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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Newark NJ
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. In my experiences since 2020 DOS have been on the money i been 3/3 all within a month. I want to blame cases like that on bad luck 😅
  2. I guess it all depends on the state you are submitting the application but seems to me like all you need is certified dispositions from that case to show the outcome of it. Any evidence of completion from the court and you shouldnt have any problems. Again not legal advise but i myself had several arrest 6 to be exact all for criminal offenses and it wasnt a problem during my N-400. It was an extensive interview and mostly center on my criminal history during my early 20s but i walked out a citizen. I had to show dispositions for all cases to show what i pled guilty to, cases that were dismissed, proof of completion of my probation for one of the cases and proof of completion of an anger management course i was mandated to take. Just be truthful because they have everything they need but its up to your wife to do the leg work to find all the documents they already have lol.
  3. The daily routine of reading every new post on VJ during my lunch 😂 and break it has truly become a habit.
  4. I do enjoy those as well the soap opera statuses 😂. VJ has become a form of entertainment for me lol i rather read through comments then to actually watch tv lol.
  5. How many ppl like myself have finish their immigration journey but still come to websites like VJ and others just to learn and help others?. Even though i finished my immigration journey a little over a year ago im still intrigue and amaze about the whole immigration process. I come in here everyday to learn and to help others that were in my situation of starting a process like my N-400 without knowing anything about it or all the resources that were available like VJ that could have helped me understand and made the whole process a lot less stressful. Great website and so grateful to have found it. Thank you guys and keep up the great service you guys provide to us all.
  6. That makes sense because i have actually heard of ppl possessing two passports and actively using both.
  7. I dont think it would work once the application is in process unless he gets in contact with someone in the DOS to withdraw the application which im not even sure if it works like that. Every passport has a different number which i notice when i filed a DS-5504 for my wife because of a typo on her middle name. We got back both the passport with the typo and the corrected one. The one with the typo came back with a clipped type hole i guess to make invalid. But both had different passport numbers.
  8. Not always the case DOS is notorious for sending out passport with Typo’s even when ppl dont make any mistakes on the form. Lets hope they are able to catch the mistake and fix it for you before they print out the passport. The good thing the DOS offer free corrections you just have to fill out the DS-5504 form.
  9. Thank you for this after i read it i was able to find it in Spanish on the USCIS website & sent him the link. I guess if he decides to withdraw the application what would be the way to do it? A formal letter to USCIS stating he wishes to withdraw the application & a brief reason why?.
  10. I will try to convince him but he made it seem like i didnt know what i was talking about 🤦🏾‍♂️ i decided to ask the question here with the hope of giving good news that at least he might of gotten his money back 😢
  11. No he is not, he come to the US by his father a us citizen who petitioned him as an adult.
  12. Quick question guys i just found out one of my coworkers under an erroneous advise submitted his N-400 thinking he could do so because of his American born child. I explained to him that he could have only done it early through marriage with a US citizen which is not. He has only been in the country 3 years 8 month which i know his application will get deny do to early filing. My question is if he retracts the application he will still lose his money right. USCIS is not in the business of refunding hence the reason why they would let him complete the whole process including biometrics yesterday lol.
  13. Her mom naturalized in 2007 my wife entered the US as an LPR in 2008.
  14. Yes she did but 1 year before she petition for my wife. My wife wasnt even an LPR when her mom naturalized. After she naturalized is when she file the I-130 for my wife.
  15. Yes it seems like this usually gets enforce during workplace enforcement actions by ice. So if you work in a place were there is a numerous amount of illegal aliens employed better keep it on you just as a precaution.
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