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    smore got a reaction from W199 in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    I agree about speed is not the most important factor. What each other are comfortable with is the main factor. I just wanted to know so I am informed on which might be faster, than of course education on the differences, requirements, etc is needed which I am learning about. Its just trying to get all the info possible to make informed choices. But again I agree speed is not the most important factor.
  2. Like
    smore got a reaction from AppalachianBiker in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    I will have to try that again and see, it just gets confusing on there, was hoping for some reason world experiences from recently and currently. Its just when you read things and search for things you get so many results and information, some sources say K1 is quicker while other sources say spousal. Some say due to covid spousal has flipped to being the quicker option, while others still say K1 still is.
  3. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Adventine in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    She has not mentioned a 2 week wait time, she just had a friend do this process with a foreigner and there was not such a wait time, maybe a wait time to receive it, but a wedding would not take place until months of planning later so waiting for the document is not an issue. Google is sometimes not your friend, lots of conflicting info, old info, confusing info, info that is always changing. So sometimes its difficult to learn things through doing searches.
  4. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Redro in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    She has not mentioned a 2 week wait time, she just had a friend do this process with a foreigner and there was not such a wait time, maybe a wait time to receive it, but a wedding would not take place until months of planning later so waiting for the document is not an issue. Google is sometimes not your friend, lots of conflicting info, old info, confusing info, info that is always changing. So sometimes its difficult to learn things through doing searches.
  5. Like
    smore got a reaction from RO_AH in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    Of course we will be meeting in person, but we do have a great connection going and we are just trying to be proactive and plan because given the process if we connect in person we would want to keep moving forward and be prepared. Its all just planning of course, ideas, etc, because we certainly need to meet in person and spend time together to see if that connection remains. But a bit of preparation and knowing how the process goes can save us alot of time as well.
  6. Like
    smore got a reaction from RO_AH in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    Sounds like after the wedding it would take a bit of time to get the certificate to even file for the CR-1. It does sound like its been decided if we do marry, and I say if because of course we are still getting to know each other that we would do the CR-1. This is just thinking of things if things keep going great, but reality is yes we have to meet and wait and see, but a bit of thinking about future is ok, especially in this case where the government controls the timeline and being prepared is very important to save time or at least be the best prepared.
  7. Haha
    smore got a reaction from RO_AH in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    Why a 3 week trip. I knew of someone who married there and they were there just less than 2 weeks. Of course they had all the paperwork, wedding was planned, etc. They had the wedding and a small vacation afterwards.
  8. Thanks
    smore got a reaction from Crazy Cat in K1 Visa or Spouse Visa Quicker   
    I don't trust the other sites? Not sure why you would think I trusted the other sites, hence why I posted the question here to get some actual results and feedback. I never asked on other sites, these were search results in google from a variety of sites including law firms, other visa information sites, etc, a wide variety of sites, hence why I did not trust the information as being current and accurate. I am not sure you read into things each time I ask a question and go WAY OFF in left field when nothing in my question or responses suggests what you are referring to. I do appreciate any and all advise or info.
    Thanks Crazy Cat you helped me out alot with the chart and also the added info. Thanks again.
  9. Like
    smore got a reaction from csmile in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Here I am in a world full of fakes, scams, BS. I have had my share of american women relationships but they all turn out to be toxic, issues, problems, selfish with no values or morals. Wouldn't it be wonderful to find happiness, find love. Joining dating sites seems to be a joke, a scam, and full of fake profiles and its getting worse every day.
    How does one go about finding a TRUE relationship? Not some online chat buddy, but someone you can connect with, plan to meet, and than start the process to be together.
    How did many of you find your love? Your girlfriend, your wife?
    Dating sites in general all seem to be a scam with so many fake profiles now days, and specific Philippines, Filipino or Asian dating sites seem to be everywhere now days, but seem very fake, sketchy and a scam. Not sure why so many fakes and scams and its getting worse and worse, what a wonderful world we live in where we just keep trying to screw each other over.
    So any advise on where to find a TRUE relationship? Keep in mind I am in my 40s, I work, I have responsibilities so I cannot just go vacationing for weeks at a time and gallivanting around the world to find someone. And I am not lurking around on social media responding to random women like I have heard some guys do hoping to win the lottery and she is single and into you. But I will/would/could make the time getting to know someone as we do in the technical age now by messages, chatting, etc until comfortable to plan to meet.
