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Posts posted by Eric-Pris

  1. What's with Andrei forcing Elizabeth to block all family members out of her room during labor/delivery.  Talk about a control freak, he's got some serious issues.  Even his own father is much different and told him point blank that he needs to change his attitude.  


    The Colombian princess says that she won't let Russ' mother hold the baby more than once or twice.  In her words, time with the baby will be "limited". And Russ actually passed the message to his mother and she freaked out like she should have.  Paola sensing that her mother is not going to back her play in not allowing Russ' mother to hold the baby much starts telling her nonsense about how badly she was mistreated while first living in OK with his parents.  She wasn't mistreated.  She was judged, yes, but only sue to the way she acted.  She should have known that they are more conservative there and can't be walking around showing flesh like in Miami.  Russ needs to take some blame for not making sure knew it ahead of time.  So then the mother starts getting angry for no reason saying that she's going to confront Russ' mother.  And sweet little Paola who caused this is saying that she hopes there will be no problems.  


    Chantel is very insecure, she won't cut it off with that bum no matter what.  And she's very gullible, and he knows how to get her to forgive him, despite so much evidence that she's being played.  If i have to hear "Si jew wanna fix de prolems, no listen to you family"  Their new show should be non-stop them meeting with the other families knowing it will end in a fight.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  They have so many problems so Chantel thinks that going to the beach will fix them.  If they didn't have to come back to reality of every day life, life would be grand.  LOL


  2. 4 hours ago, debbiedoo said:

    i havent watched pillow talk yet but thought that was an impressive guzzle lmao

    seemed scripted to me.  it was probably Snapple Peach Iced Tea.  Him being a wussy and all (per Larissa's own words several times).



  3. On 7/5/2019 at 2:18 PM, Falcon Cara said:

    I can't stand her. 


    No way she is just 26 years old, She is closer to 36 years old. She looks like a dried out ole prune


    That WA farmer boy is in for a world of hurt and doesn't even know it.  I predict he'll be flying back home with his tail between his legs and an empty bank account before the 90 days is up to go cry in mommy's lap. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Mary Lou said:

    These Americans going to the foreign countries sure seem alot more stupid then the Americans bringing immigrants here.

    That Corey guy, gives up his life, not to mention life savings to an ungrateful woman living in a 3rd world country. That has no plans to marry him.

    Jenny, the 60 yr old, with the Indian man, she wants to blend in, but she's American and isn't wearing Indian clothing. Good luck with that 👍 

    The girl who went to S. Africa with her child, who calls a stranger "my dad" we have visions of Nicole here!! They are a train wreck already with battling an addiction. That isn't going to end well. 

    Then there's Angela #2 running after the 29 yr old guy, which she has already married so they could have sex, because of the rules and beliefs in his culture. 

    The Korean guy who's straight from the farm, along with his parents are going to Las Vegas to meet the single mother who's pregnant with his baby. Her trip to Korea wasn't so great, not sure how she expects this to be better. 

    Saw a clip on Facebook, looks like Darcy has her hooks in another guy!

    Yep, that Corey idiot gives up his life, job, family in the US flies to Ecuador (the toilet of South America) and that ungrateful dunt doesn't even get off her butt to pick him up at the airport?  She tells him to take a bus (with 4 suitcases???).  Does he know that she has no intention of marrying him?  I don't remember in the prior episodes, but didn't they discuss marriage?  Bait and switch?  And she's not good looking at all.    My prediction is that they won't get married and he'll have to run home to mom and dad before the 90 days and then she's just going to take over the business he bought for "them" since it's in her name.  


    60 year old flies to India and is afraid that his parents will find him and drag him away back home.  That's the only story line there.  The rest is a total bore.  


    The one in South Africa with the kid calling that addict "daddy" is creepy.  Yes, another Nicole.  


    Angela #2 we've seen before.  That won't end well we all know.


    Not sure about the timeline, but did she get pregnant by the Korean guy in a matter of days?  I'm thinking that's not his baby.



  5. 11 hours ago, JFH said:

    What does Azan need a month for? If he loved her he’d be begging her to get on the very next plane. 

    Everybody, except for Nicole, know why.  He wants as little physical together time as possible.  I think he's seeing that his gravy train is ending since she's broke and homeless now. 

