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Everything posted by ghostinthemachine

  1. Jel! And congrats! Assume your case was processed at the NBC? Probably the fastest approvals I've seen recently so just curious where it came from
  2. I've just done the same the other day - same with a bunch of updated lease/insurance/bills from our recent move. I don't see how any of this could cause a delay quite frankly, especially since most recent cases are handled electronically.
  3. I-751 instructions specifically say from the start of your marriage so that's what we did. Definitely covers quite a bit of the evidence we've also sent in for the I-130/I-485, but I feel like you can't go wrong following direct instructions from USCIS to a T.
  4. We only filled out what was needed for our AOS and had no issues - no RFEs, no delays, nothing. Did the same with the I-751 and I don't expect there to be any issues with it either.
  5. Just filed the change of address and can see in the portal that it says "Request changed" and the new address in my profile... anyone have any first hand experience of whether that means the change has definitely gone through? I know there's been issues in the past with it not reflecting correctly for people 🙃
  6. I'm not even carrying my physical GC unless I'm travelling abroad so I'd hope not 😂 I just have scanned copies of both on my phone just in case.
  7. Ich habe meine physical GC grundsaetzlich nicht dabei, es sei denn ich reise international. Allerdings habe ich eine scanned copy auf meinem Handy. Die bloede Karte ist viel zu teuer und nervig zu ersetzen im Zweifelsfall. 😂 Waere vielleicht ne andere Geschichte wenn wir in der Naehe der border wohnen wuerden mit regelmaessigen Checkpoints etc. Ansonsten bezweifel ich dass irgendjemand im tagtaeglichen Leben jemals wirklich meine GC sehen moechte oder muss. Nee, aber sobald dein case im Online Account landet und die dort entweder die receipt notice oder den bio re-use letter hochladen siehst du wo es hingegangen ist.
  8. Oh I didn't know yours ended up at CSC also. As if all 1/22 receipts went there for some reason 😂 also you were totally right about the receipt notice/extension in the mail... ended up showing up yesterday (although oddly not on Informed Delivery)
  9. Yep, should be at the bottom of your documents tab for the I-751 once it's been accepted. Figured it can't really hurt uploading it there once we have the return transcript from the IRS. Either someone will look at it there and decide that's enough in combination with the paper submission or we'll bring it to a potential interview.
  10. Personally I wouldn't wait and just send everything out when your window opens. We're not quite decided on what to do with the 2023 return at this point, but might just upload it as unsolicited evidence once it has processed.
  11. It says right above that section to select all that apply if you're not filing jointly with your spouse or parent's spouse. I genuinely think it got rejected because she selected that she's applying jointly and then also selected all the applicable extra boxes in the waiver section. Admittedly I've never looked at any of the waivers, but that's how the form reads imo. in other news, my bio re-use letter came in the mail today. No sign of the receipt notice with extension yet though.
  12. Personally think you should be good re-sending everything and just correcting the issues with the form and re-printing that. I'd just go over the whole form again and make sure you're using the latest version and that there's nothing else missing for your own sanity. And maybe check they haven't rearranged any of your evidence? Also sorry you had to wait a few weeks to get it back, but at least it's an easy fix and your petition didn't just fall into some black hole at the lockbox 🙂
  13. You also ticked 1a saying that you're filing a joint petition with your spouse when in the waiver section you're indicating that you are in fact NOT filing jointly. Has to be one or the other.
  14. This 100% - the proposed fee for the I-751 was around double the current rate if I remember correctly? I remember reading it all a year ago and just hoping that it won't come into effect until after we have to file for ROC. It already is a money grab after all.
  15. Ich bin anscheinend ein paar Tage hinter dir. Receipt date ist 1/27 per der digitalen Kopie und ich habe auch noch nichts in der Post gehabt bisher.
  16. I wish I'd be ballsy enough to use a credit card to make meeting my current SUB easier, but the frequent issues with declined payments stressed me out enough to not chance it for either AOS or ROC. We used cashier's checks from our main bank for both packages and have been able to confirm with them when they were cashed each time. We don't use personal checks for anything (never have and I find the concept baffling quite frankly) so didn't want to order a whole book just for this.
  17. Ich wuerde ggf nochmal abwarten und schauen ab wann die neuen fees gueltig sein werden und dann eine Entscheidung treffen 👀
  18. Not sure if this is a bug in all honesty, but has anyone else lost the ability to edit posts? It's been gone for me for a couple months minimum at this point and I have no clue why. Kinda inconvenient 😐
  19. This is typically something a banker can print for you in branch. If you can't go in person perhaps sending a secure message asking for it might work too? We tried to get a similar statement from Chase before, but there's no branches in HI and as such so had no luck. If you have statements showing both your names from them I'd argue this isn't necessarily gonna add much though anyway in my opinion.
  20. Pretty normal for IOE cases from my experience. I can only see about 25 pages from our circa 400 page submission this time around 🤣. The same happened with our AOS back in 2021, but they definitely had our whole submission based on what our IO said to us when we dropped off the medical. So I wouldn't worry. Seems like an odd USCIS online processing quirk.
  21. Some updates from my end: 01/19/24 Sent to Phoenix Lockbox 01/22/24 Received by USCIS 01/25/24 "Case Was Received And A Receipt Notice Was Sent" per USCIS account 01/26/24 Receipt notice uploaded online; biometrics re-use notice uploaded online; status changed to "actively reviewed" Check not cashed yet from what I can tell. No sign of the extension notice in my account just yet either. Receipt notice came from the California Service Center.
  22. So 2.5 weeks since then - that in itself isn't necessarily a cause for concern based on what I've seen flicking through some older threads. I'd perhaps get a little concerned if it's been 4-6 weeks and you haven't heard a peep based on the above. Also - how did you pay? If by check, has it been cashed? If by CC, have they charged your card? Do you have an online account from previous USCIS dealings? If so, have you checked wether the I-751 has automatically populated on there? And are you utilising Informed Delivery to see incoming mail?
  23. When did you send your package? What does the tracking say? Seems like you don't have a timeline filled out yet.
  24. Just checked and mine's the same. Another IOE receipt number just like our AOS too. No texts (we attached a G-1145), check appears to not be cashed yet and no notices uploaded in my online account yet either, but assume that means the package itself made it in one piece thank god. 01/19/24 Sent to Phoenix Lockbox 01/22/24 Received by USCIS 01/25/24 "Case Was Received And A Receipt Notice Was Sent" per my USCIS account
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