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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from N-o-l-a in My instructor's rant   
    Why would I? Because we're so close? Olivia, I'm not going to defend myself to you or anyone else. I don't have to. I live here and live in it, every single day. I know what's going on.
    Oh, and as for if a foreigner's involved? Not. There aren't "tourism police" anymore. Tourists, just like anyone else, are on their own.
    Alrighty, Olivia. Two weeks and the chaos that's been going on for almost two years will be done and over with. Right on. Whatever you say.
    BTW, Morsi was elected by 25% of Egyptians, which isn't a majority by any stretch of the word. His election results were a whopping 2% higher than the next guy, who happened to be Mubarak's last Prime Minister. They were choosing between the lesser of two evils, knowing the result was going to be evil. For those who weren't convinced, kilos of meat, refrigerators, and air conditioners helped sway their opinion.
    Ah, you're confusing the Constitution Assembly (which Morsi appointed) with the top Judges (which Mubarak appointed). The Judges have been around for a long time. The Assembly rushed a vote on the Constitution (after everyone that wasn't pro-sharia walked out) because the Judges will vote TOMORROW to decide whether the Constitutional Assembly is illegal. Before the now famous "decree," the Judges intended to vote whether some decision made a few months ago was illegal, and if they chose it to be illegal, the presidential election would have been illegal and power would have returned to the military. The reality is the decree prevented a military coup. Whether that stays or not remains to be seen. Morsi is to either approve or deny all or part of the draft Constitution today, then it goes to a popular referendum. The problem is, the Judges must preside over the referendum, and they haven't worked for a week and it doesn't look like they plan to any time soon. These are the same Judges, by the way, that have somehow managed to find every single person charged with crimes against protesters not guilty; they're Mubarak's people.
    This speaks to how utterly clueless you are about what you're talking about. There is no Egyptian Parliament. The Judges got rid of that democratically elected representative body months ago.
    Women's rights? Most folks are genuinely bent because the Constitutional Assembly flat our refused to prohibit sex trafficking because it would "make Egypt look bad." The reality is sex tourism, both men (the Gulf Arabs) and women (think tourist resorts) bring money into the country on the backs of the poor and Egypt isn't willing to let that go. They also refused to set a minimum age for marriage of girls to 18, as it is now, because nine is "sharia." Oh, and FGM? They had a fit several years ago when that became illegal, so the law was changed to "medically necessary" (read: pay a doctor to say your daughter has to have her bits cut off). With this constitution it will be a-okay.
    Have you even read the draft Constitution?
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    Ihavequestions reacted to nurse1967 in My instructor's rant   
    I find it interesting how touchy and sensitive some people get when others are concerned about an American's safety at the present moment in Egypt. Are there less safe places for Americans in the world currently?? Probably. Does that mean everyone who is concerned about an American in Egypt right now is a bigot?? Definitely not. If you are sooooo secure with your own prowess and ability to travel in Egypt right now then ignore it and move on. I find it strange that the ones complaining about people's concern is always the American spouse and not the foreigner .Never once have I seen an Egyptian husband come here with these type of complaints all the while defending Egypt for it's safety. Watch TV. Read the newspapers. Speak to your husband's family about the current events. It is lawless in Egypt right now. If something happened to you God forbid, you would be totally on your own. The government nor police nor military are going to care what happens to you. When I was in Egypt in 2009 I felt COMPLETELY safe. Now, I wouldn't travel there with or without my husband. Period.
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from sandinista! in My instructor's rant   
    EXACTLY. Make no mistake, this place is lawless.
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from N-o-l-a in My instructor's rant   
    Here's a clue about your husband's country: Egyptians identify with Arabs, so much that the only time you will hear them talk about being African is when Egypt is playing in the African Cup. I'm not sure if it has to do with the common language, religion, and culture or what, but they just do.
