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    AnonIndia reacted to RO_AH in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Sorry but I will take my medical advise from my doctor not you.
    Sorry, but I will take my citizenship with a side order of freedom.
    In that case the vaccinated should stay home too. "well at least I tried" is not a good enough excuse if you get it and spread it to someone and kill them by your logic.
    No one said that they were, and I received all of those and others. At least I could not get or spread any of those when I was vaccinated.
    As evidenced by your post.
    Nothing about it is based on politics for me. I know many people on both sides of the political spectrum that have taken the vaccine. Some choose to politicize it. I do research, look at the facts and the science, not what people (such as yourself) or the media tell me the science and facts say. You seem to have strong opinions on the matter. Ask yourself where those opinions were derived.
  2. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to jg121783 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    A few things here. The "vaccine" has not been proven safe and effective. Secondly just because someone wont take the covid shot doesn't necessarily make them anti vaccine. Third there is no evidence that people who choose not to take the shot are "spreading disease" to anyone at a higher rate than those who took the shot. Fourth if you actually look at the numbers versus believing every word that comes out of Faucci's mouth you would see that not only in the US but worldwide vaccinated people are actually being hospitalized at a higher rate than unvaccinated people. Finally if you are "vaccinated" and you believe it is effective why do you think you have the right to get in other people's business and force an experimental medical treatment on them? It's hard for me to comprehend how some people try to force their paranoia on others. 
  3. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to top_secret in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    She's 9, so it has no impact on her, although I personally wouldn't hesitate for a second getting her vaccinated too if it were available to that age group.  Since we got our interview appointment for October 5, they are now both going for their physicals this coming Tuesday and we have issues related to Saint Luke's that are far more serious to concern ourselves with than vaccines.  Like is it possible to find parking near there in the morning and does traveling between provinces with a child in the car require any additional paperwork related to §ÆCQ (or whatever kind of CQ they have these days).  If they require travel passes, rona-swabs, stuff like that.  And of course, there is the ever-present suspense of the mandatory round of Russian roulette with Saint Luke's x-ray machine.  So, vaccine politics are pretty low on our list of concerns, but it seems they will go through before the October 1 deadline.
  4. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Joe Kano in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    As usual for the Philippines doesn't really make sense
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    AnonIndia reacted to Carpe Vinum in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    You would think if they were going to require it they would provide it. Now the people have to try to get the vaccine on their own during mixed degrees of lockdown and varying availability of the shots.
  6. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to rumelannie in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Does it mean if I take the medical exam now and get the results before October 1st, I don't have to provide such requirements?
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    AnonIndia reacted to NoMansLand2020 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Having to be vaccinated and having to take a covid test prior to the medical is a a result of the loser Philippines mishandling of the pandemic and snail paced vaccine rollout combined with the BS quarantine and lockdown Rollercoaster restrictions. If the country was operating in a similar capacity to the US, they wouldn't have these extra requirements and petitions could be completed quicker as the embassy could be at full staff. Everything is based off local conditions, which is no fault to the US, but the Philippines. 
  8. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Lemonslice in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    You realize that's a requirement made by the US, right?
  9. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to NoMansLand2020 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Required to have a negative result before medical and then before entering the US. Philippines is a BS country. Couldn't pay me enough to live there. 
  10. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to RO_AH in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    This is the mandate in Honolulu currently. Malls not included. Costco, Sam's Club, Home Depot Walmart have way more people than a restaurant but no vaccine required. Also all that is required is a picture of a vaccine card. You don't have to provide ID so basically you can show a picture of anyones. lol so stupid that you can't make this up.
  11. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to flicks1998 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    This is becoming the norm worldwide. I was in Ireland and Italy last week and and you cannot even enter a restaurant, pub, mall etc without proof of vaccination. Also a number of countries in Europe are only accepting vaccinated travelers although in some places unvaccinated can take a PCR test before arrival and quarantine for 5 days or so. 
    Its basically what’s been in place for yellow fever countries for decades. 
  12. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Puppythecat in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    I was just thinking the other day that in order to let any of the illegal immigrants out of detainment they should have to first find one of the virtue signalling open-borders supporters to sign to financially support them.
  13. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to RO_AH in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Not to mention that we have to sign a legal document saying we will support that immigrant but our government supports those that come illegally
  14. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to jg121783 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Even US citizens are having it forced on them. But not the illegals.
  15. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to RO_AH in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    So happy that my wife completed her medical a few months ago.
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    AnonIndia reacted to Will&Christine in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Yeah, pretty sad that people who immigrate legally have to. I don't see them doing all of that to people who migrating to USA through Mexico border.
  17. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to jg121783 in Saint Luke's announces mandatory COVID vaccine and RT-PCR testing   
    Forcing an experimental medical treatment on people in order to immigrate. Pretty sad. Glad my wife immigrated here long before this madness.
  18. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Cathi in Permanent Resident - Vaccine Travel Requirement   
    The only people guaranteed entry to the U.S. are U.S. citizens.
  19. Thanks
    AnonIndia reacted to midwinterrose in Permanent Resident - Vaccine Travel Requirement   
    Someone asked this question of Jen Psaki(🤮) at one of the press briefings and she said she wasn’t sure and she would find out and report back.  I’ve been scouring all the press releases to try to find some official statement about it, but nothing yet.  I will certainly update here when I do.  I have seen a few places, including the US embassy in the Bahamas stating that LPRs won’t need to be vaccinated, but I’m waiting to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
  20. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to jcdg21 in CEAC STATUS: Ready...What does it mean?   
    I had my interview on March 26,2013 and was given 221g...Submitted the required documents after a week.
    When I checked my case status today... it's not under Administrative Processing anymore.What does the word READY mean? should I expect our visa to arrive? :unsure: Thanks
  21. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Crazy Cat in USCIS COVID-19 vaccination policy manual update   
    Notice the policy highlight:
    "Explains that, beginning October 1, 2021, applicants who are required to undergo the immigration medical examination must complete the COVID-19 vaccine series before the civil surgeon can complete the immigration medical examination and sign Form I-693."
    "series" means fully vaccinated?  
  22. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to millefleur in US developing plan to require foreign visitors to be vaccinated   
    I meant if someone were to show up at the border with a vax certificate in Arabic, Russian, Chinese or anything that's not English, how would CBP be able to verify that? That was my point. If someone were to bring a translation of such a certificate, CBP would just have to assume that translation is truthful and valid. Just seems like there is loopholes for forgeries and things like that.
    I'm a bit confused as to your digital system solution? Here in the US all I got was a paper card showing proof of vax. It has no fancy anti-forgery stuff on it at all, no special inks or other protections and it definitely doesn't contain any digital/biometric info. It's very low tech from what I can see.
  23. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Joe Kano in US developing plan to require foreign visitors to be vaccinated   
    You lost me at Biden
  24. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to millefleur in US developing plan to require foreign visitors to be vaccinated   
    I'm curious how this would even work? I imagine that a lot of countries don't even issue vaccine papers in English?
  25. Like
    AnonIndia reacted to Daisy.Chain in US developing plan to require foreign visitors to be vaccinated   
    It's not legal to require anyone to take an experimental vaccine. Also, if Biden's administration is soo worried about covid from immigrants, why are the illegal immigrants allowed to cross the border even when positive for covid? Even USC currently have to get the negative covid test prior to entering.
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