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Posts posted by spookyturtle

  1. 8 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    I've still never seen any information on how this teen from a poor family with previous troubles with the law was able to afford nearly $5,000 worth of armament.  And while two rifles are mentioned, only the DD AR-15 has been described in detail.  Why not the other rifle?  And where did the money come from?

    The other rifle probably wasn’t a scary AR-15.

  2. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/7/4/23194354/highland-park-fourth-july-parade-gunfire


    Highland Park is an affluent, low crime suburb of Chicago. 22 year old suspect in custody. Allegedly fired high power rifle from a roof top. I’m guessing this will be front and center in MSM. Although I haven’t read what weapon was used, if it was an “assault rifle” it will add to the drama. I’m guessing that Chicago has already had 50 + people shot this weekend not including this incident. Of course no one cares about the dozens shot on a weekly basis and there is no call to stop the violence.

    I’m not belittling the incident or making light of the victims. The hypocrisy of the MSM and politicians amazes me. Ditto for BLM. They don’t seem to care that a dozen or so are killed every weekend and 30 or 40 wounded. The weapons used aren’t even mentioned. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, arken said:


    Interesting. Not like those fishing areas with the signs "Fishing for recreation only, not for food".

    You can put fish back in the water after you catch them. Catch and release. I know a lot of fisherman who practice that and only keep what they eat or not keep any at all. I’ve thrown back more fish than I’ve kept. 

  4. 10 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    Thank you for your honesty.  Shooting skeet is a nice skill to have, but is about 0.0024375329% effective in an active shooter situation.  No offense, but YOUR orange has no place in talking about these apples.

    Please hold your judgment for awhile.  Yes, the situation looks bad right now, but they often do. When the George Floyd shooting happened, and I watched the first video released, I was incensed.  But as more evidence and videos surfaced, I realized Chauvin did as he was trained to do..  And that has been backed up by more than one cop friend.

    It's one thing to have an opinion, another to talk about how things "should have gone down"... but as a person who has shot little, and doesn't own a gun, this might be better left to the professionals.  And by that, I do NOT mean the MSM.  It will take weeks to know the real deal. 

    For one thing, people are talking about 90 shots. Only 60 hits.  8 cops equates to roughly 120-128 potential rounds.  That they only fired 90 shows obvious restraint.  And 60/90 = 67% hit rate, which is pretty darn good in an active shooter situation.

    ETA:  I agree about the Uvalde thug.  He should have been mowed down, only 45 minutes sooner.

    67% hit rate is a high hit percentage in this situation. Almost unbelievable compared to many police shootings. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Because more oil on the market equal lower prices not to mention the cost of transportation is pretty high so that means buying local is much cheaper. 

    Do you think that would be the case considering the rising demand from China and other countries? Do you think the American oil companies would flood the market with oil to drive prices down? I don’t. Corporate greed. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Would you sell something for 75 bucks if you could get 150 for it. I would not. Basic economics 101. A new  Sienna van is almost impossible to find right now. We had one available.  A guy from Hollywood FL saw it on line. He offered 6k over MSRP after we told him we only wanted to sell to local customers.  We agreed and he arranged transportation. He did not have to buy it. His choice. It's called basic economics.  I was glad he did cause I got the deal and made bank. 


    My new truck has an msrp of around 64k. Same 2022 model used with low miles is averaging 73k used at Manheim auction.  We are selling them for 5k over MSRP because you can buy it new and flip it for 9k. Markets determine prices not companies. 

    Exactly. So why do people think if we produced more oil the price would drop? It will be sold to the highest bidder. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Btw good to have you back. It's good to have another moderate MOR here albeit you pull to the left sometime.


    Fully agree Trumps is a self absorbed #######, but his policies were actually pretty moderate for a Republican president. I did not like him on a personal level and thought he said very un presidential stupid things, but most of his polices were spot on.  He was ok with amnesty if we closed the border 1st. Only sane policy. 


    He was all about trying to bring jobs on shore, get us out of foreign wars and build energy independence.  What could be wrong with that.