    I am curious about something. Exactly where is this one Utopian place in Egypt that has been left unscathed by the revolution? You know, that "environment" you mentioned? Please, tell me, what makes it so different than the rest of the country? Does someone actually answer the phone at the police station? Are there police at all, other than traffic cops (who hang out in groups because they're scared)? Do the police come when there's a situation, or do they wait until its over and come and take a report, which is what happens everywhere else? I'd like to know where this is.
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    Ihavequestions reacted to NigeriaorBust in NEED ADVICE! EX-GF THREATS TO RUIN THEIR LIVES!   
    You friend should take the treats and go to a local court and ask for a restraining order. If the woman doesn't respect it then have her arrested. Usually criminal charges encourages someone to move on.
  6. Like
    Ihavequestions reacted to aaron2020 in Denied Tourist Visa to the US... What now??   
    You feel your wife as a foreign national is ENTITLED to get a tourist visa.
    You don't like paying US taxes. So you don't file US tax return as required because "you don't work for a US company." This is wrong, US citizens are required to report ALL income regardless of source on their income tax returns.
    You think your words are enough. People at the US Embassy who are charged with enforcing immigration laws are stupid and know less than you.
    Come on.
    You don't pay your US taxes like you are suppose to. And yet you insist on receiving all the benefits. How do you think the rest of us US taxpayers think about providing a tax dodge with a tourist visa for his wife?
    Get with the program or stay out. You and your wife are not special. You don't get an exception to the rules. We all followed the rules, so do you if you want to get your wife over to the US.
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from N-o-l-a in What's your opinion about Arabic??   
    What's my opinion about Arabic?
    The fonts! The fonts confuse me! Can't there be just one?
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Peace.... in Lesson Well Learned   
    No, it's not the end of the story. There's far more to it: the life you plan to make for yourself in the US. Dood, you can't run around gawking at and/or commenting on women's body parts, particularly in a professional setting (which the embassy is), without expecting some type of ramification.
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from NikLR in dragging feet to come to the US   
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Lady Bug in ROC, divorce and moving.   
    Filing taxes isn't a big deal. As a citizen, she will have a Social Security number and it's easy (and often free) to do online. Not only that, but she won't have to pay taxes on income earned out of the US under - I believe - $80,000 USD.
    Regardless of the tax situation, which she hasn't asked about, citizenship will alleviate her travel concerns.
  11. Like
    Ihavequestions reacted to Cathi in Hep "B" positive diagonis!   
    is there really a need to attack a person who is here asking for advice? Seriously? If you have nothing better to do with your time and energy I suggest you leave this site. There are people from every country in the world here, and if you expect everyone's English to be perfect you have a serious problem. This is a site for people who need help with the immigration process, not a site to belittle people. Get a life!
  12. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from mrettercap in i need help fast my wife want to divorce me only because i dont want be Christians   
    Another testimonial as to why Casablanca is such a difficult consulate, particularly when red flags abound, such as religious differences.
  13. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from 100% Al Ahly Fan in I just have to let out some excited energy   
    Do it.
    I understand you are shooting for nine months, but (as we all know) with AP and such, it's hard to predict exactly when.
    Have him book your ticket from Egypt, when December is not the height of travel season. He should get a much better price that way.
    Besides, winter is citrus and strawberry season in Egypt!
  14. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in I just have to let out some excited energy   
    Do it.
    I understand you are shooting for nine months, but (as we all know) with AP and such, it's hard to predict exactly when.
    Have him book your ticket from Egypt, when December is not the height of travel season. He should get a much better price that way.
    Besides, winter is citrus and strawberry season in Egypt!
  15. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Stephen + Elisha in i need help fast my wife want to divorce me only because i dont want be Christians   
    Another testimonial as to why Casablanca is such a difficult consulate, particularly when red flags abound, such as religious differences.
  16. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from milimelo in i need help fast my wife want to divorce me only because i dont want be Christians   
    Another testimonial as to why Casablanca is such a difficult consulate, particularly when red flags abound, such as religious differences.
  17. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from rade2rising in i need help fast my wife want to divorce me only because i dont want be Christians   
    Another testimonial as to why Casablanca is such a difficult consulate, particularly when red flags abound, such as religious differences.
