I-751 approved based in mental abuse you must prove EXTREME ABUSE against you, and you have to prove the abuse changed many things about your self esteem,your mental state, that because of the changes in your life due the abuse you are suffering depression,anxiety or pos traumatic disorder, you need to have a psychological evaluation stating that as well. You need to prove some of her behaviors such as controlling you, blaming, criticizing you, calling you names,emotionally degrading,humiliating,withholding approval etc.
  15. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to aaron2020 in Government's help with CR1   
    I'm sorry about your miscarriage.
    However, you committed a crime. I hope you are held responsible for your fraud.
    When the United States allow you to live here, you should not take advantage by committing fraud against the people who allow you to be here.
  16. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to NigeriaorBust in Government's help with CR1   
    She lied about maritial status and house hold income to get the aid, that is fraud and could make her deportable
  17. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to NigeriaorBust in Government's help with CR1   
    The best route would be to contact someone and say you noted that the papers you signed are in error and that you shouldn't have gotten the help you got and need to make a repayment plan. What happened could be considered felony fraud which could have bigger issues.
  18. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Wayne and Claudia in Government's help with CR1   
    If you are asked any question/s about receiving assistance you should answer truthfully and honestly. Telling untruths for benefits is never proper. If your husband's income would have excluded you for medicaid then you should not have received medicaid. Sorry for your loss.
  19. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Penny Lane in Issue with late-stage abortion...   
    I am absolutely pro-choice, but 6 months is too late. If she wanted an abortion, she should have done it months and months ago. Time to deal with the consequences.
    What kind of adult takes out their hatred for another man on a child?
    You have issues. The visa sounds like the least of them.
  20. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Mama mia in Is it unsafe to file for I-751 12 days before green card expiration?   
    Actually, per the USCIS Calculator you cannot file before Oct 15, 2012.
    Start assembling the package right now and mail it Oct 16 that way you have a month and a half for the biometrics. Even if you receive the bio letter with a date in mid-Dec, you can still go for an early bio.
    This way you have enough time to complete the bio before you leave and will have the 1yr extension letter with you in case you decide to stay longer past the Gc expiration date, you will still be safe.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Mama mia in Is it unsafe to file for I-751 12 days before green card expiration?   
    IMO, you are taking a bigger chance to mail it just before you leave as the package may be returned for whatever reason (e.g forgot to sign, forgot to enclose check, forgot to sign check, incorrect check amount, undeliverable) I know you may think this may not happen happen but try to tally how many people sent their petitions without signing them.
    Here is the breakdown for the time frame:
    Mail petition- Oct 16
    NOA1- 7-10 days Oct 26
    Bio- 4-6 weeks Nov 27
    You will have the option of walk in bio due to your travel plans. So if you can complete the bio let's say Dec 3 and if they are not readable, it will take USCIS about 2-3 weeks to notify you and by this time, you should be back or will be back within a week or so and can re do it on the new date.
    Also see if you can get the fingerprints done before you leave.
    But whatever you decide do to, have a close friend or a relative check the mail for you.
  22. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to DandT14 in VictiM of marriage fraud   
    This is the worst part of your whole story. No man is worth giving up your child for. I saw someone the other day who casually mentioned her teenage son wasn't immigrating with her. That's something I can never support or understand.
  23. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Mike B. in Put life on hold?   
    You're being ridiculous here, in my opinion. First, waiting to have conditions lifted is not that big of a deal at all, as you are with your spouse and have a letter that allows you to travel and work. Yeah, it's annoying, but if I had to dedicate resources to either A) ensure that people get their conditions lifted faster or B) ensure that people don't get butchered by the Assad regime and/or Al Qaeda militants operating in Syria, I would unhesitatingly choose B. Sorry if that impacts you, but that's the way it goes: there is a terrible war being waged in Syria and no one should be condemned to death just so you have the pleasure of getting your green card a couple weeks early. Learn to deal with it.
    Second, your Peruvian friends are nuts if they think that Bush left the economy in good shape. You may not remember this, but in late 2008 the entire financial sector of this country absolutely imploded, causing fast amounts of wealth to be destroyed, the credit market to become extremely restricted, and unemployment to skyrocket. Next time someone asks you why American's aren't getting all nostalgic for the good old days back when we all saw our 401ks lose half of their value, you can tell them that.
    Third, using Peru as some yardstick to measure the United States against doesn't make any sense. The reason why the sol has gone up has little to do with the economic health of the United States and more to do with Peruvian economic indicators. Since the fall of the Fujimorato in 2000 Peru has experienced tremendous growth in GDP. For a while they were averaging 9% a year. Peru had the fortune of having the largest-producing gold mine in the entire world right as the price of gold shot up as a consequence of the DJIA plummeting under Bush. Vast amounts of wealth were created. Peru has also had the ability to greatly expand its tourism sector, with Machu Picchu being declared one of the "new" wonders of the world, the crime situation being brought under control, and the internal conflict against the PCP-SL and MRTA brought to and end. As I'm sure you know, ever since about 1987 Peruvians have been paranoid of inflation with good reason and the government thus never prints up gobs of cash like other Latin American countries do, nor does it allow the state to grow. With a booming economy, a small state, and little money being printed, yeah, the Peruvian nuevo sol has gone up. If you measure the dollar against the Euro, a currency that people actually care about and spend, obviously you see the exact opposite effect -- the dollar has gone up and the Euro down since Obama took office.
    In any event, I don't like Obama or Romney or Bush, and I think that USCIS does a pretty bad job at a lot of things. If someone wants to vote for Mitt Romney because he had to wait seven months to get his removal of conditions petition adjudicated, I guess that's his right, but it is extraordinarily silly. Tell me, what is Mitt Romney's plan to ensure that ROC petitions are adjudicated faster? I've looked at the RNC party platform and strangely I've missed the part about petition adjudication. Can you let me know what page its on? Thanks.
  24. Like
    AbsentMindedKat reacted to cdneh in is he lying or is the USCIS messed up?   
    Only way you will know is to ask him.
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    AbsentMindedKat reacted to Operator in is he lying or is the USCIS messed up?   
    The case status function of the USCIS website is notoriously unreliable.
    If you have a doubt as to the date he filed then you should ask him directly.
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