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Everything posted by Geraldin

  1. they received ours too noa1 June 28 rfes July 12 rfer August 15 I hope they don't torment us for long. as far as I understand, we will definitely not get a decision before next week . but it can take up to 2 months...
  2. Today exactly a month since we received the rfe, and today we sent them a reply. Bf found his ex's petition for divorce with court registration stamp, which her lawyer filed to start divorce proceedings (it's good that bf doesn't throw away papers). This petition states that she lives and works in Poland and has no intention of returning to the US. Their divorce proceedings lasted almost 2 years.. On his behalf, bf wrote a small letter that they do not have contact and therefore we cannot provide other relevant information. Now we can only hope and pray...
  3. I suppose that your documents did not fit into their envelope. what did you do? most likely we will send our documents tomorrow
  4. Can I write my current passport, but bring another one to the interview? I thought that in ds-160 I can only write a passport in which a visa will be pasted.
  5. did you find anything in poland? we need to translate a large document from polish into english for uscis.
  6. problem in the court's decision to divorce the petitioner (Polish and USA citizenship). his divorce was in Poland, he was in the United States, she filed for divorce in Poland. uscis wants proof that the ex-wife lived in Poland at the time of the divorce or they do not recognize the divorce court decision. (with this court decision my bf got citizenshiр almost 2 years ago). we have time until october. 😳 this is a very unexpected twist. we have a problem with proof of her residence at the time of the divorce. Many years have passed and they do not communicate. in my Facebook group advise me a lawyer. I'll post if we can get something done. or vice versa
  7. only thinking that better now than after +2-4 months make me little bit better. thanks for support!! 🤗 i will make a post when we get letter
  8. in my day 7 or 8 rfe and 1 approve for all summer, who works with as better he doesn't doing that...
  9. today we got RFE (noa1 june 28, range 98500). it's so sad, I don't see my bf after filing and now this... and who knows how much months before approve after ours answer, it's disappointed 😭
  10. as I understand it, we need to choose the second. Right?
  11. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/95-europe-amp-eurasia-except-the-uk-and-russia/ try asking a question about Poland in the European sub-forum
  12. - My partner is a Polish citizen who lives in the USA, I live in Belarus. A few years ago, I was looking for information on this topic a little, you need to apply for a marriage license in Poland and this is not 3 days, as in Belarus, but about a month. But during the corona, everything could change, so you need to look for information on Polish sites. - You can also read about online marriage in Utah. After it, you will need a personal meeting to confirm the marriage. - My boyfriend is afraid to come to Belarus, although I can't understand the reasons. Your girlfriend can go to the registry office (ЗАГС) in Belarus and find out information about marriage with a foreigner there. But in this case, you will have to apply for a visa to Belarus, unfortunately, if you do not have another citizenship, then you cannot come without a visa.
  13. Write about the result when you get it. I just live in this regime, and my fiancé is from Poland and he is afraid to come to me in Belarus. We are waiting for K1.
  14. this is not an answer for you, this is a technical message from the moderators
  15. I guess it won't be quite that way. For Russia, at the moment, the main consulate where the case will automatically go is Poland, if the address of residence in Russia is indicated. But you can request a transfer of the case to another consulate after the petition has been approved. Not all consulates accept case translations. But by the time you get approved, things can change a lot. Go to the sub-forum Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, it will be easier to find specific information there. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/98-russia-ukraine-and-belarus/
  16. the petitioner can also have A number, if obtained citizenship through naturalization.
  17. maybe its special for them, because they are currently 6 months into i-129f
  18. As far as I understand, it depends more on the consulate
  19. Additionally, I asked in my local group of i-129f and i-130 and they answered that Warsaw does not require such a document. Perhaps this is specific to our region. Thank you
  20. in my divorce court decision it is not written with whom the child will live. what to do in such a situation? most likely the interview will be in Poland
  21. Stop poke your finger into the sky and open the application CaseTrack and you will see a real picture
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