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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to raven52 in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    Good answer LORIE and PHIL, as doing business with a local Credit Union, that is FDIC insured, meaning it is secure is a very good idea.
    If you want to build good credit, fast, secure a good standing with them, checking, small savings acct., then get a "secured loan" say $300. dollars, and pay more than the minimum payment each month, and watch your credit score zoom!
    You secure the loan with your checking account the first time, then do it again, and double up to $600. and IT will probably not be "secured".,.,.and make more than the min. payment, and just watch the credit score zoom!
    As for credit cards, most all major credit cards are fine, some better than others if in the Eastern US.,.,.BB and T is a great mid size bank to do business with. Otherwise, I would say "Chase" would be my pick. Just my opinion.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to ggsacks in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    I got a Capital One secured MasterCard at around the 3 month mark, $250 credit limit based on a $49 deposit.
    As soon I was able to generate a FICO score (which is 6 months after your first card first reports) I applied for a JetBlue AmEx and was approved instantly for $1k unsecured. A couple weeks later I randomly noticed that Capital One had doubled my credit line to $500.
    About a month after I received the AmEx, my cat had to have an expensive operation so I applied for Care Credit and was instantly approved for $3.5k.
    Say what you will about Capital One, but without that initial secured MasterCard I wouldn't be sitting here with $5k in credit just 10 months after moving here.
    It pays to read up on the best ways to manage your credit score. For example: always pay your balance in full, and keep your utilization below 30%. I put almost everything on my AmEx but I make sure to pay it down to below $300 before the statement date, so that they don't report high utilization.
  3. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Hypnos in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    I applied to Capital One and a couple of others for their basic card when I was starting out, but was rejected. I had to obtain a secured credit card (in my case from Merrick Bank), and after about six months of that I started to receive pre-approvals in the mail, ironically one of them being from Capital One who then turned around and gave me a Platinum card without any hassle.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Hypnos in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    Your interest rate is unimportant if you are paying off your balance in full and never paying interest.
    Your interest rates are not listed on your credit report (I know because I obtained two reports today) so other lenders cannot see them.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to katiekay in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    I would start off with a secure credit card from your bank and then move up
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Hypnos in Anyone help me with a few question on becoming a US resident   
    You would follow this guide: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?autocom=custom&page=i130guide2 and could remain in the US until your application was adjudicated.
    And surely if you're a "strict Christian" you wouldn't be able to have premarital sex?
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    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Amy_and_Victor in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    Obviously you are to intellectually challenged to understand that paying off a credit card in full does not cost you anything in interest payments, so I won't bother trying to explain it to you a third time. But I will point out that no company will give someone a low interest credit card if they have no credit score. A secured credit card is designed for the purpose of building peoples credit, it is one of the best, ways, and sometimes the only way for a new immigrant to start building their credit. The OP, asked for advice on credit cards, and that is what some of us on here are trying to give, sound advice. I will not be wasting any more of my time replying to your drivel.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Hotter Otter in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    I started off with a secured one with just a $300 limit. Then move to better cards as my credit rating improves. I hate credit cards and the whole idea of them but I know how important it is in the US to have a good credit score.
  9. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Amy_and_Victor in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    The interest rate is NOT important because the best way to build your credit score is to pay the card off every month (just like I said in my post) so there is no balance to pay interest on.
  10. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Glyn and Kathy in Best credit card to build credit in the US?   
    Of course it is. but I only got a good rate on a car loan because my credit rating had gone up thanks to the credit card. That is why its called CREDIT BUILDING. You start with the card you seem so against, then you improve your rating and open other lines of credit. And also that is complete ####### about only getting offers for cards at high rates of interest simply because your first card has a high rate. I am now getting offers for cards with very good rates, and of course like everything else you can shop around.
  11. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from NancyNguyen in How to stay out of the country for over 6 months with new green card ??   
    You only need a re-entry permit if you are going to be out of the country for more than a year.
  12. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in DCF abroad or AOS here in USA?   
    Stay an adjust.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Avery Cates in Just arrived and Pregnant   
    You don't need to rush to a doctor at 8 days pregnant. There's no sense in incurring that expense. You can wait a month or two.
    As for what to expect, health care in this country is life shatteringly expensive. With health insurance, marginally less so.
  14. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Darnell in just got married to a U.S Citizen   
    None of this is relevant in this case. Nobody has left the USA, or intends to. Overstay will be forgiven in this instance.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Ryan H in just got married to a U.S Citizen   
    OP, the decision on whether or not to retain an attorney can only be made by you. One thing that can guide your decision making is this, look through all the instructions for the necessary forms and the forms themselves. Make a determination on your own comfort level in filling out the forms. If you are comfortable filling out the forms yourself and there is nothing in your background that could cause major problems, then an attorney is probably not necessary. On the flip side, if you are not comfortable filling out the forms yourself, then legal or professional assistance would probably be for you.
