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Posts posted by KozmicBlues

  1. 1 hour ago, Hurry&Wait said:

    I should be working, but was changing the case numbers on the system to just one day before (August 1 received) and there is one already sent to the consulate. That looked like good news to me and seems to be "in line" with others' recent experiences. I think you should check every afternoon for the next few days!

    That's awesome!! I will keep checking for sure. Also, just curious... how are you able to tell the date by the case number?

  2. 14 minutes ago, belle4310 said:

    I'm probably being paranoid a little, but NVC still has not received my case yet. approval 7/19. anyone with a similar situation?

    I don't think you need to worry yet since they say it can take 2-4 weeks. I just got my case today and my approval was 7/24, but that doesn't mean anything...they probably process them in some strange order the same way USCIS does. Give it another week or so before you get worried!! 

  3. On 8/5/2017 at 4:11 PM, dkmfan85 said:

    I received my NOA2 yesterday! I wanted to reveal to my fiancee on Skype first before letting everyone else in on it. She couldn't believe I hadn't even opened the envelope to peek until this afternoon. :D


    NOA1 Receipt: 3/28 Notice: 4/3
    NOA2: 7/31  postmarked 8/1
    Case tracker still shows as "Case Was Received"

    Good luck to everyone still on the roulette wheel!! I'm rooting for everyone!!

    OMG Congrats fellow 3/28 receipt date! So happy for you!! :) 

  4. 2 hours ago, amishbaby said:

    Hey guys! I checked my Informed Delivery today and got a letter from USCIS. I'm so nervous. I see that the notice date is August 3rd. I called USCIS and spoke to a tier 2 officer and he said I didn't have any RFE or approvals on the way and they are processing January cases and all of that. The same day I contacted my senator when they didn't give me any information on my petition. They contacted me back August 3rd, the same day this letter is dated. Nothing says anything about an RFE on USCIS' website, so.... now I wait till the mail arrives. Excited and scared all in one go. :jest:


    1030264466-012 (1).jpg

    Yay!!! Congrats!!! So happy for you! It looks exactly like our NOA2 so I'm sure it is! 

  5. 2 minutes ago, amishbaby said:

    No, it doesn't hurt. Seeing your approval really inspired me, so to speak. I'm hoping I have the same results. I'd be so happy! But anyways, congrats on your approval! I know we have similar dates... I have a good gut feeling which is pretty much accurate most of the time. I think I'll get my golden ticket this month. :) Just keeping that hope, you know?

    Yes that's all you can do is keep the hope! I imagined myself getting the approval so much and kept telling myself it was coming. It's the only thing that kept me sane!! 


    1 minute ago, amishbaby said:

    How long did it take you to get word back from your senator on your approval after your contacted him? Just curious. 

    They actually got back to me super fast. Called on a Thursday, sent the completed privacy form to him on Sunday with my NOA1, heard back from him on Tuesday with the news that USCIS advised it was approved. Keep in mind, when I say "him" I'm referring to the immigration specialist that works in his office. I really think I just got crazy lucky because it was way too good to be true. Lol. :) 

  6. 8 hours ago, MentalVoid said:

    Just got off the phone with NVC, and I have a case number! My case was approved 7/18, NVC received it on 7/28, and the case number was assigned 8/2, for anyone with similar timelines. It's still "At NVC" according to the tracker but it's something!

    That's awesome!! Mine was approved on 7/24 so I think I will call Monday or Tuesday to see if they have it yet. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, amishbaby said:

    Actually, @KozmicBlues and a few others reached out to their state senators and got their NOA2's approved... so you could try your state senator anyways, since I'm doing the same and many others have done it as well.

     @AfricanQ yep I contacted my Senator's office and got an approval dated the same day they inquired with USCIS on my behalf. They also replied to the Senator advising them of the approval. I still have no idea if it's just coincidence that it was already being approved on the same day, but that would be a huge coincidence so I'm leaning more towards their inquiry prompting the approval. Either way, it doesn't hurt at all to contact them and see if they can get a response on your petition for you. 

