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Posts posted by Shiran

  1. 9 minutes ago, Prizm123 said:

    did you send certified marriage license or just a regular photocopy? I can get certified but i dont know how long they will take and i want to send this packet


    We ordered several certified copies (for $15 a pop) right away. They were ready less than a week after marriage. We send certified copy with I-485, and photocopies of it with I-131 and I-765 which I don't think was really needed, but why the heck not. Did you only order one certified copy? Description implies that photocopy of certified copy should be fine but we erred on the side of caution. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    I highly doubt I have anything he'd think worthy of stealing, anyway. 

    I thought it was well known fact there is in fact only a single Netflix subscriber, and everyone just uses their password. 
    On serious note the way Netflix prevents overly grievous password sharing abuse is by limiting how many devices can stream content simultaneously, so at some point people will start colliding with each other. I used to use my ex partner Amazon Prime (she had discounted or free plan for being student) eventually she removed me. No big deal, not really "stealing" 

  3. 11 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    They've finally put fiber optic around town, but only in the town itself, around businesses, and not of course out to the majority of homes here in the woodlands. Verizon is the only provider of a subpar DSL connection running down old phone lines.. and as explained to me by numerous repair persons, ''they aren't interested in the cost of fixing all this''. Read recently somewhere that I think it was rural Kentucky or WV that a town got so sick and tired of waiting they hired some guy with a donkey to run the cables....

    There is a thing called "Municipal Internet" when towns get so tired of dealing with providers, they effectively become providers themselves. Sale of 5G bandwidth was also come with a caveat that providers suppose to use for bringing high speed to agrarian areas. It is one of those many situations where "business know best!" logic fails, as low density in agrarian areas makes it not worthwhile for companies to invest into infrastructure, as they know they get higher returns from building in high density cities. But of course it is low density agrarian areas that quite literally responsible for feeding the cities.

  4. 8 minutes ago, ALFKAD said:

    You still have a LAND LINE???  Wow.  I think I gave up on that in 2003.  I do so miss those $21 monthly bills,  however.

    One advantage of landline is reliable 911 functionality, and the fact it suppose to stay operational even in case of power outage. In our office we have "red phone" that goes to local POTS line, and is suppose to be used in 911 type emergencies. If were to dial 911 from desk phones, it would route to corporate office in Midwest (I think??) which won't do anyone any good. In practical terms, I hope never to find how well that works. Though we had some jokers that occasionally call the "red phone" to make it ring when they cannot locate someone by their desk extension. The loud old time electro-mechanical bell noise is unmissable. 
    I would think setting up cell towers in the agrarian "boonies" would be easier and cheaper way to provide reliable service than putting down wires to every house.

  5. 1 hour ago, SusannZ said:

    Does usps forward letters from uscis?? We're moving in a week and I DO NOT want to mess anything up by changing it in case by some miracle uscis approves my EAD next week! Also would there be any reasons why they would deny an ead filed with an i485? 🤔 Im so nervous and stressed I'm thinking of all the scenarios here! 😭

    From what I heard it is very hit and miss. Also the "red" USPS envelopes that contain actual cards are specifically NOT suppose to be forwarded. https://www.uscis.gov/news/news-releases/uscis-begin-using-more-secure-mail-delivery-service

  6. 2 hours ago, Prizm123 said:

    so you sent  the ds 3025 as is and got to the point of the interview? i wonder if its something they dont really check too thoroughly since it seems they want to get these done faster now.... i am wondering if i have enough time to get the vaccinations done after she is on my insurance and whether this white packet will fit in the manila envelope... pretty much everything is done, just need to get a few more certified copies of the marriage licence, and ideally would have it done and sent before Sept 9

    Yes, we send DS-3025 as is (you don't really have to send it IMO, there is a copy of it inside the sealed packet that was collected from her at POE) and there were NO requests for medical. Out Interview is scheduled but we didn't have it yet. I will report how it goes. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Steeleballz said:

        I think the big problem is they all suck. Seems like the easiest business model has become replacing customers who leave because they are sick of the service with new customers who cant take their current service any more.

