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Posts posted by moondancer627

  1. I don't think Adam was responsible. He knew the conscequence of eating the apple, and was told not too. He made a poor choice . He knew what he was doing and didnt' care. Why are women usually right because we think through our actions before doing them ,hopefully anyway....

    just like a woman... isn't it, she'll blame him because he made "a poor choice" but if he made a good choice then it was because of her...right?

    Think through your actions? :no:

    you ask the men for them to do the thinking, they make the decision, if it's good - you say nothing, if it's bad- you talk badly about him

    Just like a man, can't reason with them.... I have to talk to my husband and explain choices and consequences to him all the time and then it's still like talking to a brick wall.....

  2. ya know what happens if ya play a country song backwards???

    The guy gets his truck back, his trailor back, his job back, his wife back, his boat back & his dog back !



    I am not much into country. Those patriotic songs make me ill... although I did cry after 9/11 when I saw the big flag going up at one of the car dealers here and town to Bruce Springsteen's Born In The USA...

    I also like John Mellencamp Cougar what ever is name is now Rocking In The USA. and of course the old Grand Funk Railroad song redone by Lenny Cravitz American Woman....

  3. I'm working my dream job.

    I am a state preschool teacher. I LOVE IT. I love going to work in the morning, getting the classroom prepared, being with my awesome co workers, seeing the childrens smiles when they come in, watching their faces light up when they make something or write their name, watching them laugh so hard when I dress up or say something funny, taking them on trips, watch their faces as they eat something they are unsure of, I love it when they are sad and just want a big hug, when all I have to do is kiss their boo boo and all is okay.

    I can go on forever about how much I love my job. I have been doing this for five years now ... and trust me something happens everyday when I say "this is why I love my job".

    Is this in the middle East? Wish we had State Preschool's here in the US. I don't know about anywhere else in the US ,but the pay stinks in Arizona. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education.. I wish they told us in college after 15 years of work experience you will still only be making $10 an hour..... I know it could just be the center I am working for, but if I quit and go to another center I will probably only be making $8 max as a new employee, plus I know what garbage goes on at my center with politics in the upper management.

    My dream job would be to own my own big house with a room for a preschool and take care of children at the house and maybe have a few of my own before the biological clock runs down...

    But... I work 4 jobs and don't think a kid of my own would be good since I am taking care of one big kid now called The Husband.

    Another dream job I would like to have is to be a travel documentary guide like Rick Steve's or Globe Trekker.

    Another dream job would be to work as a personal trainer. I work at the YMCA once a week teaching body conditioning now, but would like to go into full time.

    I would like to be working in the media arts too, but for now until this AOS is over I will be slaving to get a paycheck, maybe when Anton gets his EAD he will be able to work and I ease off the work and go back to school.

    Thanks for listening to my rant,

    Burnt out Moonlighting rather than moondancing

  4. Send it to Tucson all winter we have had 0 precipation finally last couple of weekends we finally got some rain here in the city and snow on the peaks...

    I am not looking forward to the 100 degree weather that will be creeping up on us any day now....

  5. I don't think Adam was responsible. He knew the conscequence of eating the apple, and was told not too. He made a poor choice . He knew what he was doing and didnt' care. Why are women usually right because we think through our actions before doing them ,hopefully anyway....

  6. Sorry you are down in the dumps... My husband is too. I don't know what's up with him. He started obsessing about money again, which he constantly obsesses about, he's the one without the job being the AOS'er.. I think he's bummed out about jobs too. I haven't gotten two words out of him all day.

    British TV rocks, I like to watch the oldies on PBS: Are you Being Served, As Time Goes By, and Coupling..

    I have always loved Benny Hill and Monty Python as well.

    Try to find some things to do around the house, maybe write a few letters,ect....

    Time will pass and things will get better.

    Here too! LOL


  7. My TV still works from the 80's . I bought a used flat screen last year from a friend and it died, so it's back to the old TV with the dial and no remote.