    Why would Biden shut down an ECO friendly pipe line that would deliver millions of gallons a day in favor of tankers that will burn massive amounts of fossil fuel and be much more prone to leaks.


    Shutting down the pipeline was a poor decision. We should have been energy independent a couple of decades ago. Remember the oil embargoes back in the 70’s? That’s when we should have started to plan for energy independence. And we still haven’t. Too much money to be made. Alternative energy sources will get a huge boost when the last drop of oil is pulled from the ground. Oil companies could care less about us, it’s all about the profits. Why would they sell oil for $75 barrel when they can get $150? Oil is the life blood of the developed world. And a lot of it comes from “enemy” sources. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, MarJhi said:

    The food prices that put a bigger hit on your budget than gas prices is a direct result of the gas prices. If it cost more to move the groceries through the supply chain then that fuel price increase gets passed on to the consumer at the grocery store. 


    As for the labor shortage,  that's because a lot of people were paid to sit at home and many have not come back. Also, people were given an ultimatum about the vaccine, either take it or be let go. 2 weeks ago, some of the airlines had to cancel a bunch of flights because they "ran out of pilots", maybe they shouldn't have pushed the unvaccinated ones out. For the first time since the 70s the US Army has dropped the high school diploma or GED requirement because they can't meet their recruiting goals. The deadline for National Guard troops to be vaccinated passed the other day, now 40,000 Guard troops risk being let go. 


    I’d like to know how the people sitting at home are surviving. The extra $600 a week unemployment benefit ended in July of 2020. That was 2 years ago. The extra $300 ended in September of 2021. No one out of work since 2020 or 2021 can still be collecting unemployment. I’d be curious to know how many people lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates. 

    Obviously just about everything is affected by the cost of fuel. And here in New England, a lot of homes are heated by oil. Heating oil prices are currently about $3 gallon higher than they were 2 years ago. Another big hit to the paycheck. 

  9. 18 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    I have no idea what Trump said about the election.  I know what I saw.  Go watch 2000 MULES and get back to me about a "legit" election.

    No one rises to his level without some corruption (yes, I know, that's a VERY judgmental statement, but I believe it to be true of MANY rich folks.  Even Pelosi, though she's nowhere his level).  He is a NYC contractor/builder, not a true politician.  And as such, while I'm sure he has committed his fair of sins, I have ZERO confidence in 98% or more of our politicians the past 20 years or so.

    Consider that he was fought against, lied about, and hated nearly every say of his term, mostly by dems, but even by some in his own party.  But in spite of that, here are some things he did.  Not included in this short list is the donation of his entire salary for the good of our nation.


    I hate to use a cliche, but you reap what you sow. Yes, he donated his salary, for his own good. It probably made him 10x the amount he gave up. Ego, personal gain for himself and his wealthy friends.

  10. 10 hours ago, MarJhi said:

    Joe Biden has everything to do with the discussion because good ole' Joe was supposed to be the man to "heal" the country, soften the divide and just be a better president than Trump. They both have character flaws, they both can be blowhards, they both bend the truth into a pretzel. The only things that really matters (in my opinion) is the results in terms of the strength of the country economically and which one wants to assert more control over the lives of Americans. Remember when in October of 2020 Biden and Harris said they wouldn't trust the vaccine and just a few short months later it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and everyone should take it and eventually be forced to take it if they had their way? If the vaccine is the greatest thing and it was developed under Trump, why is he not given credit? 2 summers ago I was budgeting $40 a month for gas, last week I paid $48 for 8 gallons. I work in a grocery store, I see the price increases and the shrinking pack sizes on a daily basis. 2 years ago the company standard for OOS (out of stocks, holes on the shelf) was 30 total for the entire store, now we have nearly 1000 every day. Inflation has outpaced wage increases so that not only was my wage increase erased, I essentially got a Joe Biden pay cut. Like I said, they are both blowhards, both full of character flaws and both lie about many things, but if we want to compare results to the average Americans bank account, there is no comparison.

