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  1. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Wednesday -- time for our stress-relieving Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread Joke:
    Three men -- an American, a Japanese, and a Pole -- were sitting naked in a sauna.
    Suddenly, there was a beeping sound.  The American pressed his forearm, and the beep stopped.  The others looked at him questioningly.
    "That was my pager," he said.  "I have a microchip under the skin of my arm."
    A few minutes later, a phone rang.  The Japanese man lifted his palm to his ear.  When he finished, he explained, "That was my mobile phone.  I have a microchip in my hand."
    The Polish man felt decidedly low-tech and, not wanting to be outdone, he decided to do something just as impressive.  He stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom.  He returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from his butt.
    The others raised their eyebrows and stared at him in bewilderment.  "It appears that you've got a bit a of a stuck paper problem there," pointed the amused American.
    "Well, of course," the Pole was quick to respond.  "I must be getting a fax."
  2. Like
    Anujra got a reaction from Double in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hi guys,
    I received RFE for i-693 letter on 6/17/2022.
    My lawyer sent it yesterday.
    So hopefully I can hear a good news soon..!
    i-360 & i-485 on 10/3/2019
    i-360 approved on 8/31/2021(but the letter received in October, 2021)
    i-485 transferred 10/29/2021
    REF for i-693 6/17/2022
  3. Like
    Anujra reacted to Happy1982 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hey folks,
    On July 7th I finally received a letter from Miami office asking for my medical exams RFE. It says they need it to make a final decision on my case. 
    do you think the are going to make a decision as soon as they receive the results or do you think after they receive it they are going to schedule an interview?
  4. Like
    Anujra got a reaction from BollyB in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hi guys,
    I received RFE for i-693 letter on 6/17/2022.
    My lawyer sent it yesterday.
    So hopefully I can hear a good news soon..!
    i-360 & i-485 on 10/3/2019
    i-360 approved on 8/31/2021(but the letter received in October, 2021)
    i-485 transferred 10/29/2021
    REF for i-693 6/17/2022
  5. Like
    Anujra got a reaction from HustlingStill in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hi guys,
    I received RFE for i-693 letter on 6/17/2022.
    My lawyer sent it yesterday.
    So hopefully I can hear a good news soon..!
    i-360 & i-485 on 10/3/2019
    i-360 approved on 8/31/2021(but the letter received in October, 2021)
    i-485 transferred 10/29/2021
    REF for i-693 6/17/2022
  6. Thanks
    Anujra got a reaction from shiva32 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hi guys,
    I received RFE for i-693 letter on 6/17/2022.
    My lawyer sent it yesterday.
    So hopefully I can hear a good news soon..!
    i-360 & i-485 on 10/3/2019
    i-360 approved on 8/31/2021(but the letter received in October, 2021)
    i-485 transferred 10/29/2021
    REF for i-693 6/17/2022
  7. Like
    Anujra got a reaction from Zzz___1 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hi guys,
    I received RFE for i-693 letter on 6/17/2022.
    My lawyer sent it yesterday.
    So hopefully I can hear a good news soon..!
    i-360 & i-485 on 10/3/2019
    i-360 approved on 8/31/2021(but the letter received in October, 2021)
    i-485 transferred 10/29/2021
    REF for i-693 6/17/2022
  8. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Sunday and therefore time for our tension-relieving Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke:
    An old man was critically ill.  Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer.  "I want to become a lawyer.  How much is it for the express degree that you told me about?"
    "It's $50,000," the lawyer said.  "But why?  You'll be dead soon, so why do you want to become a lawyer?"
    "That's my business!  Get me the course!"
    Four days later, the old man got his law degree.  His lawyer was at his bedside, making sure that his bill would be paid.
    Suddenly the old man was wracked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end.  Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to get a law degree so badly before you died."
    In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said, "One less lawyer..."
  9. Like
    Anujra reacted to Mira20 in VAWA, Part 25   
    To God alone be the glory.
    And To everyone that has made this platform loaded with information which most immi lawyers  cannot match, May the Lord continue to uphold you.
    I cannot explain the joy in my heart, the journey is over. 
     Nov 2019-June 2022.
    Thank you 
    Thank you all.
     Please will I receive a separate update/tracking number when the card is shipped?
    I cannot wait to hold the card and breathe.

  10. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Sunday, and time for our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke:

    1950s:  A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.  His cost of production is 4/5 of the price.  What is his profit?

    1960s:  A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.  His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80.  What is his profit?

    1970s:  A logger exchanges a set "L" of lumber for a set "M" of money.  The cardinality of set "M" is 100.  Each element is worth 1 dollar.  Make 100 dots representing the elements of the set "M."  The set "C," the cost of production, contains 20 fewer points than set "M" contains.  Represent the set "C" as a subset of set "M" and answer the following question:  What is the cardinality of the set "P" of profits?

