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    irina_frank reacted to Shauneg in Interview next week. worried about the questions. any suggestion?   
    Once saw this in a post, made me laugh the amount of questions....so I saved it. Most of these are for CR-1 and A.O.S. though.
    Please check these questions below. Development of Your Relationship When and where did you meet for the first time?
    Could you please describe the first meeting?
    Did you make arrangements to meet again?
    Did you exchange phone numbers and/or email addresses?
    When did you meet next?
    Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living?
    What did the two of you have in common?
    Where did you go for the dates?
    When did your relationship turn romantic?
    Who proposed to whom?
    Why did you decide to have a long (or short) engagement?
    How long was it before you decided to get married?
    When did you decide to get married?
    Did you live together before marriage?
    Did your parents approve of the match? Why or why not?
    You and your spouse What is your name, address and date of birth?
    What is the name, address and date of birth of your spouse?
    What did you do for your spouse's last birthday?
    What did you give each other for your last birthdays?
    How often and what time do you call each other by phone?
    Which holidays do you celebrate together?
    What activities did you do together the last time you visited each other?
    Which of your financial matters are shared, or who supports the other financially?
    Do you and/or your spouse have any scars or tattoos? If yes, where on the body?
    Where do you work?
    What time do you or your spouse arrive home (whoever is working)?
    What are your working hours?
    What is your annual salary?
    Where does your spouse work?
    What are your spouse's working hours?
    What days of the week does your spouse work?
    What is your phone number at work?
    What is your spouse's phone number at work?
    Do you know your spouse's salary? If yes, how much is it?
    Do you and/or your spouse attend regular religious services? Where?
    Do you have any joint bank accounts? Where? What kind of accounts (checking, savings, money market etc)?
    Are both of you listed on the account? As proof, do you have a bank letter or cancelled checks?
    Who takes care of paying the bills?
    What religious holidays do you celebrate together?
    What is the most important holiday of the year in your household? Where do you typically celebrate it?
    What did the two of you do last New Year's Eve? Fourth of July? Thanksgiving? Christmas?
    How did you celebrate your most recent wedding anniversary?
    Have you and your spouse gone to see a movie (or any other form of entertainment) lately? When and what did you see?
    When was your last vacation? Did you and your spouse go anywhere together at that time?
    When did your spouse take a vacation last time from work?
    When was the last vacation you and your spouse took together?
    Where did you go? How did you get there? Could you please describe in detail?
    Do you have the photos from your last vacation together?
    Did you file a joint tax return this year? Can I see the copy of it?
    Do you jointly own any property? If yes, can I see the copies of the documents?
    Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If yes, can I see copy of the same?
    Do you have any utility bills where both of you are listed together?
    Do you have receipts from items you have purchased together?
    What other documentation do you have to prove that you are living together as a married couple?
    What did you do for Christmas, New Year, your anniversary? Did you exchange gifts? If so, what kind of gift? Wedding Where was the wedding held?
    How did you and your spouse get to the church, temple, mosque, gurudwara, courthouse etc?
    How many people attended your wedding?
    Who were the witnesses to the ceremony?
    Did each of your parents attend the wedding?
    What kind of cake or other food was served?
    Did you serve the liquor? What kind?
    Did anyone get drunk or otherwise embarrass themselves at the reception? Who? Describe.
    How late did the guests stay at the wedding?
    Did you exchange wedding rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together or separately?
    Was there music or other entertainment?
    Who were the bridesmaids/groomsmen?
    Did you have a reception after the ceremony?
    If you didn't have a reception, what did you do after the wedding ceremony?
    Where was the reception held?
    Could you please describe the reception?
    Could you please show me any photos of the wedding ceremony and/or reception?
    Did the bride change clothes for the reception?
    What time did you and the [bride or groom] leave the reception?
    Did you go on a honeymoon? When did you leave? How did you get there? Where did you go? For how long? What airlines?
    Where did you live after the wedding?
    Relatives Do you know your spouse's family members? Which ones?
    Have you met each other's parents?
    When did you see them last time? For how long? Where?
    Do you buy gifts for your in-laws on important holidays? Do they buy gifts for you?
    Which other members of your spouse's family do you see frequently? When was the last time you saw them? What did you do together?
