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Activist Women Create "Slut Walk" In Retaliation To Comments from Officer


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Filed: Country: Netherlands

Is that the best you can come up with ? Would it have been any better if my wife was from Frisia ? It could have been possible..unlike you my family comes from Holland (Frisia) so would that have made me "better" that I jacked a wife over there when I was visiting ? What's your story ? I didn't find my wife on a singles site, and I wasn't looking to get married at the time. She had a decent apt and car in Belarus and wasn't thrilled about pulling up stakes to head to Alaska.

I'm not trying to come up with anything....Just stating the way you are coming across on here. That's all. I don't care where your wife is from. She's still a woman and I am thinking would be as disgusted as some of us are at what you write abour her/and women in general. No one said that bringing someone from Holland was better or worse than bringing someone from Russia!

I am totally with your wife on the Alaska thing.

My story is boring really. I'll nutshell it. I was visiting my family in the UK ( I'm the only American ) . He was visiting the UK on business. We met by chance...went on a few dates while we were in the UK. Swapped emails and numbers. Flew back and forth countless times. Years later petitioned. and that's it. :) I don't think anyone was jacked....Does your wife feel jacked? What does that even mean?

Edited by tmma

Liefde is een bloem zo teer dat hij knakt bij de minste aanraking en zo sterk dat niets zijn groei in de weg staat




Take a large, almost round, rotating sphere about 8000 miles in diameter, surround it with a murky, viscous atmosphere of gases mixed with water vapor, tilt its axis so it wobbles back and forth with respect to a source of heat and light, freeze it at both ends and roast it in the middle, cover most of its surface with liquid that constantly feeds vapor into the atmosphere as the sphere tosses billions of gallons up and down to the rhythmic pulling of a captive satellite and the sun. Then try to predict the conditions of that atmosphere over a small area within a 5 mile radius for a period of one to five days in advance!


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I'm not trying to come up with anything....Just stating the way you are coming across on here. That's all. I don't care where your wife is from. She's still a woman and I am thinking would be as disgusted as some of us are at what you write abour her/and women in general. No one said that bringing someone from Holland was better or worse than bringing someone from Russia! I am totally with your wife on the Alaska thing.

My story is boring really. I'll nutshell it. I was visiting my family in the UK ( I'm the only American ) . He was visiting the UK on business. We met by chance...went on a few dates while we were in the UK. Swapped emails and numbers. Flew back and forth countless times. Years later petitioned. and that's it. :) I don't think anyone was jacked....Does your wife feel jacked? What does that even mean?

If my wife read my post on here she would freak. Not sure if she would divorce me over it, but I wouldn't bet against it. Sometimes I post on here for the shock/reaction. But again I see a ...don't know the proper words, but it's like an American chick thing Iv'e learned through the years, and didn't notice it so much until I traveled over to Russia the first time for work and then I started to see the light so to say.

But I will say this. If I ever do go "wife shopping", it will certainly be in a RUB country. Everyone has their own taste, and I'm past the point in my life to where I have the patience any more to play games....so that said I'm not against anyone whether it be man or woman that decides to "shop abroad for a wife/husband".

btw nothing about your story sounds boring. How many people travel to a foreign country and meet someone else that was a visitor also ? It's not your every day thing....well to people on here it may not be that romantic, but to the average American it's not a every day occurrence. It's actually quite romantic.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

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Filed: Other Country: Andorra

What I'm saying is we, as a society (and especially women) have no problem hammering someone who does something stupid while intoxicated yet the moment a woman calls foul - while intoxicated - all the sudden she's off the hook.

Why is that?

A woman who makes a poor decision in life, still doesn't deserve to be raped.

She can't get off the hook for driving a car. She can't get off the hook for beating her kids. Yet when she goes to a hotel room at 2:15AM with a dude she just met, all the sudden she's free and clear no matter what.

Slim, read what I posted. Nobody gets off as you put it for those crimes. Mitigating factor is not some code language for release or declaration of innocence, look it up yourself.

It does if you're driving a car. It does if you're beating your kids. It does if you're carrying a gun.

Yet for a woman who makes stupid choices... it's not her fault.

Slim, either stop lying, or provide some sort of reference that shows this. A woman does not get off for driving drunk or driving drunk. I don't know where you get that from. I can see from you posting on here that you have access to the internet. You might want to take advantage of that and learn what a mitigating circumstance is.

I don't think my PO has a wealth of knowledge on any subject!

He's never been to jail, so he's already ahead of you.

We say it's OK for women to make poor decisions, why not me?

Slim, I don't think you understand this. Nobody is getting away with crimes here. A woman doesn't get away with driving drunk for any reason. If you dont' understand a word, use the dictionary, don't just assign some random meaning to a word and continue to use it incorrectly. My point was, and continues to be, despite your poor judgement and subsequent incarceration, you do not deserve to be raped in prison. But according to your logic, you would. You should have known the consequences of commiting a crime. You know what goes on in prison, so you should just accept that. You saying that a woman who acts promiscuously should expect this sort of thing is exactly the same. Nobody deserves to be raped Slim, nobody.

