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Dan and Judy

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Posts posted by Dan and Judy

  1. I was on that bridge in Selma. So I know what I'm talking about. Cops still shooting black people with Impunity. As the Trump supporters

    say "it's time for a Change". Now if the members of Black Lives Matters , " BLM" get carried away sometimes, What do you expect from people

    that stole their initials from the Bureau of Land Management.

    The Bureau is fighting with a bunch of Indians up in North Dakota and the Black guys slip in and steal their initials right out from under em!

    Yes there is a God!

  2. Most likely you pay all the bills and the money she earns is hers. Whether that's the case or not, you are not happy. Read the original post. It is yours.

    In that post you say " I realize my to options are next to zero... ".

    That is incorrect. You have two basic options.

    #1 continue to be dominated and abused for the rest of your life.

    #2 get divorced. On the bright side, she can obviously support herself so there is no need for alimony and no kids together means to

    ​child support. Of course there would most likely be negative financial repercussions of which you are fully aware.

    all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,

  3. I really didn't know where to post this but since my wife is a Filipina I thought I would try here first. We have been married for almost 5 years with the usual ups and downs (seems like more downs) and almost divorced once. She also has a son (my step son) that just turned 12. I have one common complaint that has lasted the entire 5 years. She ONLY speaks to her son in Tagalog even if I am around. In the morning, at night, at the dinner table, in the car. This totally leaves me out of the conversation. You know, the conversations you may enjoy as a family. I don't get to hear about what's going on at school, with friends, girls, or anything. Unless I ask but he gets upset having to repeat everything twice in which I don't blame him. I have asked her a million times to please stop and how it makes me feel but she doesn't care. Her reasoning is that she doesn't want him to forget Tagalog. He is 12, it is not like he is 5. I have pleaded with her to stop and there is plenty of time when I am not with them that she can speak Tagalog with him. He is usually good enough to speak English when I am around so I usually get half of what is going on. Even on the phone to her friends that live around here she only speaks it. I told her I didn't care if she speaks it on the phone to her family in PI.

    There is more about the subject but you get my point.

    So my question to fellow VJ's out there that are in my general position......am I out of line requesting my wife to speak English when I am at home and around her, which to me is a total lack of respect.....or do you feel it is her right to speak any langue she likes even though she knows it upsets me and she can do it when I am not around?


    Yes it is a lack of respect. You've been whining about it for 5 years now and haven't put your foot down. Either do something about it or get over it. For the record My wife

    speaks tagalog with her friends in front of me and it doesn"t bother me but I have not taken on the responsibility of raising her son. The fact that you seem to have accepted

    her son as your own should get you that respect. If the courtship goes on in english then that's good enough for the marriage. Trying to learn another language is a humbling experience. I got my wife TFC just because I'm an incredibly nice type of guy. Then I watched the whole series of "Little Juan" with my wife and made her translate. That was actually the prequel to Juan De La Cruz. Somewhere in the middle of Juan De la Cruz we realized they had the show with english subtitles Somewhere around that time I also realized I was watching soap operas. We watch the stuff with subtitles now but I'm not learning as much as when things had to be translated.

  4. Bill Cosby is good too. Thomas Sowell. Etc.

    In my wife's culture, they call it "crab mentality". If one crab starts climbing out of the bucket, the other crabs pull him down. So nobody can escape the bucket. It's not limited to the black community. My God have we taken heat for advanced academic learning in our children. Haven't tested our four year old for a couple of months but last time he was five years ahead of his cohorts in reading and off the charts in science.

    So we hear idiotic crab-mentality comments about ruining their childhood, pushing them too hard, learning before they are ready, etc. It's no different in spirit from the black kids who are bullied if they try hard academically. Gangsta culture is glorified.

    Thank God we live off in the woods away from any of that #######.

    Sometimes when everybody tells you that you're wrong, you are.

  5. IMHO the op ed used by the OP is just another article filled with veiled racism. I suppose there is some pleasure to be derived by attempting to place a larger chip on someone else's shoulder...


    I get asked that question and various riffs on it like why do Asians hate black people? and why do Asians only stick with other Asians? all the time. While these questions may seem rude, I take them seriously, not least because they contain seeds of truth, even if theyre ultimately based on misinformation.

    Before I get into what I meant by that, lets get real about racism. Racism is distinct from ordinary bias because it was created as the justification for and original blueprint of a society in which race and class were pretty much the same thing. Class is how wealth and therefore power is organized. So, race and power are inextricable. And while parts of the original blueprint have changed over time, we built real structures, like our electoral college, ghettos, and suburbs, just to name a few examples, that continue to dictate the way we live today based on that blue print. We can change our minds about it, but unless we dismantle and rebuild those structures, were stuck with the inequities they create.

    You never told us what you meant by that.

  6. You're willing to go with the CPI? Awesome. Lets take a look here:


    After bouncing from the worst of the recession in 09 it never reached the 08 highs(when it comes to rate of change) and lookie lookie - the chart looks very similar to that of many commodities and metals i.e. it started declining in either 2011 or 2012.

    I agree that we are not in a state of hyper inflation. I am also not worrying about hyper inflation. Conversely I am also not worrying about a little deflation, I welcome it.

    The chart above shows inflation every year but one and you can go back 30 years with inflation every year but one.

    The trouble with a 2% inflation every year is that if income doesn't go at the same rate people are losing purchasing power.

    If income is going up at 1% every year at the same time, In 10 years people have lost 10% of their purchasing power.

  7. Didn't work like that for Nixon, did it?

    " Special Counsel Archibald Cox, a former United States Solicitor General under President John F. Kennedy, asked District Court Judge John Sirica to subpoena eight relevant tapes to confirm the testimony of White House Counsel John Dean."


    this sounds like a targeted investigation.

    15,000 documents smells a little like a fishing expedition

  8. There is only one race. We all belong to the human race. That being said, there are no differences, positive or negative to discuss. There are regional variations that are due to geographical differences that people have adapted to. People who live in the Andes or Himalayas have an adaption to the low oxygen available. That's nothing to do with them being from a different race, it is simply an adaption to the local conditions. Any physical difference you can name is an adaption, not a difference in 'race'. Perhaps if people were better at understanding this, there would be less acrimony based on visual cues, but probably not.

    Why are Blacks better at playing basketball?

  9. Education is another bubble just like the real estate bubble of the last decade...it won't last. Bubbles happen. But that doesn't mean there is runaway inflation. Inflation at a rate of barely 2% a year like we have been seeing is not only NOT runaway, but it's actually what the Fed has AIMED for, to try and prevent DEflation. So far they have been successful, but I don't think it will last.

    Copper, Gold, Silver, Oil etc being down is NOT runaway inflation.

    Dollar up against most major currencies is NOT runaway inflation.

    Im not an economist and I've never even played one on tv but I don't think measuring the strength of the dollar against other currencies is

    how you measure inflation.

    I'm willing to go with the consumer price index.

    I don't think the price of copper, gold and silver have an undue influence on the CPI

    Housing, food and transportation are the biggest chunks.

  10. Charles Barkley is right on point here. This issue has been dogging blacks from the start. Jackie Robinson, the first black to play major league baseball

    couldn't help himself. In spite of his success on the field he would steal bases every chance he got.

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