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Everything posted by Lemonslice

  1. META AKA FACEBOOK Don't overthink it, it is the same company. My employer did not even change name, and I have documents showing their name in so many different ways 😕
  2. Others might be able to confirm, but your daughter might have to wait for her US Passport to be able to visit (not clear from your question if the visit is planned before, or after, her American documents are delivered) Otherwise, don't overthink it, just answer their questions. Purpose of the trip: visit family Dates ... Any other questions they might have, just keep it short. It's only a short visit until you get your immigrant visa.
  3. No. Simply that it is not uncommon to have to wait 8-9 months to receive AP/EAD, after filing for them.
  4. A year would be lucky. You can minimize the delay on your side by getting married as soon as feasible, and filing for adjustment of status when you have the marriage certificate in hand. Don't forget to request AP and EAD, so that your spouse might be able to travel, or work, in 8-9 months from filing...
  5. We are 29 pages in. I am glad that OP and his spouse now have a lawyer to assist them. I think they are way beyond DIY.
  6. On the plus side, employment is abundant right now. Entry-level positions are available between $15-$20/hour in most locations, and that will be enough to satisfy immigration. In high-cost of living area, it is still a pittance, but it will be ok for immigration. If your spouse has trouble finding a better paid position, most state have career/employment centers to help them. https://www.careeronestop.org/LocalHelp/AmericanJobCenters/american-job-centers.aspx
  7. Suicide is illegal in some location (eh, it's a misdemeanor in Nigeria, in case you are wondering!). Medical help to die is not available in most. Living, and how you choose to live, are very different matters. I think marriage is an outdated practice, but I still got married to be with the one I love. Fight windmills, or get what you want - sometimes, the choice is easy.
  8. Just be realistic, nothing will help if you don't see each other as often as possible.
  9. So, she has visited you two times since 2018? How many weeks total?
  10. Were you able to spend more time with your spouse since the denial? How much time? How many visits?
  11. When you say "our case", what do you mean? The spousal visa? You've been here for years, reading the guides for a refresher might be useful.
  12. Not immigration related, but congratulations on your success as an author. You must be somewhat famous in your field to be able to consider sending your three nieces/daughters to college as international students. Best of luck to you five!
  13. Won't be an issue with immigration. I recommend she requests a copy of the vaccine card for her own medical records.
  14. It's not impossible, but all the situations I've encountered, employees were paid by cheque or direct deposit.
  15. Foreign governments do not have the authority to withhold taxes for the IRS, so employees who are subject to US/state taxes would have to pay quarterly to the IRS. If they are US citizens, or otherwise not exempt from Social security/FICA they'd have to pay that directly also (employer and employee share, since the employer isn't required to pay). Again, depends on a lot of factors.
  16. Depending on the situation (country/type of work, type of passport, visa/status in the USA, type of diplomatic mission, among other things) no EAD is required. This is the office able to advise on those questions https://www.state.gov/ofm Income might, or might not be taxable. Again, many factors get into it, and some countries have tax agreements (situation for one country might be different than for another country, and workers citizenship and status also plays into it). It's... complicated. Usually, the diplomatic mission employing the worker can refer the employee to reference documents to explain in better details. There's not one answer (and, usually, not even over answer per "office", too many factors get into it).
  17. She would not be able to attend school, or work (even online), for at the very least 6 months. Please discuss it all with her. You can still propose, even get married, and let her go home and live her life.
  18. Maybe check in with her. Doesn't she have an apartment, or other obligations, to go back to? Propose, but adjustment of status might be a golden cage. Discuss the length and duration of that process.
  19. Some have trouble getting the SSN after marriage, when they have entered on the K1 visa - not all SSA offices have a good understanding of the rules. Easier to go before wedding, if possible.
  20. Is your name on your mailbox? You can also reach to your postmaster.
  21. It would be a problem with the commercial carrier, not the country. Commercial carriers denying boarding to passengers with valid documents is still a very RARE occurrence. When it happens, it is most often because the front line employees lack training (that is why it is good to be informed and to be able to refer them to the CBP carrier guide). Some airlines do have weird internal policies, but it is they are oddities. Which airline are you flying?
  22. The stamp is sufficient. Look page 39: https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2017-Nov/carrier-information-guide-english.pdf Also, read the guide to advise the airline to reach out to their CBP liaison if needed... You'll be fine. Thousands of travelers use the stamp every day.
  23. Beautiful ice here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnzpLr5DoA3
  24. Oh wow, remember when I was looking for a light grey stick? I think the powder eye tint in Dove would work! Happy dance, it does look very close to the shade I was aiming for The stone reminds me a bit of the Lush massage bars I used to get. The distribution seems very limited in my area, but I will try to smell them in person if I can.
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