  8. 4 hours ago, pajobra said:

    I am also beginning to think our box has been pushed aside. :( Hopefully they notice soon. Although in my case I guess it does not matter anymore as I am not sure how I am going to get to the states. I can not leave my kitty behind. :( Possibly I will take my Mum's car and drive all the way to Colorado Springs with my stuff and cat. 16 hour drive with no stops so it will be a two day trip and then bring her car back up to Devils Lake, ND and my sister drives her down to Devils Lake so she can pick up her car and I then get on an airplane at Devils Lake and fly to Denver.  So complicated as our original plan of him coming up here to get me is not going to work out. I wish I could take my car down but its not mine its my sisters and she can't give it to me unless its safetied and unfortunately it won't pass the safety without some work. My mechanic says about 1000 dollars worth. The car is only worth 2k soooo yeah. I am just a tad stressed. My fiance said it will work out darling. Least he has confidence. LOL

    Aw I'm sorry dear! Don't worry, he's right and it will all work out. I have no idea, but is renting a car one-way an option? I imagine if it's even permissible it would probably be super expensive but just wondering. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Estibaliz said:

    I know for a fact her notice date was April 3rd, because we had talked about her dates being same as other people here, and she told me to keep her updated if some of that people from April got their NOA2. So yes, they got the senator involved, but even with that, we saw other people with the same dates approved last week. So they have to be working those dates for sure.


    April received dates is a different story (April Lepers!)... But they can't avoid us forever :)

    haha yep you're right it's April 3rd...checked it when I got home to be sure. I haven't posted in here before but I'm one of those March/April inbetweeners lol so I hope April starts seeing movement soon also!! 


    And as far as other posts about the tracker working for now, if what the USCIS told my Senator's office is true then it can't be working correctly, at least not 100% anyway. USCIS website and both my tracker apps still show received so the ones updating with approvals must be sporadic. Once I get the NOA2 in the mail we can confirm this for sure...I should get it tomorrow or Saturday at the latest considering I'm right next to Cali. But until I have that letter in my hands I'm holding my breath!

  10. 25 minutes ago, C and E said:

    Hello! Thanks for this info. My case was received March 29 so we are on similar timelines. Unfortunately I am stuck in-between countries right now and not sure how I am going to work out going to my fiance's country for the interview as it is quite complicated in terms of $$/how long I can stay, so I am really feeling pressure to sort things out SOON and nail down an interview date so I can make a move. Thought this would have been done a few weeks ago!

    How did you find out how to contact your congressperson? What process did you use to find the right e-mail?


    Also, what was the original e-mail/letter you sent? Would you mind sharing the letter here (without personal details) as a template?

    Thank you in advance!! 

    Hi! I actually just called my Senator's office up on the phone and explained my situation. The aide that handles immigration issues then emailed me a privacy form and inquired with USCIS on my behalf. He is the one who contacted USCIS at the e-mail; a specific one for congressional use only I assume. It took some pleading and convincing for him to offer to inquire on my behalf. At first he was just quoting the processing times online for USCIS. I explained that I understand, but people are getting approvals and it's super frustrating to not have a reliable tracking system especially considering the fee we pay, etc. Just expressed my frustration and the fact that I will be travelling to attend his interview and due to a high-demanding job I can only go in a month. 


    As for finding out to contact...just google contact state senators for whichever state you are located in. If you want to go with congressman, it's specific to your local district so you will have to search my zip code/address...if you google it for your state you should easily be able to find a link which takes you to where to locate them. I went with Senator since there's only two for our state so it was easy to choose one. 


    I don't have an original email/letter to share since it was just the privacy form specific to this senator's office and then a copy of my NOA1 which he asked for also. I added a few sentences in the form where they asked for details...just summarized what I told him on the phone. So no formal letter or email other than that.


    Hopefully this helps a bit and hope you hear something soon!! I know how frustrating it is to need to plan things around this process, but have no reliable source for when to expect results. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, od17 said:


    So sincerely happy for you! Crossing everything that's able to cross that the NVC process is a breeze and you guys can attend the interview together!

    Your NOA2 gives me hope since you're 1 day before our noa1 LOL 

    Thank you!!! I'm sure you will be getting news soon. The fact that they pulled and worked mine likely means I couldn't have been that far back in line for processing. If I was, I'm guessing they would've just given the same generic response about the processing times. So I think it's great news for all other March filers that NOA2's should be coming soon! Fingers crossed for you and everyone else!! 

  12. 36 minutes ago, BahamaIslander242 said:

    Oh wow!!! Congratulations! Great to see some more movement finally! 🎈🎊🎉🍾


    Can I ask...is March 28th your Received date or Notice date? I think I remember you saying it was your received date a while back but I don't remember anymore. lol

    Thank you!!! And yes, March 28th is my received date. I was going by that as my NOA1 since the USCIS tracker shows that as my action date. I think my notice date is April 2nd or 3rd I'm not sure exactly. 