Oh for crying out loud. Most guys and gals go out to the night clubs with the intentions of getting laid. And yes guys do everything in the book to try and ensure that it happens. In the end it's the gal who has the final say. And what is "proper consent" ? Iv'e never screwed a gal that was passed out and/or comatose. If a gal consents she consents...end of story.

You should look into diminished capacity and how it relates to consent.

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You should look into diminished capacity and how it relates to consent.

If my wife puts something on from Victoria Secret after making me a nice dinner, then I guess I'm a victim of diminished capacity.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

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Filed: Country: Netherlands

If my wife read my post on here she would freak. Not sure if she would divorce me over it, but I wouldn't bet against it. Sometimes I post on here for the shock/reaction. But again I see a ...don't know the proper words, but it's like an American chick thing Iv'e learned through the years, and didn't notice it so much until I traveled over to Russia the first time for work and then I started to see the light so to say.

But I will say this. If I ever do go "wife shopping", it will certainly be in a RUB country. Everyone has their own taste, and I'm past the point in my life to where I have the patience any more to play games....so that said I'm not against anyone whether it be man or woman that decides to "shop abroad for a wife/husband".

btw nothing about your story sounds boring. How many people travel to a foreign country and meet someone else that was a visitor also ? It's not your every day thing....well to people on here it may not be that romantic, but to the average American it's not a every day occurrence. It's actually quite romantic.

thanks for your kind words on our story :) At the time while I spent those years alone here and chalking up frequent flyer miles my friends, family and colleagues thought I must be nuts! But like so many on here-nutty as it appears to those that have not done the LDR/Immigration thing...when things click they just ...click! Learning Dutch was a nightmare and I only sound right when I have strep throat or something!

I will say this next bit because I grew up in the UK until I was 21 and I cannot help but compare people and culture, and to some extent I agree with you on alot of the comparisions..but NOT the gross generalizations.

There's good bad and ugly everywhere.

Liefde is een bloem zo teer dat hij knakt bij de minste aanraking en zo sterk dat niets zijn groei in de weg staat




Take a large, almost round, rotating sphere about 8000 miles in diameter, surround it with a murky, viscous atmosphere of gases mixed with water vapor, tilt its axis so it wobbles back and forth with respect to a source of heat and light, freeze it at both ends and roast it in the middle, cover most of its surface with liquid that constantly feeds vapor into the atmosphere as the sphere tosses billions of gallons up and down to the rhythmic pulling of a captive satellite and the sun. Then try to predict the conditions of that atmosphere over a small area within a 5 mile radius for a period of one to five days in advance!


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thanks for your kind words on our story :) At the time while I spent those years alone here and chalking up frequent flyer miles my friends, family and colleagues thought I must be nuts! But like so many on here-nutty as it appears to those that have not done the LDR/Immigration thing...when things click they just ...click! Learning Dutch was a nightmare and I only sound right when I have strep throat or something!

I will say this next bit because I grew up in the UK until I was 21 and I cannot help but compare people and culture, and to some extent I agree with you on alot of the comparisions..but NOT the gross generalizations.

There's good bad and ugly everywhere.

You were raised in England? How did you end up in the states ? Do you have that English accent ? That accent is a major turn on for most guys. Not sure what it is, but it's...sexy...when it's coming from a chick of course.

And ya Dutch tend to beat the fk out of the letter "j".. you already know this by now though. It gets worse with Fryske. It's like trying to learn Danish, German, and Norwegian all at the same time. Of course Fryske/Frisian is the root of the English language. It was that language that influenced Old English more than any other language.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

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Sometimes I post on here for the shock/reaction.

This is something I'll never understand. I guess I'm old but I just don't get that. Even if it's just the internet, why not just make sincere statements about what you think instead of just trying to get a reaction? Is it a desire for attention?




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This is something I'll never understand. I guess I'm old but I just don't get that. Even if it's just the internet, why not just make sincere statements about what you think instead of just trying to get a reaction? Is it a desire for attention?

I'l tell ya why...at least in my case. I see post on here by a certain bunch (not going to name any names), and so instead of getting banned by telling them how it really is, it's easier sometimes just to bait them. That way no forum ban...or at least it's suppose to work that way.


"I want to take this opportunity to mention how thankful I am for an Obama re-election. The choice was clear. We cannot live in a country that treats homosexuals and women as second class citizens. Homosexuals deserve all of the rights and benefits of marriage that heterosexuals receive. Women deserve to be treated with respect and their salaries should not depend on their gender, but their quality of work. I am also thankful that the great, progressive state of California once again voted for the correct President. America is moving forward, and the direction is a positive one."

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Filed: Country: Netherlands

You were raised in England? How did you end up in the states ? Do you have that English accent ? That accent is a major turn on for most guys. Not sure what it is, but it's...sexy...when it's coming from a chick of course.

And ya Dutch tend to beat the fk out of the letter "j".. you already know this by now though. It gets worse with Fryske. It's like trying to learn Danish, German, and Norwegian all at the same time. Of course Fryske/Frisian is the root of the English language. It was that language that influenced Old English more than any other language.

Now that we're besties and all, I'll tell ya!!lol.

