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About ZRomper

  • Birthday 07/16/1982

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  • City
    Palm Coast
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Potomac Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    After 2+ years of waiting and struggling with USCIS NBC office and filing a WoM against them, my girls finally were approved and entered the US on 8/24/2023!!!

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  1. Won't effect you. Just make sure you've done it the first time. You can always re-upload things you see missing.
  2. Nothing really. I reloaded some that were shown as missing. All the files are actually on their computer systems already. The most important thing I did that my wife saw 5 people get sent home with was a missing IRS transcript. That was the most important thing for us.
  3. To close the topic, I called Avis and Budget and they both confirmed that my wife would need a CC with her name on it. Thanks everyone who posted here.
  4. Thanks for the help! You're right, i will get it fedexed, at least i'll try. The reason is not for my lack of trying, i don't have the best relationship with my sister to put it mildly. Simply getting my tax transcripts photos took a week and a half to get. 😊 But at least I have something to go on now.
  5. 1. My mom is not in the US, it's my sister that is and we're flying to a state far away from her, so she cannot bring it. 2. I can't get a driver's license until I'm back in the US and this isn't instant. 3. My domicile acceptance was based on the fact that I have an address in the US, I have a well paying job and sent a lot of money to my US bank account. This is what they care about, plus I have my US passport. You can travel overseas for 2 weeks and your DL can expire, doesn't mean you're not domiciled in the US anymore. I'll try calling a few rental companies and ask them.
  6. Thank you both for the great suggestion! I was able to quickly add her to my CC through Chase portal via Add Authorized User. They just asked for name and DOB and I selected the address on file. Question: It said they'll mail a new card with her name on it. I'm not in the US atm however and it's my sister's house address. Will it still be ok to use my card at the car rental? I think so, because they go by what's in the system and not what's on the card per say, because she's already added. I'll also have a statement from the bank with me showing both our names. What do you think?
  7. This might sound weird but I'm sure someone has run into this before. So, I lived outside the US for the past 10 years. My US driver's license has expired a long time ago. I had a driver's license from Belarus which expired on June 20th, 2023. My wife has an active Belarus driver's license which is international and is accepted in the state we're moving to. I have a credit card from Chase but no driver's license (I'll have to get a permit/license/test once we move) while my wife does have an international driver's license but no credit card... I saw that Budget for instance has a non-licensed renter form, where you add another driver as a driver to the car you're renting while not driving it yourself using your credit card. Has anyone had any experience with something like this?? This will put us in quiet a bind to be stuck without a car when we just arrive...
  8. I went with Ekvitas, a large translation company in Belarus. You can order translations and perhaps someone can pass it on to a bus driver to Poland. That's what we did and got all translations for like $50. Was accepted with no issue by the Embassy.
  9. Warsaw embassy is fast! Got an SMS today that our visas are ready to pick up today. Will pick them up tomorrow. 🥳🥳🥳
  10. You can, definitely. No harm in uploading and submitting now once the interview is scheduled. Btw, just got an SMS that our visas are ready to pick up today. Will pick them up tomorrow. That was super fast! 🥳🥳🥳
  11. I had this exact issue a while ago. This is what you do, like CrazyCat said, you file as Married filing separately and for SSN you put down "NRA" - Non Resident Alien. Now the SSN part on your taxes will not be accepted if you put down all zeroes or whatnot. "NRA" is the official abbreviation you need to use according to the IRS (). In fact I filed Single just like you thought and later when I found that this is not correct, I simply went back and filed amendments to correct the years I needed to fix. I used TaxAct as it has excellent support for this and they keep everything online with options to amend at any time. Very convenient. IRS says this: 2022 Publication 17 (irs.gov) Since I did this and we're going to travel to the US next month, I will file amended returns for 3 years once my wife and kids gets their SSNs and fill them in and get my tax returns for 3 years.
  12. Не смог прочитать ваш коммент, вижу только вопросительные знаки, поменяйте кодировку русского.

  13. VJ User Submitted DQ Estimate RFI Days to RFI Resubmit DQ Actual Days to DQ Interview Letter Interview Date Embassy/Country Approved @ZRomper IR1 5/3 5/17 5/15 1/11 5/15 5/15 1/12 5/23 7/21 Warsaw, PL 7/21 @ZRomper IR2 5/3 5/17 - - - 5/16 1/11 5/23 7/21 Warsaw, PL 7/21 @Smarta 5/5 5/19 (After RFI) 6/1 1/12 - 6/6 2/1 - - - @mochon 5/4 5/18 - - - 5/16 1/11 5/23 7/18 London, UK @TJ&NP CR1 5/17 6/14 (After RFI) 5/31 1/13 5/31 6/14 1/28 - - - @Blindian8793 CR1 5/20 6/25 (After RFI) 6/1 1/11 6/11 6/26 2/4 - - - @anannabanana EB2 5/15 (mailed) 5/31 - - - - - - - - Troy B 5/12 5/25 - - - 5/25 1/13 6/26 8/7 Rio de Janeiro, BR @acpt CR1 5/20 6/3 - - - 5/31 1/10 - - - @stirling 5/3 6/1 (After RFI) 5/18 1/14 5/18 6/2 1/29 7/17 9/12 Peru @AhmadHamouda 5/31 6/29 (After RFI) 6/14 1/13 6/15 6/30 30 - - - @MarmiteC 5/31 6/28 (After RFI) 6/14 1/13 6/14 6/15 15 - 8/8 London, UK @Micam 5/27 6/10 - - - 6/12 1/14 6/19 8/30 London, UK @swlim 5/22 6/19 (After RFI) 6/5 1/12 6/6 6/21 1/28 - - - @SunnyLi 5/26 6/10 6/9 1/12 6/27 8/8 Singapore @ACFP CR1 5/20 6/3 - - - 6/1 1/11 6/27 8/1 Kuala Lumpur, MY @VSN 5/2 5/16 ? - - 6/2 1/30 6/30 8/22 Bulgaria Posted my experience at the embassy here:
  14. Hello everyone!! 25 months have flown by and today my wife and my daughter went in for the IR1/IR2 interviews at Warsaw, Poland. They were approved!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I want to share some tips and general helpful information for people going through this embassy in particular or other embassies as some things are similar. Get your tax transcripts vs tax return copies. At the Warsaw embassy in particular, you will be asked to provide transcripts. My wife didn't even have to show the I-864 or any tax forms or bank stubs because I uploaded 2 transcripts to NVC and they saw this. This was enough. While 3 people were turned away because they only had their tax copies but no transcripts!! For Warsaw in particular, you cannot self-certify a translation. Thankfully I saw this bullet point on the Warsaw embassy's website last week and we got all our translations signed and stamped at a translator. Embassy does not need a notarized translation; they just want to see a nice stamp and signature and that this is a valid business. My wife was only asked these questions: Who filed your I-130? Where did you and your husband meet? What do you do for a living and what is your employment history? Where will you live and where does your husband live? Keep in mind I lived for 10 years outside the US and have my sister's address and my mailing address. This was enough. Even though we've had our kids enrolled at a US online school in Florida, I transferred large sums of money to the US and provided this info, I have an active US bank account and a US job. They didn't ask for any of this. The translators do a great job of helping people. In general, everyone was very friendly and assistive. Don't mumble and don't lie, this is something they watch for. Give straight and honest answers.
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