    How often do you see each other's parents?
    How do each of you get along with your parents-in-law?
    Children How many children do you have?
    What are the names, birth dates and birth place (hospital name, city) of each child?
    Which children were normal delivery and which ones were c-section?
    What is the name of your child's best friend?
    Who prepares and packs the lunch for your children?
    What is your usual babysitter's name? What are the day care timings?
    What is the name of your child's teacher?
    Who picks up the children at school?
    What are their least favorite foods?
    Which children (if any) still use a car seat?
    What are the favorite toys/activities of your children?
    If your spouse has children from a previous marriage, what are their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable?
    House Could you please describe the place where you lived right after the marriage? No. of bedrooms and bathrooms; furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning (window or central), heating (gas or electrical), etc; number of telephones, TV sets etc.
    Do you live in a home (single family, condominium, townhouse) or apartment? How much is the mortgage or rent? Who pays it?
    Who cleans the house?
    What are the garbage pick up days?
    Do you write checks for paying the bills or online billing?
    What color are the curtains in your house?
    What type of curtains or window coverings are in your living room? What color?
    Who gets up first? At what time?
    Do you set up the alarm clock to get up in the morning?
    What do each of you eat for breakfast?
    How many staircases are in your house?
    Is there a carpet in your front hallway? What color?
    Do you have any pets? Which ones (such as dog, cat, fish etc.)? Who feeds it? Who walks it or cleans its cage, kitty litter box etc?
    How many sinks, toilets, and showers are there in your house/apartment in total?
    Is your sofa a regular one or does it have a pull-out bed? If later, have you ever had guests sleep there?
    Where did you get the furniture? Was the furniture already there, did you buy it, was it a gift, or did it come from you, or your spouse's previous residence?
    How was the furniture transported to the house?
    Technology Who keeps the garage door opener in the car?
    How many remote controls are there in your house?
    How many cars do you have?
    Do you have a garage? How many cars fit into it? Who parks in it? Do you use a garage door opener?
    How many telephones are in your house? Where are they?
    Do both of you have cell phones? Do you have a family plan on the phones?
    Does your phone have an answering machine? Who checks the messages?
    Do you have a VCR? What brand? Do you use it only to watch videos, or do you record any TV shows?
    Do you have a DVD player? What brand?
    Where do you rent movies from?
    Does your spouse listen to the radio? What station?
    Do you have cable TV or satellite dish?
    Who is the cable/dish provider in your house?
    Does your spouse listen to music? What kind of equipment does he/she have such as walkman, iPod etc?
    How many TV sets are in your house? In which rooms?
    Do you watch TV shows together, or separately?
    Name one TV show that you always watch together.
    Do you have a still camera? Is that a digital camera or the one with the roll?
    Who uses the camera most often?
    Who takes pictures at important family occasions or during sightseeing?
    Do you have a camcorder? What brand is it?
    Kitchen Who goes grocery shopping? Where? How often? How do you get there?
    What color are the kitchen curtains?
    Who makes breakfast?
    What does your spouse drink in the morning? (Such as coffee, tea, milk etc.) If so, does he/she use cream and/or sugar?
    What is your spouse's most (or least) favorite food?
    Is there a particular food that you eat every week? What is it?
    What are your favorite foods and who cooks what?
    Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it? Is it gas or charcoal?
    Who does most of the cooking?
    How many times a week on average do you eat out?
    What is your special restaurant?
    Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?
    Bedroom What size is your bed (twin, queen, king)?
    Do you have a regular mattress, futon, or waterbed?
    Who sleeps on each side of the bed?
    Do either of you read or watch television before going to sleep?
    Do you have lamps next to your bed?
    Have you ever had an argument that resulted in one of you sleeping in another room? Who, and which room?
    What kind of birth control do you use? What brand do you use?
    When was your wife's last menstrual period?
    Do you leave any lights on when you go to sleep at night?
    How many windows are there in your bedroom?
    Where do you keep your toothbrushes?
    Does your spouse use a regular toothbrush or an electrical one?
    What kind of toothpaste, soap, and shampoo do each of you use?
    Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his/her clothes?
    What color are your spouse's pajamas?
    What is your favorite position (missionary, doggy, cow girl etc)?
    Where are the bathroom towels kept?
    Where do you keep the dirty clothes?
    Just before the interview Did you or your spouse go to work yesterday?
    If so, at what time did you and/or spouse leave the house and return?
