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Everything posted by aaron2020

  1. Sorry. Harsh truth. The older one is not going to get a student visa. Age 23 and 1 semester of college. Work is limited for international students. It's going to cost $20,000 a year for community college. How is she planning on paying for that when she can't work? The 12 years old would need to go to a private school. Do you have $20,000 to $40,000 a year? As you said. Your sisters are very poor. School in the US for foreign students cost a lot. This is where the hope of so many people who want to bring their family to the US for an education. Sorry.
  2. Hi, Why do you want to activate his green card without moving? It is going to expire? Once he enters the US on his CR-1 visa, he is considered an US LPR who resides in the US (even if he does't live in the US). His Canadian income from that point forward is required to be reported on his US tax return. Furthermore, he will lose access to Canadian provincial health. If he uses medical benefits, the government can come after him for reimbursement as a non-resident who does not qualify for Canadian health benefits.
  3. How are you going to consult an immigration judge? Do you know one? Furthermore, an immigration judge has nothing to do with airlines and CBP. This is Do-It-Yourself. Not we do it for you. There are lots of resources on VJ. Guides to petition siblings. Read them. Come back for help after you have done some research. This can be complex and I have too often seen people screw up these long cases. You are responsible for everything. If you can't do it alone, then hire an immigration attorney.
  4. Which airline is going to let her fly? If they find out she has been outside the US for more than a year, she is likely to be refused boarding.
  5. Your mother has a MAJOR problem. She got her green card in 2014. She has been back in the PI living there for 7 years. Doesn't look like she lived in the US for very long. Doubt she has a driver's license, bank account, etc. in the US. Looks like she has abandoned her green card card status. It's going to be a challenge for you to get her on a flight back to the US.
  6. CO are not idiots. She knew what was going on. You have nothing to worry about. Your situation is understandable given how homosexuality is treated in SA. Your previous answers will not stop you from getting a K-1. Best of luck.
  7. You do not need a census record to petition for your father. It's not a requirement. All you need is your US birth certificate with your father's name listed and his marriage certificate if he was married to your mother.
  8. Hi, Sorry about all of this. Reapply with Poland and state the exact reason why she needs to enter. Not tourism. But to take her son to an immigration interview at the US Consulate/Embassy. If you and your wife can't go, then you have to find another adult who can take the son to his medical and interview. Best of luck.
  9. Did you ask for a SSN on the DS-260? If yes, then you have to wait for it to be mailed to you. SSA was notified when you got admitted to the US. If you go see them in the first month, they will turn you away and tell you to wait. The immigrant fee that you paid is for the plastic green card. Has nothing to do with SSA being notified that you entered the US. Entering the US on your immigrant visa triggers them notifyiing SSA that you need a SSN. If you didn't ask for a SSN on the DS-260, you can certainly try to go to SSA to apply for one.
  10. Hi, You have a lot to learn. There are two processes that you should look into. K-1 fiancee visa vs. CR-1 spousal visa. Lots of info on VisaJourney for you to look at. Do you want to get marry in the US or abroad? It matters. Does him working and being able to travel internationally important? Is he okay with possibly not working or being able to travel internationally for 6-8 months? Best of luck.
  11. I've got crazy Asian parents. They don't listen. Your mother can not bypass the process. She is not special. She has to do what everyone has to do if she wants the visa. The US does not owe her a visa. If she wants it, then she needs to finish the last step required by the US Government.
  12. Mods are asleep. I reported this when it was 1 page. Now it's 6 pages. Wow.
  13. You do not earn at that level. You are unemployed. Savings is money in the bank. It's not earning. Your household is 3. Do you have at least $150,000 in the bank for more than 6 months?
  14. Your house doesn't count. Your savings might. Do you have 5X the amount of the poverty line for your household size?
  15. OP has already filed for at least one parent in the IR5. Visa was reissued after COVID restrictions lifted.
  16. You do not earn well above the poverty rate. You are unemployed. A job in the future that you don't have yet doesn't count. Being unemployed will negatively affect your I-864 for your mother. Do you have assets? Do you have a Joint Sponsor?
  17. Honest to God (capital G) that we didn't know that lying to federal government officials to obtain a green card is anything wrong. Who has ever heard of this being wrong?
  18. MF. You don't perceive it as fraud. But you are willing to lie about a bona fide marriage at your green card interview to get a green card. How stupid do you think people are? Do you think you have an original plan? You don't think that we have seen other people like you come on VJ to ask these stupid questions and pretend you are innocent to get help to lie for a green card? Unfortunately, you are not the first idiot to come ask us for help and you'll not going to be the last. "If she breaks up with me while I'm still in love with her, she will devastate me." But let me tell you about my wife's friend who has a crush on me. I'm going to divorce my wife and marry her.
  19. Yeah. It's different. You'll be lying at your green card interview. You're not in love with wife #2.
  20. Winner. Winner. Chicken dinner. It's also a crime punishable by imprisonment. But it's not really deception to Andrecfa.
  21. Right. So when you said "Of course not. Not going to tell USCIS my plan. Going to lie. No deception on your part. My 5 year old grandson lies better than this.
  22. Sorry that I am not offering constructive criticism to help you commit immigration fraud. "I'm not lying." I am just going to tell USCIS that my wife and I have a great relationship at my green card interview and we plan to divorce so I can marry her friend. "I am not lying." What's the great country that you are from with a higher standard of living than the US because of socialized medicine? I am just curious.
  23. The I-130 petition you filed for him can not be expedited. He can not get a visa until his PD is current. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. Uniting for Ukraine is the proper way to go. Have you looked into this?
  24. I'm not implying anything. I am calling you out on your fraud. Super that your country has a greater standard of living than the US. Socialized medicine. Wow. Go back home. It's paradise. What is this beautiful country? Such a great standard of living that wife #2 can't meet the financial requirements? LIAR. You wouldn't pick the US, but you are damn sure about committing immigration fraud to live here. Ha. Ha. LIAR. You are willing to marry your wife's friend who you stated you are not in love with (yet) in order to stay in the US.
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