  6. Paola having a baby in a blow up pool without doctors was just dumb.  Her mother who was visiting for the baby couldn't even watch.  Russ who had his balls removed it seems didn't have a word in the matter.  I told my wife i would never allow it, and she said that she would never even try that.


  7. On 6/16/2019 at 5:00 PM, adil-rafa said:

    and wow, she got so angry when he told her he had to catch another flight and Russ has flown enough to know you can only check 2 bags

    Usually you can check as many bags as you want, as long as you pay for them.  Remember his first trip, he took 5 lockers full of mosquito nets, water protection condoms, disinfectants, lotions, creams, first-aid kits, etc.


    But Brazil had/has an embargo on luggage at the time, only 2 were allowed.  When I was going to south america a few months ago, they also had a 2 bag limit and no boxes.


    I wonder what personal safety gear he left out since he had to repack his 5 bags into 2.  He did bring a  bullet-proof baby-carrier or backpack of some kind.  What the...?  If you need bullet-proof gear, maybe it's time to man up and move your wife and kid to a better area.


    Karine's brother said it best when they were chatting.  He called him unbalanced or unstable, or something like that.  I agree he doesn't seem stable.

  8. Wow, sorry for your situation.  Sounds like you married a man child who never grew up.  7 years of undergrad?  Lots of people go to school for 7 years... they are called doctors and lawyers.  :rofl:    You sound like a motivated person with goals and dreams but he's a spoiled mama's boy who needs people to clean up after him.  Good that you are looking to get out before he brings you down too.


    Other than changing your address so you can receive their letters, I wouldn't change anything more with USCIS at this time.  They may approve your 751 without an interview, not sure what the current wait times are.  If there is an interview, you can change to a waiver then.  


    Good luck.



  9. On 6/13/2019 at 12:37 PM, sherriJoy said:

    I don't think it weighs as much as other evidence, but thought I'd keep as many documents as I could, just in case. I might be over worrying because now I'm switching to a divorce waiver.

    Sorry, I mean the comment below about changing your status or your last name on social media.  That seems so unimportant, I wouldn't even care enough to think of it.  I guess social media presence is important to you. I'm in my early 40's so I'm not that into social media.  Good luck.


    On 6/12/2019 at 10:30 PM, sherriJoy said:

    As the title suggested, I want to unfriend my soon-to-be-ex-husband on Facebook and other social media because it’s been so unpleasant during this process. I also don’t want to keep his last name anymore, even though we are still legally married. I would like to start by changing it back on social media. Will that be a red flag?  Should I take some screenshots of the “evidence” before I do so? We have out-of-country travel pictures along with family pictures. I know generally evidence via social media isn’t deemed very strong but since I’ll be switching to a divorce waiver, I’d like to “beef up” my application as much as I can. 

  10. On 6/13/2019 at 10:38 AM, Eric-Pris said:

    I think she really is in it for the greencard (based on the timeline), but was too lazy to research what she needed to do to be able to divorce and stay.  Sounds like she thought that once the greencard forms were sent, she was home free.  But it looks like she will be home free, like free in her home country.  Unless the OP has no backbone to do what he needs to do which is to pull AoS

    40 minutes ago, kimme79 said:

    That is a personal attack which requires no attention

    Sorry you took that as a personal attack which it wasn't.  I was simply saying that her only option will be to go home if you do what you SHOULD do.  But based on your subsequent comments, you have proven my comment correct.  You have no backbone.  This woman has asked for divorce and left you, and you still think that you owe it to her to talk first.  She doesn't need to say more.  Her actions did a lot of talking very clearly, but you are failing to understand and are holding out hope that you can convince her and beg her to come back.


    Like somebody said, if she does come back, it's because she will have realized that she needs to stay until the actual greencard arrives.  So you will be paying 10 years of support for a few more months of her physical presence in your house/life, because emotionally, she's gone or more likely she was never there.  But now she's no longer faking it because like i said before, she didn't do enough research to know how long it takes.  Lazy, or received bad coaching.        


    I agree with another post that said that being able to sponsor somebody doesn't necessarily mean that you can support them.  And Colombianas require a LOT of support.  $$$  They are high maintenance, materialistic, barbie dolls... for the most part, even though I have yet to meet one who is not.  I'm guessing that you didn't know her that well, and didn't know that you wouldn't be able to afford her.  Also, their jealousy level is not like I have ever experienced before.  And they will get physical (with the other woman and you).  No joke.


