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Everything posted by Neonred

  1. I really should say thank you. I don't feel a day over 72 either.
  2. LOL But it was a long time until the 49th state was admitted!!
  3. Same here, but I do have you beat by a little. When I was born there were only 48 state.
  4. Could there be a connection here? Get a flowbee. And of course we know about the child support scam. Experienced that with all my ex wives.
  5. Holiday weekend is just about here. Had planned to be in the Keys resting, boating, and fishing BUT... My wife's daughter and her husband and her two terrorist children, boys ages 3 and almost 5, are coming for the weekend. Ugh. They wanted to come down to the Keys with us but after the last time they came down I said never again. Dirty feet on the new dining room cushions, spilled food, etc, etc. Better they come to the house where there are several acres of land to play on, pool, and not far from the beach. It's the little ones third birthday this weekend so there will be a party. I plan to drink heavily. Poor kids were born in the US of a Russian mother and British father. I wonder why they act like hellions?
  6. While I am not considering an EV anytime soon, I am glad others are buying them. It will reduce the growing demand for gasoline and keep a healthy supply for those of us driving ICE vehicles.
  7. Of course there are a lot of things to consider, but this is number one. Then you should consider where you want to live. Do you want a climate similar to what you are used to in Canada, or are you looking for something different like the heat and humidity we have here in FL? Are you looking for a big city, a country setting, or something in between? Most employers would want an interview to see if you are a good fit for their practice. Most smaller offices are looking for someone that fits in and can be expected to be around for a long while. What setting are you looking for? Small private office or large corporate office? I'll bet the corporate offices will be more willing to take a chance on someone new that is not established in the area. Compensation negotiations. I hope you have given this some consideration already.
  8. I'm in Naples, FL. My son in law is in Ft. Myers, FL. I do believe the NERB or ADEX (one in the same) are valid for licensure in FL.
  9. Please don't even talk about this yet. We are not to the peak of hurricane season, and I've been thru some really bad ones that came late.
  10. Didn't I just note this last week? And again they are sending me this garbage. "Your response is required by law". Another one for the circular file. If you don't see me on VJ for some time you know the Feds have come and put me in the slammer. Who is going to bail me out? LOL
  11. Once you get your work authorization or green card, you will need to take a state licensing exam or perhaps a regional exam that covers several states. The dental licensing has changed a bit here in Florida over the last several years. I am not familiar with an American board exam unless you are talking about the written exam. Did you also take an exam on live patients? If it works out for you let me know as my son in law and I are both in need of dental hygienists (we are both dentists). Probably the same in most states.
  12. They still do that by truck there? Years ago here they used DC-3's early in the morning flying at treetop level spewing diesel smoke and insecticide mix. Always sounded like an invasion. One morning I was on the roof doing a repair and one flew by at very close range. Pilot waved to me as he went buy. Now they do it even earlier with helicopters. Silent.
  13. Are you paying the vet bill for her? That would be so nice of you!
  14. At my office I get those required US Census Bureau letters also. Always says it is mandatory and blah, blah, blah, fines for not participating blah, blah, blah. Got one two weeks ago. I throw them in the trash.
  15. Hooray! As of a little after 3:00pm today we have AC! Was up to 87 in the house again before they finally got it working. Going to sleep well tonight!
  16. Could it be that the Big Guy is hooking up Nancy to the Chinese funded gravy train?
  17. Todays update. AC guy showed up @ 11:30 to check to see if I had indeed picked up the right part. He verified it is correct. Said he will be back later... Time for another beer. Got to keep hydrated in this heat and humidity.
  18. LOL. My AC guy that picked up the needed part that was not available here called me last night to see if we have air. Not yet, but... Then he says "You won't believe this but I just broke a tooth. I need to see you as soon as you are back in the office" Lucky I did not pay for that part yet.
  19. In some places I see homeless people at the side of the road with a sign saying something like "Homeless. Need money for food" or "Will work for food" Down here I see them sitting in the sidewalk on Duval St. in Key West (where the bars are) with signs saying "Why lie. I need a beer"
  20. Down here in the FL Keys it's pronounced barracuda and it's a mean fish with razor sharp teeth. Into our second week of vacation. Last week we traveled north to Savannah GA. It was very warm and my wife suffered. First day took the hop on hop off trolley tour, then walked across town to a restaurant. By the next morning my wife had blisters on her feet and she was done. One additional day and then returned home. A day at home to cut the grass and collect mail then down here to the Keys house. Arrived Sunday and found that the AC was not working. Spent a very uncomfortable night in the heat and humidity. Wife was miserable. Monday am the AC tech arrived and spent a few hours diagnosing the problem. Faulty expansion valve. He left saying he will be back when he has the part. Texted him that late afternoon to ask if they had the part. They told me they were waiting on the distributor to get back to them. I knew the the part was not available in the Keys. Called a friend who is an AC guy in Naples and he said he would pick up the part in the morning. Today our local AC guys didn't have much to say, still waiting. Told them I could get the part. Made the 2 1/2 hour drive to meet our friend half way, then drove the 2 1/2 hours back, and let the local guy know I had the part. They will be here tomorrow am to fix the AC. One more night of heat and humidity. I LOVE MY VACATION My daughter and her husband are coming down Wednesday night or Thursday morning depending on if the boat trailer lights are working. Son in law is NOT very handy when it comes to repairing things. On top of that they lost the license plate for the boat trailer. I need another beer...
  21. Gosh. I hope this doesn't mean we are going to get cut off from all those cheap goods we get from Taiwan. After all they may be marginally better than the cheap garbage we get from mainland China.
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