    To bad the old school method does not work, hey I know a friend, my wife has a sister, a friend, etc, but maybe thats not such an impossible idea. So maybe you or your girlfriend, wife, knows someone who is seeking a great relationship?
    Please this is a serious topic, please no BS, rude posts.
  10. Like
    smore got a reaction from mam521 in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    I am happy with myself, I believe that I am. I am not the type or never been the type to have to be in a relationship, I carry on with life when I am alone. Where as some people just have to be in a relationship and hop from one to the next. So yes I believe I am happy even when alone. But I see nothing wrong with wanting a relationship, wanting to share life with someone and trying to find that person, but still remaining to live life until that occurs.
    I actually have never traveled internationally, except to Canada and Mexico. I do know there are many places in this world much better than america, no offense to america, but our world is full of amazing places. I completely agree america is not 100% perfect and wonderful, no having to convince me of that. I have seen people face challenges here, my upbringing, faith, personality is one that understands this, and does not judge anyone for the challenges they have face or that they continue to face.
     I am not sure about moving to another country, with how GREAT america has become, thats a joke by the way the thought has crossed my mind. But with my life here I do not believe I could up and move, I don't have such a simple life here and to pick up and move would be pretty tough. If I lived in a small apartment with not much belongings it would be easier. A country life is not the easiest life, simple perhaps, peaceful yeah, but lots to do and also to maintain things. I do agree about compromise, but also I feel being upfront as well, and if I would be unable to move that would be something to let them know up front, and than its there choice to continue to get to know me. People even here in the US who have met others around the US are in those situations where one just cannot move and the other is the one who moves, in any situation one person is certainly going to have to move if you want to be together. Yes one sided relationships do not work, but some things you need to discuss and some things just cannot be changed and it could be a deal breaker.
    Faith is important to me, morals, values and some sort of faith,  now it does not have to be a certain religion even. I was brought up with my faith but no I have not explored how that faith is around the world, I am really not that deep into religion for that sorta research, but I am open to learning from others when those moments arise. So I am not seeking someone of a specific religion, I am not limiting or narrowing it down to that. You never know who you will connect with, they could be of some different religion but your ideas line up for the most part, no two people are going to be the same.
    I certainly do not see old school morals as women are dogs that require owners to dominate them, not sure where that came from, I do not see old school as women stay home and men work or the man dominates the woman and runs the house. I see old school as simple, genuine, kind, loving, unselfish, and having respect for one another, having respect for what you have with one another. Old school to me is simple common decency for each other.
    You really went out into left field with this moral thing, your words you wrote are certainly not my view on women. Women can be anything they want, they certainly are not subs, certainly can have an education, work any job they want, be apart of what ever they want. And everyone I have been with I have been supportive of whatever they want to be. Again WOW you have really went OFF BASE with your comments and I do not appreciate you putting me in some level that other men are with there masculinity, not sure where you are coming from or why. I am being real here that I do not appreciate it and I am wondering why you would make such comments, although perhaps general comments they are disturbing that you might suggest I am thinking in such ways.
    My view relationships are 50/50, yes each picks up the slack, each 100% respects each other, does not judge, look down upon, but lifts each other up. A woman can certainly be independent and be in a relationship, both need to have there independence, that is where you trust one another.
    I do agree all these shows 90 day are scripted, stupid, fake, full of drama. Of course they are full of drama as why would anyone watch as we americans seem to love drama and other peoples issues. Those shows have probably ruined things for many out there who believe in finding someone abroad.
  11. Like
    smore got a reaction from Dashinka in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    I do agree that fate does have something to do with it, the choices we make, places we visit whether in person or now days with our heads being so wrapped around technology the sites we visit and the other person was there at the same time. Its great fate worked out for you, congratulations.
  12. Like
    smore got a reaction from Dashinka in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    I can survive without finding a SO, but its not about need, but want. I want to find a SO, I feel life is fuller sharing your life with someone. Until than I will live my life, be as happy as I can be. I enjoyed my past relationships, of course those relationships did not work out, but I can look back and say there were times of enjoyment. And yes being in a not so populated area does make things tough, but I know people in larger cities and its tough also for them as everyone has turned to technology now days, you can be in a big city and its like your in some small town as everyone is just so anti social, head down in their phone. Growing up we went outside with our friends, now you sit and chat online with your friends, even if they just live next door. Sorta sad what our world has turned into, that is why I do value those who are a bit more old school still.
