As noted in my timeline, I submitted paperwork for my wife for the N400 naturalization on July 22 2024. Shortly thereafter we got a notice that the current bio-metrics were still valid and so that would not be needed.
But here we are 4.5 months later and we do not yet have an appointment.
Questions about this: 1. I don't recall ever selecting an Office, but I am assuming that the Tampa Office will automatically be used as it is the closest to our address, correct? In searches I have done, it seems like some of the offices are faster than others, but I don't know that there is any way of changing that, especially at this point.
2. I checked the Processing Time on the USCIS site, and this is what it says:
So if this is correct, it is going to be April before we get an appointment, correct?
3. After the Interview, then there is also the oath ceremony. I was not able to find an estimate on how long after the appointment this would be for Tampa.
4. In times past, we did not really care how long the process took (we have been married 8 years now). However, we recently traveled for 2 months to see her family in Russia, and then another 3 months in South Africa visiting our Church. (A total of 5 months, below the "6 Month Rule") The concern is that we are going to somehow violate the residency requirements for her Citizenship. We started the application before we left. We have lived in the US the entire time, so our "Continuous Residence" requirement is easily satisfied. The physical Presence requirement is also easily satisfied. And we resided in Florida for the full three months preceding the filing.
Our plan is to be back in the US and then wait for the interview, and then the oath. And at that point go back to South Africa for an extended for 1-2 years.
So if the above estimate is correct, we will need to wait until June for the interview, and then another period for the Oath.
All in all, we would like to have this done as soon as possible so we can finish the work we have started in South Africa (humanitarian work)
Sorry if I am rambling here, but I am trying to put forward as much information as possible.
Our other option would be to abandon the N400, and then be abroad as long as we want, and then take it up again after moving to the US. I don't really see an issue with this because as far as I can tell, the only benefit of naturalization is that you can Vote, and get a US passport. But the lack of a US passport has not been a hinderance to anything we have wanted to do so far.