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    EminTX reacted to ready4ONE in Can I buy a One Way ticket instead of round trip?   
    Once you become a US citizen the US won't recognize your PI citizenship, but PI will still consider you their citizen. You will still be PI in their eyes so you won't need a PI visit visa or worry about PI immigration.
  2. Like
    EminTX reacted to Stephen + Elisha in Do I still have to file form 131?   
    Careful. The complete answer to this question depends upon how long the GC holder intends to be outside the US.
    Besides the advance parole document used for travel while AOS is pending, the I-131 application is also used to file for a re-entry permit. GC holders require a re-entry permit if their trip outside the US will last 1 year or more, and it's a good idea to get one if you're going to be gone for more than 6 months (to help demonstrate your continuing residency and ties to the US and avoid the appearance of having abandoned LPR status).
    So for short periods outside the US, GC holders don't need to file anything. For trips of 6 months to 1 year, filing an I-131 for a re-entry permit is optional but a good idea. For trips of 1 to 2 years, a re-entry permit is required. (If you're gone for 2 years or more, even a re-entry permit isn't good enough and you'll need to file abroad for an SB-1 returning resident visa.)
  3. Like
    EminTX reacted to Darnell in Husband kicked me out:-(   
    Nota.Bene.: A Green Card is that authorization from USCIS that you write of. There are other examples, say an AP document or Re-entry permit, but for the OP, she has (already) what she needs, the green card.
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    EminTX reacted to Kathryn41 in Traveling outside of US while still on K1 Visa   
    . . .but it is important to remember that she must also have received the AP (Advance Parole travel permission) before leaving the US as well. Applying for it is not sufficient. Once she uses the K-1 she needs to have either her green card or the AP document in hand if she wishes to leave and return to the US. If she has neither of those, then she would be denied re-entry and you would have to start the immigration process all over again. I'm afraid the Bahamas will have to wait There are lots of great things to see and do in the Florida Keys, however, that will still make for a wonderful honeymoon,
  5. Like
    EminTX reacted to Pitaya in Who to contact after AOS has been pending for so long?   
    I disagree. People like Harpa Timsah and ourselves can certainly empathize with other people's feelings about the immigration journey, because we have likely walked a very similar path on our own immigration journey. We know that it is hard to wait, we also waited. We walked the walk, and are able to talk the talk.
    To the OP: Hang in there, it will happen.
    Good luck on your visa journey.
  6. Like
    EminTX reacted to VanessaTony in Lawyer says to delete Facebook entirely...is that really necessary?   
    You know, I love FB. I am only "friends" with people I actually know or like. I don't post attention seeking status updates, I'm able to see what's going on in friends' lives and they mine, without having to wait for periods when we're both available.
    There is presently a 16 hour time difference between Australia and the US. Soon (daylight savings) there will be a 17 hour time difference. This severely limits any "skype" time due to my work, or friends work. Some friends don't have smart phones so using Viber is out, one friend is in the Navy so she's restricted on free time. Another friend is living with her family and has an ailing brother (and she just isn't into writing long emails). There just simply isn't always time and we each understand that.
    It's a shame that some people use FB "the wrong way" (some people mention it above being a "personal reality show" when it's never been that way for most people I know) but when used in the manner it was intended, keeping in contact with friends and family is easier -- you've just got to remember to keep that personal touch from time to time so that you don't fade to a "FB friend" and eventually, no friend at all. FB has helped me immensely in keeping on contact with friends and family back home, I dread to think where I'd be without it... it's made my transition here so much easier.
  7. Like
    EminTX got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Can citizenship be taken away ?   
    Do you have documents of the threats? What about the drug/alcohol treatment? Any documents you can now begin to gather, do so. Not because you plan to use them, but just in case she does go off the deep end.
    She sounds desperate. And irresponsible. I wish you the best--this is a hard road that you are a traveling.
    And whatever you do, use birth control when you are intimate with her. Don't trust her to do it. YOU take responsibility for it. People who are stupid enough to threaten to turn your life upside down in this way are also stupid enough to try to create children with no regard for the result except the attention.
  8. Like
    EminTX reacted to Penguin_ie in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    .. and the most chocolate icecream!
  9. Like
    EminTX reacted to rlogan in DIVORCE 6 times.   
    So you've met in person. But when he comes next month you will apparently be discussing for the first time face-to-face his six divorces. Therefore, he did not tell you about these six divorces until now.
    That is more of a problem than the six divorces. This is called a lie by omission. It will not be the only lie, and probably has a lot to do with why he got divorced six times. Nobody is perfect. Especially me. But I told my wife immediately about divorces and everything else she would want to know about me before we even started a relationship.
    Look carefully at how this made you feel. This is your future with such a person. The tactic he is using is called the double-bind. Manipulative people specialize in the double bind: they put you in a position so that no matter what choice you make - you lose. He withheld the truth and got you to agree to come here and marry him. Then he reveals his six divorces. If you leave him then you feel bad for leaving him. But if you stay with him you feel bad because he lied to you, and you have these worries about immigration and what else he may have lied about. Double bind: both choices make you feel bad.
