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Posts posted by luckytxn

  1. 9 hours ago, laylalex said:

    Who is pushing this? That's the first question I have to ask when the "reporting" is coming from. If it's true, it's terrible and needs to be investigated. But why is there no legitimate reporting (yet) on this? Like, not even legitimate conservative outlets seem to have touched this.

    Doesn't matter does it? We must believe them no matter what.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    Not dwindled. They're just really quiet lately, so, buying time or scheming. 


    I think people underestimate how many Republicans in the House and Senate dislike Trump. In the Senate, 1-2 dozen of these people are neocons. It comes out every time they vote on border security and other true "America First" legislation. Neocons want open borders for cheap labor and depressing lower wages, satisfying the people that donate to them+reducing taxpayer liability (given public funds/subsidies toward these industries). They've never liked the "America First" agenda. However, most of them are committing political suicide if they get on the wrong side of Trump and he endorses candidates against them. People like them are part of the reason Congress is as hated as it is. So, they're going around pretending to be supporters of Trump, buying their time. 


    It's really funny watching the show Lindsey Graham puts on nowadays, none are more obvious than him. He's a raging neocon. He always hated Trump's agenda.. here's the real neocons like Graham:



    What these people rely on is the populace willfully having a ridiculously (selective) short term memory.


    If they could run and win as Democrats right now, they would. These people are principle-devoid sociopaths who gladly send American soldiers to their deaths, pervert the justice system, destroy American future/prosperity, will lie to the face of every crowd they talk to and give them what they want to hear while being duplicitous in the private comforts of writing legislation, secretive deals, and using their connections to psychologically manipulate the populace.


    I see you, neocons.

    The NeoCons and other RINO's I hate even more than the Socialists as politicos. Seeing Trump destroy them 1st before destroying the Democratic party was a joy like no other I have had in my lifetime politically. At least since Reagan and not even Reagan could pull off what Trump did. And the funny part I did not vote for or support Trump at all. I have been a hardcore Libertarian for over 20 years now and could care less about either major party as with them I don't get what I want but have come to love Trump and admire the man. If both major parties go down then all the better to me.

  3. 1 minute ago, Burnt Reynolds said:

    If I can't give rebuttal to correct a post that's falsely accusing me of something, how is it fair their post stay up?


    My post: "incorrectly projecting your party labeling upon my post"

    His post: You called the Democrats "my party", thus you labeled me a Democrat


    Can this not be corrected?


    Just let it be. At this point you and anyone is beating a dead horse.

  4. 6 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Noble and absolutely beautiful.

    My wife is a saint. She went back once and here mother took her with her as she was taking some food and clothes she had collected and my wife was struck hard by it. She came back and collected a couple thousand and I had made a site for them. Now it seems to have gotten larger due to her but higher forces have taken over and the Catholics have stepped in now and assure it is helped out. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Maybe his 2016 voters sensed or recognized this element of his background and approved of that mindset.

    He indeed loves people.  I conclude that he truly doesn't care who someone is or what he/she looks like.

    What's good for all is good for the identity groups that the leftists want to separate people into.

    You are correct on that. He does connect to people but it is strange as he is rich but he also knew that both parties had to conduct class warfare to keep the 2 party system viable and exploited it. America first? Genius idea that both parties are trying to portray as white nationalist but they don't seem to understand under their mindset that America is really a melting pot of people and America first means for anyone of any race or age or gender so that is why he resonates. Both parties are too unwieldy to adopt quickly to changes so can't compete with Trump.  The 2 parties conducting class warfare will lose playing that game but it is the game they want.

  6. We don't partake of black Friday usually as it is too much a hassle but we will go out maybe Monday to a few places when most are working and get a few things for a few people. We gather stuff for a few weeks every month and send a box to my wifes family in Vietnam like vitamins and lotions and stuff like that. For Xmas though we will send gifts too like smell good things perfumes and such. and also send about 500$ that will pay for Xmas party and gifts to everyone. They will use it and probably a hundred or so people will attend and eat and drink and the mother will pass out red envelopes in our name and it will last about 2 days as family from far away will attend. I will be forced to sit with wife for awhile while we get on video call and so many drunks thank us and the kids sing and such to us. Also we collect money for a charity very dear to my wife of an orphanage and last year it amounted to about 5,000$ and this year a tad more. This orphanage is a hard core of ones that can't be adopted as they are severely handicapped in various ways. They need money just to feed them and some clothing and they cry when our money comes in so much that I tend to tear up as their gratitude is genuine. My wife collects it from the girls that work at her shop and she now a couple of other shops that help out. Even her family here have helped out now and the orphanage has enough money to last most of the year in food at least. I figure we do well here and have all we need and more so why not?

  7. 1 minute ago, TBoneTX said:

    Addendum #2:

    Another reason for his popularity is that he understands, talks about, and does the things that regular people would do if they could win an election.

