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Posts posted by moondancer627

  1. I have been looking at the guide lines for filing after we recieve the conditional green card. I know right at the moment prior to getting his conditional green card, Anton cannot travel unless he applies for advanced parole and then it must be a good reason to leave the US.

    The question is....... he would like to at least spend a few months each summer in Canada with his father after he recieves the CGC. How long can he stay in Canada when he travels?

    Thanks for any answers,


  2. I-POD, I still listen to my cassettes from the 80's... updating them to CD when they stretch out and run too slow.

    Anyway, I haven't bought any new CD's but I borrow stuff from the public library all the time.

    I have been into show tunes lately after watching the movies, borrowed Chicago, Phantom of the Opera Soundtracks, love good tenor so borrowed Russell Watson The Voice, Josh Groban Live...

    Also borrowed a really good trance CD called Lost at Last taking world music rhythms and putting them to trance beat,

    The newest song I heard today was on the radio as I was flipping through, I thought it was Sting singing, but it ended up being John Mayer with Herbie Hancock playing the piano.

    A Real modern Jazz Sound...

    Happy Listening,


  3. A Case of "don't do as I do - do as I say" typical hypocritical double standards

    I agree . This made front page news in our local paper. The sad thing is many of the same people coming up here are from Central and South America, they have to go through Mexico first...


  4. They've only JUST picked Dr Who up in the US and started showing it on the sci-fi channel.

    It was hard to come to grips with the Doctor as a short-haired guy with an attitude... he seemed a world away from my main memories of the Doctor - Tom Baker, Colin Baker and before that the elegant and refined white-haired guy (can't remember his name...) But from what you say I won't have to put up with him for long :(

    Dalek was the first and so far only episode I've seen. I didn't know it was on because they didn't advertise it in advance! :(

    Great the Dr. is on US TV, although I don't have cable :( maybe I will be able to catch an episode or two when I housesit. I started to like the New Who last summer in Calgary when Iwas up there visiting. The Doctor was on his season finale and he had already changed into a new guy. I always liked the old Tom Baker series

    thanks for the info


  5. Only $100 for the gizmo and a $50 fine. He made out if he got through a few red lights, good thing no accidents were caused then he'd been in deep doo-doo.

    I try to telepathically change the red lights to Green.... LOL


  6. I hope they at least installed curtains around the buckets, that is just plan barbaric.. Although we have had a lock down or two with no restrooms in the classroom, I don't think I could imagine putting buckets out for the kids to use including the teachers... I would just risk my life and limb to take the kids to the bathroom in an orderly everyone goes line...


  7. Myrna ####### crossed over the border in 98 andwas found by border agents. She sopposedly told officials she was attempting to enter the country illegally. The government says when agents took her fingerprints she told them her name was Ivette Treviso-Frias( which she denies) and said she was an American.

    Six years later, the government reinstated the old deportation order under Treviso-Frias name to take Myrna into custody.

    Myrna now lives in suburbia with her American husband and 17 month old baby.

    In 2004 the government tried to deport Myrna on the claim but she was pregnant and a federal judge ruled that since her unborn baby was already an American citizen he could not be deported, therefore neither could she.

    But in Feb, immigration officials reissued their claims giving the right to bar Myrna from the US for life, separating her from her husband and baby.

    The families case is attracting the attention of legislators who says it symbolizes the contradictions of the broken US immigration system.

    The eighth circuit will hear the #######'s appeal next month, if it fails there it could go to the US Supreme court. Several legislators are considering a waiver that would grant some immigrants who made false claims of citizenship the right to stay in the country.

    What do you think? Debate, no mud slinging!!!


  8. :( Our Easter was kind of a downer, we went on a hike with SAHC , I was the guide. The Rancher's are p*ssed about undocumented hikers from south of the border walking all over their land, I guess they thought we were some trafficers or something, cause they started yelling at us and shooting guns. We had been on the land before , just back in December without any problems and it does belong to the Bureau of Land Mangagement so it's public land leased out to graze cattle. Anyway we continued up the peak since we were almost on top, when we got back to the cars we found all our vehicles had one flat tire, and 4 of the vehicles had slashed valve stems. We called the sherriff's dept. as we had done nothing wrong, no trespassing and had respected the cattle. The deputy took a report. The weird thing was he profiled the one guy in the the group who is an American citizen and asked him for his social security #. He didn't ask anybody else for it...