    My prediction is that the OP will not pull Affidavit of Support (I-864).  He will continue to try to speak, beg, plead, etc with her.  Or simply try to find her (because it seems that she's hiding from him) and stalk her (that's what it's called when somebody keeps calling, texting, messaging, people that clearly don't want it).  He will never give up hope.  And then they will approve her greencard and she will have legal stay in the US.  Or if they get called for an interview, she will put on her charming persona to get him to attend and pretend they are happily married (I think we can agree that it won't take too much convincing) and then immediately upon exiting the building after the interview, she will leave him again.  Does anybody (other than the OP) think it will go down any differently?  This is pretty sad.

  11. On 5/30/2019 at 4:10 PM, Oghenekenyoro3 said:

    Hello all!

    I need help trying to figure out what to do. The man I married in Nigeria has abandoned the home since November 2018. He has moved to California and I am starting to think that this was his plan. He has shown so many signs that would not allow me to marry him in the U.S. Can someone help me to find out what I can do to report that he had I'll intentions once he got here? He also got 10 year Aug. 2018. He has left all responsibilities behind...while he is working on a weed farm sending pics of cars and money to his friends in Lagos.


    I think a man moving to a different state is pretty clear cut sign that he doesn't want to be with you. You probably got scammed, but nothing you can do.  It's one of the risks we take in trying international relationships with immigration and sponsorship.  


    Best is to move on, divorce and forget him.  



    *And stop stalking his facebook, don't concern yourself about where he works or what he does, you'll just drive yourself crazy. 

  12. On 6/7/2019 at 4:31 AM, MiniBigBoss said:

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. She does not work (even though I have been encouraging her to go to school and have a career, as it will help her mentally & socially). now she is threatening to take half my paycheck, can she even do that?

    I don't why you are paying her expenses?  If she is threatening to not let you see your kid, that's not legal.  You should not have to pay her rent, or allow her access to your bank account.  In divorce, she may get awarded alimony and child support.  But I don't think it would be half your paycheck. 


    Divorce and move on with your life.  You can even challenge custody if you can show that she's unfit.  Some of the things you mentioned would worry me, the pool thing especially, and leaving him with mentally unstable people.  I think you have a shot at custody.  And then she'd have to pay you child support. 


  13. On 6/9/2019 at 2:34 PM, debbiedoo said:

    so you just got married and now you want a divorce?


    1- sounds like all she wants is a greencard

    2- you can not participate in the rest of AOS process and she will not GET a greencard. she can not adjust under anyone else. She will be out of status and required to leave. You should also send a letter to USCIS revoking your affidavit of support.

    3-VAWA has to be PROVEN, it can not just be her making claims with no evidence. You saying she can not work ILLEGALLY (Since she has no EAD) is not abuse, it is following the LAW.

    What she said ^^^


    Funny how you became a "toxic person" soon after you sent in her greencard application.  Is there an age gap?  Is she out of your league looks-wise?  Sorry, I'm not trying to offend you but these things should tell you what her motives are.  I have some experience with Colombian women and I've seen too many homely 40-50-60'ish year old Americans fall for the charm of a 20-something Colo who is clearly out of their league but they believe it's true love.  But they never seem to work out.  LOL 


    I think she really is in it for the greencard (based on the timeline), but was too lazy to research what she needed to do to be able to divorce and stay.  Sounds like she thought that once the greencard forms were sent, she was home free.  But it looks like she will be home free, like free in her home country.  Unless the OP has no backbone to do what he needs to do which is to pull AoS


    Personally, if a woman said that she wants a divorce, I'd grant her wish immediately.  There are some things you just can't take back (I want a divorce, i don't love you, etc).  I wouldn't want to remain in a relationship with anybody that didn't want to be with me.  And ask her to move out.  If she refuses, I'd move (yes, there may be a cost of breaking the lease--but better than living in hell) and leave her there to deal with the landlord and police. 


    OP, it's admirable that you are worried about her best interest, but like others have said, you should have your best interests first.  She clearly has hers first.


    I have experience with Colombian women. They can be sweet as sugar and a handful when things go bad.  They hold the record for mood swing range.  


