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    vanessa.diaz reacted to Robert&Karen in vaccination waived   
    News quote: "MANILA, Philippines: The United States has allocated a total of $667 million in foreign assistance to the Philippines under the proposed government budget submitted by US President Barack Obama to the US Congress last May 7, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo announced on Wednesday."
    Are you sure you want to come here? I hope you make your true feelings about America known during the interview. As a US soldier who has been to the Philippines, trust me when I say there are many people who would gladly take your place and love this country.
    Back on topic. My fiance was concerned about the shots and looked deeply into a waiver. She is from the UK which has advanced medicines so you'd think all would be fine from that country. Well, nope! If she wanted to waive the shots it would cost more money, take more time, and delay the entire process at least five months. Not fun!
    Then when you get to the USA and do not have shots when other people get sick you need to avoid them for your own good. If you have kids without shots they get pulled out of school at this time too. No shots will also limit foreign travel. Also BE SURE what you have is a true religious conviction and not just a fear of needles. According to Wikipedia, "About 80% of Filipinos are Roman Catholics, 5% are adherents of Islam, and 10% are Protestant Christians." None of these groups avoid needles. So if you are in the 5% of "other" be prepared to prove it.
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to Dave and Kinnari in I-130 Mailed Out. What's next?   
    They will get it by noon tomorrow if it was mailed domestically.
    It should talk a fews day to get NOA1.
    Now, sit back and wait for NOA2. It can take up to 5 months to receive NOA2.
    As you are waiting for NOA2 start collecting the documents you will need for I-864 and DS-230 forms.
    Good Luck!
  3. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Deputy Purple in I avoided girls from Mindanao   
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to milimelo in What is going on? Can she really adjust her status?   
    OP certainly seems to have lots of friends who are in difficult immigration situations....
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to Brad & Mayra in Review K1 Visa   
    Perdón por la tardanza, espero de cualquier manera que la reseña que escribiré, sirva para que las personas que están por ir a Cd. Juárez se sientan más seguras y como yo sepan a lo que van, ya que a mí me fueron de mucha ayuda las reseñas que leía en este sitio.
    Mi cita era el día 28 de Julio, pero decidí estar en Juárez desde el lunes 25 ya que todo empezaría con el examen médico y quería llegar a la clínica a las 6 am, llegamos me hospede en el hotel Quality Inn (bien ubicado, tiene alberca, te llevan al aeropuerto y DHL gratis, también te dan el desayuno continental), Salí a conocer la zona y checar distancias, el CAS esta como a una cuadra y el consulado como a dos cuadritas, las clínicas están como a tres, todo está muy cerca, solo que si el sol esta a todo lo que da por eso pesa caminar aunque sea una cuadrita , hay una plaza tipo galerías casi frente al consulado, hay área de comida y cine, yo la verdad si fui al cine dos días era tanta mi tensión que quería distraerme. Hay otros hoteles muy cerca como el IBIS que está entre las dos clínicas y el City Junior son más económicos que el Quality y están cerca aunque la verdad no me quejo en el Quality tienen transporte al Aeropuerto gratis te ahorras 200.00 pesitos, y también te llevan al DHL de López Mateos por si les pasa como a mí que a última hora me tuvo que enviar el acta original mi novio directamente a Juárez.
