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Everything posted by Lemonslice

  1. Gary posting a fake picture of his wife on the beach was... something.
  2. Go back. Bring boarding passes, flight number(s). As others have said, your wife shouldn't say much besides "I've been told to come back to have my visa endorsed, there's been an error when I flew in". Nothing more. Please correct the error. Don't tell them how, just please correct the error, I've been told to come back because it's really important.
  3. You need to find a deferred inspection site and tell them your wife's immigrant visa hasn't been endorsed/stamp. Do not leave before they do. Where did she enter the US, Dulles?
  4. As an immigrant, you are also much better protected with the spousal visa. Should something happen, you are able to stay in the US and (co-)parent. As a fiancé, should things go sour before the adjustment of status is completed, you are very, very, limited in ways to stay in regular contact with your child.
  5. Focus on the red part. Also, it is great that your wife has a great professional future, but it is all based on CURRENT income, not hypotheticals.
  6. Reply with this page printed, hightlighting this part, and the fact that your spouse is not Pakistani: "Citizens of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Afghans living in Pakistan must also only present a marriage certificate issued by religious authorities, as Union Councils do not issue NADRA certificates to these groups." https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Pakistan.html
  7. Mailroom might have been closed when they got there. Follow up on Monday. No need to panic yet.
  8. I would say "ok" and wait to see if they return it. If they insist they can't send it, they'll have to return it to you overseas... Passport Canada can issue a second passport in such situation, but that's water under the bridge now that you've left the country.
  9. Have them send you the passport then. Not ideal, could get lost, but you'll most probably be fine. Alternatively, you can get a travel document, or new passport, from the nearest Canadian embassy/consulate - however, they will cancel your current passport, so your visa will be in a then-void passport, and it is a few hundreds dollars. Don't forget that your visa will only be valid for 6 months from your medical exam, not clear how long ago that was.
  10. Anyone at your residence can forward you to Europe your passport using a tracked courier service DHL/Fedex/UPS? What was your plan when you sent your passport?
  11. Canada has Tylenol with Codeine. France, acetylcysteine to clear wet cough. I am a little legal smuggler. All declared, and for personal use.
  12. I thought users were trying to react to how serious your situation is; you can say *expletive* this, and *expletive* that, but at the end of the day, you are the one who has to follow their rules, and comply with what they want to see. I am sorry you want to close your account. You can report your thread and they will close it. Or you can leave it as is, and come back in a few weeks/months, to update everyone and confirm that all is well in the end. Take care.
  13. Big thread on VJ recently about traveling with meds...
  14. Good to hear, thank you - kiosks in EU are so fast and convenient, can't wait for my man to get is EU passport too!
  15. How did your American spouse use the automated kiosks in Germany? Early May, those where not recognizing non EU/Schengen passports where we were.
  16. So, maybe not what you want to do, but move on your own now, work (wherever, plenty of work at $15/hr you can start tomorrow, you do not have to love it, it is only to have extra income for a few months) - this will put you way over the minimum requirement and then no need to find a joint sponsor. Your family will be reunited promptly.
  17. This will depend on the country, and then the port of entry. No universal rule, and certainly not valid in one of my countries of citizenship.
  18. Don't forget that your spouse won't be able to travel for a little, or longer, period after she immigrates. Cancer treatment is often a fluid situation, will your spouse be ok with being away, and possibly not being able to go back home easily? Getting married there now would also allow her mom to attend. Something to think and discuss between you. Best of luck to you and your family.
  19. My shirt is from the regional NFL team, trying to pass as a local. The cats enjoyed the stroller, and I could walk at some speed... they only run at 3 am! I think the cats are 12 or 13 years old now. They are very small, around 7 pounds each. Behaviours is very English, not sure why you Americans dropped the extra letters
  20. Yelling, and other disrespectful behaviours are not cool... Yesterday was in a jogging stroller - but one of them does well on a leash / the other one just rolls in the mulch. Here is a short clip of leash "success": https://streamable.com/pr9nan - and her sister: https://ibb.co/9933qhF
  21. It is even different at different times, depending on the volume of flights/passengers incoming, and available officers/lines. There is no right or wrong answer, you just ask, or follow directions when you land. No big deal one way or the other.
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