    1980s:  A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.  His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20.  Underline the number 20.

    1990s:  By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes $20.  What do you think of this way of making a living?  Topic for class participation after answering the question:  How did the forest birds, owls, and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees?  There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it's OK.

    2000s:  By laying off 40% of its loggers, a company improves its stock price from $80 to $100.  How much capital gain per share does the CEO make by exercising his stock options at $80?  Assume that capital gains are no longer taxed, because this encourages investment.

    2010s:  If you have special needs or just feel that you need assistance because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, childhood memories, etc., then don't answer, and the correct answer will be provided for you.  There are no wrong answers. 

    2017:  A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100, and she either makes or loses money.  How can this action be used to impeach President Donald Trump?

    2022:  Un inmigrante cruza la frontera sur con contrabando escondido en un camión maderero.  ¿Cuál es su beneficio económico de esto?
  11. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    From a lousy motel computer, here is our Wednesday Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread joke:
    Three blondes were arguing about a set of tracks.
    "Those are rabbit tracks!" said one blonde.
    "No -- those are moose tracks!" said the second blonde.
    "You're both wrong!" said the third blonde.  "Those are bear tracks!"
    They were still arguing when the train hit them.
  12. Like
    Anujra reacted to Matt2018 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hello everyone I have been a silent reader since 2018 
    I hope everyone hears good news soon 
    by the Name of god 
    my timeline 
    August 2018 : i-360& I-485 and I 764 
    July 2020: Ead c31
    Sep 2020 : Rfe good moral character for I-360
    April 2022: i360 approved 
    may 2022: i485 case ready for interview
    how long it will take to schedule an interview I’m in Seattle wa
  13. Like
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Sunday, and time for our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke*:
         * attributed by some, if not many, to approvals and positive progress, if correlation = causation
    It's never too early to go back to bed.
    Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee, and then after that, still please don't talk to me.
    Eat like no one is going to see you naked.
    If you can't handle me at my worst, unfortunately that's also my best.
    If you never believe in yourself, you'll never let yourself down!
    True love is when two people lower their standards just the right amount.
    Relationships are just like fine wine -- they're expensive, and eventually you just end up with a headache.
    Monday hates you, too.
    Make a to-do list every single day.  Always put "accomplish none of my goals" on the to-do list.  That way, at the end of every day, you'll be able to say that you accomplished at least one task.
    Being awake is overrated.
    Getting out of bed is almost always the wrong decision.
    Dogs have no idea what's going on, and I'm so jealous of them.
    Weekends are for sleeping until it's time to eat dinner.
    Some of my best friends are carbs.
    P.S.  Seriously -- our Wednesday semiofficial VAWA-Thread Joke might have to wait until Thursday.
  14. Like
    Anujra reacted to Vale1 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Guess what? Guess what family????? I’m a greencard holder! 
    I can’t stand the happiness. I’m levitating! 
    Thank you for all the support! 
    November 2018 
    VAWA approved August 2021 
    Green card approved April 2022
  15. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Wednesday, meaning it's time for our Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread Joke:
    A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year.  If he didn't speak for two years, the next year he could speak two words, and so on.
    One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady.  He refrained from speaking for two whole years so that he could call her "my darling."  But then he wanted to tell her that he loved her, so he waited three more years.  At the end of these five years, he wanted to ask her to marry him, so he waited another four years.
    Finally, as his ninth year of silence ended, he led the lady to the most romantic place in the kingdom and said, "My darling, I love you!  Will you marry me?"
    And the lady said, "What was that again?"
  16. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    Sunday means time for our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke:
    A child from a poor family wanted a bike for Christmas, so he asked his mother.  His mother replied, "Well, we can't afford one, so you'll just have to go ask the baby Jesus."
    The boy went to his room, got a stack of paper and a pen, and began writing.
    "Dear Baby Jesus:  I've been good all year.  Can you please give me a bike for Christmas?"
    He looked at it and thought that maybe his claim wasn't entirely true, so he tried again.
    "Dear Baby Jesus:  I've been good for the past week.  Can you please give me a bike for Christmas?"
    He looked at it again and still wasn't sure if his claim was true, so he tried yet again.
    "Dear Baby Jesus:  If you give me a bike, I'll be good all year."  But even that seemed too hard, so he took a walk outside to think about it.
    As he was walking, he saw his neighbor's statue of Mother Mary.  The boy hopped over the fence, tucked it under his shoulder, and ran home to hide it.  Then he wrote his letter again.
    "Dear Baby Jesus:  If you ever want to see your mother again, give me a bike!"
  17. Like
    Anujra reacted to Funmi Ashafa in VAWA, Part 25   
    Finally!!! New card is being produced
    Hi guys so my vawa finally got approved today May 20th. it was received on March 9th,2020. 4 prima facies and no rfe at all. All my praises to the Most High God. I always said I would come give my testimony and give someone hope. please hang in there because it’s coming for you too.
  18. Like
    Anujra reacted to Ballerina in VAWA, Part 25   
    3PFs. No RFE. Applied without a lawyer. i485 has also been transferred so that wait has started but for now, I am grateful. Good luck to everyone still waiting. 