  18. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Ivie & Eguagie in i need help fast my wife want to divorce me only because i dont want be Christians   
    I'm not buying it, either.
    Sometimes people don't understand a ten year green card is permanent residency, or they don't understand nobody is forced to stay married in the US, so they maybe ... just maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe ... believe they need to find a reason.
  19. Like
    Ihavequestions reacted to LIFE'SJOURNEY in dragging feet to come to the US   
    Your Indin sisters here in the US, who have married tradional Indian husbands have told me to part these words of wisdom to you. HE is not going to change what you see is what you will have; here in the US or back in India. If you wish for him to be someone different, that's not going to happen.
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    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Knope2012 in dragging feet to come to the US   
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    Ihavequestions reacted to del-2-5-2014 in dragging feet to come to the US   
    On topic.
    So I woke up this morning to email advising that they (USEM Lagos) was unabel to reach my Fancee on the phone (which was a good thing because they woudl have received crying and wailing).
    Basically they had to reschdule our interview out by 2 weeks.
    WHen I relayed the news to my Fiancee was totally devastated emotionally that it's now going to be another two weeks until she see's me. Her Mum said it took 2 hours for her to console herself.
    This is how it's supposed to be. Two beating hearts are supposed to be yearning for each other, trying their gosh darnest to be joined at the earliest opportunity. It's not supposed to be dragging ones feet and making excuses.
    Good luck to all of us on this journey.
  22. Like
    Ihavequestions reacted to VanessaTony in dragging feet to come to the US   
    What a lot of people don't know is rkk1 has posted MANY times about her husband. The gist of it is this:
    - He will NOT help her with household finances once he's here and earning in US currency. He said he will send it all home to care for his family
    - At one time, with the tax refund, he demanded she send him a portion seeing it was thanks to him that she got so much of a return (there was a lot more to this, with him constantly changing amounts and trying to use emotional blackmail on her)
    - She was pressured to marry him and wasn't ready at the time (from her previous posts) but she's trying to make it work because of family pressure.
    There are many previous posts of rkk1 which show severe issues in the relationship. I have no doubt she is being used, that his delay is due to getting the 10 year card so he doesn't need her anymore, or something else nefarious.
  23. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Louza in Hotels in Cairo   
    I tried calling, but the number for the Juliana Hotel appears to be disconnected. It's too bad, too, because I stayed there before and it was decent, especially for the price.
    My advice? Disregard their advertised rates and negotiate. Hotel occupancy is very, very low at the moment.
  24. Like
    Ihavequestions reacted to NigeriaorBust in SUSPECT INTERNET FRAUD   
    Ghana is right behind Nigeria in 419 frauds. Many members of these gangs will try to get to the US to help the gang by funnelling money from innocent victims to the members back home. My guess is this is what is happening. Do NOT contact local authorities they are usually not well trained in these things. Contact the FBI , you don't want to mess around with these people and you don't want them to drag you down also. These people can be very very dangerous
  25. Like
    Ihavequestions got a reaction from Peter_Pan in fiance's family disapproves   
    Divorced, with or without children, older wife, not common but not unheard of AT ALL in MENA - even in MENA/MENA marriages.
    Don't sweat that part.
    What you should be sweating is your potential future husband's attitude about his potential future wife. In all of my MENA years, many of them living smack dab in the middle of it, it's NEVER been the man's choice of a wife flat out refused. After all, he goes to her home and proposes. It's always her family that says no. His family will - maybe right away, but maybe eventually - accept his choice, even if they don't like her or something about her and spend the rest of their lives ignoring her, they will never tell him he can't and really mean it.
    For him to lead you to believe otherwise is hogwash.
    Perhaps what will happen is *surprise, surprise* he won the visa lottery and he's off to his new life in America. In a few years, after he's a wildly successful CEO of a Fortune 100 company, he will return to marry the wife his family has chosen for him. After all, it's time for him to get married.
    You're being played.
    That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
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