  13. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Redro in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Would certainly be nice to be appreciated like that just for being american, being able to walk around and people admire you, want to talk with you, come up to you, that would be a good feeling. Versus here in the USA no one cares who you are and they are rude.
  14. Confused
    smore got a reaction from SalishSea in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Would certainly be nice to be appreciated like that just for being american, being able to walk around and people admire you, want to talk with you, come up to you, that would be a good feeling. Versus here in the USA no one cares who you are and they are rude.
  15. Confused
    smore got a reaction from SalishSea in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Where I am at there are not many people, not great options to meet, I am not in a big city. Yes finding someone local or closer or even in USA would be ideal but with having horrible past relationships full of selfishness, issues, lack of respect, etc, etc, etc I wanted to find a culture like the Philippines where things are a bit old school, and there are still beliefs, values, faith, morals. But yes the time in waiting, the expense so its certainly not ideal. If I could find a woman here with those old school mentality, or perhaps a Filipino or Asian woman here in the USA already who has not been ruined by western way of life yet, that would be ideal.
  16. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Lemonslice in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Would certainly be nice to be appreciated like that just for being american, being able to walk around and people admire you, want to talk with you, come up to you, that would be a good feeling. Versus here in the USA no one cares who you are and they are rude.
  17. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Lemonslice in Dating And Finding That Real Relationship   
    Where I am at there are not many people, not great options to meet, I am not in a big city. Yes finding someone local or closer or even in USA would be ideal but with having horrible past relationships full of selfishness, issues, lack of respect, etc, etc, etc I wanted to find a culture like the Philippines where things are a bit old school, and there are still beliefs, values, faith, morals. But yes the time in waiting, the expense so its certainly not ideal. If I could find a woman here with those old school mentality, or perhaps a Filipino or Asian woman here in the USA already who has not been ruined by western way of life yet, that would be ideal.
  18. Confused
    smore got a reaction from MarJhi in Philippines Cell Phones, Cost, Load, Etc   
    This topic has gone way off the rails, not sure why its gone off in some other direction of it being about the money. I have never said anything about the money, or about spending 10.00, 50.00, 100.00 being to much, not once. If I don't want to hand over 10.00 and instead pay for it myself through the globe site or whatever site at first that is my choice, in the end it still gets the same accomplished, and probably easier and quicker also.
    I certainly know that if things move forward I will be paying for most everything in the process, that is not an issue. Of course that would be after we have met, and figured out this is reality.
    Seems this thread has turned into about me deciding if I want to do this or not, again I had already decided this is what I should do and want to do, and I probably should of thought of doing this a long time ago.
  19. Confused
    smore got a reaction from MarJhi in Philippines Cell Phones, Cost, Load, Etc   
    Because of a few posters who obviously just like to make things difficult and feel the need to respond to every topic on here because they know it all (I think you know who you are) they have sent this topic off in another direction for every other poster who might of had great advise based on the original topic, thanks to them for making this into something its not.
    I have never said anything about the money, or about spending 10.00, 50.00, 100.00 being to much, not once.
    I certainly know that if things move forward I will be paying for most everything in the process, that is not an issue.
    Again I had already decided this is what I should do and want to do, has nothing to do with giving up up few dollars, and I probably should of thought of doing this a long time ago. This topic was for some advise on the best way to go about it.
  20. Like
    smore got a reaction from MarJhi in Philippines Cell Phones, Cost, Load, Etc   
    Thanks for the advise on western union and being able to send load to her phone. That Globe seems to be a decent thing, esp if you can pick 1 app to use that does not count towards the data, like whats apps, but still it will expire in 15 or 30 days and no roll over, but still being able to use whatsapp without worry of running out of load for the month would be nice.
  21. Like
    smore got a reaction from RO_AH in Advise On Traveling To Philippines   
    Its refreshing that things will not move at the pace they do in America. Getting tired of the pace in America which just wears a person out. Slowing down and enjoying things will be a nice change of pace.