    Did you eat dinner together last night? What did you have?
    Did anyone else have dinner with you last night?
    Who cooked the dinner last night? What time was dinner served?
    Did you watch TV after dinner? What shows did you watch?
    Who went to bed first?
    At what time did you go to bed?
    Did you have the AC, fan or heater on?
    Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?
    Did you or your spouse take a shower this morning?
    Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?
    Did you come to the interview together? Who drove?
  2. Like
    irina_frank reacted to stephelliott in NEED HELP ABOUT NOA1×   
    Hey, well we mailed ours on the 13th of May and received the NOA1 letter in the mail on the 26th. It was dated the 18th, but obviously took some time to get to us. Could be the same for you..
  3. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Pitaya in Consulate Confirmation!   
    It happens. Don't forget to breathe every once and awhile....
  4. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Inky in how long does it takes for the USCIS to grant expedite?   
    You should hear in 5-10 days from your expedite request if its approved or not. If its not approved generally they just do not approve your petition and send no notice. If its approved you would have had an approval in 5-10 days of your sending the papers in for your request.
  5. Like
    irina_frank got a reaction from JCallaway82 in Small Error in K-1 Packet....   
    We did the same and first I was also worried a lot. But the worst thing that can be it is RFE . You will just send properly filled form and it will take you several days. At the same time it will mean that your case is processing. It also depends on a person who will review your case as well as mine. If we are lucky they will not pay much attention on that.We noticed that after two months we sent it.
    If you still didn't send it then if I were you I would wait it to be sent by your fiancée and send the correct form. Then you won't be worried about that.
  6. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Billy + Evelyn in You can win this! The K1 battle DOES end!   
    My and my husband suffered 11 months in the K1 process, and there were times when I just cried allllllll the time thinking it would never be over.
    Well... this battle DOES end! I've been in America for a month now, married to him, and happier than ever.
    So... just here to let you know it's not forever. It's one of the lasts steps. Hang in there because your happiness will come to you sooner than you expect!
    4 years of long distance relationship. 1 year on the fiancée visa process... and we finally got married. Here is a little bit of our magical day:
  7. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Nich-Nick in Form I-485 , help !   
    Everything said above in post 3 is correct. Try this list to help you organize
    My AOS list https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FIsgnb7Tfj7tcRNnqRMKUOXQdEfR6HTUDY2vX6zKqqU/mobilebasic?authkey=CNXN_oQH
    Use the example forms to help you fill out yours. Look in blue menu bar at the top of the page.
    A guide http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1k3ao
    Tips page http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1aos
    Your visa is over when you enter the country so it's expiration means nothing. Take your time to get your application correct. You don't have to leave. There is no deadline, but the sooner the better.
  8. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Cody and Daisy in EXICTED !!!   
    Little hint- don't boast about being at CsC, the wolves will come out and eat you.
    Good luck on your journey!
  9. Like
    irina_frank reacted to NPM in February 2015 filers - Texas Service Center   
    Today is one of those days where the waiting takes a toll on us.
    My fiancé and I both helped each other a lot - even with the distance - with our college workload. He graduated in May and it was painful to not be able to go to his graduation after everything I've done to support him make it there. I was so happy and proud of him and it was so hard missing his big moment. Only a few days later he got a great job. I was beyond myself with pride. All I wanted was to hug him, kiss him and say how much he deserved all this. The job is in a new city, so I was the one who went online looking for our new house and doing other related researches. After we decided on a place, I sent him the money for half the amount needed to move in and am slowly looking online for furniture, etc.
    I wasn't there for the moving, and call me silly, but I wanted to have had that experience with him. I wanted to have helped out more and now I want nothing more than make that new place a home with him.
    He had good news at work today and called me first thing to tell me all about it and I took the opportunity to tell him again how proud I am of him and that he deserves all that he's getting because of all his hard work. That's when he told me that all of these happy moments have been deeply bittersweet because I'm a part of all of them, but I'm not there to share the happiness with him, that he's always sad in these good moments because we're never together to celebrate them.
    The way I feel is my life has started and I'm not there to live it.
