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Posts posted by Rose711

  1. Maybe schools will start telling grads not to work for these companies. Though I guess students should know that 3rd party placements aren’t allowed. If this student hadn’t left to get married, they probably would have been fine to finish STEM OPT. Probably would have had an issue if he came back after that, but who knows.


    The government needs to go after these companies. This approach if just finding people at the border seems haphazard at best.

  2. If you are meeting again in person, can you do another wedding  and get a certificate of your marriage? 
    I’m not an expert. My best advice is to say you found out the proxy marriage isn’t valid in the US so you did another ceremony. I’m not sure why you didn’t do that the first time.


    i don’t know if your marriage certificate in Pakistan will hurt your case if it’s not a legal marriage in the US. You are better off not relying on that proxy marriage and your Pakistan certificate as evidence of your marriage. 

  3. I saw this in r/immigration and I thought people might be interested in the information. I’ll copy the post but the consensus seems to be that the OP had worked a couple of months more than a year ago  for a third party company . I’m not actually sure what happened.


    I was denied entry to US on f1 STEM OPT at Canada airport US CBP and my visa was terminated.

    I was questioned and reviewed for 12+ hours and they terminated my f1 visa and I’m flying back to India. 

    Will update soon as I’m still flying!

    What a way to begin the new year.



    Yes I’ve been working since 1.5yrs on STEM. It was because I had submitted a offer letter from a consultancy during my initial opt for a couple of months so I could find a job. They reviewed all of my offer letters, my pay stubs, even demanded to see if the money was actually deposited in my bank account (I opened my bank account on my phone and showed them the statements too). Seized my phone/laptop for more evidence.

    Edit: also said that they had more time to interrogate and I was not going to enter US in any way.

    here’s the link to the original post:


  4. Good luck OP. As you know the issue you face is that immigration intent is assumed and the applicant has to disprove it. The more ties a person had to the US, the more likely it seems that they might stay. It’s sad that relatives can’t see family but that’s just not enough.

    The number of people who come to the US and overstay seems high. Marriage to a US citizen cures the overstay so it can be an attractive option to stay, even though that doesn’t apply to you.


    I know it’s hard to believe but I recently met a woman who left a baby and husband behind years ago to stay in the US. She didn’t see her son for 12 years. I’m only mentioning it so you know that people make the choice to overstay even when they have compelling ties.


    i had an immigration judge as a teacher. Even as a judge he was unable to initially get a visa for his mother to visit from Argentina. He had to work through people he knew to help her get a visa. In doing that he sent a letter that he would support her, but that was only through the contacts he had. 

  5. I have friends who married spontaneously on a visitors visa.  It all worked out.


    Just to point something out She had to stay for the entire process which took over a year. She couldn’t work or so much of anything, that was difficult for her, even though she was planning a long visit on her visa. She had visited after  a contract job that just ended. Her mom took care of getting her documents, etc. They ended up traveling a lot.


    They filled out the forms on their own but got a request for evidence even using the guides here. If you fill out the forms yourself do it carefully. 

    Good luck.


  6. Here are the issues: 

    1 Your friend as a USC can petition for his parents as an immediate relative. Because they entered illegally, they will have to leave the country for their interview. Once they leave the country they will have a 10 year ban for overstay. 

    2. The brother has the same issues, except he is not an immediate relative. That means he has to wait until his preference category becomes current, which for siblings is about 20 years.


    3. The brother can marry a US citizen but will still need to leave the US. He may be able to get a hardship waiver, but it’s difficult.

  7. It may take getting before an immigration judge to sort this out. I can’t see anyone else having the ability to deal with all the issues in your application.


    But I’m not sure how you will do that from outside the US as she will be in Mexico. There may be a way since you are a USC living here.  It’s gong to be long and expensive and she still may not win.


    Is there a 3rd country you both can live in? 

    edit to add: Dont waste time in a visitors visa or another K1. If you want to get married with the risk you may not ever be together in the US, then just go ahead and  get married in Mexico if she is allowed to legally marry there.

  8. On 10/10/2019 at 10:22 PM, JFH said:

    How can you be visiting your son if you have full custody? Visiting your son where? He’s 6 years old. Who was he with?


    It’s my belief that you asked your almost-ex-wife to apply for a B-2 with you because you heard/read somewhere less reputable than VJ that married couples have higher chances of approval than people applying alone, especially when the lone person is applying in order to meet a love interest. So you enlisted her help to present yourselves as a married couple going on a family vacation but in reality only you were going to travel. I’ve seen this many times before in my line of work. They even sometimes buy two plane tickets, one for each spouse, in order to make the story look more believable but one of them no-shows for the flight. 

    This finally makes sense. I couldn’t figure out his story. No wonder he was denied.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Viking said:

    Question is about entering the US on visa waiver prior to entering on K1 Visa..

    however you are incorrect-

    K 1 visa gives you right to work- but you need to apply for EAD - after you are married you EAD can be extended until you receive your  Greencard - 

    OP you will be married and presumably adjusting status before you get EAD for your K1. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Viking said:

    no I am travelling for my work - on a Visa Waiver - this is perfectly legit .. 

    No one said it’s not “technically” legit. My understanding is that repeated, frequent travel for work can be questioned because its gives the appearance that you are working in the US. It’s something you should be aware of, not telling you what to do.

    You may not care as it sounds like you will be leaving the job and staying in the US once you enter on the K1 anyway. Or maybe they will give you a long leave of absence, 


    Good luck with everything 




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