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K3 Spouse Visa Timelines

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Names Country Service
Xfer? Consulate I-129F
I-129F RFE(s)
I-129F RFE(s)
Packet 3
Packet 3
Packet 4
Interview Visa
US Entry Marriage Total Days
File ➙ Int.
I-129F Mail
to 1st NOA
I-129F NOA1
to NOA2
I-129F NOA2
to Interview
Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Malai and Billy Malai & Billy Thailand California No Bangkok, Thailand 2007-09-04 2007-12-22 2008-04-08 2007-09-04 2007-12-22 2008-04-08 2008-06-04 2008-07-11 2008-07-16 2008-09-28 2007-08-28 311* 109 108 94 2011-04-12
Justin1 Rosa Pilar & Justin Spain Vermont No Madrid, Spain 2008-11-06 2009-02-16 2009-06-14 2008-11-06 2009-06-14 N/A 102 118 N/A 2009-11-05
Tariq & Heather Morocco California No Morocco 2010-02-23 2010-06-03 2010-06-03 2010-01-28 2010-02-02 2010-06-03 2008-05-02 N/A 100 0 N/A We have had 5 lawyers since July of 2008. 4 of them resigned the firm with out notifying us. I paid the money up front so I never left the firm. The 4th lawyer finally got something done last year, which is basically when things finally really got started. Then that lawyer up and left. Now this lawyer is about to send the ds 230 so he can finally have his interview. My husband has never been to the US only I go to Morocco to visit him. I wish to just live there. I would be if I could have but there is a reason I can not do that. I wish I could turn back time and just do all the paper work myself. I hired a lawyer believing it would make it faster and no mistakes would be made. I was surely wrong. When you want something done. DO IT YOURSELF 2011-06-23
blank avatar B & S Philippines California No Manila, Philippines 2007-07-29 2007-11-05 2007-07-17 2007-07-26 2007-12-12 N/A 99 N/A N/A 2008-01-05
Nataliya & Eric Russia California No Moscow, Russia 2011-01-11 2011-04-19 2010-12-24 2011-01-07 2009-06-27 N/A 98 N/A N/A 2011-04-22
Yachira08 ricardo pina & yachira pina Mexico Texas No Juarez, Mexico 2007-11-22 2008-02-28 2008-06-23 2007-11-22 2008-02-28 2008-06-23 N/A 98 116 N/A currently waiting on package!!!!!! 2008-06-24
edgar & marta Mexico California No Juarez, Mexico 2005-02-15 2005-05-24 2005-08-09 2005-02-15 2005-05-24 2005-12-14 2005-03-19 N/A 98 77 N/A I really dont know about all my other dates because my lawyer sent it all in.But our visa interview was on 9/29/05,but we had to file a i 601 waiver and were still waiting to see what they say. 2005-12-16
Hslightnin Polina & Robby Russia Texas No Moscow, Russia 2006-04-13 2006-07-20 2006-07-03,2006-07-24 2006-07-11,2006-07-26 2006-03-27 2006-04-07 2006-07-11 2006-07-31 2006-12-21 2006-03-09 269 98 N/A N/A 2006-12-01
karim & lana Morocco California No Morocco 2004-09-03 2004-12-07 2004-07-02 2004-09-08 2005-01-20 2004-04-09 N/A 95 N/A N/A 2005-06-23
Dette rodette diego & jann diego Armenia Texas No Manila, Philippines 2006-03-20 2006-06-23 2006-08-31 2004-04-13 N/A 95 N/A N/A 2006-10-04
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