    Two weeks ago, I bought a ticket to go visit him on August 7th. I'm kind of freaked out about it, because last time I spent two months (December - February) and even though I didn't go to the secondary questioning room, the immigration officer in Miami asked me a whole lot of questions before letting me in and seemed suspicious. The subject of me knowing somebody in the U.S. never came up, by the way. Now I'm afraid I'm on some kind of list and I'm worried as to how it's gonna go this next time.
    I'm sorry for venting, but I felt like other February filers in TSC would understand how frustrating it is to have to wait until September (possibly) to find out if they got an RFE that would delay their case even more or if they've finally been allowed to go on to another phase of waiting. I do understand that my fiancé and I are very lucky to have seen each other for a month or two every semester and that most people don't have that opportunity. I also realize I'm upset for not being with him to share GOOD news and that there are so many people in a much worst situation.
    I don't know.. let's just keep in mind that we're over halfway through the Texas blackhole (supposedly) and that if fate is kind, we might be with our loved ones this year still. I say that supposing everything will go smoothly and the approvals come in September and the Consulate interviews come at the most 3 months later, in December (I know that in my case, it takes about two months for the interview in Rio after NOA2, but who knows).
    Once again, I'm sorry for letting it all out here, but I had no other group of people that would understand how it feels as well as people here would. I don't wanna be this melancholic around my fiancé because he's suffering too and I need to be strong enough around him today to say that everything is gonna be ok and that we will be together in no time.
    To everybody here, I just wish you all a lot of love and patience. Don't forget to tell your fiancés you love them today, and that they're more than worth all the hassle and wait. This is just a phase. People go their entire lives without finding their soulmates and we are lucky enough the be one of the people that did.
  10. Like
    irina_frank reacted to LEL in November 2014 Filers - Texas Service Center   
    I was told that our petition has been under review for the last week. I guess it's another term that TSC throw around to make it sound like they're doing something. I'm guessing it moved from the big room of files to a slightly smaller room full of files.
  11. Like
    irina_frank reacted to *Snowdrop* in Son to come with Fiance.. Feeling overwhelmed   
    I recommend reaching out to charities and organisations concerned with supporting those with cerebral palsy.
    There may be a local support group they can put you in touch with. This could lead to opportunities for grants or funding or even just asking for options for buying or renting the equipment you need.
    It is probably going to take a little work on your part to keep reaching out until you get the help you need:
    Don't forget to reach out to general disability organisations as well as cerebral palsy specific ones. There may be financial resources available there too.
  12. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Cody and Daisy in K-1 Visa questions   
    Tourist visas are usually denied because everyone is assumed to have immigrant intent which is why strong ties are needed to the home country.
    K1 visas have nothing to do with tourist visas because they are a non immigrant visa WITH immigrant intent.
    A k1 is expected to stay in the states and adjust status.
    A previous tourist denial will have no effect on a k1.
  13. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Hotter Otter in Facebook Investigation for Visa   
    After the medical when you get a Dr looking at your downstairs area I don't think there's any privacy left
  14. Like
    irina_frank reacted to tomyka81 in Facebook Investigation for Visa   
    Make your facebook private. they can only see the things that you make public.
  15. Like
    irina_frank reacted to VOL in Received noa2 for k1 but now decided to get married before attenting interview   
    You post makes very little sense to me, Sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen
    If it were me and you are still going to continue this relationship, I would stay on the K1 path, it will take a few weeks or months to schedule and then you have more time after that to enter the USA, it can be stretched out a long time
    If you are trying to marry to lock him or yourself into a relationship, which it sounds like to me, then I would just go ahead and stay on the K1 path and don't co mingle funds for a year or two......
  16. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Hank_ in Im K1 with 2 children- confuse about getting appointment for interview.   
    You complete ONE registration for yourself at USTRAVELDOCS, pay the $265 visa fee for each person, they when you schedule your interview at the end of that part it will ask if you want to schedule another this is when you schedule the K2. Yes you bring the children with you to the interview, along with their passports (of course).
    All will be find, just follow the guide from myself or Greenbaum.
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    irina_frank reacted to Ash.1101 in TSC long distance relationship.   
    It's hard, sadly though you have to work through it.

