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Posts posted by BethyWink

  1. 2 hours ago, Scandi said:

    I have sen a lot of people recently getting the "interview was cancelmed" status without ever having an interview scheduled in the first place. I would say glitch on that status.


    Since your husband decided to file the N-400 it's possible that the case will be transferred to your local field office for a combo interview, yes. So that could be a long wait still, if so. 

    Our case has been in the Seattle field office for over a year.  (Though what is strange is that our RFE came from Spokane, on the other side of the state, which I assumed was just helping with overflow) 

  2. Hello.  We applied for ROC in April of 2019, then have been in "waiting to schedule an interview" since July of 2019.  We are in Seattle, so I know their office is backlogged.  


    About a few weeks ago we recieved an RFE for Nov2019-present.  Which they recieved about Two weeks ago. 


    While waiting my spouse applied for citizenship as well which has an eta of 2021.  


    Yesterday we recieved a text stating the interview was cancelled.  (It was never scheduled)  We assumed it was that they were bypassing the interview, but two hours later it went back to "Waiting to schedule" with the priority date as July 23, 2020.


    So now are we stuck waiting another year for an interview??  Has anyone seen this?  Just a covid glitch? 



    Screenshot_20200724-052804_Samsung Internet.jpg

  3. 9 minutes ago, Scandi said:

    Obviously they want to see that your marriage is still on-going. You said yourself that you filed over a year ago, a lot can happen in a year. You already showed them evidence from earlier in your marriage, obviously they don't want to see the same stuff again, so they're asking for newer, updated evidence. 

    But why not just schedule the interview then or approve the application, it makes no sense that they do an RFE while still waiting over a year for an interview to be scheduled.   

  4. After almost a year of "Waiting for an interview to be scheduled" we got an RFE in the mail this weekend.   Our status online is still "Pending an interview to be scheduled".  The RFE asked for evidence from November 2019-Present??   Anyone know why they would ask for evidence of dates after we had applied?   (Its not like I do not have it, but its just more trees killed that could be resolved in an actual interview) 

  5. It sounds like your fiance broke up with you, and you still chose to come to the country and wanted to sue him for breaking up with you?   That is not a thing.  Engagement is not a legal status of relationship.   


    You can apply for child support, but then he has the right to get a DNA test to prove if the kid is his.  You will still not be able to stay in America, regardless of that.  The baby will be a US citizen but it still will not give you the right to stay here.  


    I would book a ticket home, and call it a day. 


    Are the Adoptive parents going to adopt YOUR baby?!  Is that what you mean? 

  6. I was in treatment for cancer when we were applying for a CR-1, but it was not in my opinion a reason for expedition.  


    I believe "Humanitarian reasons" is for more of a spouse who is in a country that is at war, or being threatened.   Not really for the person to come to the US for surgery. 


    Heck, they even grilled my husband on him potentially being a financial burden to the state for his medical costs.  (Even though he was insured in America, and from Denmark, who has free healthcare) 

  7. I might have to disagree with a lot of the posters, your main question on is it possible is YES, you have to fill out a few forms, but she will get an extention to stay in the US.   

    While 3 months is not a long time, I know many couples on here have only met their partners once before they get K1 visas, or have only dated long distance, my parents (Both USC) married after 3 months of dating and are together 38 years later, while I have friends who dated for 8 years - got married and divorced within a year.   


    Who is ANYONE to judge someone else's relationships?!  


    Work together to find out what is best, do your research and know it is your life, do not let strangers dictate how to have a relationship.  

  8. 22 minutes ago, missileman said:

    Old site: https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/mycasestatus.do

    New site: https://my.uscis.gov/

    I believe I am correct about which one is new...LOL

    Ah Thanks!!!   


    Though both said just that the case was recieved.  😞   *manically refreshes both pages*




    Also, they do not have the same dates for recieved!  Old has the 19th of April, New is the 23rd.  This is just confusing

  9. I youtube searched I-751 Interviews, and a few immigration attourneys have "mock interviews" to show what it is like.   The questions they asked in the mock interviews are questions that I feel comfortable answering to any stranger who asks (What was the last gift they got you, who cooks in the relationship, etc), so it really helped me not stress about it.  

  10. There are a lot of sexist comments and connentations on this post. 


    It looks like you are set on divorce, and that is a big choice to make, but if you believe it is the right one, do so quickly.  I am not in your relationship, and only know what you posted in an emotional state of mind, so I can not give solid advice.  But seek advice from local friends who have gone through divorce before who can tell you real life expereinces as well as advice.   Remember that you can still remove your conditions while going through divorce procedures, it will just be a bit more difficult, but it is not unheard of, as marriages do end.   

  11. Leaving your wife and kids without even telling them will look great on your application when you go for citizenship/removing conditions.   

    If you are set on divorcing, tell your wife, do not just surprise her by leaving the state and leaving her high and dry with a child.  Does she rely on finances from you in any capacity?  What about the kid?  


    I just can not fathom someone leaving their child and not thinking twice over a problem with the inlaw.  

  12. Did you know her before you physically met? Through online or similar?   That could help your case look better.  The fact you got married without knowing eachother for longer than 2 weeks is a big red flag from a high fraud country.  


    I would go to the Nigerian forum on this webpage to see if they have any further advise for you. 

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