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Posts posted by EllaC

  1. 10 hours ago, Rob Beri said:

    I envy you for being together since you filled your petition. The only interaction other, including myself, have is through a device. A lot of virtual hugs, kisses, happy faces, hearts, and sad face emojis are send in a given day. Honestly, at times it is frustrating and overwhelming. However, this will be history once and for all -- better days to come.

    I am grateful for that. Such a blessing... but now it will seem harder when he leaves. But I have to get through and be strong for him because I'm sure he will find it tough as well. We will get there soon! March should be our month and let's keep hoping for that! As I've said before, it costs nothing to stay positive. If it doesn't happen then, then we can hold on a little longer. But for right now, let's make it to March with positive thoughts! ❤️ 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sinead91 said:

    Hi everyone. Just received an RFE. Not too worried as we have followed all the guidelines and it means they opened our case. 


    Hopefully and probably juet something small :)


    Noa1 Oct 8th. 

    I am loving your post not because you got a RFE, but because they are actively working on your case! Give them what they're asking for and your approval is imminent! Are you still going to fly here in March if you get the NOA2 before then? 🙂

  3. 52 minutes ago, Sarge2155 said:

    You can conquer those feelings  by setting your expectations low. If you set them too high they will crush you every time. Set them low, and if things  go faster it'll be all the more sweeter because you set the bar low. Set them high and you are doomed! Having a wonderful partner  helps big time too!

    I actually do... That's why I feel like I drag myself down. 😄 I am looking forward to a vacation in the month of March so that at least it would make waiting a bit easier. He hasn't even left yet and I am already obsessing about the time when he will be away.

  4. I have days when I look at various timelines for Italy and it makes me a bit anxious the fact that we would still have a bit of wait after NOA2. Sometimes I tackle waiting with patience and do just fine. And other times I get inside my head and start going off on a tangent and consider all these scenarios as to when we would be approved and so forth. I have to stop doing that because I don't even know what next week will bring, let alone months from now. But I find it so hard to cope with the fact that we have no control over how fast things will move for us. It is a true test to a relationship, so I am grateful to have my wonderful fiance. SO. GRATEFUL! 

  5. 29 minutes ago, DaveAndAnastasia said:

    VJ users who update their timelines are actually a high enough percentage of K-1 petitioners to be a reasonably representative sample (at least on a monthly or yearly level), unless you think there are things about active VJ users that would skew the data in one direction (I'd guess there as many factors that would make VJ users faster than average as there are slower, or close enough that any difference is statistical noise).


    Even if VJ had access to USCIS's internal systems and based its estimates on that, they would still be averages; some people would be faster, some would be slower, sometimes much slower. @Sarge2155 filed a couple weeks before I did and you can look at our timelines to see how different they were.

    My mistake, I meant "K-1 applicants who are also VJ members and update their timelines". There are sooo many more K-1 applicants outside of VJ.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rob Beri said:

    I think the slight delay caused is due to the end of the year holidays. It might add a few days as estimated by VisaJourney, but I hardly believe there can be more delays. Fingers crossed everyone has a smooth sailing. The wait is tough at times, but nothing good comes easy 😊

    Definitely, nothing worth having comes easy. Could you imagine how much gratitude we would have? The most beautiful destinations, the most rewarding things in life take time and work. We WILL get there!!

  7. 19 minutes ago, USS_Voyager said:

    If you can, get the W2s from 2017 and 2018. That will show your own income from those years, not combined with your ex. Talk to HR or Payroll, they should be able to get you those. 

     I just took a look and the W-2 for 2019 still says married. But I did change my status in the beginning of January and HR updated my withholding accordingly. Does that matter in any way, shape or form? Or do I just need the W-2s to show my income basically? 🙂

  8. Good morning, everyone!


    I have a question about tax returns for the K-1 visa interview. I was married previously and got divorced in 2019, which is also when I met my fiance. I do not have my tax returns as my ex used to handle that, we had filed jointly.

    I am still waiting on the NOA2, so by the time we get to the interview, I may have already filed for 2019 on my own. But I do know that some people suggest we need the last 3 years of tax returns. Both me and my fiance also have savings and I, of course, have a full time job with a steady income which, thank God, I've had for over 5 years now. Is it ok for me to provide the previous tax returns even when they are filed jointly with my ex? I would request the transcripts online from IRS, but they do not actually have much info on there, it is all cut off or sensitive info is replaced by ***, it is not showing my individual income versus my ex.