    The deputy took the report and left, but this has become an ongoing issue out here in the Southwest with Rancher's, lynch mobs taking things into their own hands, and too many public access issues.

    If the Rancher didn't want us on his land he should have wrote a note or something or called the Sherriff's Dept. instead of vandalizing our vehicles.

    Needless to say,we got home and went to a nice Wild West Resturant after for Margarita's and some Mexican Food..

    Despite the downer, I am blessed to have good friends, and that we were safe throughout this ordeal, and everyone had a good spare....


  9. :help: Whoa, I didn't mean this as an offense to Mexican's I am just stating some observed facts living only one hour from the Mexican border I see it everyday.... Christmas time is one of the top times for crossing the border to go shopping here in the Malls. Mexican's like the rest of us can't do without material items from Starbucks, ect...

    It is somewhat crazy at times here in the southwest with all the craziness between cultures going on...

    We love Cinco De Mayo and Corona, going to Rocky Point, haggling with the vendors, ect... but there is alot off violence here between Hispanics and Blacks, cars stolen and taken to the border, people dying in the desert by the hundreds each summer.....ect...

    People need to see both sides of the story before defending one opinion.....


  10. Sorry to hear you are fed up with posts on immigration issues from Mexico. I am saddened that people from Mexico have gotten bad press, especially since most are just trying to better their lives. I would tell you keep strong and stay active , don't quit you are a voice in the wilderness and can shed light into other's lack of understanding on the issues out there...


  11. I wish the Mexican's good luck since everything in Mexico is commercialized. More Mexican's in Walmart here in Tucson then Anglos. They are also building a big Walmart in Nogales, Sonara cause of all the complaints that all the rich Mexicans have to drive to Tucson to shop at Walmart.

    I think Mexican women shop more than the average Anglo woman for clothing. My best friend is of Mexican descent and she is a major shopaholic. No matter if we go somewhere just to look she is buying something.


  12. Hi,

    Your question is exactly what we plan on doing in the next few years, although Anton is a permanent resident of Canada and he wanted to be able to work in the US in the winters, so we went the K-1 route.

    I don't know what it would be like to have the retired status, if neither of you intend to work, I would just get married and do the Passport thing with the Visa Waiver. Canadian Citizens are allowed in the US for up to 6 months without any questions asked, especially since your fiancee' doesn't intend to work or live here full time. US citizens are more than welcome in Canada if they don't over stay 6 months and are not seeking employment.

    I would suggest not to get caught up in this immigration nonsense since you will need to show assests, your fiance' wouldn't be able to travel ect... until you have residency approved.

    I wish now that Anton had just come in to the US Seasonally with his visa waiver, and then I would go to Canada in the summer with my Passport. I wouldn't have the stress I do working to sponsor him, as well as he not being able to leave this summer to be where it is cool..

    Good Luck,


  13. HI I woke up this morning and saw your post, you are in my thoughts for peace throughout this ordeal, as we all know it's frustration at every corner....

    What about an INS voddoo doll?

    Blessed Be,


  14. Peeps make up 18% of Easter Baskets, Chocolate Bunnies still reign supreme, malted milk ball eggs make up %17 of baskets, with jelly beans making up %16.

    76% of all Americans think chocolate bunnies should be eaten ears first and 4% say tail first.

    Now back to peeps...

    Peeps are produced at the Just Born factory in Bethlehem, PA. Peeps are churned out year round as many as 4.2 million a day.

    Check out these websites for more Peep info....



    www.peepsshow.com ( be careful with this one , if you type in peepshow, you get a porn site)


    Happy Easter,


  15. I would think it would be easy to fly around the US, but just recently my husband was pulled over by the border patrol here in Tucson and was given a warning that he should be carrying his passport at all times even though his K-1 has expired and we are currently in limbo with the AOS paperwork. I think it would be safe to carry along some paper work just in case you are harrassed by some airline worker.

    Have fun,


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