    Bueno después de comentarles los tips y anécdotas paso a platicarles como estuvo el proceso:
    26 de Julio, para las clínicas no te dan cita así es que tienes que llegar entre 6 a 10 am para que te puedan atender, yo llegue a las 6 un vigilante me reviso mi carta del consulado, Hoja de cita y Pasaporte al formarme a la Clínica Medica Internacional, ya habíamos como 25 personas ahí cuando así como estábamos nos llevaron a la clínica de Servicios Médicos de la frontera, ahí hicimos otra fila donde nos hicieron parar de uno en uno con una mujer que nos revisaba de nuevo los papeles y nos hacían pasar a una sala de espera que esta a espaldas ahí te recibe un policía con un numerito con el cual te va llamando para que hagas otra fila y te pasen a unas ventanillas donde te reciben los documentos y capturan algunos datos , así como también te toman una foto, te hacen pasar a una salita ya con aire acondicionado y toda la cosa, después de cómo 10 min, salió una doctora y nos dijo que todas las mujeres pasáramos, nos paso a unos cuartitos donde había unas canastas y unas batas de papel, nos pidió que nos quitáramos la ropa de la cintura para arriba y que si lleváramos el cabellos suelto nos lo agarráramos con una liga ahí te toman una radiografía para checar los pulmones, nos dijo que todo estaba bien que nos vistiéramos y que nos lleváramos las batas, nos hicieron subir unas escaleras y ahí esta otra sala de espera en donde te llaman por tu nombre pasamos alrededor de 15 mujeres, hay unas sillas como butacas pero ahí es donde nos picotearon jajaj para sacarnos sangre, nos ponen un curita y te dicen que debes subir las escaleras de nuevo, ahí hay otra sala de espera una de mujeres y niños y otra de hombres, nos dejaron pasar había unas sillas y enfrente de las sillas estaba el aparato para tomarlos la presión , bascula y una cinta métrica, pasan de dos en dos cuando termina, te dicen que vayas pensando en tu ultima menstruación y te hacen que te pares para hacerte un examen de la vista, a la do derecho estaban unos consultorios con unas banderitas del color del semáforo cuando se estaba en verde pasan a las que quepamos en los consultorios que están vacios es una por consultorio, te dejan ahí y te piden que te quites la ropa y te pongas la bata que ya venias cargando desde los rayos x, entro una doctora y me hizo algunas preguntas : fumas? Has probado drogas? Has tenido problemas con la policía?
    Usas algún medicamento de forma continua? Y reviso abajOOO de la bata, Uds., nomas cierren los ojos y ya me dijo puedes cambiarte. Saliendo me dijeron que mis resultados estarían el mismo día a las 2 pm, fui por ellos a esa hr me mandaron a una sala de espera y en una ventanilla de información me dieron mis resultados, le pregunte a la mujer que si me podría decir si todo estaba bien, me comento sonriendo si te estoy dando el paquete es que todo está bien …. respire-
    27 de Julio, mi cita en el CAS era a la 1:50 pm, me habían dado la recomendación de llegar como 10 min antes de mi cita, misma que les doy a Uds. o unos 20 minutitos estaría bien, ya que ellos afuera del CAS tienen unos números grandes , los cuales marcan la hr de las personas que deben entrar en ese momento, ya que pusieron unos 10 min antes 1:50 me pase, te dicen que sin celular o que le quites la pila, te piden pasaporte, confirmación de cita, carta de consulado y confirmación de DS-260 después te pasan a una salita de espera para que el policía que te acomoda te pase a una ventanilla me tomaron las huellas, y fotografía (creo q es para la visa así es que vayan guapos y guapas), cuando termina todo te dicen que el día de tu cita al consulado en mi caso al día siguiente tienes que estar en la sala de espera del consulado 30 min antes en mi caso era el día siguiente, del CAS esta como a media cuadrita, en la pura esquina del CAS Salí como a los 30 minutos.
    28 de Julio, llegue a la sala de espera del consulado 30 min antes como me dijeron, mi cita era a las 7:15 am, unas chavas a la entrada checan carta de consulado, confirmación de la DS-260, y te hacen pasar para otra fila, una chavita me puso un sello en la DS-260 y ellos deciden cuando pasarte al consulado, hacen otra fila a la entrada del consulado donde unos oficiales checan de uno en uno que traigamos los mismo documentos, ellos te dicen en que fila formarte según el tipo de visa que estas solicitando, en mi caso fue en la fila 2, después te revisan por última vez para poder dejarte entrar te mandan a una fila para entrar al consulado.