    I was thinking to include 2018 and 2017 tax transcripts AND my most recent that I would file as soon as possible after getting my W-2. Would that be ok though? I would then also have my savings statement, previous W-2s, my pay stubs, letter from employer along with the I-134.


    Thank you so much!


  9. 13 hours ago, RL & CH said:

    Received notice for RFE just now.


    Waiting for the letter to see what the next step is... I had a feeling as we left spaces blank instead of writing n/a.


    Oh well, there's a first time for everything, right? 😊

    Edit: Does anybody happen to know what the average processing time between RFE and NOA2 would be?

    Hmm, do you know for sure that that is the reason of the RFE? I only used N/A in a spot or 2. Some of the questions are clear. For instance, the moment you answer no to a question, they're not going to look for n/, n/a, n/a below if that makes sense. But I could be wrong. That woud be MY logic. 😄 

  10. 9 hours ago, Britney868 said:

    I see the USCIS has start giving NOA2 to October filers because I been stocking their group lol. So its moving along. We’ll be up before you know it!!😄😁🥳🤩🥳

    I just am so stoked to see those approvals coming in. The sooner they clear those, the sooner they get to us. It may seem though, that they aren't moving as quickly just looking at the stats here on VJ, but then could you imagine how many more petitions they have outside of the VJ members? Insanity. I checked around my case number the one day and I was horrified how many of them were received on 2nd of December. 😄 They have sooo much work to do!! I would think though that we are the best prepped bunch out there because of Visa Journey and our AWESOME admins & experienced users! 🙂 

  11. 3 hours ago, Britney868 said:

    You will be a family man in no time. Keep it up lol.. Staying optimistic and positive sounds like a great choice to me😁.. can’t wait until these NOA2 start rolling in!!

    It will be so exciting when we finally see some good progress in our little group here! 

    We will also be doing some planning so we can stay on top of our game, mostly figuring our our next steps in the process and reading interview reviews🙂 I am so nervous about this whole process, I just want our NOA2s to start POURING IN! WE ARE ALL READY IN HERE! ❤️

  12. 11 minutes ago, Britney868 said:

    What a luxury to be able to have him there with you. I’m super jealous lol. I know that you are enjoying every bit of that because you get some time to live with him and all that good stuff unlike the rest of us that don’t get that privilege. That’s why I’m in Jamaica every month but it still only feel like vacation. But I’m happy that y’all get to spend genuine time together!!!! Fitness business is a good idea in this day in time. I wish you all the luck. 3 months sounds like a plan to me!! Definitely stay positive and keep those good vibes flowing, we can all use them.

    Yes, we were afraid to send the I-129F before him coming to visit. And I was also waiting on my final divorce decree. So we sent in our petition after he came here. But STILL, at the airport, he was brutally honest with the CBP officer when he asked him the purpose of the trip, my fiance flat out said: visiting my fiancee! They gave him no hard time whatsoever, nor was he asked if we filed the I-129F. When I picked him up at the airport and heard the story, also because I was so nervous about the port of entry for him... I was like: Good job, baby, for being honest, I'm proud of you. 🙂 Now by going back to Australia on the date that he said he would, should also show USCIS that we respect the procedures and the law. 🙂 Satisfied overall, but this might be the last 3 month visit for him to the states before we get the NOA2... The thing is, after my holiday to see him in March... we are just going to be waiting for the approval and interview, so it will be a bit difficult on us as we usually always schedule flights to see each other. I was in Australia in August when we got engaged. It's just so much more difficult to be away from him than I thought. Even when I'm at work and he is at home alone... when I get home, we always just hug like we have just seen each other at the airport, after a long time apart. I'm a bit nervous to be away from him in February after spending 3 months together. But this too shall pass!

