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CR1 Or K1? (Read Below)
6:15 am February 3, 2020



Read 4281 Times
64 Replies

Hey everyone. I know you've probably read about this topic more than once and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of debating going on whether the CR1 is better or K1.

However, my question is: What If the couple applied too soon after meeting? My fiance and i been communicating online for like few months. She visited me once and thought of applying right after. We don't want it to seem suspicious even though It's not. In this case, what should we do? K1 or CR1? A lot suggested us to go with CR1 because " It's cheaper and more guaranteed "I feel like If we applied for CR1, there wouldn't be a lot of evidence and we could get denied which makes me choose to go the K1 route instead. I've been reading and watching videos online saying applying after meeting could be something risky so I'm confused. Correct me If I'm wrong! We are confused and looking for answers.

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