    Last I heard T-Mobile will be adding $10 or so surcharge for any assistance rendered at the store in person vs being done online, on the website. With minimal wage rises etc, death of the malls, companies are working hard on minimising expensive front line people they have to maintain. Service things get outsourced to 3rd party providers, often same company that services all 4 (3?) major US carriers. 

  8. 2 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    Magazines and Hollywood tell us how to be beautiful, sets us up for false expectations, convinces us that men should be simultaneously be desired but also distrusted. They tell us to go love a bad boy but recoil when we find abuse in dark places. These societal norms for both men and women often leave both sexes confused, unhappy, and feeling inadequate. Men do not have to be the be all and end all protectors and providers, the guy who pulls out our chair or opens the door unless they wish to be out of their own free will and not because of some traditional role hammered into them from birth. They do not have to wear a certain color to be manly or only be interested in guns, cars, and boobs. We are each individuals, unique, and full of potential to be somebody. We could all do with a lot more kindness.

    Does Hollywood really dictate that, or does Hollywood merely reflects the ideal of what people want to see at a given snapshot of culture and time? Notice I said ideal, not the reality. The thing is, we as humans, even introverted ones, always lived in tribes and groups. We are also VERY good at seeing patterns. It helped us to survive in the wild. But now pattern recognition can lead us astray. Which is why so many crave things like Astrology, Tarots, etc things that are getting their 2nd wind nowadays. Identifying and following patterns of behavior displayed but what perceived as successful individual, then trying to emulate is what leads to it. That is how you get things like Aussie woman spending $20K on Disney trip for her 300 Insta followers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7383241/Tourist-blames-INSTAGRAM-20-000-debt-splurging-six-week-trip-US.html

  9. 2 hours ago, Steeleballz said:

    the customer is always right.

    This used to be true in small communities, with simple products, and well informed customers. Nowadays, it is something else. Astroturfed reviews, and ratings, mystery badges like "Amazon Top Seller!" and pretty pictures on Social Media tell people what they customers exactly what they need to do in order to be right. 

  10. 5 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    Can't say, but he surely is as dumb as a box of rocks.

    I, personally, always found people in power, especially elected officials as stupid to be a disservice. For one, it makes it easier to dismiss and ignore them as public basks in their own sophisticated cleverness, and as a result they are left to their own devices, free to do whatever, and vote, and appoint judges accordingly. I suspect the scary truth is he is actually doing his job and accurately represents the view of majority of his voting constituents. Heck, he might even believe it himself. Though it is never good too assume what politicians, or public personas truly believe. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Ruslana+Chris said:

    Attorney said we have to wait consulate to send paperwork back with asked  financial docs (not necessary o134) , but as far as I know I need him just to file I-134 and send to me? so I will be able to bring it with me. Who schedules the interview me online, NVC, consulate? Will I get a massage at all about interview? 

    For Kyiv, do not wait. You should do DS-160 and pay MRV fee at Aval bank in UAH. Create account at https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/SiteRegister?country=Ukraine&language=en_US
    You should be able to schedule medical at this point as well, I suggest Medicom office. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Gigi2017 said:

    Yes, I told the manager and yesterday this is a Federal Document we’re talking about and they both seems not to care at all.

    That is pretty terrible. I thought those letters require signature? But clearly not.
    Reading stories like https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/09/17/how-investigators-caught-postal-worker-who-stole-more-than-greeting-cards/?noredirect=on makes you wonder who you can trust. Clearly someone scanned it as "delivered" And you watch him do deliveries, so it probably didn't go to your immediate neighbors either. 

  13. You are in UK, do not overthink it. They do not care if you met at FetLife or OKCupid or Collarspace. They care that you've met in person at least once within last 2 years. Make sure you include evidence of in person meeting. You can just tell them you've met "online" wihtout being specific. USCIS will not care. But do make to check "not an IMB" box on 129F. A handful of pictures from a face to face meeting sufficient. No chat logs, no video logs. 
    Get 129F submitted and approved, then worry about in person interview. For UK it won't be anything overwhelming. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Gigi2017 said:

    Yes, he'll need to bring the medical to the interview. Didn't you get the yellow courtesy letter? I got it right after the first NOA and it said that I'll have to bring it to the interview. 