    He gets excited by blue collar people because they have always made his ideas and dreams a reality. The bureaucrats and pencil pushers and especially politicians he see as impediments and a leech but the workers that actually built and grunts in the forces he appreciates. He loves people for real.

  8. 21 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Just his last State of the Union address -- alone -- was an example of absolutely playing them like a fiddle.

    I was thinking just earlier today that I'd like to find a full recording of that and watch/listen to it again.

    And his superimposition of his head atop Rocky's body the other day had the Wash. Post clutching its pearls. :lol: 

    He is a master troll and no one can push buttons like he does. I admire the man. and am so looking forward to see the loser the Socialists run against him. That state of the union was good but the next one will be better. He is warming up from what I saw at his last Florida rally. Here is the last state of union so watch it at leisure. Your welcome.



  9. 2 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Lucky scooped me on this.  What I was composing:


    Actually, Pres. Trump has communication skills unparalleled by any politician ever, at least any that I can think of.

    How many other politicians can we name who could hold gigantic audiences spellbound for hours and still leave them wanting more?


    The tweets, too, are an example.  In the face of >90% negative news coverage (96% re the Ukraine matter), how else would the genuinely positive news be transmitted (and passed along afterwards) by large audiences?

    I am humbled.

    4 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I only agree he has no off switch, but desperately needs one 

    If he used the off switch he wouldn't be POTUS. He knows what he is doing.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Yup. The Dems have done nothing since Trump got elected but perpetrate foolishness. You would think after the massive egg on their face Russian failure they woul stop and start presenting ideas. Nope they doubled down



    Meanwhile downstream. Econmy booming. Prison reform,  Trump trying to do something about drug prices etc Dems zilch.

    Trump for Mount Rushmore. 

  11. 37 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Interesting, eh?  Comments?

    Wow. That is pretty amazing data to read. I already knew Trump would win easily as long as the economy kept humming along. Even Clinton when he was running used to keep banners on the wall in his campaign offices say, "It is the economy stupid." It is that simple and these impeachment hearings made me laugh as it has to even Trump that they were guaranteeing his reelection but not even that it may mean that the Socialists will lose the House and even more of the Senate. We are looking at a grand slam here and the best part is Ruth Ginsburg may be able to hold out for a year or maybe 2 but she can't make the end of Trunps second term. Also Breyer is expected to be replaced but Thomas is talking about stepping down so a Republican can fill his replacement. Trump will keep winning for a couple of generations to come and all because they tried to force Hillary on us. I hope it was worth destroying their party as it was my dream to see in my lifetime the destruction of the KKK Democratic party. Life is good again. Thanks Obama!

  12. In the south many decades ago one had to be a Democratic politician in order to win any office. Any Republican that made any waves would be lynched no matter the race. Yes many whites were killed and not just blacks. The brutality was brutal in the rural south and the Klan was responsible for this. When at the end of the 70's and the early 80's conservatives could safely leave the party and become Republican. So in this vein yes Democrats did leave and joined the Republicans but NOT the Klan. They would have never had anything to do with the party of Lincoln. It was not because they wanted to join a racist party and continue Jim Crow for sure. There are different reason Blacks moved into the Democratic party and again it was the reason before that if one wanted to have any relevance in the south politically they had to be Democrat.


    Now we called the Klan leaders and rank and file Jim Crow acolytes just created a new type of plantation that is still around today but evolving.  The rank and file and leaders of the Klan were known as dinosaurs that would die out and it was expected that the minorities would eventually move up and into the  spots held by them and are doing so. They can do so by keeping the slaves on the plantations though and if they leave they need to be replaced by someone and guess who they are going for?

  13. 6 hours ago, Steeleballz said:


      Actually Trump mentioned that a lot when he campaigned because he said he wasn't going to be doing it. Honestly I don't care how much a president plays golf as long as they are getting their job done, but I would never have paid attention to how much any president played golf in the first place if Trump hadn't brought it up.  

    I remember he mentioned a lot about Obama playing a lot in a sneering tome but I don't remember him saying he wouldn't do so. And yes about every POTUS since Eisenhower has played a lot and I understand why as I used to play a lot of golf. It is a huge stress reliever and peace and quiet. Also for POTUS but they can actually get out with whoever and get a huge personal understanding with whoever. Just think of the white house and offices with all the multitude of listening devices and then think about playing on a course with a cart and such and then anyone and even non golfers can see why the course is an important tool.

  14. 1 hour ago, ALFKAD said:

    The OP also failed to mention the rally he held two days ago, which was so well-attended that thousands were stuck outside and couldn't get in.  People were camping out the night before just to get a seat.


    Not to mention Thanksgiving at home with family.  Nope, it's all about the golf.

    And no one mentions that Obama golfed a lot too, and Bush and Clinton, etc.

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