    Get used to the way you feel right now. Understand that he knew you would feel this way. But he did it to you anyway. This is what the rest of your life with him will be like: the anguish of making choices among bad alternatives. Except it is going to be worse when you get here. Because you'll be all alone, you will have put all this effort into immigration and worry about ever being able to do it again if the right man comes along.
    There is no emergency here to get married to this guy.
  10. Like
    EminTX reacted to epsonderby in Filipina wife got greencard, child, education and divorced me   
    Sorry to read your story.
    'I'm wondering if I can get another one from the Philippines after I divorce'
    Interesting wording...like a commodity? I should imagine looking for 'another one' should be the furthest thing from your mind right now.
  11. Like
    EminTX reacted to JohnR! in California driving test   
    I love it!!! I also think this is one of the nicest things you could have done for your wife, because these are the type of things one does for love and that no money could buy...
    Major kudos!!!!!
  12. Like
    EminTX got a reaction from Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba in Plans after POE   
    1.) Get a bike. This can offer great exercise and freedom.
    2.) Make maps of the neighborhood with places of interest indicated.
    3.) Public transportation is available in most bigger cities--including Denver. I used it 20 years ago. Teach your partner-for-life how to use it and go visit a few key destinations in the first few weeks.
    4.) Put together an information packet (similar to those in hotels) with how-to's for the remotes, washing machine, dates for trash day, rules for neighborhood, etc. Expect the functioning plumbing to be entirely new to anyone from outside Europe and North America,
    Make an Information Packet for Your Home
    5.) Get international calling on his cell phone. For us, Boost had the best deal with 50/month-ulimited text/data/talk and 10/month extra to call South America all he wants. (His phone works while he's in Mexico, too!)
    6.) The dog idea is excellent. You can be social while still being shy. My husband wanted on so badly and we talked about it repeatedly but once he was here, he was happy only with our cat. He visits friends though and walks their dogs.
    7.) Cooking, get him to gather up his family's favorite recipes to recreate here. Plan meals over Skype where y'all eat the same things while having nice dinner conversations.
    8.) Fried chicken. I don't know about other countries, but for Peruvians, this is a big deal. Whatever typical comfort food he likes from here, you'd better (learn to) like it, too.
    9.) Honey-do's. My husband was delighted to do some minor repairs and have his own furniture. His desk, office chair, and lamp are his own personal mini-man-cave and he LOVES them.
    10.) Take video and pictures all the time. Your visa journey is NOT over. Be considering evidence to prove that you are married and legit here in the US. Compile the pictures/vid into a nice video for the holidays to send back home.
    11.) If there is family of his (hers) already living in the US, plan to visit.
    12.) Church. Get involved. This can be your best resource of friendship and information on everything from housing to jobs.
  13. Like
    EminTX reacted to jaycali in **HELP** Evidence of bonafide marriage - Pictures.   
    I'd be more worried about actually losing all those pics than how it might affect the AOS process. Sorry about the loss!!
    File a police report and bring it to the AOS interview if anything, and bring whatever pictures you do have left. Pictures are what I like to call "bonus evidence" - They're helpful if used correctly, but by no means something that will make or break your case. USCIS seems more interested in evidence of financial mingling, which you seem to have.
  14. Like
    EminTX reacted to Tahoma in DIVORCE 6 times.   
    In my opinion, anyone who has been divorced six times has a problem which love won't solve.
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    EminTX reacted to kzielu in DIVORCE 6 times.   
    Not a all... It's absolutely normal... Seriously ?
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    EminTX reacted to SBB in About wedding   
    My wife and I eloped at a picturesque B&B in the Texas Hill Country (it turns out that a lot of B&B's in the state offer packages for this type of thing). I'd just started a new job and didn't have much time off, so we drove up on a Friday, got married Saturday and came back Sunday. It worked out great and the pictures we got weren't bad.
  17. Like
    EminTX got a reaction from Marilyn. in About wedding   
    You can also pick a nice scenic spot and go there with a officiant. My city has lots of great places and I bet yours does, too.
    Hint--if you want to reduce the drama-makers, pick a place that requires a drive or a small hike and/or is outdoors.
    Ours was small and informal with the friends and family that were willing to make the 3 hour drive. The ceremony was on a hilltop in an open-air wedding chapel. A handful of people came, we all went to a small family restaurant afterwards (no alcohol-so less drama and expense!), and then, to be silly, we went bowling as a group. We had the details that we wanted with a celebration that marked the importance of the occasion.
    You can find lots of great ideas online and here. Simple can still be very memorable.
    Something else to keep in mind, though, with all that is going on. You wedding is one of the best occasions to show your own authority in your life. You are now going to be a team with your spouse and cannot allow the pushiness of everyone else--otherwise, you could be setting a precedent for the future when you have other big decisions and a family. Unless those people are going to be sleeping with you, don't allow them to overrule your decisions.
