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cdneh last won the day on January 4 2014

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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Memphis TN
  • Country
    New Zealand

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  1. Glad that cleared up in time! Not been very cold the last few weeks. I had frozen pipes Christmas week, and a break where the water comes into the house on Christmas day. The preacher over the road shut the water off at the street for me. He came back the next day and made repairs. Wouldn't even let me pay for the parts. Turns out the heat tape on the pipes was dead. The indicator light was on, but nothing else. So I spent most of yesterday afternoon out there under the house putting on new tape. So far, so good!
  2. No dangerous storms here, but we are under a winter storm warning. Rained all morning, and now it is snowing quite a bit, for here at least. Hope your nasty weather clears soon!
  3. Herself and I are camping at the moment. Pipes froze yesterday afternoon, in spite of my best efforts to avoid it. Meant to warm up to at least freezing by Saturday, so I intend to wait it out. Too cold to go out there and fiddle with it. I took all the precautionary measures, and have had all new pipes installed last year, and insulated them, but still. Was minus twenty when I went to be last night, and the present feels like is minus six. So...yah nah. Happens every year here in a cold snap, and I always have plenty of bottled water. It was five years ago on Wednesday that we landed up here, and had frozen pipes for New Years Happy Christmas !🌲.
  4. He is only creating a delay. He is just one of those people who won't listen. As far as I am aware, they still go to the lockbox. Not to a foreign country. Sheesh.
  5. No, they aren't Ukrainian. Can't tell a dill pickle nothing. I am more concerned that he is taking this packet overseas, instead of sending it off. I don't understand why his paralegal here, and his lawyer there, are both thinking this is the way it's done.
  6. I hope someone here can tell me if I've lost my ever loving grip. A friend of mine has just told me, he has received his "package' from his paralegal. He is off overseas in two weeks to visit the future wife, and says he is going to hand deliver this to his Immigration attorney in her country? "This is the petition we are going to file with USCIS for the Visa for her to come to America. After it is filed it will be approximately 6 months for them to approve it and turn it over to the US Embassy to grant us an interview" That seems a short time, presently. And why would he not sent the blessed thing to the Dallas Lockbox? I've been out of the loop but this seems bizarre to me? ReplyForward
  7. It's like walking into a wet sweater. Man I can't wait for fall. I let Herself out one night about midnight last week, and it was as warm as midday. Muggy. I hate muggy
  8. Poor little hen. It's been brutal. Herself and I stay indoors until early evening, and then whip out and do what we can. It's even been hot and humid at night 😕
  9. Never heard of those. Must google Cool-ish today. Mowed entire yard in one go for a change. Back out to weed the flower beds. The heat will be back in a day or two so taking full advantage. Going to be in the 50's tonight!
  10. I don't do anything outside during the day. Usually it is a bit better after 19:00. Not looking forward to mowing either, which I will have to do soon.
  11. Hot. Hot as the doorknob to Hades here. Herself and I do a bit of work about the yard, early, and then hide inside all day until evening. I am putting in a new garden where there wasn't one before, and between the rocks and the big roots I am finding it has been slow going. Been a heat advisory every day this week, so by eleven o'clock it is miserable out. I meant to get all this nonsense done in the spring, and I was well on track. Then in the last week of April I went down with the flu for three weeks. So...playing catch up now. At the rate I am going it will be weeks before I get finished. Himself would not recognize the area around here today. Farm next door was sold at auction, and nothing at all is going on over there at the moment. One of the prospective buyers wanted it so he could knock everything down and put up a lot of apartment buildings. Thank goodness he didn't get it. Some Taiwanese consortium is meant to own it now, but so far they haven't done a thing with the property. New McMansion gone up over the road, huge thing with a three car garage that looks pretty odd way out here. Preacher's house has a new extension, and he has painted the entire house barn red. As it is already barn shaped it looks pretty peculiar. He bought up all the land around my quarter acre, and I found him digging right outside my fence a couple of weeks ago looking for the survey markers. He's going to fence the entire fifteen acres, and put cows on it. I dunno what Herself is going to think with cows grazing right around her. 🐄 😄 .
  12. We had an oven breakdown on , I think it was thanksgiving, some time ago. All I can tell you is what I did. I heated the the thing that took the longest first. Covered the container with a lid to keep the heat in. Next thing, same deal. Once everything was heated, I put it all into separate serving bowls. All that had to go to the table then was four bowls, one trip. Everything else was already on the table.
  13. Tough one, T-Bone. I don't know how the heck you could motivate him to look after himself when he simply won't. Anytime the last few years I had to take Himself away for medical appointments, we had to hire someone to stay with the MIL. Come to find out they didn't anymore than turn up a the house when she would fire them. Even after I'd made it perfectly clear that I was paying them, that she might argue and complain and be nasty, she couldn't fire them. Made no difference in the end, off they went. And no, I did not pay them. Her doctor did try to arrange for respite care for me, but she refused. Very much like a petulant child, really, "you can't make me"! I'm up today for the first time in two weeks. I have been flat on my back with the flu and I do mean flat. Couldn't even keep water down. Meals certainly do look peculiar when your choices limit you to what doesn't make you want to yark on sight.
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