    @Estibaliz thank you so much!! Really appreciate it! :) 


    Update for all - my tracker of course still shows received. I will update my timeline with NOA2 once I actually receive it in the mail. Until then, a small part of me still believes this is too good to be true!! 

  13. 1 hour ago, Rev said:

    Oh gosh, congratulations!!!!  Would you mind messaging me which senator you went through and how you went about it?  I believe I'd have the same one and it looks like his office was able to get results!

    Thank you!!! yes, I definitely will send you and @twoDs the details as fellow Arizona filers! I'm at work so gimme a bit to message you both and I will! :) 

    51 minutes ago, AnJ Co said:

    I know there's some that drop in and out of this thread have said some things, out of pain I'm sure, that might inhibit someone from sharing good news about an approval..... However, Whether it is a January or a May filer - I wanna hear it.  I'm so glad that you shared it.



    Thank you so much!!! 

    1 hour ago, Holly♡ said:

    1st: Gratz on NOA2!!!

    2nd: OMG! Don't feel bad! Just feel the happy you are feeling! 
    3rd: Thank you for sharing this info... I can imagine how hard it is, but still =) And it is great and useful info because according to the wording, it does kinda sound like they got a move on it due to the fact that someone else got involved.
    4th: Why would we think this was a drill?! lol
    5th: Gratz! time to celebrate! :jest: You should/could be there for interview now!!!

    Thank you!!!! And I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I know the heartache of seeing others get approved. But I also enjoy seeing good news for others so definitely wanted to share. And yes this means there's a very good chance I can make it for the interview! Yay!!!!


    Oh and I only said this is not a drill because it seems too good to be true, like someone is playing a prank on me! haha. Just a silly saying. :D 


    34 minutes ago, Eric&Olya said:

    That's fantastic news! Congratulations!!! Now you have every chance to schedule the interview for the time of your September visit!

    Don't feel bad, it's not your fault that USCIS is so illogical:) 

    Thank you!!! and yes I'm so happy because now we have a good chance at me making the interview!! 

  14. 9 hours ago, Holly♡ said:

    Instead of just processing our cases... our estimated waiting times just keep getting pushed back a day.. EVERY day! ugh!
    At least they can't ignore our cases forever! Can they?  lol


    Seriously!! I stopped checking the timeline estimate two weeks ago when I realized it was only making me crazy  and obviously isn't something we can depend on definitively since it changes constantly as processing times get delayed. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, twoDs said:

    I'll be very curious as to the response you get. We're both March filers (I'm a couple weeks ahead of you, 3/13) from the same city.


    I looked up my representative and he actually has a link for USCIS follow up on his home page, but from my reading it seems like if you're not at five months, little will happen, so I'm just getting the paperwork ready to send when we hit day 150.


    Today is day 134 for us. Informed delivery email came, no NOA2.


    For all March filers, the longest NOA2 wait for those that have NOA2 is 139 days, with two more at 134.


    For NOA2s issued in the past two weeks, the longest wait has been 167 days. A 2/2 filer got their NOA2 on 7/19.


    I hope the rest of you find something in your mail today. For us, we wait again for tomorrow.

    Ah wow, fellow Phoenician! :) I'll definitely let you know the response I get. I initially called and talked to the person at the office who handles immigration issues. He looked up the processing times and told me they are currently working on Jan 5th cases per their website. I explained that it just recently went back to January after it had been updated to February. I told him I completely understand that I am within "normal" processing time, but explained that the information they provide us at USCIS is inaccurate since people have been approved after the dates they tell us and with no updates to the tracker. He of course said they must've been expedited applications and I said I know many instances which were not. He understood my frustration and said he would send an inquiry to USCIS with the understanding that he will likely receive the same response. 


    I totally understand that I haven't been waiting longer than others, but my fiance is from India which is known to be a difficult embassy. We had consulted with a lawyer who advised us that it is in our absolute best interest for me to attend the interview with him (the embassy does allow it) in order to improve our chances of getting approved. It's not required of course, but it will make us feel much better about our chances. We don't have any major red flags, but India is just known to be a tough embassy especially for interracial couples with different faith/cultures. Due to my work the only time I can travel to be out there this year is in September so I booked the trip hoping our NOA2 would arrive within to schedule his interview for while I am there. If we don't receive the NOA2 by the end of this month then there's no way that will happen so that's why I reached out to the senator. If it doesn't work out for me to attend the interview then I'm sure it will all still work out, but hopefully we get some good news soon.  


    And I hope you get your NOA2 this week!! You are much longer overdue than I am! 

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