  19. Like
    Anujra reacted to vawa2020 in VAWA, Part 25   
    more than 2 years of anguish and waiting, now my case has finally been approved. I am a Jan 2020 filer, no RFE, 3 PF, please do not lose hope!!! It's happening for all of us!!

  20. Like
    Anujra reacted to Aarontx90 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hello Family, I hope everyone is doing well.
    The good news finally arrived. 
    i filled vawa in May 2019, the case was approved on May 3rd, 2022 and received the approval today.
    my i-485 is pending since 2019, it only shows the finger prints applied as of January 29, 2020.
    is there anything i should do now?
    what’s the process of i-485 ?
  21. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It's still Sunday (you thought that we'd forgotten), which means that it's time for our approval-evoking*, good-news-eliciting* Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke:
         *if correlation = causation
    A blonde with two burnt ears went to the doctor, who asked what had happened.
    "The phone rang, and I accidentally picked up the iron."
    "What about the other one?"
    "They called back."
  22. Like
    Anujra reacted to AJJU in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hello VJ Family ....
    First i want to apologies for my delayed updates..... i was very sick of Flu Cough and Cold basically COVID i guess..... but am good now ... i received my CARD today and below is my I485 time line along with Interview highlights 
    i went with my lawyer that day on 26 Tuesday arrived 30 mins early still had to wait for 2 hours and was called by very humble and easy going IO lady who asked my lawyer BAR ID.
    Made me to stand raise my hand to swear what i ever i will be asked i must comply with complete honesty and say only the Truth for which i said i will only speak the truth...
    1. What's you last date of entry on US
          A) What's was the last date of entry at the time of VALID VISA     (Which i didn't remember so i took out the PASSPORT to check the dates for which the IO asked to hand over my passport she looked at every entry stamp wrote on the files)
    2. After the arrival in US which countries you visited 
    3. What was the purpose of your visit
         She had all of my info i mean everything everything on her screen (because she was looking at the computer screen after every reply)  looking at me. 
    4. Were you or any member of the family involve any criminal activities
    5. Were you ever been convicted for any crime in US or any countries
    6. Did you now or had ever unauthorized work with out work permit 
    7. What do you do
    8. In what way a PR will help you towards you life
    9. Do you have your PAROLE (EAD) with you ( she closely examined all of my EAD and said she had to scan for records)
    10. She asked if my contact details are correct on the files (it was the address and the phone number provided at the time of Filling which was no more in use)
    11. She asked my working phone number and email and home address which updated in the file or records (she actually had a thik fat file of my case)
    12. On which address notification should go (my lawyer replied to her)
    13. You should receive your card 3-4 weeks. 
    14. Is there any thing you wish to ask ? NO 
    15. You have to get an info pass at the USCIS office and they can do that for you. 
    ******Congrats******** walked us to the door and we were out .......

     Thanks all of you and Special Thanks to SandraNJ / Stillwinning / Shory123 May God Bless You. 
    Every case will be approved just have patience and keep your self busy. If you are honest with your case your i say your CASE APPROVED
  23. Like
    Anujra reacted to Lola_lalo in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hello to you all. I received my Green Card today from my lawyer's office.
    Receipt date I360 November 2017
    Approval September 2019
    I-485 Interview April 22/2022
    I-485 Approval April 27/2022
    Card mailed April 29,2022
    Card Delivered May 3rd, 2022
    Good luck to you all! 
  24. Like
    Anujra reacted to ValeryK in VAWA, Part 25   
    Hello all, 
    My VAWA was approved today. 

    Filed I-360 in July 2020. Status on I-360 changed to “new card is being produced” yesterday, and today received an update “case was approved”.

  25. Haha
    Anujra reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 25   
    It is Wednesday -- time for our Semiofficial Semiweekly eminently upvotable VAWA-Thread Joke:
    A blonde was traveling in France and wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.  She tried to ask people, and found a policeman who agreed to help her.
    She asked him, "Sorry, but how do I get from here to the Eiffel Tower?"
    The policeman replied, "Wait for bus 37 and get on it.  It will take you there in 10 minutes."
    The blonde thanked the policeman, and he left.  Hours later, he happened to go by the same place where he'd left the blonde, and saw her still there.
    "Why are you still here?" the policeman asked.  "I left you 4 hours ago, and you haven't boarded the bus?"
    "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Policeman -- just a moment ago, the 30th bus passed, so there are only 7 left to go!"
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