    Things were built to last back then.

    Also no cable, we can get enough TV channels here in Tucson to not have cable. If I had cable I'd be watching old sit coms like Gilligan's Island and MASH all day.

    I don't have an I POD since Cd's are fine with me, and I still have dial up internet, although I think I would like high speed internet just don't have the extra bucks for it.

    I have a cell phone although it's considered out of date, but if I can receive and make calls in an emergency what else do I need.


  8. :whistle: Isn't it weird, you spend months away pineing for the day when you will be married and together , finally the day arrives and then he has to go away for a day or two.

    Anton is building a house out in the desert and I work in town so we spend one or two nights away from each other each week. It was weird a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night I went out with a girlfriend to a concert and she brought her boyfriend after I thought it would be a girl's night out. Usually when Anton's gone I don't eat or I eat cereal for dinner.

    I hate being alone at night ,although lately I have been dogsitting across town and Anton has been staying either at the land or here at my house so I haven't seen him much this whole week.

    Have you seen the Motorcycle Diaries, that's a good one and of course Sideways is good.

    Wish we lived in the same neighborhood I would come over and watch movies with you...


  9. From the Arizona Daily Star- By Becky Pallack

    A U.S. Border Patrol agent died in the line of duty Tuesday evening when a car he was in slammed into a cow in Western Pima County, an official said Weds.

    Senior Patrol Agent Nicholas Greenig, a four year agent from Montana, and another agent were on duty in a plainclothes patrolling a section of Arizona 86 near Why, 110 miles west of Tucson when the accident occurred around 8 PM said Gustavo Soto, a spokesman for the Border Patrol's Tucson Sector.

    The other agent suffered minor injuries and was recovering at a hospital. That agent's name was not released. Officials couldn't say which agent was driving, but said both were wearing seat belts.

    The Tohono O' odham Police Dept. is investigating the accident....

    Moondancer's comment.

    For those not familiar with this area, this a large expanse of desert with free range cow. 1 cow per 5 acres. Not so easy to hit into a cow, unless the agents were speeding at high speeds, drinking or doing other activities.

  10. The moon was full last night and sopposedly eclipsed in some parts of the world/US? Unfortunately, Tucson was cloudy last night and I couldn't tell if it was eclipsed or not.

    Anyone see anything worth reporting?


  11. I haven't heard about the co-sponsor not being able to help out, but the sponsorship level is 125% above the poverty level, so for a family of 2 you and your fiance'.. it will be about $16,030 .

    You are required to be a sponsor for three years and sign an affidavit of support stating that your fiance' will not accept government help and you will be responsible for this person while they are in the US...

    Hopes this helps,


  12. This is the way I was taught too, breaking kids up into small groups is the only way I can think of to keep the teacher from going crazy...

    I even do it with my kindergarteners.

  13. The Leperchaun Trap, the kindergarteners were doing it at our school. I like your idea...

    I am sorry to hear about your frustration with Nick's reading. It's not right that they have taken him out of the remedial reading when he's not ready and I am sure you are trying to help him out as much as possible.

    I have worked in childcare 18+ years and I know how teachers have to deal with all sorts of stuff.

    My only suggestions are to keep on working with him at home, have him read easy readers to you at night, read, read, read to him, have him read cereal boxes at breakfast, billboards while driving, make it fun and a game and just keep on encouraging him with the other subjects that he excels at..

    Good Luck,


  14. I have no fear!!

    Anton is a tight wad with $. He has to justify every penny spent and he seems to think I spend too much money. I had to get a new crown the other day and he was upset, why don't I just get the tooth pulled.

    I said, I take care of myself, if you choose to get your teeth pulled well that's up to you. I will pay the $ to keep my health.

    He also buys the cheapest of everything in the grocery store and reads the grams and compares prices to the point I do not shop with him anymore.

    Other than that he's a great guy...


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