    For your friends comment, I'm a fan of doing things the right way. I'd rather struggle through doing it the right way than make things worse by doing it the quick easy and wrong way. While not everyone gets punished for the whole coming in on a visitor and marry thing, I'd be my luck that I'd end up being that case.

    I've always been in a LDR but have seen my fiance for a week or so once every two to three months since we started dating. Generally speaking, the only way a LDR works is if you can communicate, because for the most part all you really have is communication. For me though, my fiance have talked literally every single day for at least thirty minutes since the summer of 2012. I can say maybe there are only a total of four days where we couldn't talk due to being busy, but we still got good nights and good mornings. Generally speaking though since we have started dating, for the most part we talk all day when we can, even if we can't, we still send each other messages because we know we're both busy.

    We try to make sure to skype at least once a day but try to go no more than three days seeing each other since our work schedules clash a lot now.
    We try to talk when we can when our work schedules aren't so busy, but we both know why we're working so we don't really resent the busy-ness in our lives because we're both working for a better future for each other. (He works over time to save up so we can have even more of a savings to bring here, and I'm working as much as possible to make sure we're financially afloat when he does get here.)

    LDR's take a certain mindset, at the end of that day you need to be focused on the end goal. My fiance hates that he can't be here for my daughter and myself but understands that we're in the process and when it's done it'll all be worth it. If I need any financial help, he's there to help, if I need a shoulder to cry on he's there to listen and vice versa.
    I believe that everyone has the potential to handle an LDR, but there are some people who simply -need- that physical connection and can't handle being away from their spouse. I've actually seen relationships from friends that were fully functional when they're together in the same place, only to fall apart when they had to be apart.

    A lot of people consider LDR's to be something that causes you to have a stronger emotional connection. We don't get to touch our loved one and have a chemical feel good release (oxytocin - https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/oxytocin), we just have to be able to be there on a mental level and be alright with that, and you essentially have to learn your partner on another level that you hadn't experienced before. There's a lot more trust involved because you're not in their everyday regular life anymore.

    As for the you bothering him part, I actually feel like I bother my fiance a lot more than I should, but he's never felt like that I'm a bother because there's only ONE way to keep that connection and that's to talk. At no point ever has he told me I've bothered him, and he's never discouraged me messaging him. We both message each other at odd hours of the night (he works a shift that puts him home at 4am my time sometimes), but we always hammer on that it's okay to talk, if one of us gets busy it's just a "Hey I have to go this, I'll be back in like X time okay?" "Okie dokie!" But discouraging your only form of connection can discourage a lot more than ya'll talking.

    As for the couples being seperated over a year, I'm used to that concept due to military family and experience. It can be done, it just requires a very strong communicative and mental relationship.