    Ahí hay oficiales, que te piden pongas todos los documentos y pertenencias que lleves en una caja , la pasan por rayos x y a ti por el detector de metales, una señora me reviso los documentos y me dio una ficha con un numero 5083 (jamás lo olvidare ), me dijeron que pasara al fondo a la izquierda a la sala Núm. 2 . camine bastante hay unas pantallas en donde aparece tu turno y numero de ventanilla a donde te corresponde ir, la primera vez que apareció me mandaron a una ventanilla en donde una mujer me recogió mi pasaporte, actas de nacimiento, todo en original, formas i-134 y fotos, toooodo lo que llevaba me dijo dame todo lo que tienes para la entrevista, me dijo que quien me pedía? Y firme las formas que no iban firmadas y dijo que pasara de nuevo a la sala de espera ahí me llamaría ahora si el cónsul para hacerme la entrevista. Como en 1 hr apareció de nuevo mi turno, era una cónsul como de 30 años, se veía puerto riqueña hablaba bastante bien el español, me dijo que leyera el juramento , le pregunte que si en voz alta ya que había visto que en otras ventanillas les hacían levantar la mano y jurar que iban a decir la verdad, sin embargo me dijo que no solo que lo leyera en voz baja, me pregunto que quien me estaba pidiendo? Como conocí a mi novio?, en donde vivía?, a que se dedicaba?, porque habíamos decidido casarnos allá y no en México? Que si seria al civil y a la iglesia allá y donde vivía mi novio? Que si yo viviría con el también, que si conocía a su familia y creo q fue todo, me dijo pues Srta. Mayra su visa esta aprobada … sentí que la piel se me puso de gallina después me dijo BIENVENIDA A LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, me regreso mi acta y la de mi novio dijo que eso no lo necesitaba y que mi pasaporte con mi visa llegarían al DHL (en mi caso puse en GDL, ya que no podía quedarme más tiempo en Juárez)que había puesto en la solicitud. Le di las GRACIAS y Salí, todo parecía un sueño estuve ahí 3 hrs y media.
    Me acaba de confirmar mi novio la llegada de mi Visa al DHL, ósea se tardaron 3 días hábiles, espero les sirva lo que les escribo, les deseo la suerte del mundo.
  6. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Anh map in I-140 Employer form   
    Unless she has exceptional, documented skills an employment visa is not likely. Certainly not for a restaurant.
    Petition for a spouse visa so that she has a green card. Then she is eligible to work for anyone.
    Check the Bogota embassy website to learn applying to the embassy directly for the spousal visa.
    Also read through the guides here on VJ. You, the USC, will have to establish a US domicile and provide an affidavit of support. http://www.visajourney.com/content/dcf
    *Moved from Effects of Major Changes forum to Employment Visa forum as OP question pertains to employment visa*
  7. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Done--Really in On our way to the embassy soon   
    Things are moving very fast:
    1) Package sent to Costa Rica embassy 7/28 (from DHL search)
    2) Package received at CR embassy 7/29 (ditto)
    3) Case closed 7/29
    4) Interview scheduled today for September 8
    So much for the myth that interviews are only scheduled during the second week of the month.
  8. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Saylin in lil help please ds-260   
    The Mexico sub-forum can be found here: http://www.visajourn...-the-caribbean/
    AOS documents:
    -bar-coded cover sheet from the payment portal
    -cover letter (optional)
    -completed and signed I-864 by petitioner
    -tax info of petitioner, either recent year or 3 years (tax transcripts OR 1040s and W2s)
    -employment letter of petitioner (optional)
    -pay stubs of petitioner (optional)
    -completed and signed I-864 by co-sponsor (I-864a if household member of petitioner)
    -tax info of co-sponsor, either recent year or 3 years (tax transcripts OR 1040s and W2s)
    -employment letter of co-sponsor (optional)
    -pay stubs of co-sponsor (optional)
    -proof of US citizenship/residency of co-sponsor (US birth certificate, US passport, US naturalization certificate, or green card if LPR)
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to tom&tanya in One year married to the most amazing woman!   
    I just wanted to pay a little tribute to my wife. Married one year tomorrow. This woman has changed my life for the better in so many ways it's difficult to even explain it. However I know most of the men here in the RUB forum know exactly what I'm talking about!
