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Everything posted by Boiler

  1. My first question is do you have a specific reason to go through the naturalisation process now, is it that desperate? If it is not sure I would do it in your circumstances without a Lawyer involved. Obviously there are a lot of gaps and I am filling ion your story
  2. I do not know if that is true and if it is who cares, but getting divorced in the US solves a lot of issues and is likely to be much simpler.
  3. CDJ deals with Immigrant Visa's. Seems you qualify.
  4. Well a visa is used to enter the US so not something she needs as she is here. She will need a I 130 and I 601a, the kids may not need a I 601a, how old are they. She might also be smacked with child smuggling which needs a I 601, so details as usual matter.
  5. Would it not depend on the Officer you will talk with more than anything else.
  6. I am trying to remember, now I went to Spain for a week before the interview, I have a feeling I never mentioned anything, it was not that sort of interview. Anyway I had to spreadsheet my trip as there were so many including a lot to Spain.
  7. We have a mega thread detailing peoples non experiences visiting. The people who have had problems, well all the ones I recollect there have been reasons, for example multiple long visits.
  8. You apply for a SSN a couple of days after arrival.
  9. utgh meant to say Parents should go.
  10. My Parents is for the Parents to go.
  11. The problem I see is that you applied for a Family Reunification visa and you are not there.
  12. The only thing I can think of is to delay the interview until you know when you will be back home.
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