    If I remember correctly, you are not adjusting from K-1 visa. Your process is different. K-1 in most cases do not need to complete I-693 or bring medical to interview. 

  15. I will share our experience  with "civil surgeon" so far before the interview. Our DS-3025 for K-1 visa was not marked vaccination requirement are complete. 


    After calling a number of them from USCIS websites, and getting nowhere (quite a few responses along the line "we haven't been doing this for 5 years, why are you calling us?") I managed to find one that actually had e-mail listed on his personal site, that looked like it belongs on geocities. @gmail.com e-mail address, very professional.
    We e-mailed him the image above, to ask what is missing, if anything. Response was "only Tdap" To be clear we had no letters from USCIS about needing completed I-693 or anything at all along those lines, and we sent that same DS-3025 to them. Case status was "Ready to schedule"
    I've asked what would be involved in getting Tdap, he states "$40 for me to write prescription, then whatever else pharmacy will charge, but I will transcribe it if you bring me a record from another doctor or pharmacy" Luckily, we were able to get SSN and get added to insurance, so we went to family doc who gave painful Tdap right there and printed out a paper to that effect. 

    We went to civil surgeon "Come after 4pm ok!" Tiny 2 room office, it is just him there, nobody else. Explained we only need part 10 of I-693 completed, the vaccination part. He assures us it will get refused, because we need X-Rays, blood, urine etc. We press,  he relents and says he will do it for $115 US. We agree, he looks at DS-3025 again and says "Oh, you also missing 2nd dose of MMR!" and "you need flu!"
    We point out that flu is not in season yet. He seems to think otherwise. I am pretty sure he is wrong about 2nd dose of MMR, as for the purposes of I-693 one doze is enough, and regardless, she didn't have "MMR" but instead 3 individual vaccines, and measles one was given twice indeed. But I feel like this argument is a loss for us, since it is medical in nature, so we schlep back to Family Doc, who gives MMR script, that is fulfilled by local CVS. 

    Back to "Civil Surgeon" Since it was couple days now, he is satisfied with MMR and he forgets about flu, and correctly marks it as out of season. He emphatically keeps telling us all through out the process that we will denied to other parts of I-693 being incomplete (cost of those is $400) To get a copy of them is another $30 (but we are allowed to take pictures with mobile phone for free) We verbally acknowledge his warnings, and eventually he hands us complete sealed packet with couple more warnings "You open, I will reseal $115, not negotiable!" "You put it into mail it will return to me! You want it back $115!"

    Our current plan is to bring sealed I-693 to interview (less than a month from this post) but not bring it up UNLESS they mention a problem with vaccination requirements from the oversea medical. 
    I guess we will see how it goes. I will try to remember to return to this thread with an update. 

  16. I do not think it is a stretch to see how basic necessities for "pursuit of happiness" such as healthcare that doesn't bankrupt you and education should either free or at least affordable. Student loans in US are an interesting problem. It is my understand that colleges suppose to have sports programs like American College Footballs and the likes to help subsidize tuition cost. Clearly system recently switch to using government underwritten student loans to pay for it. So colleges milk government for the loans they know fully well will never be able to repaid as tuition costs got jacked WAY beyond cost of living / inflation increase. It is a grift by a college system where someone else will be holding a bag. That money doesn't exactly go to teachers and research either, a lot of it gets eaten by tremendous administrative overhead. Somewhat similar to mortgage crisis before. One interesting idea would be to fully eliminate government subsided loans for most students which would actually force college to reduce tuition to something affordable by an average person. Otherwise, they would have a lot of empty class rooms. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, HP+IC said:

    Might not be possible due to MMR being still not available in Ukraine for (older) adults who have no immunity/no sickness record. Also my poor kid had to receive 5 shots just upon arrival because the transcript from Medicom wasn't good enough for local use. By the way, his form was marked as complete

    I heard about, that there is a shortage of measles vaccine and people apparently smuggle it in from Belgium(???) and France. 

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