  22. Like
    smore got a reaction from AlaMike in Advise On Traveling To Philippines   
    Thanks for your advise. I am going to do more searches for flights, Delta is the most common airline in this area, there are a few others but Delta seems to have the most flights. Going to try to go to the actual airlines sites as well. I am seeing around 24-26 hour times which I believe includes layovers, seems no matter where you are in the USA the flight is around 20 some hours. There are of course longer ones 40 hours or more because of layovers, and like you said you don't want some 18 hour layover. I am seeing 2-4 hour layovers with 2 stops.  Your times seem to be what I am seeing when I am searching, however I was leaving on a friday and arriving 10pm. Not sure if there is a better day flight wise from the USA for more flight options, but friday works for me for days off work, but thursday could work also if there are more options on a thursday than a friday. Sounds like there are plenty of Hotels right across the street from the airport, from what I have seen its really reasonable prices, not like here in the USA.
    Very good advise on your 1-6 and I appreciate the tips. I am adding more and more of these tips to my memory. Number 6 I prefer versus messing with a Sim card and philippines number. I will have to check on my phone to see if they have international plan that works in philippines.
  23. Like
    smore got a reaction from Pandora Gadomski in Feedback On Comment "Are you willing to support me financially"   
    Yes I agree, I already told her No I will not be supporting you financially, now have to see if she wants to continue getting to know one another, and yes if she does not want to, or slacks off on communication than that tells me all I need to know. We will see.
  24. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Lemonslice in Feedback On Comment "Are you willing to support me financially"   
    I disagree with I should know what she does with her money, she was working as OFW and I would imagine not spending much money except on her phone which is all I knew she was spending money on because I think room, food, etc was covered by employer. I said I disagreed but yet at the same time perhaps I should know more about her finances and that, but than again she does not know about mine either, we never really talked about money or finances much, which I sort of thought was good that we did not. You have to understand that due to covid and her also being locked in a contract any real forward process was sort of slowed way down, so it was basically just getting to know one another, however we were unable to talk everyday due to her employer and how busy she was, no internet in her location, and its just a different lifestyle in hong kong as in USA where we are on our phones all the time including at work, not the case in a country like china with strict rules.
    As far as knowing how long she stays in Philippines before returning to OFW, why would I know that, she has been OFW for 8 years, you seem to think I should know all these answers but clearly you do not know the full story, easy to give advise when you really are not aware of the full story. So being she has worked OFW for so long her only return trips home prior to covid were for a visit. This time she was going back to Philippines for good, she said she was done doing OFW work, had enough of it. So that is mainly why her wanting to return to OFW shocked me.
    What do I think my trip to Philippines will look like? No idea, we have discussed it a bit, where we are meeting, and also what is involved in actually getting to her location, another plane trip, a bus or taxi. But I would imagine it would be her showing me the area since I have no clue about the Philippines and us getting to know one another and me meeting the family. We have not discussed the costs as I would be paying for my trip there of course so why discuss the costs with her, I would also be paying for outings, dates, etc, heck why would the Philippines be any different than in USA and how my past dating has went, Ok so I have met a few women who could pay or help pay but most are surely not going to offer at least thats been my experience. Where I would stay I would assume at a hotel, I would never expect to stay with her or her family.
    I and we have not thought about or talked to much about this as we knew covid as well as when she was OFW was holding us back from meeting so why plan all this out so far in advance, again we have talked about a few things but until actually able to visit why get into so many details.
  25. Confused
    smore got a reaction from Lemonslice in Feedback On Comment "Are you willing to support me financially"   
    Yes you are correct I never did ask her NOT to work or go back to OFW, just brought up a question as to why after only 3 weeks being home and being so excited to finally be back home that you want to now leave again. She waited for so long because of covid to finally go back home, and was counting down months, weeks, days, and I was also sharing in that excitement she was feeling. We need to be able to ask each other questions, clarification, get an understanding about one another, like in any relationship.
    I do not know if this is some language barrier, misunderstanding as I am always careful what I write as it might get misunderstood, heck even with american women they misunderstand a person VERY EASILY sometimes, been there and done that a few times. Who has not wished they had a recorder and could play back and say "NO honey that is not what I said". And things have been really good with me and her, but now some drama which I am not up for any drama, had my fill of that with past american relationships that I finally said enough is enough to.
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