  18. Like
    EminTX reacted to MlovesW in I have no idea what I'm doing...all help will be appreciated   
    I will be the first to answer this post. There is a mass of amazing information in the guides. The link for AOS is http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide2. If you have any questions after reading the guides, etc just ask here and you are bound to have many answers.
    Just be prepared, there are many folks on here that will tell you it is "illegal", "immoral" or "wrong" to file in this manner. Just be forewarned and prepared. Under the forums there is a sub forum for those AOS'ing from visitor visa's, VWP etc. This forum may be easier and yield you less of the negative information.
    Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!
  19. Like
    EminTX got a reaction from del-2-5-2014 in About wedding   
    You can also pick a nice scenic spot and go there with a officiant. My city has lots of great places and I bet yours does, too.
    Hint--if you want to reduce the drama-makers, pick a place that requires a drive or a small hike and/or is outdoors.
    Ours was small and informal with the friends and family that were willing to make the 3 hour drive. The ceremony was on a hilltop in an open-air wedding chapel. A handful of people came, we all went to a small family restaurant afterwards (no alcohol-so less drama and expense!), and then, to be silly, we went bowling as a group. We had the details that we wanted with a celebration that marked the importance of the occasion.
    You can find lots of great ideas online and here. Simple can still be very memorable.
    Something else to keep in mind, though, with all that is going on. You wedding is one of the best occasions to show your own authority in your life. You are now going to be a team with your spouse and cannot allow the pushiness of everyone else--otherwise, you could be setting a precedent for the future when you have other big decisions and a family. Unless those people are going to be sleeping with you, don't allow them to overrule your decisions.
  20. Like
    EminTX reacted to mjqjazzbar in Wedding Plans Thread   
    I understand you say its meaning full to have both. But it still doesnt make the second one a wedding. Youre already wed! I understand wanting to have a celebration with your family which is totally fine. but just dont call it a wedding, because its not, you are already wed. Your friends and family wont be seeing you becoming joint in marriage because you already are. VOW RENEWAL.
    The Italy thing doesnt stand. Are you literally going to a courthouse to sign papers or will it be a ceremony, wherein you say your vows of commitment to each other?
    Also can i ask you the same i did with who i quoted. How will you word your invitations to your friends and family? Will you tell them its a wedding? Because thats rude.
    I am not doing it this way. It may be hard and stressful to sort a wedding in just a few months but its totally doable. And that way, my family and his will get to see our real marriage which is important to me. Them being able to see the moment when we first say our vows to each other. The very first time we hear each others, they get to hear it too. Thats far more special IMO.
  21. Like
    EminTX reacted to kristinakan in is my fiance a fraud?   
    Ok, thank you guys for all your help. I have decided to withdraw the petition and move forward with my life. It is hard and sad, but i have to do what i think is best for me. Thanks again for all your kind comments and if i need anymore help along these lines, i know this is the site to come. Kathryn you can close this topic, I do not wish to further discuss, especially when people are telling me that my story doesn't add up. I didn't come here to make up stories and get comments questioning my honesty, i came here for help. I have received help and now i am in the process of putting it to good use. Thank you guys again. Goodbye.
  22. Like
    EminTX reacted to pushbrk in is my fiance a fraud?   
    You've now answered just fine, IMO. Also, to answer the question in your subject line, all indications are that yes, your fiance is a fraud.
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    EminTX reacted to sera77 in is my fiance a fraud?   
    Hold off on the personal attacks against me and the OP,lifejourney. Take it to pm if you need to.
    I repeat, all I've asked for is information that is verifiable. If you're going to bring up DNA tests etc that the father might pursue, then back it up with information that he can do so through Jamaican-U.S. courts... That would be useful. How would proving the child is his be useful to his immigrating? He can't use it to get to the U.S. anyways, the child would have to petition IF the child wanted to- after age 21 years. The father can't force the mother to bring it to him in Jamaica via courts.
    I truly am curious as to what legal rights he would have from another country, no sarcasm at all here, I think it's an interesting point that wasn't substantiated.
  24. Like
    EminTX reacted to sera77 in is my fiance a fraud?   
    Educate me,
    Can't she just not list him on the birth certificate?
    Can the courts actually reach out from another country and force a DNA swab of a child if she has cut off contact with the guy?
    Seriously, I am curious. No need to scare a woman to death about a guy coming after her unless you KNOW for a fact that it is possible for him to do these things.
    If you know these possibilities are a fact then prove it with references, don't just post to scare some person with 'what ifs'.
    Frankly he hasn't sounded like someone who is can follow through with a detailed plan as it is.
  25. Like
    EminTX reacted to elyhim in is my fiance a fraud?   
    My Fiancee would be ecstatic if I moved to the Philippines. Actually that is the plan once I retire in a few years, we're both 40+.
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