    Regardless of what you decide, it will still be your responsibility to gather accompanying documents and evidence for your file.
    Also, I wholeheartedly disagree with the prior poster's assertion that having an attorney will make the process go smoothly. Retaining an attorney will in no way guarantee your process will go smoothly, I've seen other members post on many occasions that the attorney they hired screwed up their case causing delays that would not have otherwise occurred.
  16. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Maharosa in Bizzare Situation   
    I hate to be cynical, but I could see this living situation as a potential plan to disolve the marriage a couple of years down the road.
    I can see it now, two year or three years down the road the woman friend tells the wife that when the husband stayed with her he made passes at her, or even worse, was intimate with her. From that point, the marriage starts to fall apart and either the wife divorces the husband because she does not trust him now, or the husband divorces the wife because she turns crazy possessive and jealous based on"lies" told by the woman friend. Meanwhile, the husband, green card in hand, is the "innocent victim" stuck between two crazy women because all he did was pay the woman friend a little rent while he waited to be reunited with his wife.
  17. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to msbau764 in I-129f petition DENIED   
    Cabe mencionar que hay gente aqui hablan varios idiomas que le puede ayudar
    It needs to be mentioned that there are people here that speak many languages that can help him
    No lawyer needed
  18. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Nich-Nick in Random times or places you've become overwhelmed in America...   
    Oh yes...there is a person at my house exactly like that. I think it is his Britishness...so polite...doesn't want to put anybody out by holding up the line staring or asking a lot of questions like I will.
  19. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Boiler in Denied K1 at Consulate case still open, now new petition approved   
    If you were denied, and have not fixed the reason you can expect the same result. You really need to know why you got denied the first time.
  20. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Nich-Nick in Random times or places you've become overwhelmed in America...   
    After six years my husband is still frustrated by drive-thru windows. Not overwhelmed and he never wants to go back to England, but he wants to go inside to order. They don't understand his accent and he doesn't understand their rapid fire "doyouwantfrieswiththat" mixed with static.
  21. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Cardinal6669 in Do they want to know exactly how you met on facebook?   
    So it's okay if I say it was a random add if they ask?

    I was actually searching for a friend with a similar name, she popped up in the search results and I added her because she was cute.
  22. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Jon York in Interview from HELL!   
    Thanks for your kind words on my review! I hope it will help a few people.
    But, I disagree that they should be fired. They actually did a very good job. We're paying them to keep frauds and terrorists out of this country. If they had approved her without this kind of questioning - it would mean they'll approve anybody - no matter how unusual their cases are. The fact that they did what they did shows they take a lot of pride in their work - which is to keep America safe. And I think we should all be very grateful for that. I feel much better knowing that they're really on the lookout for frauds from Pakistan.
    And I feel much better knowing that when an unusual case like this comes along they're actually willing to keep an open mind about it and even change their minds during the interview. They could have easily just said DENIED and saved themselves a lot of trouble. But they really put a lot of time and effort into it and they kept an open mind about it - which should make all of us with honest petitions feel great!
    Yes, I thought that was fascinating when they apologized to her and acknowledged exactly what they had done and why they had done it! I wanted to share that so if anyone goes through an interview like that in the future - just keep in mind - it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to deny you - but that they're really just trying to get at the truth. And yes, the fact she was approved makes up for ALL of it!!
    Well Alicia, that's EXACTLY why I took the time to write all this up. Especially when dealing with Muslim countries. It shouldn't be as hard though when the beneficiary is a man, because they have a little more freedom to get out and meet prospective spouses. But definitely do a lot of interview prep! Think of every potential way you all might have broken Moroccan norms and have honest answers to explain them.
    mimolicious - I agree with you COMPLETELY!
  23. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Hypnos in Interview from HELL!   
    No. They were doing their jobs in a high-fraud consulate.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Cathi in Interview from HELL!   
    why should they be fired? They were doing what they are paid to do, weed out fake relationships. I attended my husband;s interview with him and we were both questioned in depth, neither one of us had a problem with it, it;s part of the immigration process and if your relationship is real there is no reason to be nervous. Pakistan is a high fraud country, not only is it a high fraud country, it;s also crawling with terrorists who would do just about anything to get to the US. As a US citizen you should be happy that the consulate is doing it's job. Would you rather have them not question people and hand out visas to people just because they ask? The fact of the matter is this couple has a non traditional relationship that goes against cultural norms in Pakistan, that is why she was questioned so much. The CO's job is to make sure scammers don't worm their way into the country, and I for one, have no problem with that.
  25. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to MacUK in Bread in the U.S. versus Bread in Other Countries   
    I always found US bread to be far too sweet, give me a good loaf of Warburtons any day.
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