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Posts posted by moondancer627

  1. Monday is wear flip flops day to protest that I gotta work ,while my co-worker who is the supervisor of the daycare, who says we can't wear flip flops is taking the day off, excuse, she's gotta go to a funeral. I don't know since she might be taking it off to do the Boycott since her family is Mexican.

    So we are all going to wear flip flops Monday.

    I am sure Tucson will be running right on schedule Monday and what if it isn't less traffic to get through in the morning.

    By the way I am Wiccan and Monday is a religious holiday too. Beltane, celebrating the coming of summer and the earth's fertility.

    Anyone Morris Dancing and dancing the Maypole.

    We could put all these events together and have one big party!!!!!!


  2. Austria leads the world in Sexual satisifaction as well as holding the EU presidency.

    Austria unveiled a campaign this week called "Temptress Europe" designed to reawaken the sensuous side.

    Hans Winkler a state secretary in Austria's Foreign Ministry says" Europe is known for it's sensuous and cultural aspects and not jsut for EU policies, and regulations."

    The campaign theme centers on the seduction of Europa by Zeus. As the story goes.. Zues falls in love with Europa when he sees her gathering flowers by the Mediterranean. He turns himself into a white bull, carries her away to Crete, resumes his manlike form and makes love to her beneath a cypress tree.

    Winkler hopes the campaign will help restore a sense of identity. "The best way to nurture a feeling for and an interest in Europe is to discover its cultural diversity for yourself."

    May 9 will mark Europe day. Austria will promote "Cafe' d' Europe" a cultural project aimed at fostering casual, coffee house style conversations about Europes future.

    Poets, playwrights and authors will be present specially composed works ,and special "sensual desserts" will be served .

    Posters went up yesterday around Vienna promoting the campaign with the slogan "Europe: be inspired. Europe: be seduced.


  3. Wow, the evening is getting stranger. First the mystery of the Avatar? Now, I was just thinking tonight as I was driving home about the Stephen King movie/book Desperation. We were also talking about it on a hike last night.

    It was filmed in Bisbee, AZ and Tucson, AZ in November/December 04, I thought it was to be out in April of 05 , but I just flipped to the Entertainment Section of the Newspaper and the World Premire is going to be here May 6 ,sopposedly the producer, director, and actor's will be here for the grand opening.

    It will be on ABC TV May 18.

    When they were filming a scene at the Tucson Convention Center , designed to look like a mine cave in, including rattlesnakes, the explosions used misfired and caused a real fire. They were filming during some big time country stars concert next door and had to evacuate the TCC .

    This should be a really cool movie and I am looking forward to it, being a big Stephen King fan. I am trying to win tickets to the Premire at the Fox Theatre.


  4. I changed the Avatar on the computer where I work in the evenings to a cute hiking boot avatar.

    I came home and it's still the sunset?

    What do you see?

    My computer at home is slower and I only have dial up.

    I thought the Avatar would be stored at the main server instead of on individual computers.


    Well now, that's even stranger. I just posted my question and it turned into the hiking boots.

    Mystery solved.....

  5. Since my old computer is so slow to place a personal pic on the avatar Iwent on to look at the premade ones.

    The fairy/indian woman fits my personality and since being a member I have noticed no one else using the



    Ha.. I just found the perfect Avatar for me... I am a hiker and I have this tee shirt... Not all who wander are Lost... JRR. Tolkien said that, plus someone started using my fairy/indian lady and I don't like to share...

  6. If it's either Canada or Mexico it shouldn't matter. Tucson is one hour from the Mexican Border. Nogales is a shoppers paradise for finding cool touristy items. Tons of Tucsonians go down to Mexico for cheap shopping , medications, and even dentist visits. Imagine the revenue loss for Nogales if we all needed a passport to go to a border town.


  7. We didn't request gifts since we didn't need anything, but people feel like they should give anyway.

    We got several gift cards to Bed, Bath, Beyond, Target and resturants. Some money and that was great!

    My best gift of all though was a framed photo of the Aspens on Mt. Lemmon taken in 1997 by one of my hiking club friends. He took it on a hike that I had guided, and had the photo hanging in his salon for almost 9 years. Those Aspens burned in 03 in our big fire so the photo was very special to recieve. I started crying and gave him a big hug.

    The most not useful gift was a crystal plate, but I am going to regift that to my co-worker who is getting married next month. Shhh Don't tell. :no:


  8. Some hummingbirds stay year round here in Tucson. Most hummingbirds migrate to Mexico for the winter.

    Birds that return to Tucson in the Spring include the Turkey Vulture and White Wing Dove, also I can't wait to go looking for the Trogon. Trogons are relatives of the Quetzel .

    Another big event in the Spring/summer is the return of the Mexican Freetail bat that lives under the bridges at night 1,000 fly out from under the bridge and it's quit spectacular to see.


  9. :dance: I'm in too. What thread do we report into....

    My coworker's multi million dollar wedding is coming up at the end of May and I want to fit into my slinky black dress I bought 3 years ago for my best friend's wedding. (Wasn't that a movie?)


  10. What does this have to do with the question at hand? Yes, I am with you this whole K-1, AOS has been very frustrating and time consuming, as well as mostly redundant with paper work and proof of relationship.

    He could have stayed here, worked illegally and we would have had less stress. The people doing it right should be rewarded with tax deductions, quick results and a hand shake from our esteemed government.


  11. Hi,

    Our interview date is coming up too. May 16th. Anton and I are in the same situation you are in, we have a joint bank account, I just put another cellphone on my phone account, he got his AZ driver's license, and I will put him on my 401-K as the first beneficary. We do not spend much money, and don't want to get any further into debt so haven't been spending . He keeps an account book of what $ goes in and out for food and "family expenses" so we have our reciepts since we usually pay cash for everything or debit, (me).

    We are pretty lucky as our interview is right here in Tucson, and it's close to my house.

    I have rented for the last 16 years from an old guy who's like my grandpa. I just pay him each month and we don't have any contracts.

    All I can say is walk in with confidence, what proof of relationship you have, and speak honestly and I believe all will go well.

    good Luck,


  12. Well, Anton got an AZ driver's liscense today. He passed his written test with flying colors, I'm just glad he didn't have to take a behind the wheel test. :D

    He also got a credit card yesterday which he wants to roll my credit cards onto since its 0% for 6 months. we also, put another cellphone on the phone bill.

    I am going to put him as beneficiary on my 401-K and I hope that is enough proof that we are trying to spend money together, since our goal is not to spend $, but save it and get my Azz out of debt...

    Our interview is May 16.


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