    I meant this was a Trump/GOP thread. There are other threads discussing Biden. 

    Agreed, the vaccine was developed while Trump was President and promoted by Trump. That is a fact that seems to be overlooked. 

    Gas prices are through the roof. Big oil is making record profits again. 

    Grocery prices are atrocious, and the pack sizes are shrinking while the prices are increasing. Groceries have put a bigger hit on my budget than gas prices. And the gas prices suck. Lots of shortages at the supermarkets, too. 

    I think this is much more than a US problem, it’s worldwide. Biden has nothing to do with the chip shortages in Taiwan and Trump had nothing to do with them when the supply was plentiful. The effects of Covid worldwide had a lot to do with what we are experiencing.


    What happened to the supply of labor?  At least here in New England, there is a massive shortage of help. Where did everyone go? Literally every business large and small is looking for help. I work in construction, can’t find a truck driver for a job that pays $35-40 per hour. Can’t find mechanics/technicians. This includes companies like Caterpillar, Cummins, etc. 

  11. 5 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    Spooky isn't a die-hard liberal.  But I would love to hear from ANYONE here in this forum who voted for Biden as to what they think he is doing good for America.  I have asked for it before, and the call has gone unanswered.  But I have faith that someone here in the 31% that think he is doing good things will soon speak up in his defense.

    I’m in MA, which Biden won by a large margin. Currently I only know a couple of people who will even admit to voting for him and none of them will even comment in a friendly discussion what they think of his job performance. For the record, I think Biden and the current administration sucks. 

  12. 5 hours ago, MarJhi said:

    Since I believe it is easy to critique a politician you have a built in bias against, can you now turn the tables and give us a critique of the current president? Maybe you can answer some of those same questions about JB. One who doesn't like the current president can easily breakdown the results of his 17 months in office, but it would be more interesting for a supporter to describe the negatives if they have the honesty to be able to do so.

    What does Biden have to do with the discussion? 

  13. 26 minutes ago, LIBrty4all said:

    Trump did more for America in 4 years than anyone I can remember in a long time.  Is he a blowhard, and egotistical?  Yes.  It is hard to find people at his level that care about the little folks, but I believe he might be one.  I also happen to be friends with cops who have been on details many times at Mar A Lago, and have been invited into his house for holiday meals while they were on detail to guard him.  They all happen to think highly of him.  Good enough for me, since they happen to be stand-up guys.

    The Bidens (Joe & Hunter) have done more to hurt America since 2018 than anyone else I know.  The corruption and destruction of America continues after the stolen election and the major duping of our citizens the past two years.  Sickens me to my core.  

    I hear many people in real life say that Trump was the best President in modern times or in their lifetime. What did he accomplish? What did he do for America? Maybe, just maybe the election was legit and he couldn’t take the thought of losing and is so corrupt he fabricated the election fraud conspiracy? Just throwing it out there for thought. Why do you believe everything he says, yet dispute anything negative that has been aired recently? Not provoking you, just curious. Is it logical to believe that anyone who testified anything that reflects poorly on him is a liar? Everyone is corrupt, his VP, and the dozens of people he appointed and canned? He’s the only one who is honest? The entire government is out to get him? He has said nothing or done nothing to attract all this attention? He’s the only person in the history of our government without corruption, skeletons in his closet or out for himself? Doesn’t seem to be rational to me. 

  14. 30 minutes ago, LIBrty4all said:

    I think someone tried, and failed.  Twice.

    Definitely a failure to impeach him. More information has come out the past year or so, some of it difficult to sort out and determine what is true and what isn’t. Personally I believe he is as crooked as a $3 bill, but innocent until proven guilty. To those who believe Q that he was going to expose the Cabal, I laugh. If there was a Cabal and a plan for a new world order, he’d be part of it and and want to be the leader. His ego convinces me of this. He’s only into anything for his own personal gain so he can tell people how wonderful and amazing he is. An egomaniacal blowhard. And he blew it own his own. 


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