    Colombianas.... can't live with them, can't... live with them.

  14. The stepfather said it best, he's got not intention of marrying her.  All he's interested is that she keeps sending more money.  Once the money train stops, he's gone.  But of course, she didn't believe it.


    I just thought of something hilarious that the stepfather said to the camera a couple of weeks ago when they were discussing the Granada trip.  He was talking alone to the camera and said "I hope she doesn't come back married and pregnant."  My wife and I looked at each other, and just burst out laughing.  Unless she experiences immaculate conception, she is not having Azan's baby.


    I'd be willing to bet that they haven't slept together yet.  He has the perfect excuse (In my religion, blah blah blah).  Another Mohammed.    It's pretty clear that he has no desire to be physically close to her.  




  15. On 6/5/2019 at 12:56 PM, Paul & Mallory said:

    His high and mighty "this is my responsibility, not yours" speech holds zero water, based on his actions. That entry job with truck driving as a REALLY good job, for someone in his position. And he was stupid to not at the VERY ABSOLUTE LEAST consider taking it. His wife is pregnant, for crying out loud, and literally unable to pay bills by herself. My husband would flip burgers if he had to, to make ends meet. So would I.

    Andrei and Elizabeth are both living in fantasy land. They are completely delusional.  They both fight against her family who really are only concerned for them.  The way they show their concern may seem a little overbearing but they see thees 2 spiraling out of control and they have a baby on the way.  I think it's out of genuine concern.  I didn't like the father at the beginning but he is making a lot of sense.  A man has to man up and take any job regardless of pride.  But Andrei doesn't want an entry level job.  I think he expects to be making 6 figure off the bat.  Again, delusional.   


    But Elizabeth doesn't want to talk about her problems.  She'd rather put her head in the sand and just wants to pick out her registry gifts (priorities priorities).  And now they are talking about moving again.  They have no money (other than her income which will end eventually when she becomes too pregnant to work).  And they think that they will move again, breaking their current (new lease).  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?  And when her family questions it, Elizabeth blows up and tells her sisters to butt out.   Grant it, the sisters act like women who control everything about their husbands and the way Andrei acts goes against all that they believe and probably makes them nuts.  But her family seems to try to give genuine advice and not butt in unnecessarily, but Andrei has even turned Elizabeth against her family, making her believe the same non-sense that he seems to believe, that they are against him and are trying to make him indebted to them in some way. ????  This couple makes me mental.   


    Pedro telling Chantel to be respectful to his mother was comical since he shows no respect for her family.  I like the way Chantel handled herself.  She was NOT going there to apologize and beg for forgiveness, which is what his mother expected.  LOL    The mother has stones accusing Chantel's parents for the fight while stating that her babies (Pedro and Nicole) were innocent bystanders.  Meanwhile, they started the whole thing. Pedro's who family is nothing more than classless 3rd world garbage.  


    Russ and the Colombian "model"... she seems to be wearing the pants in that relationship.  Enough said.  She wants to have a baby in some nasty hippie's midwife's house instead of real hospital with doctors in case of problems.  And that's what it will end up.  Russ can't take a job in his field because the princess wants to live in Miami.  WOW.  


    Nicole is most delusional of all of them.  The purple hair will go over well in Morocco.  Like she doesn't stand out enough already.  Her whole family, friends, and fans online see that she's being played, except her.  Now some stranger sent her stepfather an email that Azan is just stringing her along so that she keeps sending money.  What young guy like him does not work.  She can't be that dumb.  I think she really is starting to question everything in her own head, but she is too stubborn to admitted it.  She will fight to the end and go down with the ship rather than admit that they were right.  The stepfather seems to have it down cold and tells it straight.  She is being used and he will never marry her.  The mother tries to say it straight but walks a fine line to not piss her off and lose seeing the grandkid. 



  16. Like most things with these things, it may depend on the embassy.  My friend applied for his fiancee and their K-1 petition got approved by USCIS really really fast.  Much faster than he expected, so he had to stall the interview because his fiancee had a 10 year ban that had 6 months left to go.  They got approved in January 2018 I think, and they interviewed in July (2 days after her ban was up) and she was approved no problem.  He was very straight-forward with them about the reason and they understood.


    If you explain to them about your passport situation, they may very well work with you. 

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