Yes- My Dad was on orders in the USAF just returned from 4yr posting the UK- and the original plan was for her to have me there and fly after. Well, she flew pregnant, had me and a couple of months later decided she hated living in the USA! Understandable--it was the deep South when things were---well, you know. Anyway, he got reposted to the UK and off we went. My Mum always told me that the only thing she had anything at all in common with Americans was the language. the culture was too different. Everything was.

I ended up here because I decided when i was 21 to join the USAF. My family thought I'd had some sort of a breakdown or something! LOL! Best thing I ever did. Paid a high price for it too-but wouldn't change a thing.

the Dutch Scrabble has loads of J's and k's in it and every other word ends in ...lijk. :lol:

I have an accent and it really confuses people because they don't know who is the 'GC hunter' (jk) between me and Mark!!!!!! LMAO!

Liefde is een bloem zo teer dat hij knakt bij de minste aanraking en zo sterk dat niets zijn groei in de weg staat




Take a large, almost round, rotating sphere about 8000 miles in diameter, surround it with a murky, viscous atmosphere of gases mixed with water vapor, tilt its axis so it wobbles back and forth with respect to a source of heat and light, freeze it at both ends and roast it in the middle, cover most of its surface with liquid that constantly feeds vapor into the atmosphere as the sphere tosses billions of gallons up and down to the rhythmic pulling of a captive satellite and the sun. Then try to predict the conditions of that atmosphere over a small area within a 5 mile radius for a period of one to five days in advance!


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What if she was out with her girlfriends for a night out, had a few drinks and a guy friend gets her into the truck...is that OK too? Does the fact that she was out in a bar/club/wherever & had afew drinks mean implied consent for whatever happens next?


If she's dumb enough to go out with a guy friend that would do that sort of thing, get that drunk and end up in that situation, she gets what she deserves. And yes, she deserved it. She made the choice to place herself in that situation.

She should've known better or chosen not to indulge in that much alcohol.

A woman who makes a poor decision in life, still doesn't deserve to be raped.

Who said anything about anyone getting raped?

A woman does not get off for driving drunk or driving drunk.

Nobody is getting away with crimes here. A woman doesn't get away with driving drunk for any reason.

So let me get this straight... a woman who is drunk cannot get out of a DUI because society has deemed her unable to properly operate a motor vehicle. But, for some reason, that same drunk woman can decide whether or not someone else's actions are appropriate?

Keep in mind, we've already decided she's not in (enough) control of her own actions. How can she possibly decide if someone else is doing right or wrong?

despite your poor judgement and subsequent incarceration, you do not deserve to be raped in prison. But according to your logic, you would. You should have known the consequences of commiting a crime. You know what goes on in prison, so you should just accept that. You saying that a woman who acts promiscuously should expect this sort of thing is exactly the same. Nobody deserves to be raped Slim, nobody.

If you do stupid things and put yourself in a bad situation, you get what you deserve.

Did I deserve to get raped in prison? No. But, if it would've happened how could I blame it on someone else?

Since you're a legal eagle perhaps you should ask yourself why we allow people to be charged with murder for simply being present in a crime where someone is killed. We hold that person responsible even though they didn't ask for it. Yet when it comes to women, they're not responsible for their own actions.

The feminazism here is sickening. Fortunately it starts and ends in cyberspace. :whistle:

The conversation starts and ends in cyberspace. The feminazism is present daily in our society. For a really good taste of it, go sit in a courtroom one day.

Русский форум член.

Ensure your beneficiary makes and brings with them to the States a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination form)

If the government is going to force me to exercise my "right" to health care, then they better start requiring people to exercise their Right to Bear Arms. - "Where's my public option rifle?"

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Filed: Lift. Cond. (apr) Country: Spain

So the ridiculous statements to this point continue to show that

1. some dudes' standards have been consistently low throughout life

2. internet fora are places for them to exaggerate this 'truth'

3. others are blind enough to follow them in their foolishness

Han Solo said something to the tune of who being a bigger fool... the one going into the asteroid field or the one following.

But also at the root of the story is, I guess, that we're referring to Han Solo, when its obvious silly statements come from Hand Solo... :whistle:

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1. some dudes' standards have been consistently low throughout life

What makes a woman "high" or "low?"

What is the standard?

2. internet fora are places for them to exaggerate this 'truth'

Are you saying society doesn't have a set standard of how women and men interact? Especially when consuming alcohol?

3. others are blind enough to follow them in their foolishness

Follow? Or be effective?

Han Solo said something to the tune of who being a bigger fool... the one going into the asteroid field or the one following.

But also at the root of the story is, I guess, that we're referring to Han Solo, when its obvious silly statements come from Hand Solo... :whistle:

Who got the girl?

I gave up on this thread. Slim seems to be immune to facts or rationale.

Or perhaps I disagree with you. Have you noticed a pattern yet?

Русский форум член.

Ensure your beneficiary makes and brings with them to the States a copy of the DS-3025 (vaccination form)

If the government is going to force me to exercise my "right" to health care, then they better start requiring people to exercise their Right to Bear Arms. - "Where's my public option rifle?"

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