  13. 2 minutes ago, Britney868 said:

    Well I’m thoroughly cleaning out my closet and all my dressers to make room for my fiancé. I’m adding pictures of him and us throughout my home so it feels like home to him once he’s here. I’m working trying to continually build up my bank account for the rest of this visa journey including the AOS process once he’s here, wedding/honeymoon, and just in general, and I’m doing all this in the midst of still going to Jamaica to see him😁... so I’m definitely staying busy. What have you been doing?😁

    He's been here with me since November and leaving in February so time has been going so fast! That is definitely something I want to do as well, to clean up and reorganize my closet. Right now the space I made for him worked out well because he doesn't have all of his clothes from Italy with him in Australia. Haha But when he moves here permanently, I'm going to have to be more organized. Same as you, I am working trying to build the savings for the remainder of the processes as well as for when we do have to buy a house. I am a fitness enthusiast so I am also trying to launch a business in that field so I will also be keeping myself busy with studying for that next month. I was hoping to find some local meetup groups of people going through spousal/fiance visas but no luck. Not sure that that is a thing on meetup. 🙂 But heavily using this website to stay close to the people who get it the most: THIS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY!! ❤️ 
    I have my flight booked for the very beginning of March to go see my fiance, but I can only spend 2 weeks and a little bit, as I have to keep time off for when we have the interview, wedding/honeymoon. It's tough as I have no certainty that our I-129F is going to get approved in roughly 3 months. But I am being hopeful!! And trying to attract those good vibes towards this group!!!! It costs nothing to remain positive! ❤️ 

  14. On 1/1/2020 at 11:24 AM, mandajoy98 said:

    There is a time in everyone's long distance journey where someone sacrifices something in order to be together long term.


    DISCLAIMER: I apologize in advance if I sound whiny or complain too much but I just thought I would express my raw feelings on the first morning of 2020.


    My fiance and I have came to harsh reality that we might not see each other for another six months. His interview is scheduled on Feb 5th but his sisters wedding is on June 29th (in AUS) leaving us no time to get accepted for a green card or advance parole in time to go back to Australia for the wedding. We both know it is the mature decision for him to stay in Australia even after the interview and wedding. This has been extremely hard because I know this is the right decision in the long run but I am having such a hard time dealing with it in the short run. This decision took me awhile to process last night but hit me so hard this morning and couldn't stop crying if I tried. Anyone in long distance knows how hard it is to be apart for so long, but today it just hit me like a ton of bricks.I know our relationship is very strong and will not break within this waiting period but I cant help but feel depressed at the fact I was counting down until February to possibly see him and now I may have to wait until June. I work and go to school full time so it so hard to drop everything and fly to Australia like I wish I could.


    We have been doing long distance for almost 2 years now and I dont know how to cope with it anymore (other than staying busy like I am now). I feel so drained and hopeless and cant seem to go on with my day without crying or getting out of bed. If anyone has any advise on this situation it would really benefit because we both feel helpless. 

    I've been following your timeline so closely and just saw this post. My fiance is Italian, but lives in Australia on a working holiday visa. He has been here with me since November and he has to go back to Australia in February and I have a flight scheduled for March to go see him. I am hoping and praying for a quick NOA2, but there is no guarantee. If I knew I had an approval date I had to count down to... I would do so much better mentally. Our NOA1 date is only 2 December, so we still have a couple months to wait. But it is SO humbling to read your post and other people's posts here on VJ as it gives me strength knowing that we can all do it. I don't normally chime in for advice because every family situation is unique and I don't want to say something inappropriate. Maybe have a really calm conversation where you work out the best solution for being together the quickest, while still considering all options? We were also in a sticky situation some months ago after I had just returned from Australia and just newly engaged. We looked at the processing times on USCIS, but we picked the Vermont service center, unaware that for years now, California handles the K-1. So Vermont said 10-12 months for approvals, and that got me and my fiance sooo down. We considered international filing at local USCIS offices in Italy, which involved me moving there, but then we would have not qualified for some thing such as income etc. It was a difficult time for us and every day we were waking up planning, making phone calls to see what we can do in Italy. By chance we found out that the K-1s are being processed much faster than we had initially thought so we decided to stick with not moving abroad and filing here in the states. But I remember feeling aggravated and feeling that there was no good solution for our situation. I think if you both keep talking about all of your options, a good solution will appear. I wish nothing but the best for you guys! Go over there in March and we can fly together to see our loved ones. 🙂❤️ 

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