    For my though, my phones my best friend because it's always the way we can contact each other even when we're not at the computer.

    The flood damage is kind of wide spread and in random places. I know Dallas got hit hard but I don't think it hurt the TSC.
  19. Like
    irina_frank reacted to az143 in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    Good Morning,
    To those that replied to my post with compassion, caring, concern and empathy, I sincerely thank you. I was able to read all the posts and it is amazing to see how mean and judgmental people can be when clearly someone is in a state of some distress. I can get on my soap box about this, but will save you all the time ;-) I am a counselor after all :-)
    Peace and blessings to you all and good luck on your journeys.
  20. Like
    irina_frank reacted to FabieetDavid in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    I am from Haiti, born and raised and I have never heard of this. And never heard anything like that from my parents or grandparents
  21. Like
    irina_frank reacted to NikLR in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    It's possible that he's uneducated about how reproduction works and believes a lie that some lady told him.
    It's possible that he's lying to you about when the relationship ended.
    it's up to you what to do with that information. I hope you do what's best for you. Best of luck.
  22. Like
    irina_frank reacted to yuna628 in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    This hasn't anything to do being from where he is from, my dear. This has everything to do with him cheating on you though, and lying, and... sending up a lot of red flags. So, if you are a smart woman, that knows simple math and reproduction, you know that what he's saying to you is a lie... and not even a good one. I mean, I've had some men tell me some doozies... but this... For your own sanity, for your own safety, even for your own sexual health, back far away.
    Unless of course he will then tell you he was a sperm donor (no I'm not being facetious). Because seriously, that's the only magical way this could have happened.
    So to answer your question: no, it's not possible.
  23. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Lemonslice in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    Being educated, you know it's not biologically possible. Most cultures have "explanations" about sudden pregnancy out of wedlock. Believing something does not make it real.
  24. Like
    irina_frank reacted to Ash.1101 in Strange Pregnancy - Need Help   
    Tbqh, if he is upset that you don't believe this insane lie then... well he could lie to you about a lot worse.

    NORMALLY, the longest between sex and implantation is a couple of weeks. Sperm can, depending on some studies, live in the woman anywhere from a week to 9 or 10 days, so at any point there if she ovulated she could end up becoming pregnant without having sex within those last 9-10 days.

    But seriously though, If I was with a guy who thought I was stupid enough that his sperm could live in this woman for a year, with bathing, periods and expulsion of the uterine lining. I'd leave him.

    There are some things that are red flags for how someone will treat another in a relationship. This is def one of them.

    Edit: Biology isn't a cultural or a regional thing. Her body works the same as yours, his sperm works the same as most normal men in the world. Being Haitian should have absolutely no effect on sperm living inside a woman for over a year. If this guy were from any other country or a country that is more educated per se, would you believe it?

    That said, I'm pretty sure even third world cultures know how creating a baby works. Yeah they may think a baby is an incarnation of god, but most people, even under educated or third world country people who have strict religious beliefs generally know how conception works, we've been doing it for quite a long time!

    Edit edit: At the same time though I would honestly have a hard time being able to be with someone who believed they could get impregnanted by a man 2 and a half years after the deed is done. What other belief's could they have that is generally considered wrong on all ends of the spectrums.
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    irina_frank reacted to Amhara in K-1 Divorce help   
    OMG, what a terrible situation! And he was saying to do AOS after two years? What a terrible way to treat his spouse!
    I really hopes he accepts his civil responsibility to pay your way back to your prior country. It sounds like this guy is really irresponsible and disrespectful of his agreements, so I hope he doesn't leave you in a lurch. Try to get away from this sleaze on your own if at all possible! If you depend on him further, he may have no qualms about letting you down again.
    I hope the situation is as smooth for you as possible. I'm sorry for your heartbreak.
    May his urination cause him pain and agony!!!!!!!!!!!
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