  10. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to nikolacolada in Petitioner doesn't want to get married   
    I have to disagree that the K1 is to allow a couple to get to know each other. Although that may be what many people use the 3 months for, I believe the 3 months is to plan a wedding. If you aren't sure that you want to marry the person you are petitioning, in my own opinion, you have no reason to file a K1 petition. It makes the wait time and process longer for those of us who ARE sure we want to marry the person we've petitioned for.
    On top of that it seems the OP allowed less than 3 weeks to "get to know" his fiance? Unless he thought he knew her and she turned out to have a completely different personality once she arrived in the US, this sounds like a really ridiculous situation where someone did not take the responsibilities of a K1 visa seriously.
    BUT the OP did not come here for criticism or judgement, just advice. My advice - to "extricate" yourself from the situation don't marry her. You legally have no financial responsibility for her or her children. Like many others here have suggested though- you may have a moral obligation.
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to little_g in Petitioner doesn't want to get married   
    So wait a minute... you havent really explained "disaster" but I'll tell you this mate, I'm flying 3,500 miles to marry my fiance (ironically on the 29th) and let me tell you, If she lost her job and changed her mind and told me to go home, I'd be mighty pissed. I've sold everything I own except the clothes and few bits I am traveling with and have given up my flat. I'd be broke, jobless, hurt and homeless and I don't have the two kids she has with her with me! Think on it. You've got 90 days to make it or break it. I don't really know the circumstances as you really didn't say but I wouldn't want to return home to nothing.
  12. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Messybrownhair in Withdraw Petition or let it Expire   
    Ahh, I'm sorry your your troubles.. Just wondering and if you don't mind me asking..what did both of your fiancees do that make you feel they were both after your money?? It might be helpful for others to know, and also I'm just really curious! Like others have said, stop looking and also how have you been finding these women? Remember the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" Goodluck on your future endeavors!
  13. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to mimie in Withdraw Petition or let it Expire   
    just in case u missed it, he's just asking whether to withdraw the petition or let it expire. not for your unsolicited advice
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to anthill in Withdraw Petition or let it Expire   
    To You and anyone else passing judgement on this relationship: You don't know anything about the circumstances and I don't feel obligated to explain. I just asked a simple question. Please keep your opinions to yourself if you have nothing constructive to say. What does age difference have to do with anything????
  15. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Princessblack in JUNE Filers ...IR 1....!!!   
    It did not allow me to edit.
    I was saying that we never know what was including in the packet baased on priority: military, expedited, RFE....each will be notified differently. So I boast not in myself and the packet but I make my boast in the Lord who has aided in the process and will continue and for USCIS who has reviewed the packet according to the information included.
    So for all my other June filers, hang in there..... it will be done in Jesus' name.
    All the best in your next step as I go with God in mine.
    Thank you.
  16. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Messybrownhair in My Interwiew   
    I don't quite get your question?
    Goodluck on your interview!
  17. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to jv323 in June NOA 1   
    Hello, I'm looking for other June NOA1.
    I'm hoping to have some company along the way.
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to VanessaTony in need advice and help!!   
    I said you'd been here less than a year based on your OP. I was pointing out that some people have a hard time leaving if they've been here for a long time and have had time to put down roots. I've been here since Sept 2009 and only NOW am I starting to actually feel like I'm putting down roots. I'd still go home of course. I was pointing out that you've not really been here long enough to put down roots but then pointed out that obviously my opinion of "long enough" would differ from you.
    Mental abuse IS grounds for VAWA but is very hard to prove. You'll need reports about your mental state, or affidavits from friends or family (though professional reports are better as USCIS knows friends/family would lie). Among other things I'm sure. It is possible but it's not easy.
    You said he used you, abused you and threw you away. You left him, he didn't throw you away. Semantics sure, but you're angry. I was emotionally abused by my ex and my anger was NOT as strong as yours... I hated him sure but I was happy to have him out of my life. You are looking for ways to punish him. Why are you wasting your energy on that? Did I want to go to my exes new GF and warn her? Sure but I didn't. It will only make you MORE upset and MORE angry to hold onto all this bitterness.
