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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to JohnR! in Sign on Petition...Challenge US Supreme Court Ruling   
    I am against this petition. Only unmarried minor children should be derivatives. I don't understand why brothers and parents should have the privilege to immigrate to the US, and certainly that is not family reunion. There would be no family break up if the initial immigrant had not left home to begin with.
  2. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to lost_at_sea in Red flag over religious differences?   
    We have the time. What was the story?
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Red flag over religious differences?   
    Have you checked Google Earth?
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Ebunoluwa in Red flag over religious differences?   
    Could you please explain how your fiance was able to date a woman before but is not allowed to be in the same room with you chaperoned ?
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to yuna628 in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    Terri. I'm going to be real with you.
    Granted you may not like a single thing I'm going to say here, but here goes.
    I don't really care if your story is legit or fake, okay? I'm not one to question whom one falls in love with and the differences they may encounter.
    You have consistently posted misleading and evasively contradictory statements. As this is a site where people generally care about each other and want to help: there are things that YOU need to clear up or this will not continue in a positive manner. Help people help you. Or don't. If you don't then no one will be able to help you or continue taking you seriously.
    I can guarantee to you, that the United States government does not care one iota about your hardships or difficulty, how good you think your photos are (real or photoshopped), or the circumstances regarding why you can't be in the same room or have to stand below a balcony with a person you say you want to be your husband. They don't care about roses or towels or love stories. They do not care how much you think you love him and how much you think you can make this work. They don't even care about the money you sent with your application either.
    What they care about is fraud, people becoming a burden to their system, and the protection of their citizens.
    Under the theme of fraud - many things you have stated raise red flags. Severe red flags, that I don't believe a person viewing your petition would be able to overcome positively without more information. Reality can be painful and harsh, but that's the way things are. The people who have sent petitions in here, and have been waiting for months and years to be with their loved ones, they have endured extreme hardships, painful separations, differences in cultures, and scrutiny. Don't think for a second that people don't understand the reality of hardship, because they do. This is something we take seriously. No one here wants to be hostile with you, but you're making it impossible for a person not to react that way.
    I've had my say now, and I think what I've said is fairly reasonable and polite, if you are willing to calm down and actually start answering questions that do in fact pertain to if your case will be successful or not. Because trust me, it isn't about who's uncle ran off with whom right now, or even religious differences that you even need to be concerned about at the top of the list -- it's a whole host of other things. As it stands now, there is a high likelihood your case will not be successful. Sorry, but that's how life is.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to lost_at_sea in Need advice on Egyptian Fiance   
    I am now wondering how far a couple could push the limits of the requirement to have physically met one another - how far apart and how clearly must one be able to see the other? Are you allowed to use binoculars?
  7. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Dave&Roza in My USC Husband Does Not Want to Sign I-864   
    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to force him to complete the I-864 and he needst to complete one for you to get your GC. He should man up and sign the form as he was willing to sponsor you and brought you here to the US to live. You will not have much of a life since you cannot legally work and the moment you leave the US you cannot return unless he files a spousal visa and the I-864 is part of that process also. He is only on the hook should you receive means tested benefits from the US government--unlikily as he will be paying spousal support should the two of you get divorced. The sooner you are able to work and qualify for citizenship his responsibility for you under the I-864 ends--you must work 40 quaters (10 years minimum) or become a USC which can ahhpen 3 three years after you become a LPR. There is no time limit to file the AOS, but it will cost more if you need a new medical. Also, if you happen to get into an internal CBP check point, they may detain you and force you to appear before an immigration judge (IJ) and the IJ will give you a deadline to file the AOS or be deported.
    It amazes me how people can sponsor someone, pay all the fees, spend all that time waiting, pay for airfare, and then freak out about the I-864. He is sponsoring someone he wants to spent the rest of his life with. He is uprooting you and your son from your lives in your country to come to the US and live with him, but he cannot sign a simple form that MIGHT be enforcable. It has a higher risk of enforcability if the marriage fails, so maybe he should work on making sure the marriage does not fail and get you your GC ASAP so the I-864 no longer is an issue.
    I hope he does want to spend the rest of his life with you and will submit the I-864.
    Good luck,
  8. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to shell20 in American and UK citizen want to get married and live in the US   
    I think you misunderstand the OP was talking about coming over on a K1 visa!!
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Please help! Trying to obtain info on my ex husband   
    I think most of us think it is odd that you sponsored your ex husband without seemingly having a clue what was going on and what you were doing.
    This site has guides as to the process, I STRONGLY recommend you read them both to find out what happened last time and what needs to happen this time.
    We have also seen many many cases where people have rushed into these situations and it ends in disaster. You have been there once, you seem to be heading there again.
    Time to take a deep breath, take a week out, get your head together and work out what you want to do and if you need legal help.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Merrytooth in Please help! Trying to obtain info on my ex husband   
    We Can Explain the issues/situations to You (after many pages here) But We Can't Understand It For You.
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    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Tahoma in Husband hates texas   
    Let him go back if he wants to, (though I doubt that he will). If he is that bad now, he will only get worse once he gets his green card. You need to put yourself and your child first, do not move anywhere.
  12. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Stepy67 in Husband hates texas   
    Let him go back if he wants to, (though I doubt that he will). If he is that bad now, he will only get worse once he gets his green card. You need to put yourself and your child first, do not move anywhere.
  13. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in I am a permanent resident, married to an US Citizen and my mom just had her visa denied.   
    The problem is that large numbers of Brazilians have forgot to go home, she needs to show that she will not be one of them.
  14. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Help with border crossing   
    Very relevant, the medical cost were not paid for by a Charity, paid out of taxes.
    You do not accidentally get those costs paid for either, lots of paper work to fill in, they knew exactly what they were doing.
  15. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Shauneg in Just some opinions please   
    We did not send any photos of us together. I took them to the embassy but never even showed them.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Darnell in Overstayed please help   
    great question! What were your thoughts back at post #24?
  17. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Boiler in right advise?   
    She can stay and adjust, no need to leave.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Question about 30/60 intent rule   
    They do not have anything to prove.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Penguin_ie in My husband was denied citizenship due to "lack of moral character" and the fact that he was "inadmissable as a legal resident"   
    Is it possible you mixed up terminology and or/ timeline in your original post here?
    One thing I don't understand is, if he got a visa based on the original wife filing for a spousal visa (you said she filed the I-130, now claims he forged the signature), he would have gotten a greencard through her, not you. Also, if he filed for citizenship via her, and then withdrew it, he would have already had a greencard?
  20. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from neo86 in Apply for taxes   
    Your wife should file for you both even though you have not earned anything, (married filing jointly). She should get a refund because of the higher tax break.
  21. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from C-ma'am in Husband hates texas   
    Let him go back if he wants to, (though I doubt that he will). If he is that bad now, he will only get worse once he gets his green card. You need to put yourself and your child first, do not move anywhere.
  22. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Time frame for mom to get tourist visa-Philippines to USA, permanent resident   
    Somewhere between a few weeks and never.
  23. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Darnell in Why do Spouses wait longer than Fiances?   
    It is legal to get married using VWP, I married my first wife while we were in Florida on vacation while both using the VWP . What is not legal is using the VWP, with the intent to come to the USA, get married then stay and AOS.
  24. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from ZA_35 in Why do Spouses wait longer than Fiances?   
    It is legal to get married using VWP, I married my first wife while we were in Florida on vacation while both using the VWP . What is not legal is using the VWP, with the intent to come to the USA, get married then stay and AOS.
  25. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in Breaking Up with partner before completing AOS application   
    He is here they married.
    Pull the I 864, the I 134 is not enforceable.
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