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Posts posted by Killerbee04x

  1. You can let the government use false information about you.. not me.. I will not stand by and let then use false information on me. Judge me on untrue judgment. I don't have to even explain it.. I don't have to mention it. It just is.  Can't be used against me. They are forcing it on me. With all arrest history. Knowing that that's a illegal statement.. knowing that it will effect me.. then they want it in the packet to involve my wife? That's messed up..why is this untrue information keep being used against me..I'm not in politics.. I have rights. I'm a us citizen.. live and work her with no criminal record besides false information.

  2. See now people are calling me a troll.  For point out the facts about what the system is forcing me to do. Using untrue information against me. Then Using it on my wifey. I have to put it in the packet. Then they'll tell my wifey.. why cause all the problems for me? I did nothing wrong and I'm going to get harrassed for it. It's like I'm guilty. I'm not and don't deserve to be treated in that way at all. They are spreading false conclusions..

  3. They don't need to know that's why and its illegal for them to ask about it. They can't say it's not being used as a risk assessment. Because it is making it a illegal act and my rights get violated. You either stand up for your rights or you have no rights. Rights just like everywhere else have to be maintained. It's not a guaranteed thing.. they list every arrest nowing it could be untrue charge. When I rejoined the military they did the same thing. It's illegal. They can't ask about a untrue charge, arrest, or other untrue bill. Its discrimination based on the fact they list it with every other arrest by not separating it from the other  arrests. They like trick you into discriminate against your self. Never allow the government to trick you Into hurting your self

  4. I'm not applying for immigration. I'm a us citizen.. so tell my why they need to know a untrue bill?  If its not true why do they need to know. I'm ready part of society so how can I be a risk. So I'm guilty of a crime I never committed or some how a risk factor  because someone lied.. what is this? Why isn't untrue listed? I wonder why isn't not listed at all. Because it's illegal to ask for that..

  5. I am listing it. Still if its untrue it technically is exempt. Asking for it is illegal. They can't ask for it. They can't deny me on that grounds. I can understand them ask for it from a non us citizen. They are under different rules as a green card holder. Asking a us citizen about a untrue arrest on the grounds of denial is illegal.. they can't ask for it.  

  6. Well I was doing my job for the military got falsely accused by a state. Because it was a arrest I have to list it? How do I even list it In the packet? Do i have to get a waver for a untrue bill? It's like someone falsely accused you and you still get damages or discrimination from it? I'm sure theirs laws against what they are asking for. Because If it's not true.. then why do I have to list it.. I'm so confused.. do I need a waver or not. Why isn't untrue Bill's explain better in the instructions.. 

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