    Once again you're saying you "deserve" a GC and if you don't get one, if USCIS doesn't think your abuse warrants a GC, that you're going to complain to everyone about the horrid treatment you got in the US because you didn't get what you were "owed". You are not ENTITLED to a GC... that's just ridiculous, it's a privilege. Just because you married a USC you were eligible of course but he needs to help with the paperwork or you claim abuse.
    Entirely your right to try but I personally think (take it or leave it) that your emotional state is FAR too delicate to be dealing with this (given the anger and bitterness in your posts) and that you should consider speaking to a counsellor (if you're planning on staying in the US) or going home to heal (if you're not going to try getting a GC based on abuse).
  19. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to VanessaTony in need advice and help!!   
    He has every right to call you sterile... it's called freedom of speech (one of the American things). Doesn't mean he's a nice guy, but he has the "right" to. i'm not blaming you but you're acting quite upset and irrationally based on your posts. You need to calm down and think rationally. You'e talking about "fighting" him and "winning everything". I'm sorry but that doesn't garner sympathy for you. Just because you feel wronged doesn't mean you have a right to everything or anything. Stop focussing on the immigration. You got him out of your life and THAT is what is important. Don't keep looking for ways to screw him over to get your way, that makes you just as bad as him. Continue your life as if he wasn't in it. If that means no GC then it's no GC. Go home, get a working visa or something else to visit. Being in a relationship with him doesn't give you the "right" to a GC.
  20. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Lana & Mauro in NEED NEW G-325A, Biographical Information Form   
    Small world! Our first post and we "meet" people from our common areas just like that. The world just keeps getting smaller by the day ...
    Thank you for the advice too!
    We'll keep everyone posted on how it goes and keep both fingers crossed while our heads are kinda spinning with all this)
  21. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Lana & Mauro in NEED NEW G-325A, Biographical Information Form   
    Hello Everyone,
    My fiancé and I are preparing our K-1 Visa Package (I-129 F Petition, including all necessary paperwork and proof of an ongoing relationship) ... It's been quite a process so far, but we've managed to put everything together except this missing form: G-325 A, which just expired on 06/30/2011. We even looked for it on the USCIS website and searched "NEW G-325 A form for K-1 visa ..." Still couldn't come up with the most recent version.
    We're wondering if anyone else has experienced this same "problem" ... or if not, any advice? Should I request it via mail from my local USCIS Field Office (Sacramento, California)? I'd prefer to just be able to print out the PDF File rather than have to rely on "snail mail" especially since we're both living in Spain at the moment.
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you and good luck to all fellow VisaJourney couples!
    - Lana & Mauro
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to nikolacolada in InfoPass Appointment was a DISASTER   
    I kind of look at it as a vicious circle, immigration is so strict because people came illegally, but now people come illegally because immigration is too strict.
    and strict isn't the right word.. maybe "ridiculous" works better.. idk.
  23. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to The Nature Boy in NOA2 Approved! Our Government Is Awesome   
    Congrats I know your excited --- Not sure about our Government is awesome..Maybe better than most but ??? LOL
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    vanessa.diaz reacted to Done--Really in While waiting...   
    Vanessa--you wouldn'tbelieve. Our very first date she wanted to show me her office, but it was all a ruse to look at my teeth--she cleaned them and filled a cavity--and that was it--I knew right then she was the woman for me !!!
  25. Like
    vanessa.diaz reacted to Casprd in While waiting...   
    Mexico has electronic processing so start reading up on that on the guides. It can be a little confusing so feel free to ask questions. You can start putting together your financials for the I-864. If you haven't been keeping copies of your paystubs, start doing so now as you will want to submit 6 months of these along with the employment letter. You can also get your tax transcripts for the past 3 years. The I-864 says one, but many consulates will require all 3. The IRS has an 800 number where you can order these over the phone and it takes about a week for them to arrive. Make sure they are tax return transcripts and not account transcripts.
    Everything else I can think of off the top of my head will have to wait until you get NOA2. With electronic processing, it gets busy very quickly so knowing the process helps a lot.
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